Professor Vladimir Zhdanov: From beer to impotence!
Interview with Vladimir Zhdanov, the Chairman of the Union of fight for national sobriety. He has many different titles, titles. But the people he is better known as Professor Zhdanov, whose samizdat lectures, tapes for more than two decades around.
— Vladimir Georgievich, the main question is why Russia becomes an inveterate drunkard? The French, Italians, Georgians, in the end — and it Russian?
— Alcohol in the body splits special enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. He is the southern people, who for thousands of years eating grapes. Those same Italians, Georgians+ Grapes eat it in the gastrointestinal tract is wandering. Develop an alcohol and an enzyme that neutralizes it. And everything is in order. The Northern peoples alcohol dehydrogenase is not generated almost at all. The grapes there never grew up. That's why the Chukchi, Khanty, Yakut, Nenets five times, poured a hundred grams, and on the sixth they are already alcoholics. They even have traces of this enzyme in the body no. For this reason, and was destroyed by the Indians in America, has disappeared dozens of small peoples and ethnic groups of Siberi in the North, the far East. We, Russian, in the structure of supply are the Northern people. We have very little of this enzyme. That is why Russia becomes an inveterate drunkard. And if you do not stop, we are waiting for the tragic fate of the American Indians.
However, not only Russian extinct. I travel a lot around the world. All the white people drink, and gradually disappear from the face of the earth. Who reproduces? Sober Chinese, Indians, Muslims, Arabs... Sober, stress! They multiply, they occupy the land.
I lived recently in Germany in a German family, their son is a schoolboy. Turkish children in class more than ethnic Germans.
— What is Germany! In Moscow schools, too, in recent years, more and more students from the Caucasus. And throughout Russia.
- White people left on the planet today is only 8 percent. This figure is reduced. In sober families with 8-10 children, and the families of parents who drink one child. Two is already large family.
— Alcohol dehydrogenase is wonderful already does not protect those same Germans?
The female egg is secured by nature. And only alcohol Yes radiation cause oocyte destruction, defects. Italije I lived in the hotel. There settled the village school from the provinces. In the holiday season on the tour. Half — morons! Why? Parents drink wine. They have, however, those poor people poetically call "children of the carnival celebration." But the point is not changing — morons! We see the same people the behavior! Ethnic French disappear from the face of the earth and also because of alcoholism. A Holy place is never empty. Who settled in the suburbs of Paris, who arranges pogroms, riots? The Arabs come from Africa.
— Vladimir Georgievich, let Russia back. Clearly, the alcoholics in the puddles — a sad spectacle. But to drink a hundred grams of vodka with ustatku or to keep warm, a glass of good wine to raise the tone — what's the problem?
— Understand the country alkogolizirovannyh! Between sober and drinking — the abyss. And between the lover of expensive wine, brandy and drunk, swallowing all that off, the quality is no difference. Only quantitative. They are all the people drinkers. No drunkard lying in the gutter, at the dawn misty youth, an introduction to wine, beer, vodka, didn't want to be an alcoholic. None! And probably also condemned trashy drunks. I agree, not all cultural drinkers become alcoholics, fly to the sidelines of life. And early to the light. But every single alcoholic began with one "cultural" glasses. And believed that your measure know. Yeltsin also started with a glass of wine, glass of vodka and in the end drank himself to death. Even the head of state is immune. Even President!
I want to warn young parents: alcoholism your kids may begin with the first drink, which the child will see in your hands. That's where the roots of troubles! And even if you drink good wine, champagne — you are the child a bad example. Where is the guarantee that he can look now for you, you will not drink too much when he becomes an adult? It is not. Everything begins in the family! The only opportunity to provide a sober, healthy, happy future for their children — to become sober parent. Then you have the full moral right to tell the kid: son, alcohol is a terrible poison that are destroying our nation, turn it into idiots, fools. See, I'm sober, see, I'm smart. I never take it in her mouth this poison. Only in this case, the child will believe you. All the rest is hypocrisy, it will delay your offspring is drunk in the swamp.
— A beer? So nice in the heat of the mug to drain the bottle.
— Beer is the worst alcoholic product that is invented by people. It contains an alcohol of 3 to 11 percent is a lot.
— But there are also non-alcoholic!
— The main danger of beer — not only in percentage of alcohol. I carefully watched the Olympics in Greece in 2004. Advertising at the Olympics have mercy of the world's beer company. I noticed: be sure after the beer commercial was advertising pills from impotence. Accidentally? We began to explore this question. And found the following. In brewing beer, even non alcoholic, solution is added to the hops.
— Everyone knows that! Did not discover America, Vladimir Georgievich.
— And did you know that hops are narcotic plant of the family Konoplyov? When boiling the hops in a solution of beer, even nonalcoholic, are allocated phytoestrogens.
How many people know what distinguishes male from female? When I asked this question in school, in the class of laughter.
I said right, ha ha ha! A man who was born a boy and woman — girl. But the main difference: the man in the body the male hormone testosterone, women — the female hormone estradiol. Here I am man, I have a male torso, voice, character, propensities, I like women. It's all determined by testosterone. The fairer sex, on the contrary, estradiol reigns — they are feminine, they have a soft voice, character, present coquetry, desire to please men. And the figure corresponding to: narrower shoulders, but the expanded basin to carry and give birth to a child.
— What this is about?
— When a beer lover masculine fills the inside of the foam product occurs in the stomach a simple chemical reaction. The phytoestrogens turned into female sex hormone estradiol. And, sorry for the rude word, the man turns into a woman. Tancet voice, lost courage in the character, he is afraid of everything, disappears interest in women, and some may even be interested in men. Change the figure: the shoulders are compressed, growing belly, Breasts grow. In the critical days of a headache, sometimes even bleeding, however, through the nose. In 17-20 years involved in beer guy — impotence guaranteed.
In Europe beer was hurt in the Czech Republic. There is a popular saying: "beer Lover like watermelon. His growing belly, but the tip of the withers". The nail on the head!
When consume beer Queen, her stomach is the same chemical reaction of conversion of phytoestrogens to estradiol. In the body grows EXCESSIVE concentration of female sex hormone. And a cute girl, a woman becomes aggressive, angry female. Scientists conducted experiments on rats. Took 10 males, 10 females. Put them trough with beer and water. All fled only to beer become alcoholics. The trough carried away — they are all around this place was going like drunks at the pub, and waited, and when again brought intoxicating drink. All as at people! When the females began mating period — males on them zero attention. Ozverev, females ripped males and ate. Opened females and found that each four times the enlarged uterus, and all filled with mucus. The terrible thing — the excess estradiol in women.
Remember advertising which fed our youth. He, she, and a two-liter bottle. She is drinking a beer — she - wow! — the desire is growing. He is no longer there. Hence the scandals in the family, divorce, anything. Long said, who is running for a beer? The smartest, most beautiful, whom the girls love! Future early impotent — that's who actually runs for a beer! And all the girls, girls, women we are now reading, I implore:Lord forbid you to associate your life with a beer lover. Nama, life will not happy. And it would seem that such a harmless thing — to drink beer on a hot summer day.
And it is the most popular alcoholic drink, which is filled our TV channels. Already TV shows impossible to watch!
— Very afraid that the beer consumed by children. Even more frightening is in our kiosks sell alcohol uncontrollably all who popadja. I think the baby will stretch money — he also served. And beer, and alcoholic cocktail weapon to a drunkard, to destroy our girls and girls.
And it's all — natural war. More terrible than the Great Patriotic war. From this war we emerged victorious, tempered by the spirit! And from this what will go? If we leave at all.
— So right and the war?!
In November we held a meeting of our Union of struggle for people's sobriety in Tatarstan. Arrived television crew from Kazan. Suitable twitchy young man: "Vladimir G., you are a lifetime struggle with alcoholism+" "I've never struggled with alcoholism, I answer. The fight against alcoholism — crazy, senseless, cruel activity. I spent my life fighting for sobriety. These are completely different things. To fight alcoholism is to ridicule drunks. And the struggle for sobriety is to do everything that our children did not drink, was sober, and had never become bitter drunks!" "Come on, drunkenness, sobriety is the same. You better explain to our viewers, what is your sobriety, hobby, passion?" I looked at him like a fool. "The question reminds me of the situation. 42nd year. I'm sitting in the trenches of Stalingrad. I have a platoon of five wounded soldiers. And you are such a fluffy jumped into the trench and say, Vladimir G., you're in the trenches sit, it's you — hobby, passion? Yes, we defend the Motherland from the most terrible for all history of the Russian people of the disaster — the great alcoholic war. She's already five times exceeded our losses in the great Patriotic war and continues each year to maim and kill millions of people. Sobriety is our weapon that we fight for the salvation of the future of the Motherland."
I looked at the statistics. The highest mortality rate in 2004 was the most drunk in Russia, Yaroslavl region 20, 7 per thousand. And the lowest — even with the dead! — in the Chechen Republic. The 3.8 per thousand. So where is the war really? In the Yaroslavl region in the rate of a thousand people are killed 7 times more than in Chechnya. The population continues to decline from year to year.
— But in Russia always drank a lot.
— A myth! The Soviet Union under Stalin was one of the most lightweight States. In 1953, the year we stood at the 3rd place from the bottom in Europe for the consumption of alcohol. This shameful phenomenon has been acquired during the period when the country was ruled by a drunk Khrushchev, Brezhnev alcoholic. And after a brief respite continued under the drunkard Yeltsin.
In 1975, in the Brezhnev time, the 28th session of the world health organization officially recognized alcohol drug number 1 — the most dangerous, the most common. Heroin — 2, tobacco — 6. The who called on governments of the world to begin the struggle with alcohol as a drug. Our country in the anti-drug section, who represented the former chief narcologist Babayan. He's a drunk. The Soviet Union refused to recognize alcohol as a drug and in protest walked out of the section. What do we reap? Alcoholic fire that devours our people.
In Brezhnev's time, Rasul Gamzatov wrote with bitterness: "Before the war my village was a drunkard, and all of it went to see. And now in my village one sober, and all on a walk and look around." Now the situation has changed. Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan revived sober Muslim tradition, they have a huge family, for children 7-10, but the children what is healthy! None of the orphanage, all the orphans were adopted. And we have what? At least one million homeless across the country run, as in the Civil war. When alive, the parents all crowded orphanages. The reason one drunkenness. For drunkenness deprived of parental rights. From a normal family the child will not run away rasshiriny. Only from drunk. Here it is, a tragedy!
Today 44 States have the prohibition. Muslim, Arab, where alcohol is exactly the same drug as heroin, hashish, marijuana... In geegee for appearing drunk on the street — 60 blows with a stick.
Means, the Egyptians, drinking, sitting at home!
— There is a law against theft. But some people still steal. Let's cancel the law — probably one in three will go to steal. We are talking about whether it's in the law. Moreover, in those countries the prohibition law backed by the Muslim faith. She strongly condemns and rejects the alcohol. Another 85 countries have introduced, as we call it, the law of sobriety. Maximum restrictions on the sale of this poison. In the most sober country in Europe - Norway is one store that sells alcohol, has 30 thousand inhabitants. And in Russia, one such outlet for 240 residents. Who spoit? Of course, our people. Norwegians can also be attributed to sober nation.
Just live far away from Peter. Finns to drink, come to us.
— It is also one of the myths that Finland has prohibition. Finland will drink too much, because there is a wide river hurled the beer is very cheap. But the vodka is very expensive. And the Finns is more profitable to buy a ticket to come to St. Petersburg, Galactica our cheap vodka, and back. The myth about the supposedly Finnish dry law alcoholic mafia introduces into the public consciousness as an example that it is impossible to fight this scourge, especially to win.
— Leonid Yakubovich in his youth he composed the famous phrase "Who does not smoke or drink, he zdorovenki die!" Her scenes with launched the people's artist Vladimir Vinokur. Indeed, it is sometimes possible to hear: "Ah, 40 years, died of a heart attack. So young! But not to drink or smoke."
— Vinokur, did you say? Rather speaking the name. Someone of the ancestors was engaged in the production of wine. As for the early deaths of abstainers, this case is so rare, because it is able to remember and retell. A drinker knows he is a vicious man. Looking for an excuse for their Vice. One of the excuses: well, he don't smoke or drink, and died early. You know what we have today, the mortality rate among men in prison aged 30 to 50 years is three times less than in the wild. Yes, Yes, in prison! There's no alcohol. Man imprisoned for 8 years, he comes out sober, and all his former drinking buddies on the outside were dead from vodka.
You, Eugene, and all who now read the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", I suggest you dig into your memory and remember how many friends of non-drinkers died prematurely and how many of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues prematurely brought to the grave vodka. From disease, accidents, accidents... Very curious proportions get. Draw your own conclusions.
And more specific example to think about. Last summer died academician Fyodor Corners, our first Chairman of the Union of fight for national sobriety. On the 104th year! He first started this fight back in the USSR. For the entire life of the Corners had a drink, haven't smoked cigarettes. And entered the Guinness book of world records as "the most long-playing" surgeon of the world. This phenomenon, when a man in a hundred years, working at four jobs. It is a hundred years doing complex operations, six hours without leaving your Desk. Sobriety helped him to maintain health and performance. He died because of an accident. I went to work. He always preferred to walk. The road then was not cleaned, all the money thrown at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Slipped, fell, broke her hip. In a hundred years, it is dangerous. He is six days unconscious in intensive care lay. Two complicated operations suffered. So after all recovered. Six months later, at our seminar in Sevastopol waltz with his wife danced. But the consequences of a painful shock, surgery let know, and on the 104th year of the Corners died. This phenomenon is more in the world of nowhere. And I challenge you to want to live with dignity, not be a burden to others in old age, and to maintain performance — live a sober, young people.
And the myth of the short life of temperance and again introduce to justify the depravity alcoholic drink. With alcohol it's very easy. I professionally study it for 26 years, ever since, what's up, after reading samizdat lectures Uglova, quit drinking, and announced in the family "dry law". I'm the Vice-President of the International Academy of sobriety, stokholme. Even received a gold medal of Paul Ehrlich contribution to improving the health of the peoples of the world. Not to brag, talking about it, and responsibly, with knowledge of the matter say: a lot of lies wound around alcohol. But I for 26 years and have not found any argument in his favor.
— You are Orthodox Christian, Vladimir G.?
— Judging by how they talk about the sober Muslims, I thought he converted to Islam. And how do you, the Orthodox, the argument from a biblical miracle in Cana of Galilee? Explain why Christ turned water into wine?
Is a well-known technique of drunks: since Christ himself made the water wine, pour and drink! I participated in a very representative conference in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. "The Church, business, society against drugs." Opened it the deceased Patriarch, almost all of the government sat in the Presidium. Worked section of prevention and rehabilitation. "Profilaktika" all the reports were about the drugs. How to live with them bad and good. And my report was about alcohol. All stood on the ears, says the youth: "Vladimir G., we drink too much a village, we do drink too much — come and play!" And then from the corner someone said: no, the Church is against drinking, but moderate wine drinking! I did not argue, and after a conference asked one of the lords. "O Lord, explain to the silly to drink a bottle of vodka and stupid is a sin?" "Sin." "A glass of vodka?" "Sin." "Why, then "moderate" vodka benefactor? Benefactor, sobriety, abstinence from alcohol. A glass or small sin. And if we a small sin begin to struggle with great sin will receive what you have." He combed his head.
We began a serious study of this question. And came to the conclusion that Christianity, like Islam, completely sober religion.
— Oh? Not evil, Professor?
— Drink Jesus himself? Christ, according to the Bible, was called a Nazarite to become. The Nazarite Bible monks. In the Charter of Nazareth says — he not only had no right to use alcohol, but even grapes and some fruits is because it can produce alcohol and disconnect it from the constant communication with God. I can't imagine that Christ could befuddle your brain with alcohol.
But, really, is the Bible a strange contradiction. On one page it says that wine gladdens the soul. And on the other that it is fornication. Well, how can one and the same in reverse? Moreover, the Bible is the book of books, the Holy book. I fell into the hands of a great work of the American Professor Samuel Bacciochi "Wine in the Bible." It turns out that in those ancient times the word "wine" in all languages from which he translated the Bible — Greek, Latin, Jewish — meant grape juice. "UNO, wine, vine".
It was good wine, pure grape juice. And bad, from which people being so excited, sick, and so on. Fermented juice. So, everywhere in the Bible where bad is said about wine — we are talking about alcoholic wine, spoiled product. And where good — about the sacred grape juice. As soon as receive it — at once all becomes clear, all questions. In this sense, look at the first miracle of Christ in Cana of Galilee. Jewish wedding — drank, drank, ran out of wine. Go to Christ to perform a miracle. And he at the request of his mother turned water into wine. When the guests tried it, wedding planner came to the groom: "What are you stupid people? All first good and then bad. But you first bad and it was good." So, Christ turned water into grape juice is divine. Do you know how many he created wine by today's standards? 600 litres. Yes, what would this wedding have turned out if it had drunk the wine?!
In my lecture, I was once the President of the International Foundation of Orthodoxy, to help our foreign monasteries. And when I told her about the wine, he just jumped. "You are absolutely right, Vladimir Georgievich! In Jerusalem, I was treated to this wine, the divine grape juice! Without alcohol."
So I want to say to all people, believers and especially unbelievers: know Orthodoxy — sober religion. There is also no place no alcohol, no drunkenness.
— And why then in the Church the sacrament of Cahors?
— Yes, Jesus Christ said: here's my blood! It was grape juice red. Similar to blood. For communion, take the juice only this year. To not more than 7-8 per cent alcohol, even if it is fermented. But it is diluted by half with water. Then also pour boiling water so that the alcohol has evaporated. If it remains, the one percent. And most importantly — it's a Church sacrament when the Church divorced the drink becomes the blood of Christ.The sacrament! And only atheists, non-believers, I think that the Church administer communion wine. The blood of Christ receive communion. The silver spoon drop on the tongue — no relation to drunkenness is not.
— And what about the drugs? Many of them on alcohol. The same pills, other cardiac agents+ to Die, but not to take?
— Few people know, in Russia from 1914 to 1925 was prohibition. And the first began to violate the pharmacists. Began to sell the tincture on alcohol.( Now, incidentally, is also the village drunk like liqueurs.) In 1915, the year Pirogov's Congress of Russian doctors made the decision forever to exclude alcohol from the internal Pharmacopoeia. Any drug can be prepared without alcohol, in the form of decoction, infusion, etc.
Now we do almost all of the drugs on alcohol. Give very simple advice. Pour a little into a glass of boiling water, dispense medication. The evaporation temperature of alcohol is 78 degrees. He will evaporate. And the healing part will remain. Chilled, drank what the doctor ordered.
— And what dosage to follow?
— The same calm, remember, must not on the tongue drip, and a tablespoon of water. A certain number of drops. That drip But don't let it be boiled water, boiling water. Cool — drink.
And don't forget: the drinkers heart ache much less frequently than drinkers. Alcohol, tobacco — one of the worst enemies of our heart and other organs. Personally, I have long forgot about doctors. Go to the clinic only when a medical certificate is required for inspection, renewal rights. Although I'm 60.
— Vladimir G., you're all about Yes sober sober! How to cure alcoholics?
— You see, modern science recognizes that alcoholism is not a disease, and harmful human habit that has claimed millions of lives.
— What's the difference? Disease or a harmful habit? People die!
The difference is that no tablets from alcoholism. Moreover, you can imagine the picture? The man was sick-sick, with dysentery. Suddenly gathers a family: everything from this moment I cease to hurt! Half an hour will not work — ill run to the toilet. But is it really a disease it should be treated. But there are many cases where an alcoholic said: one more pound in your mouth! And sober lives. Not "sick".
— I know that, too.
— Do you know why alcoholism really is in the category of diseases are driving? To convince people: drink! Ill — will cure you. There they are, clinics, drug treatment clinics, everywhere! Ads on all corners flying from alcoholism. Expensive, I will add. But this is pure business on the human tragedies. You show me at least one, which is really cured. There is no such. "Sewn" is not in the bill. Go gloomy, suffer from the inability to drink under penalty of death, cursing the whole world and only wait, when will expire, "torpedoes" and then you drink. Marina Vlady was describing a terrible event, like Vysotsky in the kitchen picked out from the body "torpedo". So long vodka! Brilliant people still could live, sing, yeah vodka ruined. But "treated" more than once. We have, and abroad. And everyone probably knows several friends who have visited (or desperate relatives they were taken) a lot of fashionable doctors, spent a lot of money, but still "sick". Yes, I understand addiction as an emergency service. When a person dies from drinking, he needs to save, put a dropper. And in General they do not cure, repeat. Only earn money.
Alcoholism as a disease is very beneficial not only addiction, but also omnipotent we beverage beer mafia. After all, if you acknowledge his bad habit, then the habit can prevent. And this blow to their income, the whole business.
About what to do, how to overcome this terrible tragedy, let's talk another time. In a few words will not tell about it. And finally I want to remind you a historical fact. In the 42nd year of Hitler, stating the basis of the occupation policy in the conquered Eastern territories, in its Directive wrote briefly: "For the Slavs no care, no vaccinations. Only vodka and tobacco".
Whenever picking up a glass, putting a cigarette in his mouth, remember: you make the Covenant, Hitler possessed. He knew that only vodka and tobacco can destroy the hated Slavs. So, compatriots, we will not transp and at least for myself, for my family, for their children will not solve this terrible problem? published
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Source: www.kp.ru/daily/24350.3/538050/
— Vladimir Georgievich, the main question is why Russia becomes an inveterate drunkard? The French, Italians, Georgians, in the end — and it Russian?
— Alcohol in the body splits special enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. He is the southern people, who for thousands of years eating grapes. Those same Italians, Georgians+ Grapes eat it in the gastrointestinal tract is wandering. Develop an alcohol and an enzyme that neutralizes it. And everything is in order. The Northern peoples alcohol dehydrogenase is not generated almost at all. The grapes there never grew up. That's why the Chukchi, Khanty, Yakut, Nenets five times, poured a hundred grams, and on the sixth they are already alcoholics. They even have traces of this enzyme in the body no. For this reason, and was destroyed by the Indians in America, has disappeared dozens of small peoples and ethnic groups of Siberi in the North, the far East. We, Russian, in the structure of supply are the Northern people. We have very little of this enzyme. That is why Russia becomes an inveterate drunkard. And if you do not stop, we are waiting for the tragic fate of the American Indians.

However, not only Russian extinct. I travel a lot around the world. All the white people drink, and gradually disappear from the face of the earth. Who reproduces? Sober Chinese, Indians, Muslims, Arabs... Sober, stress! They multiply, they occupy the land.
I lived recently in Germany in a German family, their son is a schoolboy. Turkish children in class more than ethnic Germans.
— What is Germany! In Moscow schools, too, in recent years, more and more students from the Caucasus. And throughout Russia.
- White people left on the planet today is only 8 percent. This figure is reduced. In sober families with 8-10 children, and the families of parents who drink one child. Two is already large family.
— Alcohol dehydrogenase is wonderful already does not protect those same Germans?
The female egg is secured by nature. And only alcohol Yes radiation cause oocyte destruction, defects. Italije I lived in the hotel. There settled the village school from the provinces. In the holiday season on the tour. Half — morons! Why? Parents drink wine. They have, however, those poor people poetically call "children of the carnival celebration." But the point is not changing — morons! We see the same people the behavior! Ethnic French disappear from the face of the earth and also because of alcoholism. A Holy place is never empty. Who settled in the suburbs of Paris, who arranges pogroms, riots? The Arabs come from Africa.
— Vladimir Georgievich, let Russia back. Clearly, the alcoholics in the puddles — a sad spectacle. But to drink a hundred grams of vodka with ustatku or to keep warm, a glass of good wine to raise the tone — what's the problem?
— Understand the country alkogolizirovannyh! Between sober and drinking — the abyss. And between the lover of expensive wine, brandy and drunk, swallowing all that off, the quality is no difference. Only quantitative. They are all the people drinkers. No drunkard lying in the gutter, at the dawn misty youth, an introduction to wine, beer, vodka, didn't want to be an alcoholic. None! And probably also condemned trashy drunks. I agree, not all cultural drinkers become alcoholics, fly to the sidelines of life. And early to the light. But every single alcoholic began with one "cultural" glasses. And believed that your measure know. Yeltsin also started with a glass of wine, glass of vodka and in the end drank himself to death. Even the head of state is immune. Even President!
I want to warn young parents: alcoholism your kids may begin with the first drink, which the child will see in your hands. That's where the roots of troubles! And even if you drink good wine, champagne — you are the child a bad example. Where is the guarantee that he can look now for you, you will not drink too much when he becomes an adult? It is not. Everything begins in the family! The only opportunity to provide a sober, healthy, happy future for their children — to become sober parent. Then you have the full moral right to tell the kid: son, alcohol is a terrible poison that are destroying our nation, turn it into idiots, fools. See, I'm sober, see, I'm smart. I never take it in her mouth this poison. Only in this case, the child will believe you. All the rest is hypocrisy, it will delay your offspring is drunk in the swamp.
— A beer? So nice in the heat of the mug to drain the bottle.
— Beer is the worst alcoholic product that is invented by people. It contains an alcohol of 3 to 11 percent is a lot.
— But there are also non-alcoholic!
— The main danger of beer — not only in percentage of alcohol. I carefully watched the Olympics in Greece in 2004. Advertising at the Olympics have mercy of the world's beer company. I noticed: be sure after the beer commercial was advertising pills from impotence. Accidentally? We began to explore this question. And found the following. In brewing beer, even non alcoholic, solution is added to the hops.
— Everyone knows that! Did not discover America, Vladimir Georgievich.
— And did you know that hops are narcotic plant of the family Konoplyov? When boiling the hops in a solution of beer, even nonalcoholic, are allocated phytoestrogens.
How many people know what distinguishes male from female? When I asked this question in school, in the class of laughter.
I said right, ha ha ha! A man who was born a boy and woman — girl. But the main difference: the man in the body the male hormone testosterone, women — the female hormone estradiol. Here I am man, I have a male torso, voice, character, propensities, I like women. It's all determined by testosterone. The fairer sex, on the contrary, estradiol reigns — they are feminine, they have a soft voice, character, present coquetry, desire to please men. And the figure corresponding to: narrower shoulders, but the expanded basin to carry and give birth to a child.
— What this is about?

— When a beer lover masculine fills the inside of the foam product occurs in the stomach a simple chemical reaction. The phytoestrogens turned into female sex hormone estradiol. And, sorry for the rude word, the man turns into a woman. Tancet voice, lost courage in the character, he is afraid of everything, disappears interest in women, and some may even be interested in men. Change the figure: the shoulders are compressed, growing belly, Breasts grow. In the critical days of a headache, sometimes even bleeding, however, through the nose. In 17-20 years involved in beer guy — impotence guaranteed.
In Europe beer was hurt in the Czech Republic. There is a popular saying: "beer Lover like watermelon. His growing belly, but the tip of the withers". The nail on the head!
When consume beer Queen, her stomach is the same chemical reaction of conversion of phytoestrogens to estradiol. In the body grows EXCESSIVE concentration of female sex hormone. And a cute girl, a woman becomes aggressive, angry female. Scientists conducted experiments on rats. Took 10 males, 10 females. Put them trough with beer and water. All fled only to beer become alcoholics. The trough carried away — they are all around this place was going like drunks at the pub, and waited, and when again brought intoxicating drink. All as at people! When the females began mating period — males on them zero attention. Ozverev, females ripped males and ate. Opened females and found that each four times the enlarged uterus, and all filled with mucus. The terrible thing — the excess estradiol in women.
Remember advertising which fed our youth. He, she, and a two-liter bottle. She is drinking a beer — she - wow! — the desire is growing. He is no longer there. Hence the scandals in the family, divorce, anything. Long said, who is running for a beer? The smartest, most beautiful, whom the girls love! Future early impotent — that's who actually runs for a beer! And all the girls, girls, women we are now reading, I implore:Lord forbid you to associate your life with a beer lover. Nama, life will not happy. And it would seem that such a harmless thing — to drink beer on a hot summer day.
And it is the most popular alcoholic drink, which is filled our TV channels. Already TV shows impossible to watch!
— Very afraid that the beer consumed by children. Even more frightening is in our kiosks sell alcohol uncontrollably all who popadja. I think the baby will stretch money — he also served. And beer, and alcoholic cocktail weapon to a drunkard, to destroy our girls and girls.
And it's all — natural war. More terrible than the Great Patriotic war. From this war we emerged victorious, tempered by the spirit! And from this what will go? If we leave at all.
— So right and the war?!
In November we held a meeting of our Union of struggle for people's sobriety in Tatarstan. Arrived television crew from Kazan. Suitable twitchy young man: "Vladimir G., you are a lifetime struggle with alcoholism+" "I've never struggled with alcoholism, I answer. The fight against alcoholism — crazy, senseless, cruel activity. I spent my life fighting for sobriety. These are completely different things. To fight alcoholism is to ridicule drunks. And the struggle for sobriety is to do everything that our children did not drink, was sober, and had never become bitter drunks!" "Come on, drunkenness, sobriety is the same. You better explain to our viewers, what is your sobriety, hobby, passion?" I looked at him like a fool. "The question reminds me of the situation. 42nd year. I'm sitting in the trenches of Stalingrad. I have a platoon of five wounded soldiers. And you are such a fluffy jumped into the trench and say, Vladimir G., you're in the trenches sit, it's you — hobby, passion? Yes, we defend the Motherland from the most terrible for all history of the Russian people of the disaster — the great alcoholic war. She's already five times exceeded our losses in the great Patriotic war and continues each year to maim and kill millions of people. Sobriety is our weapon that we fight for the salvation of the future of the Motherland."
I looked at the statistics. The highest mortality rate in 2004 was the most drunk in Russia, Yaroslavl region 20, 7 per thousand. And the lowest — even with the dead! — in the Chechen Republic. The 3.8 per thousand. So where is the war really? In the Yaroslavl region in the rate of a thousand people are killed 7 times more than in Chechnya. The population continues to decline from year to year.
— But in Russia always drank a lot.
— A myth! The Soviet Union under Stalin was one of the most lightweight States. In 1953, the year we stood at the 3rd place from the bottom in Europe for the consumption of alcohol. This shameful phenomenon has been acquired during the period when the country was ruled by a drunk Khrushchev, Brezhnev alcoholic. And after a brief respite continued under the drunkard Yeltsin.
In 1975, in the Brezhnev time, the 28th session of the world health organization officially recognized alcohol drug number 1 — the most dangerous, the most common. Heroin — 2, tobacco — 6. The who called on governments of the world to begin the struggle with alcohol as a drug. Our country in the anti-drug section, who represented the former chief narcologist Babayan. He's a drunk. The Soviet Union refused to recognize alcohol as a drug and in protest walked out of the section. What do we reap? Alcoholic fire that devours our people.
In Brezhnev's time, Rasul Gamzatov wrote with bitterness: "Before the war my village was a drunkard, and all of it went to see. And now in my village one sober, and all on a walk and look around." Now the situation has changed. Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan revived sober Muslim tradition, they have a huge family, for children 7-10, but the children what is healthy! None of the orphanage, all the orphans were adopted. And we have what? At least one million homeless across the country run, as in the Civil war. When alive, the parents all crowded orphanages. The reason one drunkenness. For drunkenness deprived of parental rights. From a normal family the child will not run away rasshiriny. Only from drunk. Here it is, a tragedy!
Today 44 States have the prohibition. Muslim, Arab, where alcohol is exactly the same drug as heroin, hashish, marijuana... In geegee for appearing drunk on the street — 60 blows with a stick.
Means, the Egyptians, drinking, sitting at home!
— There is a law against theft. But some people still steal. Let's cancel the law — probably one in three will go to steal. We are talking about whether it's in the law. Moreover, in those countries the prohibition law backed by the Muslim faith. She strongly condemns and rejects the alcohol. Another 85 countries have introduced, as we call it, the law of sobriety. Maximum restrictions on the sale of this poison. In the most sober country in Europe - Norway is one store that sells alcohol, has 30 thousand inhabitants. And in Russia, one such outlet for 240 residents. Who spoit? Of course, our people. Norwegians can also be attributed to sober nation.
Just live far away from Peter. Finns to drink, come to us.
— It is also one of the myths that Finland has prohibition. Finland will drink too much, because there is a wide river hurled the beer is very cheap. But the vodka is very expensive. And the Finns is more profitable to buy a ticket to come to St. Petersburg, Galactica our cheap vodka, and back. The myth about the supposedly Finnish dry law alcoholic mafia introduces into the public consciousness as an example that it is impossible to fight this scourge, especially to win.
— Leonid Yakubovich in his youth he composed the famous phrase "Who does not smoke or drink, he zdorovenki die!" Her scenes with launched the people's artist Vladimir Vinokur. Indeed, it is sometimes possible to hear: "Ah, 40 years, died of a heart attack. So young! But not to drink or smoke."
— Vinokur, did you say? Rather speaking the name. Someone of the ancestors was engaged in the production of wine. As for the early deaths of abstainers, this case is so rare, because it is able to remember and retell. A drinker knows he is a vicious man. Looking for an excuse for their Vice. One of the excuses: well, he don't smoke or drink, and died early. You know what we have today, the mortality rate among men in prison aged 30 to 50 years is three times less than in the wild. Yes, Yes, in prison! There's no alcohol. Man imprisoned for 8 years, he comes out sober, and all his former drinking buddies on the outside were dead from vodka.
You, Eugene, and all who now read the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", I suggest you dig into your memory and remember how many friends of non-drinkers died prematurely and how many of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues prematurely brought to the grave vodka. From disease, accidents, accidents... Very curious proportions get. Draw your own conclusions.
And more specific example to think about. Last summer died academician Fyodor Corners, our first Chairman of the Union of fight for national sobriety. On the 104th year! He first started this fight back in the USSR. For the entire life of the Corners had a drink, haven't smoked cigarettes. And entered the Guinness book of world records as "the most long-playing" surgeon of the world. This phenomenon, when a man in a hundred years, working at four jobs. It is a hundred years doing complex operations, six hours without leaving your Desk. Sobriety helped him to maintain health and performance. He died because of an accident. I went to work. He always preferred to walk. The road then was not cleaned, all the money thrown at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Slipped, fell, broke her hip. In a hundred years, it is dangerous. He is six days unconscious in intensive care lay. Two complicated operations suffered. So after all recovered. Six months later, at our seminar in Sevastopol waltz with his wife danced. But the consequences of a painful shock, surgery let know, and on the 104th year of the Corners died. This phenomenon is more in the world of nowhere. And I challenge you to want to live with dignity, not be a burden to others in old age, and to maintain performance — live a sober, young people.
And the myth of the short life of temperance and again introduce to justify the depravity alcoholic drink. With alcohol it's very easy. I professionally study it for 26 years, ever since, what's up, after reading samizdat lectures Uglova, quit drinking, and announced in the family "dry law". I'm the Vice-President of the International Academy of sobriety, stokholme. Even received a gold medal of Paul Ehrlich contribution to improving the health of the peoples of the world. Not to brag, talking about it, and responsibly, with knowledge of the matter say: a lot of lies wound around alcohol. But I for 26 years and have not found any argument in his favor.
— You are Orthodox Christian, Vladimir G.?
— Judging by how they talk about the sober Muslims, I thought he converted to Islam. And how do you, the Orthodox, the argument from a biblical miracle in Cana of Galilee? Explain why Christ turned water into wine?
Is a well-known technique of drunks: since Christ himself made the water wine, pour and drink! I participated in a very representative conference in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. "The Church, business, society against drugs." Opened it the deceased Patriarch, almost all of the government sat in the Presidium. Worked section of prevention and rehabilitation. "Profilaktika" all the reports were about the drugs. How to live with them bad and good. And my report was about alcohol. All stood on the ears, says the youth: "Vladimir G., we drink too much a village, we do drink too much — come and play!" And then from the corner someone said: no, the Church is against drinking, but moderate wine drinking! I did not argue, and after a conference asked one of the lords. "O Lord, explain to the silly to drink a bottle of vodka and stupid is a sin?" "Sin." "A glass of vodka?" "Sin." "Why, then "moderate" vodka benefactor? Benefactor, sobriety, abstinence from alcohol. A glass or small sin. And if we a small sin begin to struggle with great sin will receive what you have." He combed his head.
We began a serious study of this question. And came to the conclusion that Christianity, like Islam, completely sober religion.
— Oh? Not evil, Professor?
— Drink Jesus himself? Christ, according to the Bible, was called a Nazarite to become. The Nazarite Bible monks. In the Charter of Nazareth says — he not only had no right to use alcohol, but even grapes and some fruits is because it can produce alcohol and disconnect it from the constant communication with God. I can't imagine that Christ could befuddle your brain with alcohol.
But, really, is the Bible a strange contradiction. On one page it says that wine gladdens the soul. And on the other that it is fornication. Well, how can one and the same in reverse? Moreover, the Bible is the book of books, the Holy book. I fell into the hands of a great work of the American Professor Samuel Bacciochi "Wine in the Bible." It turns out that in those ancient times the word "wine" in all languages from which he translated the Bible — Greek, Latin, Jewish — meant grape juice. "UNO, wine, vine".
It was good wine, pure grape juice. And bad, from which people being so excited, sick, and so on. Fermented juice. So, everywhere in the Bible where bad is said about wine — we are talking about alcoholic wine, spoiled product. And where good — about the sacred grape juice. As soon as receive it — at once all becomes clear, all questions. In this sense, look at the first miracle of Christ in Cana of Galilee. Jewish wedding — drank, drank, ran out of wine. Go to Christ to perform a miracle. And he at the request of his mother turned water into wine. When the guests tried it, wedding planner came to the groom: "What are you stupid people? All first good and then bad. But you first bad and it was good." So, Christ turned water into grape juice is divine. Do you know how many he created wine by today's standards? 600 litres. Yes, what would this wedding have turned out if it had drunk the wine?!
In my lecture, I was once the President of the International Foundation of Orthodoxy, to help our foreign monasteries. And when I told her about the wine, he just jumped. "You are absolutely right, Vladimir Georgievich! In Jerusalem, I was treated to this wine, the divine grape juice! Without alcohol."
So I want to say to all people, believers and especially unbelievers: know Orthodoxy — sober religion. There is also no place no alcohol, no drunkenness.
— And why then in the Church the sacrament of Cahors?
— Yes, Jesus Christ said: here's my blood! It was grape juice red. Similar to blood. For communion, take the juice only this year. To not more than 7-8 per cent alcohol, even if it is fermented. But it is diluted by half with water. Then also pour boiling water so that the alcohol has evaporated. If it remains, the one percent. And most importantly — it's a Church sacrament when the Church divorced the drink becomes the blood of Christ.The sacrament! And only atheists, non-believers, I think that the Church administer communion wine. The blood of Christ receive communion. The silver spoon drop on the tongue — no relation to drunkenness is not.
— And what about the drugs? Many of them on alcohol. The same pills, other cardiac agents+ to Die, but not to take?
— Few people know, in Russia from 1914 to 1925 was prohibition. And the first began to violate the pharmacists. Began to sell the tincture on alcohol.( Now, incidentally, is also the village drunk like liqueurs.) In 1915, the year Pirogov's Congress of Russian doctors made the decision forever to exclude alcohol from the internal Pharmacopoeia. Any drug can be prepared without alcohol, in the form of decoction, infusion, etc.
Now we do almost all of the drugs on alcohol. Give very simple advice. Pour a little into a glass of boiling water, dispense medication. The evaporation temperature of alcohol is 78 degrees. He will evaporate. And the healing part will remain. Chilled, drank what the doctor ordered.
— And what dosage to follow?
— The same calm, remember, must not on the tongue drip, and a tablespoon of water. A certain number of drops. That drip But don't let it be boiled water, boiling water. Cool — drink.
And don't forget: the drinkers heart ache much less frequently than drinkers. Alcohol, tobacco — one of the worst enemies of our heart and other organs. Personally, I have long forgot about doctors. Go to the clinic only when a medical certificate is required for inspection, renewal rights. Although I'm 60.
— Vladimir G., you're all about Yes sober sober! How to cure alcoholics?
— You see, modern science recognizes that alcoholism is not a disease, and harmful human habit that has claimed millions of lives.
— What's the difference? Disease or a harmful habit? People die!
The difference is that no tablets from alcoholism. Moreover, you can imagine the picture? The man was sick-sick, with dysentery. Suddenly gathers a family: everything from this moment I cease to hurt! Half an hour will not work — ill run to the toilet. But is it really a disease it should be treated. But there are many cases where an alcoholic said: one more pound in your mouth! And sober lives. Not "sick".
— I know that, too.
— Do you know why alcoholism really is in the category of diseases are driving? To convince people: drink! Ill — will cure you. There they are, clinics, drug treatment clinics, everywhere! Ads on all corners flying from alcoholism. Expensive, I will add. But this is pure business on the human tragedies. You show me at least one, which is really cured. There is no such. "Sewn" is not in the bill. Go gloomy, suffer from the inability to drink under penalty of death, cursing the whole world and only wait, when will expire, "torpedoes" and then you drink. Marina Vlady was describing a terrible event, like Vysotsky in the kitchen picked out from the body "torpedo". So long vodka! Brilliant people still could live, sing, yeah vodka ruined. But "treated" more than once. We have, and abroad. And everyone probably knows several friends who have visited (or desperate relatives they were taken) a lot of fashionable doctors, spent a lot of money, but still "sick". Yes, I understand addiction as an emergency service. When a person dies from drinking, he needs to save, put a dropper. And in General they do not cure, repeat. Only earn money.
Alcoholism as a disease is very beneficial not only addiction, but also omnipotent we beverage beer mafia. After all, if you acknowledge his bad habit, then the habit can prevent. And this blow to their income, the whole business.
About what to do, how to overcome this terrible tragedy, let's talk another time. In a few words will not tell about it. And finally I want to remind you a historical fact. In the 42nd year of Hitler, stating the basis of the occupation policy in the conquered Eastern territories, in its Directive wrote briefly: "For the Slavs no care, no vaccinations. Only vodka and tobacco".
Whenever picking up a glass, putting a cigarette in his mouth, remember: you make the Covenant, Hitler possessed. He knew that only vodka and tobacco can destroy the hated Slavs. So, compatriots, we will not transp and at least for myself, for my family, for their children will not solve this terrible problem? published
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