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Academician Fyodor Corners: one Hundred years for humans too little

Sixty five million one hundred seventy thousand nine hundred thirty eight

A world renowned surgeon from St. Petersburg Fyodor Grigorievich ANGLES, whose name is listed in the Guinness Book of records, has the longest experience in domestic surgery — 73. On account of his more than a dozen unique from the scientific point of view operations and saved many lives.

At 97 years he continued to operate. It is extremely wary of drug therapy and believed that in the 21st century doctors should not bet on medications. Why?

Here's how Dr. Angles has answered this question:

"As a result of the treatment of many common diseases is poorly or not at all lend itself to modern methods of treatment. This leads to the fact that often the disease takes a chronic course with a tendency to deterioration of the patient...

One of the biggest fallacies of our time is a blind faith in the omnipotence of drugs. The reasoning of the doctors simple and primitive. Sick man — it is necessary to appoint him medicine and he will recover. Not recovered — it is necessary to increase the dose, and in the end everything will be okay. If one remedy did not help-set another. Both did not help — set third: some will definitely help. It turns out that many patients have to take 4-5 or more drugs. In a detailed survey it turns out that the patient before that took a dozen other medications, which initially helped and then stopped to help.

I hope in the new coming century, clinicians will reconsider their attitude to drug therapy. To improve the quality of treatment, we must abandon the fetish of drugs from faith in their power and indispensability. The doctor should not assume medication is the main weapon in the fight for the health of the patient. If doctors want to successfully treat their patients, they must move the center of gravity in the treatment on the patient's body, in his internal reserves, to mobilize the body's own in combating the disease.

A dangerous addiction.

I want to emphasize that in any medication, whatever benefit it did not bring the patient from the outset has a negative impact on the body. And the more the patient is given medication, the faster growing negative effect. What is the matter?

But the fact that the drug performs the task to be performed by the body itself, which was configured on the production of the antidote appeared in the body of the harmful agent. But if it comes from outside in the form of medication, the body first decreases and then completely disappears the ability to develop the necessary antidote. In the end the patient is completely dependent on drugs. He becomes a slave to them.

A very illustrative case is the hormonal treatment of bronchial asthma. Hormonal drugs do not cure asthma. However, they are well off the attack. The impression of recovery. Soon, however, the asthma attack is repeated. It again removed hormonal products. And so – indefinitely. Comes to the fact that the patient can not do without this hormonal drug, and it becomes doubly unfortunate: he suffers from his illness, and that has become dependent on drugs. At the same time it throughout the body develop severe changes this hormones cease to be produced.

Something similar, but only in a weaker degree, is observed with prolonged treatment with some other drugs.


Therefore, no matter how difficult was not the disease, treatment should be directed at mobilising the strength of the patient. In the 21st century, clinicians should pay very serious attention.

In addition to the General hardening and pouring cold water with prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, to which now began to resort hundreds and thousands of people of all ages, be sure to use a huge experience of Chinese medicine with its honed to perfection by centuries-old traditions of treatment and prevention of disease.

The main focus of this medicine is directed on mobilization of own protective forces of the patient, which, in my opinion, is inexhaustible...

... Faith in the omnipotence of drugs has led to the fact that we have forgotten and neglected those means which were widely used. Bolder need to adopt acupuncture and acupressure, and herbal medicine, and many others have come down to us from immemorial methods of treatment ...

... Natural products immediately begin to regulate the total human energy to restore homeostasis. Using the methods of Oriental medical treatment, heal chronic disease, which by all the canons of modern medicine are considered incurable.

For anybody not a secret that in recent years significantly increased the interest in herbal drugs. Returning to the experience of traditional medicine, in this case of herbal medicine, people tend to avoid the treatment of many of the side effects inherent to antibiotic and other synthetic drugs. During the existence of mankind experience with the use of herbal remedies has accumulated a really considerable and when properly used herbal preparations have a more mild effect, less toxic than synthetic and not addictive and allergies. Moreover, plants not only inhibit the body's defenses, but rather active against many strains of microorganisms have already acquired resistance against antibiotics, and can enhance the homeostasis of a person, thereby helping it to cope with the disease. However, it should be noted that all this is true only with proper and correct usage.

The founder of scientific medicine Hippocrates in his medical practice used many medicinal plants and used them successfully in the treatment of the most serious diseases. Hippocrates believed that medicinal substances are contained naturally in an optimal way and the right combination of medicinal plants in the form of juices, infusions and decoctions have a strong healing effect on the human body. He wrote that "medicine is the art to imitate the healing effects of nature."

There are many other methods of non-drug therapies, as coming from ordinary people, and proposed a centuries-old Eastern medicine. They are certainly more harmless to the body than pharmaceuticals, and many in its effectiveness does not inferior to drugs. The task of any physician is to use all this baggage with maximum benefit to the patient.

How to fight the disease

CLINICIANS of the XXI century should set a goal not to cure the patient with drugs alone, and to increase the activity of the patient through the mobilization of its own reserves. And hence needs to change and the requirements of the patient. Henceforth, he should not count on the fact that his shattered health will recover without any effort on his part. The patient must adjust to the fact that he tried to strengthen their health, develop the body's defenses.

In our time, when young and old alike benefit from such harmful habits as Smoking, alcohol abuse, the doctor nevertheless not bother to ask the patient during the reception: "do You smoke?" or "do You drink?" Meanwhile, these issues should be paramount, because, if the patient smokes or drinks and intends to continue to poison your body with these potent poisons, the effect of the medication will be negligible. And how often does the doctor asks the patient questions: "do you do gymnastics? Lee poured cold water? Do preventive and cleansing the body of procedure?“ I think that these questions are not asked at all.

I am convinced that any treatment must begin with eliminate harmful habits and proper care of your body, the main element which should be regular preventive maintenance of diseases and strengthening immunity. Otherwise, all efforts of the physician will become a monkey's uncle. The doctor will give the patient medicine to promote health, and the patient will both make the poison that destroys the body.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the food....

While the average life expectancy for men in Russia is less than 59 years, academician of the Angles is a rare phenomenon. The surgeon is sure it is the merit way of life, which he instilled a mother, a farmer, who had no education. He is a staunch opponent of Smoking, and for several decades did not drink alcohol. Angles promotes a healthy lifestyle across the country. His latest book is called "one Hundred years for the man too little." published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©


Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_4822%2Fall