Before the disease, 97% of cancer patients had this dental procedure.
Do you have a chronic, degenerative disease? If so, you’ve probably been told, “Is this all in your head?” That's not far from the truth.
The main cause of the disease may be in your mouth.
It’s a common dental procedure, and every dentist says it’s perfectly safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning about it for 100 years. Every day in the U.S., more than 41,000 people do this dental procedure and are absolutely confident that it is safe and will fix their problem forever.
So what is this procedure?
Root canal
In the United States, 25 million root canals are treated each year.
Teeth that are located in such root canals are "dead" and can accumulate toxic anaerobic bacteria, which, under certain conditions, can cause the disease to develop.They can get into the bloodstream and cause a number of serious diseases that sometimes do not manifest themselves for decades.
Most of these toxic teeth may not hurt and look good for many years, so it is sometimes very difficult to know which tooth caused the disease.
Unfortunately, many dentists do not pay any attention to the risks they are putting their patients on, which will haunt them for life. The American Dental Association said root canals are perfectly safe, but they did NOT provide any published information or research to substantiate this claim.
Fortunately, my teachers were Drs. Tom Stone and Douglas Cook, who taught me about this subject 20 years ago. Had it not been for this brilliant dentist, who more than a century ago established the link between root canals and disease, this cause of disease might still be undiscovered. The dentist's name was Weston Price. Many consider him the best dentist in history.
Weston Price: The best dentist in the world
Many dentists could make a big contribution to health care if they had read the work of Dr. Weston Price. Unfortunately, many do not pay attention to his work, and doctors and dentists do not pay attention to them.
Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled around the world and studied the teeth, bones and food of local people who did not eat modern food. In 1900, Price was treating infected root canals and noticed that The root canals were always infected despite all treatments.. He once advised a woman who had been confined to a wheelchair for 6 years to pull out a tooth despite being perfectly healthy.
She agreed, then he pulled out a tooth and implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. Surprisingly, the rabbit developed arthritis, just as the woman did, and died of infection 10 days later. At the same time, the woman immediately recovered from arthritis and could walk without the help of a cane.
Price noted that it was impossible to sterilize the root canals.
He then noticed that most chronic diseases develop because of root canals. Most often there are heart and diseases of the circulatory system. Price also found 16 bacteria that could cause the disease. He established a relationship between root canals and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. In 1922, Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books that focused on the relationship between dental pathologies and chronic diseases. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately ignored for 70 years, until George Meining, an endodontist, declared how important Price's work was.
Dr. Meining promotes Price's work
Dr. Mining, originally from Chicago, was a U.S. Army captain during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for stars. He eventually became one of the founders of the American Endodontological Association. (specialists in the field of canal treatment).
In the 1990s, he studied Dr. Price’s work for 18 months. In June 1993, Meining published Root Canal Cover—Up, which is a fundamental work in the field.
What do dentists know about the anatomy of our teeth?
Teeth are the hardest substance in our body.
In the middle of each tooth is pulpA soft internal substance that contains blood vessels and nerves. The pulp cavity surrounds dentinIt consists of living cells that produce minerals. enamel It is the strongest layer that surrounds dentin.
Roots Each tooth is located in the jawbone and held by the periodontal ligament. The dental school tells the dentist that Each tooth has 1 or 4 main channels.. Nevertheless, There are also side channels.Which no one mentions. Literally meters!
Just as our body has a large number of blood vessels that divide into capillaries, so our teeth have mazes of tiny channels that branch out, and can be 5 kilometers long. Weston Price found 75 side channels in one front tooth.
Microscopic organisms are constantly moving in these channels, like gophers in underground tunnels.
When the dentist treats the root canal, he makes a cavity in the tooth, then fills the hole with a substance called gutta percha. It blocks the supply of blood to the tooth. Therefore, the fluid is no longer able to circulate through the tooth. But a maze of tiny tunnels remains. And bacteria that don't get nutrients begin to hide in these tunnels, where they are completely safe from antibiotics and from the immune system.
Tooth root can cause many diseases
Due to lack of oxygen and nutrients, these once harmless organisms become stronger, more dangerous anaerobes that produce harmful toxic substances. Previously common, harmless bacteria in the oral cavity, they become highly toxic pathogens that hide in the channels of the dead tooth, waiting for favorable conditions for reproduction.
No amount of sterilization is effective because it cannot reach these channels. Bacteria were found in each tooth, especially around the top of the tooth root and periodontal ligament. Very often, the infection spreads to the jaw, then holes appear.
Holes appear in non-healing bones and are often surrounded by infected tissues and gangrene. Sometimes they form after you have pulled out a tooth (for example, a wisdom tooth). According to the Weston Price Foundation, only 2,000 of the 5,000 were cured.
Often you may not notice any symptoms. Therefore, you may have a dead tooth abscess and not even know it. The infection in the tooth canal can spread further.
Root canal can cause heart, kidney, bone and brain disease
As long as your immune system remains strong, no bacteria that reside in an infected tooth will harm your body. But once the immune system weakens due to any illness or injury, it will not be able to fight off infection.
These bacteria can migrate to adjacent tissues, then enter the bloodstream, where they form new settlements. New colonies of bacteria can settle in any organ, tonsils or tissues.
Dr. Price managed to transplant the infected section of the dental canal into a rabbit. He transplanted a fragment of the infected dental canal of a man who had a heart attack into a rabbit. A few weeks later, the rabbit died of a heart attack.
Almost every chronic disease is associated with the root canal. For example:
There is also a link to cancer. Dr. Robert Jones is researching the link between root canals and breast cancer. He stated that there is an extremely high link between the root canal and breast cancer. Jones claims he found the following link during a five-year study of more than 300 breast cancer cases:
Dr. Jones said that toxins that form bacteria in an infected tooth or jaw can suppress a protein that helps fight tumor development. Dr. German shared similar discoveries. Dr. Joseph Issels said in his study that over 40 years of treating cancer patients, 97 percent had root canal problems. If these doctors are right, then to cure cancer, it is enough to pull out a tooth.
How are oral bacteria associated with heart disease and arthritis?
The American Dental Association and the American Association of Endodontists believe root canals are completely unrelated to disease. But they rely on the erroneous assumption that bacteria in diseased teeth are exactly the same as in healthy teeth.
To determine whether bacteria are alive or dead, DNA analysis is enough.
Based on Dr. Price’s research, TERF uses DNA analysis to examine the tooth. In all the samples, they found bacteria. The researchers found 42 species of anaerobic bacteria in 43 root canals. They found 67 different bacteria in 85 samples.
The following types of bacteria were found:
Are these just non-hazardous oral viruses? Of course not. Some can affect the heart, others - on the nerves, kidneys, brain.
The blood in the root canal contained 400% more bacteria than the tooth itself. In the bone that surrounds the root canal, even more bacteria were found. This is not surprising, since bone contains a huge amount of nutrients for bacteria.
When should a dead body part be left in the body?
There are no longer any medical procedures that allow the dead body part to remain in the body. When appendicitis dies, it is cut out. If you have had frostbite or gangrene, the limb will be amputated. If a child dies in the womb, a miscarriage occurs.
Infection plus an autoimmune reaction can cause bacteria to multiply in dead tissue. In the case of the root canal, bacteria can enter the bloodstream with each bite.
Why do dentists think root canals are safe?
The American Dental Association disagrees with Dr. Price. They claim that the root canal is safe, although the association has not conducted any studies to confirm their claims. The American Heart Association recommends taking antibiotics before dental procedures to prevent infectious endocarditis.
On the one hand, ASD recognizes the fact that oral bacteria can enter the heart and cause serious health consequences.
But at the same time, they vehemently deny the possibility that it is these toxic bacteria that can reside in the root canal and enter the bloodstream when we chew and cause serious harm to our health.
Is there another reason why the American Dental Association and the American Heart Association refuse to recognize the dangers of root canals? It actually exists. Treatment of root canals brings the greatest profit.
So what do we do?
I highly recommend never treating the root canal. Risking your heart to heal your tooth is stupid. Unfortunately, people do this all the time. If you have any problems, you’d better pull out your tooth, even if it looks good and doesn’t hurt. Remember, once your immune system is compromised, your risk of developing a serious illness increases and can harm your health, which happens every day in the world.
If you have a tooth taken out, you can do the following:
Partially removable denture.This is a very simple and inexpensive way. Bridge:This is a permanent prosthesis that resembles a real tooth, but is quite expensive. Implants:It's a permanent artificial tooth. It is usually made of titanium and implanted in the gum or jaw. There are some problems with this implant: your body can reject this metal. Zinc is a new material for implants and has far fewer problems.
Also interesting: Your teeth and the causes of your illness
Reinhold Fohl: Teeth's connection to the endocrine system and spine
But pulling out a tooth and inserting an artificial one is not the solution to the whole problem.
Dentists have learned to pull out a tooth, but leave the periodontal ligament. But as you already know, deadly bacteria can multiply on it. Most experts recommend removing this ligament along with a millimeter-long bone indentation to reduce the risk of infection. published
Source: luckyparents.club/11900-2/
The main cause of the disease may be in your mouth.
It’s a common dental procedure, and every dentist says it’s perfectly safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning about it for 100 years. Every day in the U.S., more than 41,000 people do this dental procedure and are absolutely confident that it is safe and will fix their problem forever.
So what is this procedure?

Root canal
In the United States, 25 million root canals are treated each year.
Teeth that are located in such root canals are "dead" and can accumulate toxic anaerobic bacteria, which, under certain conditions, can cause the disease to develop.They can get into the bloodstream and cause a number of serious diseases that sometimes do not manifest themselves for decades.
Most of these toxic teeth may not hurt and look good for many years, so it is sometimes very difficult to know which tooth caused the disease.
Unfortunately, many dentists do not pay any attention to the risks they are putting their patients on, which will haunt them for life. The American Dental Association said root canals are perfectly safe, but they did NOT provide any published information or research to substantiate this claim.
Fortunately, my teachers were Drs. Tom Stone and Douglas Cook, who taught me about this subject 20 years ago. Had it not been for this brilliant dentist, who more than a century ago established the link between root canals and disease, this cause of disease might still be undiscovered. The dentist's name was Weston Price. Many consider him the best dentist in history.
Weston Price: The best dentist in the world
Many dentists could make a big contribution to health care if they had read the work of Dr. Weston Price. Unfortunately, many do not pay attention to his work, and doctors and dentists do not pay attention to them.
Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled around the world and studied the teeth, bones and food of local people who did not eat modern food. In 1900, Price was treating infected root canals and noticed that The root canals were always infected despite all treatments.. He once advised a woman who had been confined to a wheelchair for 6 years to pull out a tooth despite being perfectly healthy.
She agreed, then he pulled out a tooth and implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. Surprisingly, the rabbit developed arthritis, just as the woman did, and died of infection 10 days later. At the same time, the woman immediately recovered from arthritis and could walk without the help of a cane.
Price noted that it was impossible to sterilize the root canals.
He then noticed that most chronic diseases develop because of root canals. Most often there are heart and diseases of the circulatory system. Price also found 16 bacteria that could cause the disease. He established a relationship between root canals and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. In 1922, Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books that focused on the relationship between dental pathologies and chronic diseases. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately ignored for 70 years, until George Meining, an endodontist, declared how important Price's work was.
Dr. Meining promotes Price's work
Dr. Mining, originally from Chicago, was a U.S. Army captain during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for stars. He eventually became one of the founders of the American Endodontological Association. (specialists in the field of canal treatment).
In the 1990s, he studied Dr. Price’s work for 18 months. In June 1993, Meining published Root Canal Cover—Up, which is a fundamental work in the field.
What do dentists know about the anatomy of our teeth?
Teeth are the hardest substance in our body.
In the middle of each tooth is pulpA soft internal substance that contains blood vessels and nerves. The pulp cavity surrounds dentinIt consists of living cells that produce minerals. enamel It is the strongest layer that surrounds dentin.
Roots Each tooth is located in the jawbone and held by the periodontal ligament. The dental school tells the dentist that Each tooth has 1 or 4 main channels.. Nevertheless, There are also side channels.Which no one mentions. Literally meters!
Just as our body has a large number of blood vessels that divide into capillaries, so our teeth have mazes of tiny channels that branch out, and can be 5 kilometers long. Weston Price found 75 side channels in one front tooth.
Microscopic organisms are constantly moving in these channels, like gophers in underground tunnels.
When the dentist treats the root canal, he makes a cavity in the tooth, then fills the hole with a substance called gutta percha. It blocks the supply of blood to the tooth. Therefore, the fluid is no longer able to circulate through the tooth. But a maze of tiny tunnels remains. And bacteria that don't get nutrients begin to hide in these tunnels, where they are completely safe from antibiotics and from the immune system.
Tooth root can cause many diseases
Due to lack of oxygen and nutrients, these once harmless organisms become stronger, more dangerous anaerobes that produce harmful toxic substances. Previously common, harmless bacteria in the oral cavity, they become highly toxic pathogens that hide in the channels of the dead tooth, waiting for favorable conditions for reproduction.
No amount of sterilization is effective because it cannot reach these channels. Bacteria were found in each tooth, especially around the top of the tooth root and periodontal ligament. Very often, the infection spreads to the jaw, then holes appear.
Holes appear in non-healing bones and are often surrounded by infected tissues and gangrene. Sometimes they form after you have pulled out a tooth (for example, a wisdom tooth). According to the Weston Price Foundation, only 2,000 of the 5,000 were cured.
Often you may not notice any symptoms. Therefore, you may have a dead tooth abscess and not even know it. The infection in the tooth canal can spread further.
Root canal can cause heart, kidney, bone and brain disease
As long as your immune system remains strong, no bacteria that reside in an infected tooth will harm your body. But once the immune system weakens due to any illness or injury, it will not be able to fight off infection.
These bacteria can migrate to adjacent tissues, then enter the bloodstream, where they form new settlements. New colonies of bacteria can settle in any organ, tonsils or tissues.
Dr. Price managed to transplant the infected section of the dental canal into a rabbit. He transplanted a fragment of the infected dental canal of a man who had a heart attack into a rabbit. A few weeks later, the rabbit died of a heart attack.
Almost every chronic disease is associated with the root canal. For example:
- hearts;
- kidneys;
- arthritis, joints, rheumatism;
- neurological diseases (including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis);
- Autoimmune diseases (lupus and others).

There is also a link to cancer. Dr. Robert Jones is researching the link between root canals and breast cancer. He stated that there is an extremely high link between the root canal and breast cancer. Jones claims he found the following link during a five-year study of more than 300 breast cancer cases:
- 93% of women with breast cancer had root canal problems
- 7% had other oral abnormalities.
- tumors or other oral pathologies, in most cases, formed on the same side where the root canals were located.
Dr. Jones said that toxins that form bacteria in an infected tooth or jaw can suppress a protein that helps fight tumor development. Dr. German shared similar discoveries. Dr. Joseph Issels said in his study that over 40 years of treating cancer patients, 97 percent had root canal problems. If these doctors are right, then to cure cancer, it is enough to pull out a tooth.
How are oral bacteria associated with heart disease and arthritis?
The American Dental Association and the American Association of Endodontists believe root canals are completely unrelated to disease. But they rely on the erroneous assumption that bacteria in diseased teeth are exactly the same as in healthy teeth.
To determine whether bacteria are alive or dead, DNA analysis is enough.
Based on Dr. Price’s research, TERF uses DNA analysis to examine the tooth. In all the samples, they found bacteria. The researchers found 42 species of anaerobic bacteria in 43 root canals. They found 67 different bacteria in 85 samples.
The following types of bacteria were found:
- Capnocytophagaochracea
- Fusobacterium nucleatum
- Gemellamorbillorum
- Leptotrichiabuccalis
- Porphyromonasgingivalis
Are these just non-hazardous oral viruses? Of course not. Some can affect the heart, others - on the nerves, kidneys, brain.
The blood in the root canal contained 400% more bacteria than the tooth itself. In the bone that surrounds the root canal, even more bacteria were found. This is not surprising, since bone contains a huge amount of nutrients for bacteria.
When should a dead body part be left in the body?
There are no longer any medical procedures that allow the dead body part to remain in the body. When appendicitis dies, it is cut out. If you have had frostbite or gangrene, the limb will be amputated. If a child dies in the womb, a miscarriage occurs.
Infection plus an autoimmune reaction can cause bacteria to multiply in dead tissue. In the case of the root canal, bacteria can enter the bloodstream with each bite.
Why do dentists think root canals are safe?
The American Dental Association disagrees with Dr. Price. They claim that the root canal is safe, although the association has not conducted any studies to confirm their claims. The American Heart Association recommends taking antibiotics before dental procedures to prevent infectious endocarditis.
On the one hand, ASD recognizes the fact that oral bacteria can enter the heart and cause serious health consequences.
But at the same time, they vehemently deny the possibility that it is these toxic bacteria that can reside in the root canal and enter the bloodstream when we chew and cause serious harm to our health.
Is there another reason why the American Dental Association and the American Heart Association refuse to recognize the dangers of root canals? It actually exists. Treatment of root canals brings the greatest profit.
So what do we do?
I highly recommend never treating the root canal. Risking your heart to heal your tooth is stupid. Unfortunately, people do this all the time. If you have any problems, you’d better pull out your tooth, even if it looks good and doesn’t hurt. Remember, once your immune system is compromised, your risk of developing a serious illness increases and can harm your health, which happens every day in the world.
If you have a tooth taken out, you can do the following:
Partially removable denture.This is a very simple and inexpensive way. Bridge:This is a permanent prosthesis that resembles a real tooth, but is quite expensive. Implants:It's a permanent artificial tooth. It is usually made of titanium and implanted in the gum or jaw. There are some problems with this implant: your body can reject this metal. Zinc is a new material for implants and has far fewer problems.
Also interesting: Your teeth and the causes of your illness
Reinhold Fohl: Teeth's connection to the endocrine system and spine
But pulling out a tooth and inserting an artificial one is not the solution to the whole problem.
Dentists have learned to pull out a tooth, but leave the periodontal ligament. But as you already know, deadly bacteria can multiply on it. Most experts recommend removing this ligament along with a millimeter-long bone indentation to reduce the risk of infection. published
Source: luckyparents.club/11900-2/