About the effect of beer on health (32 pics + text)
Since then, people began to brew beer, they found it more and more healing properties. Since ancient Sumerians, doctors prescribed mouthwash and drinking warm beer inside to treat toothache. In the Middle Ages beer it is prescribed for the expulsion of kidney stones, and for the treatment of exhaustion, both physical and spiritual; rubbed tired feet a beer after a long journey. In the XVI century, the famous Paracelsus treating liver disease fern beer, and respiratory diseases beer sage. As the masks and rubbing beer used in medieval cosmetology for skin rejuvenation.
German pioneer of cholera Professor Koh fully supported his Czech colleagues - professors and Chapter Tomaera who saw the beer cure cholera. Bacilli are killed in beer for a few hours and the disease is not an evolving institution. The devastating cholera epidemic in Europe are rarely affected employees medieval breweries.
It may seem a fiction fact that in the XVIII and early XIX century, most medicines in hospitals accepted only with beer. How wonderful tonic, disinfectant and tonic drink beer give recovering patients in hospitals of St. Petersburg until the middle of the XIX century.
Munich Beer Institute research has shown that one liter of unfiltered beer is 10 times more useful than a liter of milk.
Austrian brewers forces are not as proud of the fact that their child was drinking beer at one boy from the city of Graz. Little boy grew up a frail, sickly and all that. And I recommend it, but the milk to drink beer. Now the boy grew up. Who it? Arnold Schwarzenegger.
BEER Scandinavians - there the Ministry of Health officially permitted anti-depressant.
In Germany, even the fresh unfiltered beer turbid from floating in it particles of yeast, called «Hefe Weizen» «Heyfe weizen" (wheat yeast). Who drinks a beer at that never happens, "barley", on the eye, improves the skin because there are a lot of B vitamins is highly recommended for women. This beer is served by the glass special shape: a narrow and extended below the top.
Beer displays the body of carcinogens and reduces the risk of cancer. Studies of Japanese scientists have shown that regular consumption of beer can reduce the risk of disease by 2-3 times. Perhaps that is why in recent decades has become the beer in Japan, where the peculiarities of national cuisine contribute to the development of cancer, the national drink.
Drunk on an empty stomach (2 / 3-1 cup) of beer dries stomach osobozhdaya it from excess mucus, which is useful for most types of gastritis.
Absolutely it found that displays the body of the beer aluminum salts, and no other liquid can not do. Beer is good quenches thirst, because of mineral content and carbon dioxide expands the capillary vessels of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, helps more rapid flow of fluid into the blood.
Beer - the only alcoholic beverage that contains hops bitterness, which activates the secretion of gastric juice inhibits the undesirable effects of alcohol in beer. Have fallen from the hops in beer active substances have a calming, soothing and hypnotic action, inhibit growth and reproduction of bacteria.
Beer Bath will regulate perspiration. If you sweat heavily, then add the warm water bottle of beer and a little lie down. In the bath beer poured on hot stones. This is done because the steam beer very useful both for the skin, making it more silky, and for the whole body.
Different masks and creams on the basis of beer contribute to wrinkles. For example, yolk mask - egg yolk whipped in beer, and the mixture applied to the face.
Beer has beneficial effects on the growth of the female breast, as the basis of his - hop
Get rid of wrinkles and helps to cool the foam of fresh beer.
Beer mask a beneficial effect on oily skin, improving its elasticity, improving circulation, reducing zhiroobrazovaniya and closing the pores.
There are people prescriptions for the treatment of colds. For example, a spoon of honey to a cup of warmed beer - and the common cold as the arm lift. There are other recipes, all based on hot or warmed beer with the addition of eggs, as well as clove, cinnamon.
The best remedy for hair styling, which was known our great-grandmother, is beer. All known beer shampoos which provide the same effect as shampoos with conditioners, but with an additional beneficial effect on the hair. And if beer to put on some time for hair to return it a healthy shine, elasticity, will stop hair loss.
Regular rinsing of hair after shampooing with beer quickly get rid of dandruff and give your hair fantastic shine and silkiness.
Known healing properties of alkali Pilsen beer. Czechs are less likely to suffer kidney disease. Doctors confirm that this beer destroys kidney stones.
Beer accelerates the body's metabolism, rejuvenates the cells. Experience has shown that people who regularly upotreblinyuschie beer (in moderation), are aging more slowly than those who do not drink beer. Gerontologists believe that 1-2 beers a day slow down the aging process.
Moderate consumption of beer, about one cup per day, according to the results of research Czech and German doctors, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, a positive effect on the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones and increases the body's defenses.
US scientists also concluded that those who upotreblinet daily one or two mugs of beer reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%. The alcohol is present a high-density lipoprotein, or as it is called "good cholesterol", which plays an important role treatment of blood vessels from harmful deposits.
The special tests to determine the duration of a person's life is indicated by adding years of life for three years potreblinyuschih certain amount of alcohol, and subtract three years to completely teetotal. This fact is confirmed by our medical scientists.
In 1455g. to the south-west of Munich was founded by Benedictine monastery Andechs. Monastic chronicles keep evidence of miraculous healings pilgrims or their loved ones. Only from 1624 to 1657 were put on the legs 355 paralytics, epileptics 188, was cut from 237 deaf ears, blind eyes opened 860, 221 found reason to lose it. What wonder drug used monks? Of course beer!
In the beer contains a small amount of protein, but the mineral content significantly - 1-2 grams per liter. Contained in beer vitamins B1, B2, PP distinguish it from other «empty» of alcoholic beverages include beer and allow if not to the vitamin drinks, then to food.
Extractives hops have calming, soothing and even the disinfectant action.
It was also noted positive effects of barley drink on the restoration of the mucous membrane in such diseases of the stomach and duodenum 12, as gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer disease.
A small amount of beer in the recovery period after severe, debilitating diseases helps to quickly restore the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract.
Brewer's yeast appointed interior with various infectious diseases, furunculosis, diabetes, acne and other skin diseases.
Beer lower caloric value than that of Coca-Cola, apple juice, fruit drinks, which is added sugar, not to mention the milk.
If you look at the recipe and technology, on which the finished beer, and make it out of malt, hops, yeast and water, there is nothing harmful to the body, we do not see. Malt (sprouted barley) and is rich in carbohydrates and protein, and enzymes, and minerals. And all this in a significant amount goes into the drink.

German pioneer of cholera Professor Koh fully supported his Czech colleagues - professors and Chapter Tomaera who saw the beer cure cholera. Bacilli are killed in beer for a few hours and the disease is not an evolving institution. The devastating cholera epidemic in Europe are rarely affected employees medieval breweries.

It may seem a fiction fact that in the XVIII and early XIX century, most medicines in hospitals accepted only with beer. How wonderful tonic, disinfectant and tonic drink beer give recovering patients in hospitals of St. Petersburg until the middle of the XIX century.

Munich Beer Institute research has shown that one liter of unfiltered beer is 10 times more useful than a liter of milk.

Austrian brewers forces are not as proud of the fact that their child was drinking beer at one boy from the city of Graz. Little boy grew up a frail, sickly and all that. And I recommend it, but the milk to drink beer. Now the boy grew up. Who it? Arnold Schwarzenegger.

BEER Scandinavians - there the Ministry of Health officially permitted anti-depressant.

In Germany, even the fresh unfiltered beer turbid from floating in it particles of yeast, called «Hefe Weizen» «Heyfe weizen" (wheat yeast). Who drinks a beer at that never happens, "barley", on the eye, improves the skin because there are a lot of B vitamins is highly recommended for women. This beer is served by the glass special shape: a narrow and extended below the top.

Beer displays the body of carcinogens and reduces the risk of cancer. Studies of Japanese scientists have shown that regular consumption of beer can reduce the risk of disease by 2-3 times. Perhaps that is why in recent decades has become the beer in Japan, where the peculiarities of national cuisine contribute to the development of cancer, the national drink.

Drunk on an empty stomach (2 / 3-1 cup) of beer dries stomach osobozhdaya it from excess mucus, which is useful for most types of gastritis.

Absolutely it found that displays the body of the beer aluminum salts, and no other liquid can not do. Beer is good quenches thirst, because of mineral content and carbon dioxide expands the capillary vessels of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, helps more rapid flow of fluid into the blood.

Beer - the only alcoholic beverage that contains hops bitterness, which activates the secretion of gastric juice inhibits the undesirable effects of alcohol in beer. Have fallen from the hops in beer active substances have a calming, soothing and hypnotic action, inhibit growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Beer Bath will regulate perspiration. If you sweat heavily, then add the warm water bottle of beer and a little lie down. In the bath beer poured on hot stones. This is done because the steam beer very useful both for the skin, making it more silky, and for the whole body.

Different masks and creams on the basis of beer contribute to wrinkles. For example, yolk mask - egg yolk whipped in beer, and the mixture applied to the face.

Beer has beneficial effects on the growth of the female breast, as the basis of his - hop

Get rid of wrinkles and helps to cool the foam of fresh beer.

Beer mask a beneficial effect on oily skin, improving its elasticity, improving circulation, reducing zhiroobrazovaniya and closing the pores.

There are people prescriptions for the treatment of colds. For example, a spoon of honey to a cup of warmed beer - and the common cold as the arm lift. There are other recipes, all based on hot or warmed beer with the addition of eggs, as well as clove, cinnamon.

The best remedy for hair styling, which was known our great-grandmother, is beer. All known beer shampoos which provide the same effect as shampoos with conditioners, but with an additional beneficial effect on the hair. And if beer to put on some time for hair to return it a healthy shine, elasticity, will stop hair loss.

Regular rinsing of hair after shampooing with beer quickly get rid of dandruff and give your hair fantastic shine and silkiness.

Known healing properties of alkali Pilsen beer. Czechs are less likely to suffer kidney disease. Doctors confirm that this beer destroys kidney stones.

Beer accelerates the body's metabolism, rejuvenates the cells. Experience has shown that people who regularly upotreblinyuschie beer (in moderation), are aging more slowly than those who do not drink beer. Gerontologists believe that 1-2 beers a day slow down the aging process.

Moderate consumption of beer, about one cup per day, according to the results of research Czech and German doctors, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, a positive effect on the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones and increases the body's defenses.

US scientists also concluded that those who upotreblinet daily one or two mugs of beer reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%. The alcohol is present a high-density lipoprotein, or as it is called "good cholesterol", which plays an important role treatment of blood vessels from harmful deposits.

The special tests to determine the duration of a person's life is indicated by adding years of life for three years potreblinyuschih certain amount of alcohol, and subtract three years to completely teetotal. This fact is confirmed by our medical scientists.

In 1455g. to the south-west of Munich was founded by Benedictine monastery Andechs. Monastic chronicles keep evidence of miraculous healings pilgrims or their loved ones. Only from 1624 to 1657 were put on the legs 355 paralytics, epileptics 188, was cut from 237 deaf ears, blind eyes opened 860, 221 found reason to lose it. What wonder drug used monks? Of course beer!

In the beer contains a small amount of protein, but the mineral content significantly - 1-2 grams per liter. Contained in beer vitamins B1, B2, PP distinguish it from other «empty» of alcoholic beverages include beer and allow if not to the vitamin drinks, then to food.

Extractives hops have calming, soothing and even the disinfectant action.

It was also noted positive effects of barley drink on the restoration of the mucous membrane in such diseases of the stomach and duodenum 12, as gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer disease.

A small amount of beer in the recovery period after severe, debilitating diseases helps to quickly restore the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Brewer's yeast appointed interior with various infectious diseases, furunculosis, diabetes, acne and other skin diseases.

Beer lower caloric value than that of Coca-Cola, apple juice, fruit drinks, which is added sugar, not to mention the milk.

If you look at the recipe and technology, on which the finished beer, and make it out of malt, hops, yeast and water, there is nothing harmful to the body, we do not see. Malt (sprouted barley) and is rich in carbohydrates and protein, and enzymes, and minerals. And all this in a significant amount goes into the drink.