
-According To legend, in the mouth of the Buddha had 40 teeth. And the first man - Adam - 30 teeth. From that number, and there is the number of days in the month.
-As You know, the average person over a lifetime teeth are changed twice: first appear 20 milk teeth, and then 32 the real tooth. Incidentally, the name "milk teeth" gave Hippocrates, who was convinced that the very first baby teeth are formed from milk.
-How Ironically, scientists proved that cocoa powder, which is part of the chocolate contains substances that prevent the formation of dental caries.
-The First electric toothbrush was patented in Switzerland after World War II. She worked from the mains. While many, this idea seemed strange, but an electric toothbrush quickly gained popularity. Now 12% of people around the world use the electric toothbrush.
-The Latest technology in dentistry, 46% of Russians are not afraid of dentists. However, the remaining 54% of citizens said that the visit to the dentist gives them a certain hostility.
-The Most expensive tooth tooth was considered the world's Isaac Newton, sold in 1816 for 3, $ 300. I bought him an aristocrat, put the tooth in his ring.
-I Snail about 25,000 teeth.
-History Remembers a case when one courtesan opened secret white teeth Dumas fils: "We have to lie anymore because of this wonderful whiten teeth»
-Aborigeny Mayan painted turquoise and jade teeth, teeth inserted into precious stones. A favorite female pirates of the Caribbean sported teeth made of diamonds.
-The People who brush their teeth three times a day, less likely to suffer from overweight. This conclusion was made by Japanese scientists. It is reported that they have learned a way of life 14 thousand. Man.
-The Dangerous sport for the teeth - it's hockey. 68 percent of professional hockey players lost on the field for at least one tooth.
Is to prove the medicine, the presence of strong teeth is directly reflected in the memory of man.
-99% Of the calcium in the body is in the teeth.
-You Ever wondered how many times you can reinvent your toothbrush? Imagine, according to statistics from the 60s of the last century was patented more than 3000 models of toothbrushes!
-The Most exotic options toothbrushes:
-ionizirovannaya brush, the effect of which is based on the interaction of different polarity charges
-schetka with three heads, allowing to clean the tooth from three sides at once;
-schetka automatically injects a cleaning solution
-electric toothbrush with a built-in timer.
-In Ancient Rome the patricians hired servants of special dentifrice.
-How It became the most afraid of dentists business leaders (67% are afraid), as well as housewives (72%). And the least fear of dentist experienced soldiers (72% are not afraid).
-Sahar Was first added to the chewing gum EXACTLY dentist (William Semple in 1869). By the way, the electric chair was invented by a dentist, too.
-Zuby Can be stored for a long time, without succumbing to the effects of water, alkali, and can withstand temperatures up to 1,000 degrees.
-Not So long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift to the British Isles. People expect that will soon lose all his teeth themselves accelerated the process of removing the teeth at a young age.
-According To the law of Vermont (USA), a woman has no right to wear dentures without the written consent of her husband.
-In China, there is even a national holiday "Day of Love to their teeth," he goes on 20 September.
-In 1999 in Phoenix (USA) Rally "For a healthy smile." 1,300 US students lined up in the shape of a toothbrush, brush your teeth at the same time for 3 minutes 3 seconds.
-German Scientists found that eating two grapefruits a day significantly reduces the risk of disease in the oral cavity.
-In The Middle Ages, to strengthen frayed teeth, dentists recommend a frog tied to the jaw.
-Zubnaya Enamel - the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
-Zubnaya Pasta was invented by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago and was a mixture of wine and pumice.
-First Toothbrushes appeared in China only about 500 years ago. Materials for them were pig bristles, horse and badger hair.
-How Statistics show that men are much more courageous Russian women. Visit dentist fear the 60% of women. Among men, the figure is only 45%.
-The Hardness of diamond, most of these stones goes on manufacturing of dental burs. And only about 20% of diamonds are processed by jewelers.
-American Dentist uses about 13 tons of gold per year for the production of gold crowns.
-Drevnie Japanese dentists teeth removed with bare hands.
-Zub - The only part of the human body, which is unable to heal itself. But elephants have new teeth can grow up to 6 times.
-In The Chinese city Kulang 7 organizations already exist for the collection of used toothpicks. For every kilogram of toothpicks such organization pays $ 1.
Shop in Rhode Island (USA) law prohibits selling toothbrushes on Saturday.
-If You are right handed, then most of the food you chew on the right side of the jaw, and vice versa if you are left-handed, then left.
-By The way, the absolute strength of the masticatory muscles can be up to 390 kg of force. Of course this can not withstand the pressure of each tooth, and therefore normal chewing pressure equal to 9-15 kg (well, a maximum of 100 kg, if you gnaws nuts).
-If One of monozygotic twins is not enough of a tooth, usually a tooth is missing and the other twin.
-Solid, skilled teeth, believed to be a sign of a vigorous, warlike man. Small teeth associated with the pettiness and greed, and large - with kindness and openness of character.