A small report about Prague
Good day to all! In August, my wife and I took a trip to the Czech Republic in Prague for 2 weeks. That's decided to lay out a small report about our trip. Just wanted to tell not about the sights, which is replete with many such themes in these our Internet, and the nuances of strange and unusual that differ from our Russian things.
I must say that I visited for the first time abroad, so that those who have been to Europe, probably already know all of these things or heard about them, but I think there are many people for whom this report will be of interest.
Breaking is not desirable, the end will tell.
So there you go!
. Let's start with the basic. In the Czech Republic the main currency - the krona. The course of the ruble: 1 Czech crown = 1, 7 Russian ruble about ie 10 CZK = 17 rubles. Money taken in cash with him and me right there in the exchange office, who suggested friends, I can recommend as a good exchanger having the best course that we have met: 61, 50. It is situated in the center close to Wenceslas Square, Opletalova 9, I've got ? While there may be much better.
Caught in a large enthusiastic about the transport. At each stop, whether bus, tram or subway, hanging schedule of each route, and transport comes to the minute. And if for a moment late, the local population is indignant because You can be late for a transplant. Here you can even calculate your route from point A to point B to the nearest minute.
Method fare too great! At each stop, the subway and some tram and bus stand here are machines where you can buy a ticket, which operates a certain time (for 24 cr - 30 minutes, 32 cr - 1, 5 hours, 110 cr - day). By accessing the subway or tram into the car, it is necessary to punch a ticket here in this machine, which prints the time of its activation, but so is your time to act, you can safely ride on public transport
While you can ride for free and than the first couple of days and indulged, because supervisors were not even seen. But hearing that for a free ride there is a penalty of 1,000 CZK, we somehow have to buy tickets :), and later we checked in the subway during the transition to the other metro line.
Intercity roads are excellent, everything is done for people everywhere there are signs. If the section of road being repaired, then it hang a special warning signs closer to the repair area, the more pronounced these signs.
However, for the use of intercity roads to pay toll, 3,000 crowns a year, during which you are given a sticker on the windshield of the police fined not
If the side of the road there is a village, be sure to have special high fence, the noise from the road does not interfere with the residents, such as the transparent fence painted black silhouettes of birds of prey to smaller not flying on the track and avoid crashing into obstacles.
In many ways the historical center, where there are no separate lanes for trams and they go the same place as cars, or rather the opposite: cars travel in the same place and trams.
Let's talk a little about the prices. There's much cheaper to live! We went DATART (like so) - in a hardware store, like our M-Video. If converted to rubles, cheaper by 2-3 thousand, or even more, my phone is HTC, which acquired in Russia, a month before the trip cheaper by as much as 5 tr Anyway, we went somewhere much to compare prices.
If you forget the difference in rate between the ruble and the crown and imagine that in Russia you earn 30 thousand rubles (I am taking by the standards of Yekaterinburg), then with the same profession in the Czech Republic you will get about 30 thousand kroons (in Prague lives our friend , which shared these impressions). The restaurant is very satisfying meal for two - a portion of the meat, a great side dish and, of course, beer mug, we came out from 300 to 400 crowns for two. And now calculate how much it would cost in a restaurant in Russia?
So we went to the supermarket and bought products on the 303 kr., You think, how much it was necessary to spend money on it in Russian
By the way, friends are there to buy an apartment in the mortgage at 3% per annum - this is the norm! It is cheaper to pay per month for a mortgage than rent
City clean and tidy, all have normal, well-made adaptations for the disabled. Very often at the mall met people in wheelchairs who shopped in the boutiques, it is said that they can not afford it. Near the residential buildings there is always an urn, which are divided according to the type of garbage, well, I like this should not surprise you.
Beer! Talk about the Czech Republic and does not mention the beer? Beer there is divine. We went there once and Russian-Czech wedding of a friend, so I was on the first day took an hour to a bachelor party, where I tried 3 beers in an amount of 6 or 7 cups of 0, 5. morning was alive alive, no hangover, both on the Russian beer. Beer is doing there, without adding to the alcohol and only natural ingredients.
On the way to Karlovy Vary, we stopped on a tour of the brewery Krušovice. There's broken, but understandable Russian, the guide explained the process of making beer. About the ingredients, about the lack of alcohol, about the fact that the degrees that we see on the label is the density of beer, which is governed by the term mapping, and other nuances of beer.
By the way Russian vodka there hardly find, although there are Russian shops cakes, condensed milk and dumplings. The store is a lot of vodka brand "Bozhkov." And in general in the Czech Republic is considered to be the traditional vodka Beyherovka. In Russia, not sold, to taste, as a cure, but nothing
If there was so much beer, Japanese have treated the entire PL
But the tour is over, of course, tasting. That's where we fell in love with light beer Krušovice. In total, the plant produces 3 Krušovice beers: light, dark and musketeer (something in between), but in Russia and sold more imperial, taste bitter. Tolley deceiving us, toli something I do not know and we import special grade, xs ...
Beer there, of course, cheap. Bottle Krušovice, Budweiser and other similar varieties in stores are 10-12 crowns, and in Russia from 110 rubles. In the cafes and restaurants, beer is 25 kroons in the center of the price up to 60 crowns. But in many of these institutions has its own brewery, and down into the basement to the bathroom, you can see here are here operating brewery in the process of making beer.
The food is delicious, very well cooked the meat in any form: pork knuckle or knee veprevo, goulash with dumplings (see. Photo) and others. Many things tried, all I do not remember. Dumplings - disputed the taste thing, made of potato dough, than it resembles a loaf without crust. But to find a cafe or a restaurant with Czech cuisine is not always successful. The whole center is hammered Italian pizza and other fast-food establishments common.
The most delicious thing I liked - a soup in a bread plate, well, just delicious! It will be necessary to find a recipe and try to cook.
And a little bit of simple photos kamentah the load
Tablets in a closet in one of the cafes
Caught in the jazz festival
So the Czechs are doing barbecue, barbecue out there do not. In general, a barbecue can be done in any place where there is a lawn or grass, and it is quite common
Full of souvenirs and magnets for all tastes
You vkurse that is also a Snickers? There are snickers dark, but no
Brewery vaunted house where there are a bunch of different types of beer, which was advised to go to your favorite YaPovskie)
I recommend to go to the zoo, it's huge, a lot of Valliere with a variety of animals. Now, if I'm not mistaken with the name wild cat the size of a normal.
Krizik fountain. Music and light show lasts 30-45 minutes, where the music rises fountains, quite spectacular. We caught not like the fact that (there is a schedule), but still the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribbean pleased
The video is not very visible, but some of the fountains to build web and projected excerpts from the film
And finally I liter mug of Czech beer.
Thank you for your attention, Whereupon otkanivayus.
I must say that I visited for the first time abroad, so that those who have been to Europe, probably already know all of these things or heard about them, but I think there are many people for whom this report will be of interest.
Breaking is not desirable, the end will tell.
So there you go!

. Let's start with the basic. In the Czech Republic the main currency - the krona. The course of the ruble: 1 Czech crown = 1, 7 Russian ruble about ie 10 CZK = 17 rubles. Money taken in cash with him and me right there in the exchange office, who suggested friends, I can recommend as a good exchanger having the best course that we have met: 61, 50. It is situated in the center close to Wenceslas Square, Opletalova 9, I've got ? While there may be much better.

Caught in a large enthusiastic about the transport. At each stop, whether bus, tram or subway, hanging schedule of each route, and transport comes to the minute. And if for a moment late, the local population is indignant because You can be late for a transplant. Here you can even calculate your route from point A to point B to the nearest minute.

Method fare too great! At each stop, the subway and some tram and bus stand here are machines where you can buy a ticket, which operates a certain time (for 24 cr - 30 minutes, 32 cr - 1, 5 hours, 110 cr - day). By accessing the subway or tram into the car, it is necessary to punch a ticket here in this machine, which prints the time of its activation, but so is your time to act, you can safely ride on public transport
While you can ride for free and than the first couple of days and indulged, because supervisors were not even seen. But hearing that for a free ride there is a penalty of 1,000 CZK, we somehow have to buy tickets :), and later we checked in the subway during the transition to the other metro line.

Intercity roads are excellent, everything is done for people everywhere there are signs. If the section of road being repaired, then it hang a special warning signs closer to the repair area, the more pronounced these signs.

However, for the use of intercity roads to pay toll, 3,000 crowns a year, during which you are given a sticker on the windshield of the police fined not
If the side of the road there is a village, be sure to have special high fence, the noise from the road does not interfere with the residents, such as the transparent fence painted black silhouettes of birds of prey to smaller not flying on the track and avoid crashing into obstacles.

In many ways the historical center, where there are no separate lanes for trams and they go the same place as cars, or rather the opposite: cars travel in the same place and trams.

Let's talk a little about the prices. There's much cheaper to live! We went DATART (like so) - in a hardware store, like our M-Video. If converted to rubles, cheaper by 2-3 thousand, or even more, my phone is HTC, which acquired in Russia, a month before the trip cheaper by as much as 5 tr Anyway, we went somewhere much to compare prices.

If you forget the difference in rate between the ruble and the crown and imagine that in Russia you earn 30 thousand rubles (I am taking by the standards of Yekaterinburg), then with the same profession in the Czech Republic you will get about 30 thousand kroons (in Prague lives our friend , which shared these impressions). The restaurant is very satisfying meal for two - a portion of the meat, a great side dish and, of course, beer mug, we came out from 300 to 400 crowns for two. And now calculate how much it would cost in a restaurant in Russia?
So we went to the supermarket and bought products on the 303 kr., You think, how much it was necessary to spend money on it in Russian
By the way, friends are there to buy an apartment in the mortgage at 3% per annum - this is the norm! It is cheaper to pay per month for a mortgage than rent

City clean and tidy, all have normal, well-made adaptations for the disabled. Very often at the mall met people in wheelchairs who shopped in the boutiques, it is said that they can not afford it. Near the residential buildings there is always an urn, which are divided according to the type of garbage, well, I like this should not surprise you.

Beer! Talk about the Czech Republic and does not mention the beer? Beer there is divine. We went there once and Russian-Czech wedding of a friend, so I was on the first day took an hour to a bachelor party, where I tried 3 beers in an amount of 6 or 7 cups of 0, 5. morning was alive alive, no hangover, both on the Russian beer. Beer is doing there, without adding to the alcohol and only natural ingredients.

On the way to Karlovy Vary, we stopped on a tour of the brewery Krušovice. There's broken, but understandable Russian, the guide explained the process of making beer. About the ingredients, about the lack of alcohol, about the fact that the degrees that we see on the label is the density of beer, which is governed by the term mapping, and other nuances of beer.

By the way Russian vodka there hardly find, although there are Russian shops cakes, condensed milk and dumplings. The store is a lot of vodka brand "Bozhkov." And in general in the Czech Republic is considered to be the traditional vodka Beyherovka. In Russia, not sold, to taste, as a cure, but nothing
If there was so much beer, Japanese have treated the entire PL

But the tour is over, of course, tasting. That's where we fell in love with light beer Krušovice. In total, the plant produces 3 Krušovice beers: light, dark and musketeer (something in between), but in Russia and sold more imperial, taste bitter. Tolley deceiving us, toli something I do not know and we import special grade, xs ...

Beer there, of course, cheap. Bottle Krušovice, Budweiser and other similar varieties in stores are 10-12 crowns, and in Russia from 110 rubles. In the cafes and restaurants, beer is 25 kroons in the center of the price up to 60 crowns. But in many of these institutions has its own brewery, and down into the basement to the bathroom, you can see here are here operating brewery in the process of making beer.

The food is delicious, very well cooked the meat in any form: pork knuckle or knee veprevo, goulash with dumplings (see. Photo) and others. Many things tried, all I do not remember. Dumplings - disputed the taste thing, made of potato dough, than it resembles a loaf without crust. But to find a cafe or a restaurant with Czech cuisine is not always successful. The whole center is hammered Italian pizza and other fast-food establishments common.

The most delicious thing I liked - a soup in a bread plate, well, just delicious! It will be necessary to find a recipe and try to cook.

And a little bit of simple photos kamentah the load
Tablets in a closet in one of the cafes

Caught in the jazz festival

So the Czechs are doing barbecue, barbecue out there do not. In general, a barbecue can be done in any place where there is a lawn or grass, and it is quite common

Full of souvenirs and magnets for all tastes

You vkurse that is also a Snickers? There are snickers dark, but no

Brewery vaunted house where there are a bunch of different types of beer, which was advised to go to your favorite YaPovskie)

I recommend to go to the zoo, it's huge, a lot of Valliere with a variety of animals. Now, if I'm not mistaken with the name wild cat the size of a normal.

Krizik fountain. Music and light show lasts 30-45 minutes, where the music rises fountains, quite spectacular. We caught not like the fact that (there is a schedule), but still the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribbean pleased
The video is not very visible, but some of the fountains to build web and projected excerpts from the film
And finally I liter mug of Czech beer.
Thank you for your attention, Whereupon otkanivayus.
