How to brew beer at home
Live unfiltered beer is a completely natural product. It contains valuable natural yeast sediment and carbon dioxide. It does not contain any artificial ingredients or preservatives. Active yeast cells - it is a source of vitamins and amino acids. Shelf life of beer, in some cases, may be several years.
The basis of the live unfiltered beer is concentrated wort and beer-fermenting yeast. Concentrated must produce in the factories by evaporation of water from the wort, ie time-consuming process of making wort from malt and hops, in this case takes on the factory, we also concentrated wort is diluted with clean water and add the sugar syrup. Special beer-fermenting yeast, the wort is fermented at room temperature for 5-7 days. Sugar in the wort are yeast produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Not filtered beer is poured into a sealed container from which it will be used (bottles, barrels), while adding a small amount of sugar syrup for the secondary fermentation to get the full carbon dioxide. Beer bottles must stand at room temperature for 7 days. Then it is placed in a cool place for 2 weeks to mature. Once the beer is ripe, you can enjoy its unique taste, as it is prepared manually in a limited amount. Beer can be stored for several years, with the maturation processes will occur in the future. Yeasts are in beer are natural "preservative" and do not allow the beer to deteriorate, so there is no need for preservation or pasteurization. It is known brewers yeast are beneficial to the body, improve metabolism, improve immunity, contain vitamins and amino acids.
Remember that even the "best" drug in large quantities can be poison. (Ministry of Health warned)
For the preparation of 23-25 liters of beer will need:
1. Set homebrewer: fermenter (a barrel), water seal with a stopper, thermometer, adhesive, eating a piece of hose
it is desirable, but not required: hydrometer AC-3 0 ... 25, flasks hydrometer, siphon blowing (instead of a piece of hose),
A couple of moments
and brewery ready
honey (to taste, if desired, some brewers making beer replacing sugar with honey or neohmelennym wort in the proportion of 1: 1, 25)
Disinfection - the key to a successful outcome
Prepare the yeast to work
Prepare syrup (1 kg of sugar used, and 200 g of honey)
Measure out the required amount of wort (I took 2 kg with a little) and add it to the syrup
Though hopped wort, and, but for flavor, you can add a little hop at the end of cooking
Pour water into the fermenter, syrup, wort, add yeast prepared. Close the lid, set the water trap.
Fermentation. We are waiting for 5-7 days.
A week later preparing bottling foamy drink.
In brewing, one of the most important rules - it is disinfected. To disinfect I use the drug Nodisher Cl:
Dissolving tablets Nodisher Cl, 10 l. water. The resulting solution will send required us equipment: hose, syringe stoppers:
To beer has been carbonated, we need to prepare a "primer" (sugar syrup), for that I take sugar at the rate of 11g. to 1 liter. beer. A yeast that is found in beer, "eat" sugar sire and turn it into carbon dioxide, which will make our beer carbonated:
The syrup boil for 5-10 minutes.
Prepare the necessary equipment: cork, a syringe, a hose, etc.
Prepare bottles of pre-washing your solution Nodisher Cl:
In a prepared bottle with a syringe add a "primer" also known as sugar syrup, the proportion can be easily calculated, for convenience I make syrup per 30 liters, according to the boiling point, the volume is reduced, it is poured into the flask and is divided in proportion to the liter of beer.
Then the fun begins, opening a barrel of beer (it looks like this):
Pour it into bottles, using a hose, pictured №1:
We see here a battery)
Which stands 7-10 days at room temperature and saturated with carbon dioxide, naturally carbonized, i.e. Beer becomes frothy.
It looks like green beer right after bottling.
And the last 7 days)). And we get a beautiful and tasty beer that you can have a drink, but it's better to wait a couple of weeks or a month until it matures and becomes even more delicious)))
p.s. Storage.
If you have a cellar, put the beer back. At a temperature of 10-15 degrees to get the best result. In the absence of cellar beer can be stored in the refrigerator. In plastic bottles, beer can be stored up to 6 months. And when packaged in glass kronennprobkami, then more than a year. Without preservatives.
Calculate the cost.
1. Wort 2 kg 450-500 rubles.
2. Yeast 100 rubles.
3. Sugar 1kg 35-45 rubles.
4. Water 25l 130-200 rubles.
5. 1L PET bottles 25 pcs. 125-150 rub.
Total: 875 rubles. per 23 liters. 1 liter - 38 rubles.
Materials: voffkasam
The basis of the live unfiltered beer is concentrated wort and beer-fermenting yeast. Concentrated must produce in the factories by evaporation of water from the wort, ie time-consuming process of making wort from malt and hops, in this case takes on the factory, we also concentrated wort is diluted with clean water and add the sugar syrup. Special beer-fermenting yeast, the wort is fermented at room temperature for 5-7 days. Sugar in the wort are yeast produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Not filtered beer is poured into a sealed container from which it will be used (bottles, barrels), while adding a small amount of sugar syrup for the secondary fermentation to get the full carbon dioxide. Beer bottles must stand at room temperature for 7 days. Then it is placed in a cool place for 2 weeks to mature. Once the beer is ripe, you can enjoy its unique taste, as it is prepared manually in a limited amount. Beer can be stored for several years, with the maturation processes will occur in the future. Yeasts are in beer are natural "preservative" and do not allow the beer to deteriorate, so there is no need for preservation or pasteurization. It is known brewers yeast are beneficial to the body, improve metabolism, improve immunity, contain vitamins and amino acids.
Remember that even the "best" drug in large quantities can be poison. (Ministry of Health warned)
For the preparation of 23-25 liters of beer will need:
1. Set homebrewer: fermenter (a barrel), water seal with a stopper, thermometer, adhesive, eating a piece of hose

it is desirable, but not required: hydrometer AC-3 0 ... 25, flasks hydrometer, siphon blowing (instead of a piece of hose),


A couple of moments

and brewery ready





honey (to taste, if desired, some brewers making beer replacing sugar with honey or neohmelennym wort in the proportion of 1: 1, 25)

Disinfection - the key to a successful outcome

Prepare the yeast to work

Prepare syrup (1 kg of sugar used, and 200 g of honey)

Measure out the required amount of wort (I took 2 kg with a little) and add it to the syrup


Though hopped wort, and, but for flavor, you can add a little hop at the end of cooking

Pour water into the fermenter, syrup, wort, add yeast prepared. Close the lid, set the water trap.
Fermentation. We are waiting for 5-7 days.

A week later preparing bottling foamy drink.
In brewing, one of the most important rules - it is disinfected. To disinfect I use the drug Nodisher Cl:

Dissolving tablets Nodisher Cl, 10 l. water. The resulting solution will send required us equipment: hose, syringe stoppers:

To beer has been carbonated, we need to prepare a "primer" (sugar syrup), for that I take sugar at the rate of 11g. to 1 liter. beer. A yeast that is found in beer, "eat" sugar sire and turn it into carbon dioxide, which will make our beer carbonated:

The syrup boil for 5-10 minutes.

Prepare the necessary equipment: cork, a syringe, a hose, etc.

Prepare bottles of pre-washing your solution Nodisher Cl:

In a prepared bottle with a syringe add a "primer" also known as sugar syrup, the proportion can be easily calculated, for convenience I make syrup per 30 liters, according to the boiling point, the volume is reduced, it is poured into the flask and is divided in proportion to the liter of beer.

Then the fun begins, opening a barrel of beer (it looks like this):

Pour it into bottles, using a hose, pictured №1:

We see here a battery)

Which stands 7-10 days at room temperature and saturated with carbon dioxide, naturally carbonized, i.e. Beer becomes frothy.

It looks like green beer right after bottling.

And the last 7 days)). And we get a beautiful and tasty beer that you can have a drink, but it's better to wait a couple of weeks or a month until it matures and becomes even more delicious)))

p.s. Storage.
If you have a cellar, put the beer back. At a temperature of 10-15 degrees to get the best result. In the absence of cellar beer can be stored in the refrigerator. In plastic bottles, beer can be stored up to 6 months. And when packaged in glass kronennprobkami, then more than a year. Without preservatives.
Calculate the cost.
1. Wort 2 kg 450-500 rubles.
2. Yeast 100 rubles.
3. Sugar 1kg 35-45 rubles.
4. Water 25l 130-200 rubles.
5. 1L PET bottles 25 pcs. 125-150 rub.
Total: 875 rubles. per 23 liters. 1 liter - 38 rubles.
Materials: voffkasam