Dentists: Why can’t you brush your teeth right after breakfast? The danger is that ...”
It might seem that oral hygiene It is not difficult and is the simplest procedure. That's not exactly true. Modern science criticizes the rules that we learned in early childhood.
Most experts agree that you should brush your teeth twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. If the evening brushing of teeth is more or less clear (you need to clean before going to bed), then what about the morning procedure? When to properly brush your teeth in the morning: before breakfast or after? The opinions of dentists are divided...
When is it better to brush your teeth: before breakfast or after? Until recently, dentists advised their patients to brush their teeth only after eating. Ate, brushed his teeth. What is there to doubt? Dr. Howard R. Gamble, president of the U.S. Academy of General Dentistry, released the results of a thought-provoking study.
In an interview with the New York Times, he said, "People need to have an idea of what they're brushing their teeth for." For most of us, this is just a learned mechanical action that must be performed regularly, because we were taught to do it by our parents.
Meanwhile, many people brush their teeth in the morning after eating to go to work with a snow-white smile and good breathing. After a quick snack, they wash, brush their teeth and go about their business, thinking they are doing the right thing. But what they don't realize is that they're increasingly damaging their teeth, rather than protecting them.
Whether it’s bacteria or acid, our teeth have strong defenses against these things, and we destroy them, causing one bacteria inside a tooth to do more damage than a million bacteria on its surface. I would recommend refraining from brushing your teeth for 30-60 minutes after eating.”
Scientists at the Georg-August University of Göttingen in Germany confirm Gamble’s words. They conducted a study in which participants had to drink diet soda and brush their teeth 10, 20, 30 or 60 minutes afterward.
After three weeks of follow-up, the researchers observed a “statistically significant increase in dentin loss” among participants who brushed their teeth within 10 and 20 minutes of consuming the drink.
“If you brush your teeth immediately after eating, you run the risk of erasing the layer of enamel softened with acid with your brush, which in no case is useful,” says Dr. Scott Frey, a dentist at the American clinic Freysmiles. He adds that in view of this brushing It prevents caries more effectively.
His colleague, who lives on the other side of the Atlantic, also believes that brushing your teeth is worth it before eating. The founder of the British clinic Teeth for Life Dr. Phil Stemmer believes that due to this teeth are covered with a protective layer of fluoride.
When is it better to brush your teeth? Let’s look at the arguments of the parties to understand why this issue is so controversial.
Reasons to brush your teeth before breakfast
Reasons to brush your teeth after breakfast
It is difficult to say with certainty when it is better to brush your teeth in the morning - before or after meals. The approach to each person is individual, and the state of the organs for chewing is different for everyone. The main thing is that everyone discovers a convenient and effective method to keep their teeth healthy for many years.
The golden mean can be considered such an option: rinse the oral cavity before breakfast to get the right taste sensations during meals, get rid of detritus accumulated overnight and dead epithelium cells, and then 30-60 minutes after breakfast thoroughly brush your teeth.
It looks beautiful in theory, but it seems to me that few of the ever-hurried residents of modern cities can take advantage of this advice. Most of us just don't have those 60 minutes after breakfast and before we go to work. Finding the right time to brush your teeth is a big challenge.
How do our readers solve this problem? Perhaps among them are hygiene specialists and dentists? In the next article, we would like to touch on the topic of dental care, so we are interested and important to know your opinion.
Let me remind you earlier. "Site" He spoke about the revolutionary technology of growing teeth, which will forever forget about drills, implants, dentures and other dental joys.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Most experts agree that you should brush your teeth twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. If the evening brushing of teeth is more or less clear (you need to clean before going to bed), then what about the morning procedure? When to properly brush your teeth in the morning: before breakfast or after? The opinions of dentists are divided...
When is it better to brush your teeth: before breakfast or after? Until recently, dentists advised their patients to brush their teeth only after eating. Ate, brushed his teeth. What is there to doubt? Dr. Howard R. Gamble, president of the U.S. Academy of General Dentistry, released the results of a thought-provoking study.

In an interview with the New York Times, he said, "People need to have an idea of what they're brushing their teeth for." For most of us, this is just a learned mechanical action that must be performed regularly, because we were taught to do it by our parents.

Meanwhile, many people brush their teeth in the morning after eating to go to work with a snow-white smile and good breathing. After a quick snack, they wash, brush their teeth and go about their business, thinking they are doing the right thing. But what they don't realize is that they're increasingly damaging their teeth, rather than protecting them.
Whether it’s bacteria or acid, our teeth have strong defenses against these things, and we destroy them, causing one bacteria inside a tooth to do more damage than a million bacteria on its surface. I would recommend refraining from brushing your teeth for 30-60 minutes after eating.”
Scientists at the Georg-August University of Göttingen in Germany confirm Gamble’s words. They conducted a study in which participants had to drink diet soda and brush their teeth 10, 20, 30 or 60 minutes afterward.

After three weeks of follow-up, the researchers observed a “statistically significant increase in dentin loss” among participants who brushed their teeth within 10 and 20 minutes of consuming the drink.
“If you brush your teeth immediately after eating, you run the risk of erasing the layer of enamel softened with acid with your brush, which in no case is useful,” says Dr. Scott Frey, a dentist at the American clinic Freysmiles. He adds that in view of this brushing It prevents caries more effectively.

His colleague, who lives on the other side of the Atlantic, also believes that brushing your teeth is worth it before eating. The founder of the British clinic Teeth for Life Dr. Phil Stemmer believes that due to this teeth are covered with a protective layer of fluoride.
When is it better to brush your teeth? Let’s look at the arguments of the parties to understand why this issue is so controversial.
Reasons to brush your teeth before breakfast
- In a dream, salivation decreases, which means that microbes accumulate and actively multiply in the oral cavity, acidity increases. If a person does not peel the enamel in the morning before eating, then bacteria along with food will enter the esophagus.
DepositPhotos - In the morning, many people feel an unpleasant taste, bitterness in their mouth or feel that they have bad breath. In such a situation, of course, you want to first restore the normal microflora of the oral cavity, and only then take food.
- Acids, which are contained in foods and drinks, negatively affect enamel. The villi of the brush during the removal of plaque damage the protective coating, acid molecules penetrate into deeper layers, which can lead to the destruction of the dentin. After eating, when using acidic foods (especially apples), carbonated drinks, the sensitivity of the enamel increases, and the mechanical effect only aggravates the situation.
DepositPhotos - Fluorine-containing paste strengthens the enamel and supplies it with the necessary minerals, thereby providing it with protection during meals.
Reasons to brush your teeth after breakfast
- Pieces of food that get stuck in your teeth during breakfast serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. This, in turn, causes bad breath and inflammation of the gums.
- When eating solid food, you can accidentally injure the gums or mucous membranes of the mouth. In this case, the antimicrobial components that make up the paste will not allow the inflammatory process to begin.
- If you take food after brushing your teeth, then the taste of the food will differ from the usual, and not for the better.
- During sleep, foreign particles cannot enter the mouth. All bacteria are part of the microflora, so they are not dangerous. Thus, there is no difference between microorganisms that live in the oral cavity during the day and those that appear when a person sleeps.
- Exposure to abrasive particles before meals can cause enamel to stain, especially when drinking coffee or tea. And treatment after eating with a bleaching effect, on the contrary, will return them to their natural color.
It is difficult to say with certainty when it is better to brush your teeth in the morning - before or after meals. The approach to each person is individual, and the state of the organs for chewing is different for everyone. The main thing is that everyone discovers a convenient and effective method to keep their teeth healthy for many years.

The golden mean can be considered such an option: rinse the oral cavity before breakfast to get the right taste sensations during meals, get rid of detritus accumulated overnight and dead epithelium cells, and then 30-60 minutes after breakfast thoroughly brush your teeth.
It looks beautiful in theory, but it seems to me that few of the ever-hurried residents of modern cities can take advantage of this advice. Most of us just don't have those 60 minutes after breakfast and before we go to work. Finding the right time to brush your teeth is a big challenge.
How do our readers solve this problem? Perhaps among them are hygiene specialists and dentists? In the next article, we would like to touch on the topic of dental care, so we are interested and important to know your opinion.
Let me remind you earlier. "Site" He spoke about the revolutionary technology of growing teeth, which will forever forget about drills, implants, dentures and other dental joys.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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