
Beer - the favorite drink of millions! This is probably the most popular beverage on earth, it is with great pleasure drink on every continent, and 'beer' stomachs can be found anywhere in the world :)
• The weakest liquid Named beer, cooked in 1918 Sunnerom in Colne-Kelco, Germany. This sweet ersatz contain 0, 2% alcohol.
• the strongest beer in the world is "Roger End Out", produced from July 1985 by the "Frog End Parrott" in Sheffield, UK. It contains 16% alcohol 9.
• Beer "Zamihlaus Dark" 1987 Plant "Hlyurlimann" in Zurich, Switzerland, contains 13, 94% alkagolya.
• The giant Christmas pudding, weighing 140 kg was produced Dublin chefs. However pudding entered the Guinness Book of Records is not because of its enormous weight and size, but because his preparation has gone a record number of beloved Irish thick dark Guinness beer - 25 pints, or 13 liters of napipka.
• In the German town of Kulmbach made beer "ECU culminators Urtup Hell 28", the contents of 13, 52% alkagolya.
• The owner of the French concern for the production of beer Michel Debus thought that the yellow-golden color beer too boring, and developed a recipe for brewing beer green and red colors. But the export of such beer is not easy. For example, Germany has not admitted to its market colored beer.
• First place in popularity among the beverage is beer in the United States, and it is the most popular grade of Americans "Badveyzer", in second place, "Miller," the third "course».
• The merchant from Hamburg, who calls his company "House of 131 beers", makes a great business, producing beer "picture." On the labels of bottles of beer "Pin Up Bear" - photos of beauties who have mini-piece toilet easily disappear if scratched a little finger.
• Did you know that in the diamond mines of Sierra Leone gems o6sleduyutsya in beer? According to the British geologists, the visual quality of the diamonds becomes apparent exactly in said liquid medium.
• In 1973, Denmark was the unusual heat, and the Danes have outdone themselves. Daily beer consumption has reached 10 million. Bottles. Danish breweries, including the well-known "Tuborg" and "Carlsberg", were in trouble. Stocks of beer were devastated. Despite all the efforts and the desire to make good money, the Brewers were unable to meet the growing needs. Even I had to introduce a partial normalization of beer. Local press indicated: happy heat only the Minister of Finance, because half of the proceeds from the sale of beer in the country goes to the state treasury.
• In Tanzania, the alcohol is sold rationed four categories. Category "A" allows you to purchase alcohol without restrictions. Category "B" limits the purchase of spirits - the card is a mark on the number of purchased drinks. Citizens who have the card "C" may only buy beer, but not limited to, a card having a "D" can buy a beer in limited quantities. When deciding on such a classification is taken into account marital status of a person, his income, debt, the behavior after drinking. Under the current legislation, may be driving after drinking up to four bottles of beer.
• Specialists of dairy farming in Augsburg in Germany have developed a new recipe beers, raw material for which was the milk. Neither malt nor hops needed for this kind of beer, which in taste is no different from the usual. Yogurt, lactic acid bacteria, milk sugar and liquid additives extracts - that the components of the drink intended primarily for drivers.
• British brewers and archaeologists have joined forces to recreate the ancient Egyptian beers. Consortium brewery Scottish and Newcastle egiptovedcheskim cooperates with scientific societies. Industrialists are funding the project to produce this beer.
• When, in 1980, Norway decided to reduce the fortress of the popular Pilsner beer in the country with 4, 5 and 3, 2%, it caused such an outcry beer lovers, that the question was tabled in the Norwegian Parliament.