How to properly take care of your teeth
For many people today, health is in the first place, and, what is pleasing, responsible to this issue approach not only older people, but also young people. At the same time, oral health is usually given the least attention. Why go to the dentist and spend a lot of money if it doesn’t hurt? It turns out that the health of the teeth directly affects the condition of the entire body. Healthy teeth - a cheerful body, a strong spine, a beautiful figure and healthy communication!
They say that garlic can get rid of toothache, and caries is completely transmitted through kisses. "Site" It will tell you what dental myths you should not believe. how to care for your teethTo maintain the health of the mouth for a long time.
Modern dentistry "The dentistry of Soviet Russia - it was the bottom." I personally found this time, when without anesthesia they treated, removed teeth, climbed into the canals. It was an atrocity, mocking people. They used cement, like from a construction site, says St. Petersburg dentist Emil Aghajanyan.
The main features of Soviet dentistry are poor materials and equipment, negligent attitude to customers and the complete absence of pain relief. The latter had two reasons: material and conceptual - in the USSR they believed that it would even be useful for ordinary citizens to "be patient" a little.
Fortunately, today things are different: doctors are educated nowhere else, clinics are stuffed with the most modern equipment, and patients at any time can get the range of services they need - from whitening to prosthetics.
Nevertheless, there are those who still believe that you need to go to the doctor only when you get sick, that half a tube of toothpaste at a time is more effective than a pea, and baby teeth do not need to be treated at all, they will fall out. Modern dentistry is able to cope with any problems in the oral cavity, but before eliminating unpleasant consequences, you need to learn how to prevent them.
How to Maintain Oral Health
A healthy and beautiful smile is, first of all, the attitude of a person to his own health and beauty, and only then the work of a dentist. It is necessary to instill the basics of hygiene from an early age. Fortunately, now a person has access to any information - take and learn, there would be a desire!
If you find our article useful, tell your friends about it. And if you have forgotten how to properly brush your teeth, be sure to use our visual cheat sheet. Bless you!

They say that garlic can get rid of toothache, and caries is completely transmitted through kisses. "Site" It will tell you what dental myths you should not believe. how to care for your teethTo maintain the health of the mouth for a long time.
Modern dentistry "The dentistry of Soviet Russia - it was the bottom." I personally found this time, when without anesthesia they treated, removed teeth, climbed into the canals. It was an atrocity, mocking people. They used cement, like from a construction site, says St. Petersburg dentist Emil Aghajanyan.
The main features of Soviet dentistry are poor materials and equipment, negligent attitude to customers and the complete absence of pain relief. The latter had two reasons: material and conceptual - in the USSR they believed that it would even be useful for ordinary citizens to "be patient" a little.

Fortunately, today things are different: doctors are educated nowhere else, clinics are stuffed with the most modern equipment, and patients at any time can get the range of services they need - from whitening to prosthetics.
Nevertheless, there are those who still believe that you need to go to the doctor only when you get sick, that half a tube of toothpaste at a time is more effective than a pea, and baby teeth do not need to be treated at all, they will fall out. Modern dentistry is able to cope with any problems in the oral cavity, but before eliminating unpleasant consequences, you need to learn how to prevent them.

How to Maintain Oral Health
- Learn to clean properly
Brushing your teeth is such a familiar process that hardly anyone thinks how well he does this process. Can you clean it wrong? Easy! “The teeth should be cleaned in the morning and in the evening. Most people get out of bed in the morning and brush their teeth. This is categorically wrong. They brushed their teeth, then smeared them on all sides with a sandwich and went to work. You need to brush your teeth after breakfast. There are now especially advanced comrades who wear a brush to work and brush their teeth after lunch, but there are few such people.
, explains Emil Aghajanyan. In addition, do not forget about dental floss and brushes for cleaning interdental spaces. And, importantly, for effective teeth cleaning, a pea-sized toothpaste is enough! “Hygiene is a pillar. But you can’t say that if you do everything perfectly, the dentist will not work. No one has canceled heredity, hormonal problems, occupational hazards. But in general, if you don't have all this and you know, How to properly take care of your teethThe chance to minimize or even prevent most diseases is great, says the dentist. - Pay attention to prevention
Often, dentists scold patients when they bring their teeth to an extremely bad condition and come only when a tiny disorder turns into a giant problem. How do you know if it’s time to visit a dentist? “There is one ironclad rule – at least once a year you need to go for a check-up, and then you do not need to understand anything. Let the doctor who works with you know. He must find the pathological process in time and prevent it, explains Emil Aghajanyan.
In the West, there is a strict schedule for examining patients, and the first time you need to see a dentist before you are born. Ultrasound shows violations in the development of the jaws and the doctor, if he is experienced, will see it in advance.
When teething permanent teeth, it is very important to immediately come to the dentist and seal the fissures. If this procedure is done on time, the likelihood of developing caries is reduced by 90%.”
DepositPhotos - Don't believe the commercials.
Toothbrushes and pastes account for 99% of marketing. It doesn’t matter if you have domestic or foreign toothpaste in your bathroom. The main thing is not to be led to advertising whitening toothpastes! The only way they can whiten your teeth is to rip plaque off your teeth. They have more abrasives than a regular paste, and sooner or later you will have problems with enamel, explains the dentist. Another advertising move by toothpaste manufacturers is a brush with a painted greasy piece of toothpaste that resembles the letter S. This trick unwittingly forces you to use 10 times more pasta, even though a pea-sized tool is enough to clean your teeth. Everything else will go to the sewers and increase the income of the manufacturer.
The requirements for a toothbrush are minimal: the main thing is that it is not rigid. Even if you have no problems with your gums, choose a soft toothbrush. And if you prefer brushes with natural villi, keep in mind that such require more thorough cleaning and you need to change them more often than every 2-3 months.08
DepositPhotos - Treat to the last or remove?
The first implant was installed in 1965 and buried in 2006 along with a patient who was involved in an accident. 40 years for modern implants is not a deadline. When there was no implantation, dentists fought for every tooth. With the advent of implantation, there was no such problem. “If a tooth is to be treated, we must treat it. If a patient comes and asks for the removal of healthy teeth and implants to get rid of dental problems forever, we have no right to remove them, because this is a harm to the body of moderate severity.
There are teeth that we treat for a year, it costs a lot of money. And then he will take it and in 6 months he will get sick. Or ten years. This is unpredictable and does not always depend on the doctor, says Emil Aghajanyan.
DepositPhotos - Don't look for a clinic, look for a doctor.
Did your friends recommend a clinic or a doctor? But how competent are friends? “Sometimes the doctor works worse, but he is so adept at finding a common language with patients that he is simply adored. A doctor has golden hands, but he has not been taught how to communicate with patients. So there are two doctors sitting there -- one is loved, but he's armless, and the other is hands of gold, but he's hated. Who do you think your friends will recommend? Online reviews are another enemy: You can cure 100 people, they will be terribly happy, but no one will run to post ads on websites, what a great doctor you are. 101 people you hurt. What's he gonna do first? Run to the computer and leave nasty reviews on all the sites you find.
My advice is don’t look for a clinic, look for a doctor. Specific, verified, with a name. All that the clinic gives is the level of equipment, sums up Emil Aghajanyan.
A healthy and beautiful smile is, first of all, the attitude of a person to his own health and beauty, and only then the work of a dentist. It is necessary to instill the basics of hygiene from an early age. Fortunately, now a person has access to any information - take and learn, there would be a desire!
If you find our article useful, tell your friends about it. And if you have forgotten how to properly brush your teeth, be sure to use our visual cheat sheet. Bless you!