In Minsk, banned the sale of imported beer
2 days before the opening of the World Cup hockey country showed their hospitality, sharply narrowing the selection of beers. At a minimum, during the three weeks of the World Cup 2014 foreign and local hockey fans will be able to try intoxicating drinks only production of Belarusian breweries.
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Recall that the government of Belarus from May 1, introduced import licensing of beer from outside the customs territory of the Customs Union. Issue licenses should the Ministry of Commerce in consultation with the concern "Belgospischeprom". Coordinate application for a license "Belgospischeprom" will be in the presence of agreement between him and the producer of beer agreement on conditions of supply of beer to Belarus, setting minimum prices for it.
But before importing Ukrainian and European brands indignant as May 7 from high tribunes retail lowered the requirement to sell only beer produced in Belarus.
Evening of May 7 in many major stores in Minsk workers filled the shelves domestic drinks and hidden away from the eyes of imports, including from Russia. "From the head office of the order came to leave only the Belarusian beer on the shelves. More precisely just what is cooked in our country ", - said the supermarket" Almi "in Masjukovshina. The store is located next to "Vitalyur" night also hastened to get rid of imports. Branded section "Heineken" was empty, and the refrigerator "Baltika" was za'tar "Olivar". "They ordered us to remove the imported beer to hell" - said an employee of the store.
Create a situation particularly angered importers of beer. They are amazed that someone's bright idea came during the World Cup when he comes a lot of foreign fans to put on display in this way. "Only the Belarusian beer and lack of global brands - what kind of discovery and development of the country's market can be said?" - Asking dealers to foreign beer.
Importers believe that the developers of the decision "not taken into account, and particularly Foreign hockey fans." "Belarusian brand of anything they do not say and can not be the indicator of quality when exploring the city or institution. But when they reach a pub next to the international brands have and Belarusian varieties - they are, of course, after a glass of your favorite want to try and Belarusian "exotic" just to assess and if they like it, then remember and buy the next time "- they believe.
"Of course, one could argue that if another beer is not, then the guest will have no choice how to order what is available. But the impression of the country and its possibilities will be spoiled. Moreover, there are many people who do not drink the unfamiliar drinks and the decline in the average ticket, and therefore revenue and taxes paid to the budget, "- argue importers inaccuracy limit sales of foreign beer.
They believe that "one of the fundamental policies of the country, seeking to attract modern tourists and make the inbound tourism industry, not a hobby, is a skilful and competent combination of two trends: globalization (for known / global brands) and national identity / identities (art, local products, other features). " "Only this combination, and in any case only one of the factors is the key to success in the promotion of tourism, especially the European countries", - assured fans of global brands.
How it was. Chronicle May 7
A copy of the letter of Barysau district executive committee with a note, "It is very important!" Appeared on the Internet. The document reports on the implementation of the ban on beer imported from 8 to 25 May, and are asked to provide an adequate supply of domestic beer.
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Recall that the government of Belarus from May 1, introduced import licensing of beer from outside the customs territory of the Customs Union. Issue licenses should the Ministry of Commerce in consultation with the concern "Belgospischeprom". Coordinate application for a license "Belgospischeprom" will be in the presence of agreement between him and the producer of beer agreement on conditions of supply of beer to Belarus, setting minimum prices for it.
But before importing Ukrainian and European brands indignant as May 7 from high tribunes retail lowered the requirement to sell only beer produced in Belarus.
Evening of May 7 in many major stores in Minsk workers filled the shelves domestic drinks and hidden away from the eyes of imports, including from Russia. "From the head office of the order came to leave only the Belarusian beer on the shelves. More precisely just what is cooked in our country ", - said the supermarket" Almi "in Masjukovshina. The store is located next to "Vitalyur" night also hastened to get rid of imports. Branded section "Heineken" was empty, and the refrigerator "Baltika" was za'tar "Olivar". "They ordered us to remove the imported beer to hell" - said an employee of the store.
Create a situation particularly angered importers of beer. They are amazed that someone's bright idea came during the World Cup when he comes a lot of foreign fans to put on display in this way. "Only the Belarusian beer and lack of global brands - what kind of discovery and development of the country's market can be said?" - Asking dealers to foreign beer.
Importers believe that the developers of the decision "not taken into account, and particularly Foreign hockey fans." "Belarusian brand of anything they do not say and can not be the indicator of quality when exploring the city or institution. But when they reach a pub next to the international brands have and Belarusian varieties - they are, of course, after a glass of your favorite want to try and Belarusian "exotic" just to assess and if they like it, then remember and buy the next time "- they believe.
"Of course, one could argue that if another beer is not, then the guest will have no choice how to order what is available. But the impression of the country and its possibilities will be spoiled. Moreover, there are many people who do not drink the unfamiliar drinks and the decline in the average ticket, and therefore revenue and taxes paid to the budget, "- argue importers inaccuracy limit sales of foreign beer.
They believe that "one of the fundamental policies of the country, seeking to attract modern tourists and make the inbound tourism industry, not a hobby, is a skilful and competent combination of two trends: globalization (for known / global brands) and national identity / identities (art, local products, other features). " "Only this combination, and in any case only one of the factors is the key to success in the promotion of tourism, especially the European countries", - assured fans of global brands.
How it was. Chronicle May 7
A copy of the letter of Barysau district executive committee with a note, "It is very important!" Appeared on the Internet. The document reports on the implementation of the ban on beer imported from 8 to 25 May, and are asked to provide an adequate supply of domestic beer.