The most bizarre tests in history
Fifty four million three hundred twelve thousand five hundred ten
Usually tests and surveys are used to confirm or refute any opinion. But among them are sometimes found completely incomprehensible or, at least, very strange.
Bechdel test as an indicator of the role of women in works of pop culture
The test was created by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in 1985 for his comic strip called "Dykes to Watch Out For".
You need to choose the correct answer. One of the ladies, the characters of the comic, said: I'll watch any movie with the following mandatory condition:
it involves at least two women, they must speak among themselves only the conversation of men. Despite the fact that it was invented as a caustic joke to a narrow circle of people, this test has become widely used in relation to the forecasts of box-office success of movies, television, books, and so on. It's funny, but half of the most grossing films of 2013 do not correspond to the described criterion of success.
Test "a moron in a hurry" is a standard indicator of applicability of the laws on the protection of trademark rights
This test is used, for example, when it is necessary to prove that the two trademarks are similar enough to be confused, not being “hurrying idiot”.
That is "a moron in a hurry" is some hypothetical person that might not even distinguish a significant difference in trademarks and, consequently, on the damage caused to the business reputation and brand filed a lawsuit, the company cannot be considered.
For the first time this expression was used when considering the claim of the British socialist newspaper called the "Morning Star" (morning star), which demanded to ban another newspaper use the name "Daily Star". The judge concluded that only "a moron in a hurry" could confuse the two Newspapers.
But the most famous case applying this criterion there was a court case brought by the famous musical "Apple" ("Apple Corps") (founded by members of "the Beatles") against the Corporation "Apple computers" in connection with the illegal use of the trademark.
Test The Havel-Keating. Test of the theory of relativity
This test airplane was invented in 1971 by researchers Joseph Havel and Richard Keating, to test the validity of Einstein's statements about the relativity of time.
The scientists used two pairs of high-precision atomic chronometers, one of which was on the plane flying from West to East and the other in the plane moving in the opposite direction. These chronometers had previously been carefully synchronized to the same atomic clock left on earth. The idea, as you might guess, was to fix the time difference that was supposed to occur according to Einstein's theory.
Using a complex mathematical apparatus has failed to establish that the acceleration of the westward movement and the deceleration when moving to the East (of course, we are talking about nanoseconds) consistent with the assumptions of Einstein's special and General relativity.
Test with a mirror to detect the presence of identity
The test, invented by psychologist Gordon Gallopo Jr., designed to determine whether certain animals are self-aware.
Two heterosexual couples chimpanzees were placed in separate rooms, in which were placed large mirrors from floor to ceiling, and spent more than eighty days under the supervision of scientists.
Initially, the chimps were afraid of their reflections, but gradually got used, began to make faces and flirt with themselves. Among animals, also authenticated identity, was Dolphin, bottlenose Dolphin, killer whale and the Asian elephant. Among the "failed" exam – dogs and macaque-rhesus.
Test Matrix – whether our universe is an electronic simulation
The test is based on the hypothesis of simulation, the philosophical assumption that the universe in which we live, really is a clever computer simulation.
As would be expected based on calculations of the participants of the research group of the University of Bonn (Germany), model-simulated Universe would have built-in limitations of all its components, which were subject to identification by mathematical analysis.
By the way, the scientific paradox known as the limit Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, according to some scientists, is a specific restriction for the flows of cosmic particles. Exactly or approximately and would be the imperfection of the simulation in the case if we all lived in a giant computer game.
Transcendental meditation is able to reduce crime?
This test was conducted in order to determine whether or not the group transcendental meditation to affect the level of crime in the region.
From June 7 to July 30, 1993 in Washington, approximately four thousand people participated in group sessions of transcendental meditation.
It was found that meditation reduces the level of crime in the region by 1 percent. This phenomenon is known as "the Maharishi effect" because such a result was predicted by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga. The study and its verification by another independent group of researchers confirmed the original hypothesis.
Source: /users/1077
Usually tests and surveys are used to confirm or refute any opinion. But among them are sometimes found completely incomprehensible or, at least, very strange.
Bechdel test as an indicator of the role of women in works of pop culture
The test was created by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in 1985 for his comic strip called "Dykes to Watch Out For".
You need to choose the correct answer. One of the ladies, the characters of the comic, said: I'll watch any movie with the following mandatory condition:
it involves at least two women, they must speak among themselves only the conversation of men. Despite the fact that it was invented as a caustic joke to a narrow circle of people, this test has become widely used in relation to the forecasts of box-office success of movies, television, books, and so on. It's funny, but half of the most grossing films of 2013 do not correspond to the described criterion of success.
Test "a moron in a hurry" is a standard indicator of applicability of the laws on the protection of trademark rights
This test is used, for example, when it is necessary to prove that the two trademarks are similar enough to be confused, not being “hurrying idiot”.
That is "a moron in a hurry" is some hypothetical person that might not even distinguish a significant difference in trademarks and, consequently, on the damage caused to the business reputation and brand filed a lawsuit, the company cannot be considered.
For the first time this expression was used when considering the claim of the British socialist newspaper called the "Morning Star" (morning star), which demanded to ban another newspaper use the name "Daily Star". The judge concluded that only "a moron in a hurry" could confuse the two Newspapers.
But the most famous case applying this criterion there was a court case brought by the famous musical "Apple" ("Apple Corps") (founded by members of "the Beatles") against the Corporation "Apple computers" in connection with the illegal use of the trademark.
Test The Havel-Keating. Test of the theory of relativity
This test airplane was invented in 1971 by researchers Joseph Havel and Richard Keating, to test the validity of Einstein's statements about the relativity of time.
The scientists used two pairs of high-precision atomic chronometers, one of which was on the plane flying from West to East and the other in the plane moving in the opposite direction. These chronometers had previously been carefully synchronized to the same atomic clock left on earth. The idea, as you might guess, was to fix the time difference that was supposed to occur according to Einstein's theory.
Using a complex mathematical apparatus has failed to establish that the acceleration of the westward movement and the deceleration when moving to the East (of course, we are talking about nanoseconds) consistent with the assumptions of Einstein's special and General relativity.
Test with a mirror to detect the presence of identity
The test, invented by psychologist Gordon Gallopo Jr., designed to determine whether certain animals are self-aware.
Two heterosexual couples chimpanzees were placed in separate rooms, in which were placed large mirrors from floor to ceiling, and spent more than eighty days under the supervision of scientists.
Initially, the chimps were afraid of their reflections, but gradually got used, began to make faces and flirt with themselves. Among animals, also authenticated identity, was Dolphin, bottlenose Dolphin, killer whale and the Asian elephant. Among the "failed" exam – dogs and macaque-rhesus.
Test Matrix – whether our universe is an electronic simulation
The test is based on the hypothesis of simulation, the philosophical assumption that the universe in which we live, really is a clever computer simulation.
As would be expected based on calculations of the participants of the research group of the University of Bonn (Germany), model-simulated Universe would have built-in limitations of all its components, which were subject to identification by mathematical analysis.
By the way, the scientific paradox known as the limit Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, according to some scientists, is a specific restriction for the flows of cosmic particles. Exactly or approximately and would be the imperfection of the simulation in the case if we all lived in a giant computer game.
Transcendental meditation is able to reduce crime?
This test was conducted in order to determine whether or not the group transcendental meditation to affect the level of crime in the region.
From June 7 to July 30, 1993 in Washington, approximately four thousand people participated in group sessions of transcendental meditation.
It was found that meditation reduces the level of crime in the region by 1 percent. This phenomenon is known as "the Maharishi effect" because such a result was predicted by Maharishi Mahesh Yoga. The study and its verification by another independent group of researchers confirmed the original hypothesis.
Source: /users/1077