Beer myths

It's hard to deny the fact that you like beer. But what do you know about this drink, besides the fact that it is perfectly foaming, unites people with different interests and cheers up? Here we go.
“I do not trust this pasteurization. “Beer was real in our day,” your grandfather said. Looks like? Don’t listen to him, and don’t rush with him to bonfire with Louis Pasteur, the great microbiologist who invented the pasteurization process. It's not his fault that some pasteurized beer you once drank while playing dominoes with Grandpa was not to your liking. To worsen the original taste of beer pasteurization can not. A single heating of beer to 70 ° C, which is pasteurization, only disinfects the product, killing unnecessary microorganisms, but does not affect the taste. Any “blind test” that gives you a taste of several varieties of pasteurized and unpasteurized beer (not to mention who is who?) will confirm that you can’t tell the difference between them according to taste.
Do you think that if beer is not stored for long, then it is good? Let's disappoint you! If the beer you hold in your hands is perishable, it is not a sign that it is of good quality. Sellers, of course, can claim that their beer sours in three days, because it is preservative-free and super-duper-quality, but most likely it is not, and just they have problems with compliance with sanitary standards in the production. Remember what your mom used to say when you used to go into a jar of jam with a dirty spoon? It's right to go bad. In sterile production, beer with a “dirty spoon” does not interfere, so there is no possibility for malicious microorganisms to leak into it. As well as after sealing in a sealed container - after all, these small pathogens can multiply only in the presence of oxygen. As you can see, the secret here is not in the books of ancient masters and dancing around the barrels of shamans with tambourines, but elementary hygiene.
Did you think cold beer automatically meant delicious? Alas. Drinking beer at the temperature at which the brain freezes is not the best choice if you are trying to be known as an expert. Any expert knows that the colder the beer, the harder it is to understand its taste characteristics. Therefore, beer is usually served at a temperature of 8 to 12 ° C, but this is also - depending on the variety (so classic lager, for example, Karlsberg, Spaten or Baltika, at 7 10 ° C). For lovers, put beer in the freezer, and then almost crunch on their teeth, pouring into a frozen glass, pass our heartfelt "fu-fu"!
Were you afraid that beer would turn you into a woman? Worse! Although hops contain phytoestrogens (the very hormones that are not terrible for humans, but can sometimes lead to the release of milk from males of various herbivores), after drinking beer, you will not start discussing the family life of Volochkova and listen to Stas Mikhailov. Exhale! You're not even in danger of a love of soap operas and a sharp increase in breast size four. Phytoestrogens, and in much larger quantities than in hops and beer, are in other daily consumed foods, such as nuts and apples. And in order for the human body to react to phytoestrogens, you will have to drink about half a tank of beer (20 tons) in one sitting, and in a volley, since they quickly disintegrate in the body. So you won't.
You have your own size five, like your own ears without a mirror.
You think beer makes you fat?
Beer contains fewer calories than wine, milk and lemonade. For comparison: light beer contains about 38-45 kcal per 100 g, and in soda or lemonade 50 kcal, in milk - 48-49, in red wine - about 70, in vodka and even more - 230. In general, in fact, the stomach does not arise from a foam drink, but from the abuse of chips, chicken wings, pork ears and deep-fried potatoes. Beer, of course, is an excellent aperitif, and stimulates appetite, but this does not mean that you need to shamelessly overeat, absorbing tons of high-calorie junk food. So moderation should be observed in everything: both in the use of alcohol and in food, then with your excellent physical form (in which we have no doubt) absolutely nothing will happen.