Salt is the oldest drug
Twenty two million four hundred eighty four thousand two hundred seventeen
Salt is a substance indispensable to the survival of all living creatures, especially people, primarily people with asthma, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Salt is a medication that has been used by healers since time immemorial. In some cultures, it is valued its weight in gold. The inhabitants of the deserts know that the use of salt for them — a guarantee of survival, and saltworks — a synonym for gold mines. About the benefits of salt can be found in the Bible.
However, thanks to ignorant doctors and the media, salt has long been considered harmful to health, and its consumption was not welcomed. Now the situation has changed and salt is regaining the recognition and respect as an important dietary Supplement. My voice was among the first heralds of this change.
Water, salt and potassium together regulate the water content in the body. Water regulates the water content inside cells, paving the way in all cells to which it can reach. She needs to get in there to wash the cells and remove toxic waste of cell metabolism. Once the water gets inside the cell, contains potassium binds and retains it in such quantity which allows the presence of potassium. Even in the world of plants potassium is the element that gives the fruit firmness, hold the water inside the fruit. Our daily diet contains large amounts of potassium derived from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables, natural sources of salt in it. That's why we need to add salt to your food.
Salt forces some of the water to keep her company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). It maintains the balance of the amount of water held outside the cells.
Essentially, the body are two "ocean" of water: one is held inside the cells and the other outside. Good health only depends on a delicate balance between the volumes of these "oceans".
This balance is achieved through regular intake of water and potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, which also contain essential vitamins and salt. It is better to take unrefined sea salt, which also contains some other essential body minerals.
If the water to free flow into the cells is not enough, it is filtered out of the external "salty ocean" and is injected into the cells that carry too much load in terms of lack of water. This emergency supply method important cells "forcibly entered the water" is the reason why in the face of severe dehydration, we have formed swelling. In swollen tissues hold water. The design of our bodies is such that the limits of extracellular "ocean" are expanded in order to have in reserve additional reserve of water for filtration and emergency injection into vital cells. To this end, the brain instructs the kidneys to increase the amount of retained salt and water. This Directive of the brain is the cause of edema with insufficient intake of water.
When the water shortage reaches a critical level, and its delivery by injection is becoming the main way to ensure an increasing number of cells, there is a need to increase the pressure of injection. A significant increase in the pressure required to inject water into the cells becomes measurable quantity and is called "hypertension".
The process of filtration and delivery of water into the cells most efficiently happens at night when a person takes a horizontal position. In this situation the accumulated water, which during the day is mainly in the legs, no need to overcome gravity to get into the circulatory system. If the dependence on this process of emergency hydration of some cells continues for a long time, light at night begins to fill with water, and breathing becomes labored and the person needs more pillows to sleep in a position close to sitting. This condition is called "cardiac asthma" and is a consequence of dehydration. In this state, you need to ensure that for the first time not to overload the body with too much drinking water. Increase water intake you need to make slowly and gradually until urine output will not increase with same speed with which you increase the amount you drink.
When we drink enough water to allocate colorless urine, with urine excreted large amounts of salt, which was previously kept in the body. In this way, drinking more water, we can get rid of edema fluid in your body. Not with diuretics, and with the help of water! Water — the best natural diuretics.
If a person has severe swelling, or his heart sometimes beats erratically, or beats too fast at the slightest stress, the increase in water intake should be gradual and slow, but drinking water still need. Just within two or three days, you should limit the intake of salt, because the body still works in exhausting mode water retention. After the swelling goes down, the intake of salt should not be restricted.
In addition to the regulation of water content in the body, salt performs many other important functions. Meet some of her additional, but also important functions:
Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. It can be used to relieve asthma attacks, which should be put on the tongue after you drink one or two glasses of water. It is as effective as an inhaler, but has no toxic effects. Before putting salt on the tongue, one or two glasses of water, be sure to drink.
Salt — a powerful tool for dealing with stress.
Salt is vital to remove excess acids from cells, especially brain cells. If you want to become a victim of Alzheimer's disease, do not sit on a salt-free diet and do not let long to stuff yourself diuretics!
Salt is vital to kidney for purification from excess acidity and excretion of acid urine. Without enough salt, the body becomes more and more acidic.
Salt is a required element in the treatment of emotional and affective disorders. Lithium is a salt substitute that is used in the treatment of depression. Taking a small amount of salt, you will be able to prevent painful depression.
Salt is essential to maintain levels of serotonin and melatonin in the brain. When water and salt perform their natural antioxidant function and cleanse the body of toxic waste, it is not necessary to sacrifice such important amino acids like tryptophan and tyrosine as antioxidants. In a well saturated with water and the body, tryptophan is spared and in sufficient quantity enters the brain tissue where it is used for the production of serotonin, melatonin and tryptamine, an important neurotransmitter antidepressant action.
Salt, in my opinion, vital for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Cancer cells die under the action of oxygen, it is anaerobic "organisms". For life they need oxygen-poor environment. When the body is well saturated with water, and the salt increases blood volume, helping it to reach all the organs, the oxygen and active immune cells get into the cancerous tissue and destroy it. As I explained in the Chapter on lupus, dehydration — shortage of water and salt depresses the immune system and the activity of its cells, battling with disease.
Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone. Lack of control over bladder can be associated with inadequate intake of salt.
Salt can be very effective to stabilize arrhythmias of heartbeats and, contrary to the erroneous opinion that salt increases blood pressure, combined with water, it plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure. Of course, it all depends on proportions. Malasaeva diet with increased water consumption can actually cause some people have high blood pressure. In addition, as secondary complications may lead to difficulty breathing. The logic is very simple. If you drink water and do not take salt, the water will not stay in the bloodstream in such quantity which is necessary for optimum filling of the blood vessels. For some people it can cause fainting, others — compression of arteries (and ultimately the narrowing of the bronchioles in the lungs) and a sharp increase in blood pressure, complicated by shortness of breath. One or two glasses of water and a little salt — a few crystals on the language quickly and effectively calm a rapid heartbeat and a "fluttering" of the heart, and ultimately lower blood pressure and help to get rid of shortness of breath.
Salt plays an essential role in normalizing sleep patterns. It is a natural sleeping pill. If you drink a glass of water, and then put into the language of a few grains of salt and allow them to dissolve, then sleep is a natural, deep sleep. Do not put salt on the tongue, if before that didn't drink water. Frequent use of the same salt can cause bleeding from the nose.
Salt is a vital element for diabetics. It helps to balance the sugar level in the blood and reduces the need for insulin in those who have to regularly get injections of this chemical to normalize blood sugar levels. Water and salt can reduce the degree of secondary organ damage associated with diabetes.
Salt is vital for energy production in all cells.
Salt is essential to provide the functions of transmission and information processing nerve cells throughout the lifespan of brain cells — from the moment of conception to death.
Salt is essential for absorption of food particles in the intestinal tract.
Salt plays an important role in the process of cleaning the lungs from clots of mucus and phlegm, particularly in asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis.
A pinch of salt on the tongue will help stop persistent dry cough.
Salt is essential to cleanse the respiratory tract and sinuses.
Salt is essential to prevent gout and arthritis.
Salt plays an important role in preventing muscle cramps.
Salt is essential to prevent an increased production of saliva, when it begins to drain from the mouth during sleep. The need to constantly wipe the saliva indicates salt shortage in the body.
Osteoporosis, by and large, is also a result of shortage of water and salt in the body.
Salt is essential for strengthening the bone structure.
Salt is essential to maintain confidence in their abilities and promoting a positive image of yourself by acting of serotonin and melatonin on "personality development".
Salt is essential to maintain sexual desire.
Salt is essential for those who want to get rid of double chin. When the body lacks salt, it means that he is not enough water. The salivary glands sense the salt shortage and are forced to increase the production of saliva, to provide a sufficient amount of "grease" for the process of chewing and swallowing and also to supply the stomach with water, necessary for the digestion of food. Blood flow to the salivary glands increases and the blood vessels begin to "leak" to give glands sufficient water to produce saliva. Seeping blood is distributed beyond the boundaries of the glands accumulate beneath the skin of the chin, cheeks and neck.
Salt is essential to prevent varicose veins and formation of vascular "stars" on the legs and thighs.
Sea salt contains about 80 essential body minerals. Some of them are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is the best choice among all types of salt. Normal table salt is devoid of many minerals and may contain additives of the type of silicate of aluminium that make it loose and porous. Aluminium has a strong toxic effect on the nervous system, he was recognized as one of the main culprits of Alzheimer's disease.
How salt is useful for a patient with asthma, so for him the harmful excess potassium. Abuse of orange juice, bananas or drinks with a high content of potassium can trigger an asthma attack, especially if you drink too much drink or to eat too many bananas before sport. The result of physical activity may be an asthma attack. To prevent such attacks before training you need to take a little salt, which will increase the air exchange capacity of the lungs. In addition, it will reduce excessive sweating.
Very useful to add some salt to orange juice to balance the sodium and potassium to maintain the required volume of water inside the cells. In some cultures decided to pickle the melons and some fruits to accentuate their sweetness. On the other hand, they contain a lot of potassium. The addition of salt allows you to balance the effect of sodium and potassium. The same should be done with some juices.
One day I got a call from one of the readers of my book to tell how he had unwittingly hurt his own son. Knowing that orange juice is full of vitamin C, he forced his son to drink a few glasses of this juice every day. Over time, the boy had trouble breathing and repeatedly suffered asthma attacks. This continued until, until he went to College and did not escape from the influence of his father. The asthma attacks had disappeared, and breathing returned to normal. The father apologized to his son for the trouble that caused him in childhood. The stronger the son protested the orange juice, the harder my father forced the boy to drink it, convinced that a large quantity of juice is good for the baby.
As practice shows, you will need about 3 g of salt — half a teaspoon — for every 10 glasses of water, or 0.25 teaspoon 1.14 l of water. Salt should be taken in throughout the day. If you exercise and sweat you need more salt. In hot climate areas salt can mean the difference between survival and good health on the one hand and exhaustion and death on the other.
Warning! Taking salt, try not to overdo it. You have to balance the needs of the body in salt and water. Don't forget to drink enough water to flush the excess salt from the body. If your weight is suddenly increased in a single day, then you ate too much salt. Refrain from taking salt for one day and drink more water to increase urine production and rid the weight gain.
Everyone who suffers from heart failure (or renal failure requiring dialysis), should consult with their doctors before increasing the intake of salt.
If you start to drink water in accordance with the proposed program, it will be useful, inter alia, take one tablet of multivitamin per day, especially if you do not exercise or eat enough fruits and vegetables. The protein contained in meat and fish is a good source of selenium and zinc. If you are in a state of stress, until you need to replenish your diet with products containing vitamin B6 and zinc. published
Excerpt from the book, Fereydoon Batmanghelidzh "You're not sick, you are thirsty"
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2015/01/23/salt.html
Salt is a substance indispensable to the survival of all living creatures, especially people, primarily people with asthma, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Salt is a medication that has been used by healers since time immemorial. In some cultures, it is valued its weight in gold. The inhabitants of the deserts know that the use of salt for them — a guarantee of survival, and saltworks — a synonym for gold mines. About the benefits of salt can be found in the Bible.
However, thanks to ignorant doctors and the media, salt has long been considered harmful to health, and its consumption was not welcomed. Now the situation has changed and salt is regaining the recognition and respect as an important dietary Supplement. My voice was among the first heralds of this change.
Water, salt and potassium together regulate the water content in the body. Water regulates the water content inside cells, paving the way in all cells to which it can reach. She needs to get in there to wash the cells and remove toxic waste of cell metabolism. Once the water gets inside the cell, contains potassium binds and retains it in such quantity which allows the presence of potassium. Even in the world of plants potassium is the element that gives the fruit firmness, hold the water inside the fruit. Our daily diet contains large amounts of potassium derived from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables, natural sources of salt in it. That's why we need to add salt to your food.
Salt forces some of the water to keep her company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). It maintains the balance of the amount of water held outside the cells.
Essentially, the body are two "ocean" of water: one is held inside the cells and the other outside. Good health only depends on a delicate balance between the volumes of these "oceans".
This balance is achieved through regular intake of water and potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, which also contain essential vitamins and salt. It is better to take unrefined sea salt, which also contains some other essential body minerals.
If the water to free flow into the cells is not enough, it is filtered out of the external "salty ocean" and is injected into the cells that carry too much load in terms of lack of water. This emergency supply method important cells "forcibly entered the water" is the reason why in the face of severe dehydration, we have formed swelling. In swollen tissues hold water. The design of our bodies is such that the limits of extracellular "ocean" are expanded in order to have in reserve additional reserve of water for filtration and emergency injection into vital cells. To this end, the brain instructs the kidneys to increase the amount of retained salt and water. This Directive of the brain is the cause of edema with insufficient intake of water.
When the water shortage reaches a critical level, and its delivery by injection is becoming the main way to ensure an increasing number of cells, there is a need to increase the pressure of injection. A significant increase in the pressure required to inject water into the cells becomes measurable quantity and is called "hypertension".
The process of filtration and delivery of water into the cells most efficiently happens at night when a person takes a horizontal position. In this situation the accumulated water, which during the day is mainly in the legs, no need to overcome gravity to get into the circulatory system. If the dependence on this process of emergency hydration of some cells continues for a long time, light at night begins to fill with water, and breathing becomes labored and the person needs more pillows to sleep in a position close to sitting. This condition is called "cardiac asthma" and is a consequence of dehydration. In this state, you need to ensure that for the first time not to overload the body with too much drinking water. Increase water intake you need to make slowly and gradually until urine output will not increase with same speed with which you increase the amount you drink.
When we drink enough water to allocate colorless urine, with urine excreted large amounts of salt, which was previously kept in the body. In this way, drinking more water, we can get rid of edema fluid in your body. Not with diuretics, and with the help of water! Water — the best natural diuretics.
If a person has severe swelling, or his heart sometimes beats erratically, or beats too fast at the slightest stress, the increase in water intake should be gradual and slow, but drinking water still need. Just within two or three days, you should limit the intake of salt, because the body still works in exhausting mode water retention. After the swelling goes down, the intake of salt should not be restricted.
In addition to the regulation of water content in the body, salt performs many other important functions. Meet some of her additional, but also important functions:
Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. It can be used to relieve asthma attacks, which should be put on the tongue after you drink one or two glasses of water. It is as effective as an inhaler, but has no toxic effects. Before putting salt on the tongue, one or two glasses of water, be sure to drink.
Salt — a powerful tool for dealing with stress.
Salt is vital to remove excess acids from cells, especially brain cells. If you want to become a victim of Alzheimer's disease, do not sit on a salt-free diet and do not let long to stuff yourself diuretics!
Salt is vital to kidney for purification from excess acidity and excretion of acid urine. Without enough salt, the body becomes more and more acidic.
Salt is a required element in the treatment of emotional and affective disorders. Lithium is a salt substitute that is used in the treatment of depression. Taking a small amount of salt, you will be able to prevent painful depression.
Salt is essential to maintain levels of serotonin and melatonin in the brain. When water and salt perform their natural antioxidant function and cleanse the body of toxic waste, it is not necessary to sacrifice such important amino acids like tryptophan and tyrosine as antioxidants. In a well saturated with water and the body, tryptophan is spared and in sufficient quantity enters the brain tissue where it is used for the production of serotonin, melatonin and tryptamine, an important neurotransmitter antidepressant action.
Salt, in my opinion, vital for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Cancer cells die under the action of oxygen, it is anaerobic "organisms". For life they need oxygen-poor environment. When the body is well saturated with water, and the salt increases blood volume, helping it to reach all the organs, the oxygen and active immune cells get into the cancerous tissue and destroy it. As I explained in the Chapter on lupus, dehydration — shortage of water and salt depresses the immune system and the activity of its cells, battling with disease.
Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone. Lack of control over bladder can be associated with inadequate intake of salt.
Salt can be very effective to stabilize arrhythmias of heartbeats and, contrary to the erroneous opinion that salt increases blood pressure, combined with water, it plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure. Of course, it all depends on proportions. Malasaeva diet with increased water consumption can actually cause some people have high blood pressure. In addition, as secondary complications may lead to difficulty breathing. The logic is very simple. If you drink water and do not take salt, the water will not stay in the bloodstream in such quantity which is necessary for optimum filling of the blood vessels. For some people it can cause fainting, others — compression of arteries (and ultimately the narrowing of the bronchioles in the lungs) and a sharp increase in blood pressure, complicated by shortness of breath. One or two glasses of water and a little salt — a few crystals on the language quickly and effectively calm a rapid heartbeat and a "fluttering" of the heart, and ultimately lower blood pressure and help to get rid of shortness of breath.
Salt plays an essential role in normalizing sleep patterns. It is a natural sleeping pill. If you drink a glass of water, and then put into the language of a few grains of salt and allow them to dissolve, then sleep is a natural, deep sleep. Do not put salt on the tongue, if before that didn't drink water. Frequent use of the same salt can cause bleeding from the nose.
Salt is a vital element for diabetics. It helps to balance the sugar level in the blood and reduces the need for insulin in those who have to regularly get injections of this chemical to normalize blood sugar levels. Water and salt can reduce the degree of secondary organ damage associated with diabetes.
Salt is vital for energy production in all cells.
Salt is essential to provide the functions of transmission and information processing nerve cells throughout the lifespan of brain cells — from the moment of conception to death.
Salt is essential for absorption of food particles in the intestinal tract.
Salt plays an important role in the process of cleaning the lungs from clots of mucus and phlegm, particularly in asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis.
A pinch of salt on the tongue will help stop persistent dry cough.
Salt is essential to cleanse the respiratory tract and sinuses.
Salt is essential to prevent gout and arthritis.
Salt plays an important role in preventing muscle cramps.
Salt is essential to prevent an increased production of saliva, when it begins to drain from the mouth during sleep. The need to constantly wipe the saliva indicates salt shortage in the body.
Osteoporosis, by and large, is also a result of shortage of water and salt in the body.
Salt is essential for strengthening the bone structure.
Salt is essential to maintain confidence in their abilities and promoting a positive image of yourself by acting of serotonin and melatonin on "personality development".
Salt is essential to maintain sexual desire.
Salt is essential for those who want to get rid of double chin. When the body lacks salt, it means that he is not enough water. The salivary glands sense the salt shortage and are forced to increase the production of saliva, to provide a sufficient amount of "grease" for the process of chewing and swallowing and also to supply the stomach with water, necessary for the digestion of food. Blood flow to the salivary glands increases and the blood vessels begin to "leak" to give glands sufficient water to produce saliva. Seeping blood is distributed beyond the boundaries of the glands accumulate beneath the skin of the chin, cheeks and neck.
Salt is essential to prevent varicose veins and formation of vascular "stars" on the legs and thighs.
Sea salt contains about 80 essential body minerals. Some of them are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined sea salt is the best choice among all types of salt. Normal table salt is devoid of many minerals and may contain additives of the type of silicate of aluminium that make it loose and porous. Aluminium has a strong toxic effect on the nervous system, he was recognized as one of the main culprits of Alzheimer's disease.
How salt is useful for a patient with asthma, so for him the harmful excess potassium. Abuse of orange juice, bananas or drinks with a high content of potassium can trigger an asthma attack, especially if you drink too much drink or to eat too many bananas before sport. The result of physical activity may be an asthma attack. To prevent such attacks before training you need to take a little salt, which will increase the air exchange capacity of the lungs. In addition, it will reduce excessive sweating.
Very useful to add some salt to orange juice to balance the sodium and potassium to maintain the required volume of water inside the cells. In some cultures decided to pickle the melons and some fruits to accentuate their sweetness. On the other hand, they contain a lot of potassium. The addition of salt allows you to balance the effect of sodium and potassium. The same should be done with some juices.
One day I got a call from one of the readers of my book to tell how he had unwittingly hurt his own son. Knowing that orange juice is full of vitamin C, he forced his son to drink a few glasses of this juice every day. Over time, the boy had trouble breathing and repeatedly suffered asthma attacks. This continued until, until he went to College and did not escape from the influence of his father. The asthma attacks had disappeared, and breathing returned to normal. The father apologized to his son for the trouble that caused him in childhood. The stronger the son protested the orange juice, the harder my father forced the boy to drink it, convinced that a large quantity of juice is good for the baby.
As practice shows, you will need about 3 g of salt — half a teaspoon — for every 10 glasses of water, or 0.25 teaspoon 1.14 l of water. Salt should be taken in throughout the day. If you exercise and sweat you need more salt. In hot climate areas salt can mean the difference between survival and good health on the one hand and exhaustion and death on the other.
Warning! Taking salt, try not to overdo it. You have to balance the needs of the body in salt and water. Don't forget to drink enough water to flush the excess salt from the body. If your weight is suddenly increased in a single day, then you ate too much salt. Refrain from taking salt for one day and drink more water to increase urine production and rid the weight gain.
Everyone who suffers from heart failure (or renal failure requiring dialysis), should consult with their doctors before increasing the intake of salt.
If you start to drink water in accordance with the proposed program, it will be useful, inter alia, take one tablet of multivitamin per day, especially if you do not exercise or eat enough fruits and vegetables. The protein contained in meat and fish is a good source of selenium and zinc. If you are in a state of stress, until you need to replenish your diet with products containing vitamin B6 and zinc. published
Excerpt from the book, Fereydoon Batmanghelidzh "You're not sick, you are thirsty"
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2015/01/23/salt.html