How to earn in crisis: the apiary
Profit: 200 Tr per month
Initial investment: 300 Tr
Payback: 2 months.
Why not come up with the skilled hands of beekeepers-professionals. So, a certain fashion in the bee business start to gain so-called "bee stands."
Bee pavilion is a mobile (or stationary) platform based on a trailer or van, in which sections are of a bee-hive, and which has all the necessary equipment for production of honey.
Such a thing significantly more effective than the usual bee-farms, and is alternative to the top ten stationary hives. This idea allows you to create a sustainable apiary and develop the current bee business.
What is the advantage of mobile bee pavilion? Bee pavilions allow considerable saving of space, in contrast to the separate hives. In fact, your whole apiary is a mobile trailer in which the sectional method placed bee colonies. This design significantly simplifies the process of maintenance of bees and extraction of honey. In addition, you do not need additional insulation of the hives in the winter.
The most remarkable thing in this idea of honey. Even non-transportable cassette pavilion brings semidouble – double the equivalent of honey, in comparison with the classical separate hives. In addition, the system is a chic means of pollination of plants in their industrial production.
The compact design simplifies inspection of the home of bees. For inspection of the colony is sufficient to push the desired cassette. This allows not to disturb a nearby bee and facilitates the work with the selected family.
One of the main advantages of this design is mobility. In fact, the beekeeper an opportunity to choose the best location for the honey flow, moving from one place to another. Preparing to move are able to carry out only one person, without resorting to the use of smoker and masks.
All you need to do to the beekeeper to close or open cells in the cluster after the installation of the pavilion (trailer) on flat ground. Due to the mobility increases the total honey yield, respectively increased and the income of bee farming.
As the design of a mobile apiary often use full trailers military vehicles (KUNG). But can be used and other trailers, including conventional flatbed trailers. The value of b/a of the trailer starts from 200 thousand rubles. Plus, if you need mobility, and will have to buy a tractor. Investments in this case will be not less than 1 million rubles. In other matters, such investments can pay off in a couple of successful seasons.
When designing a mobile apiary on the basis of the frame with steel uprights attached to the springs. And United to the frame mounted multi-section blocks for the bees to store extensions. Settling in the middle of the passage for convenient maintenance sections with bees.
Also, a small place in the pavilion allotted to a closet beekeeper is the place which stores all the necessary equipment. The best place for the room of a beekeeper – in the rear of the trailer. This scheme allows you to put more than 30 bee colonies in 2 tiers. The room itself doing end-to-end to freely pass by the hives.
Special attention is paid to building insulation of the pavilion with bees. Such a procedure is important not only for the beekeeper, but for the bees that will spend the winter in the trailer. As the insulation is enough to attach two layers of plywood and between them put a thin layer of roofing material.
If the basis of the design is taken old military KUNG, then you need to carefully inspect the condition of Windows and seams, through which can flow the cold air. To patch up the cracks by using a common mounting foam.
To create a cluster of the pavilion with their hands – not an easy task. The work requires the use of equipment for cutting, tightening and mounting tools. Yes, and the KUNG find is not so easy, plus the time for his "trouble" to spend incredibly much. However, as says a famous expression: "worth it" — the use of such devices is difficult to overestimate.
Only, perhaps, minus mobile apiary – high start-up costs. Because in addition to bee colonies and beekeeping equipment needed to spend to purchase mobile pavilion is the trailer to the towing vehicle. It should be a pleasure, as noted above not less than 1 million rubles.
The 10 principles of prosperity from the the most expensive business coach Britain'sRobert Kiyosaki: don't save money
For most beginning beekeepers who are willing to invest in an apiary not exceeding 100 thousand rubles — it is not permissible luxury. However, do not have to start immediately with mobile services. You can start with the purchase of one old trailer for 200 thousand, and then, with the development of the business, to invest additional funds and create a mobile apiary.published
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_20165
Initial investment: 300 Tr
Payback: 2 months.
Why not come up with the skilled hands of beekeepers-professionals. So, a certain fashion in the bee business start to gain so-called "bee stands."
Bee pavilion is a mobile (or stationary) platform based on a trailer or van, in which sections are of a bee-hive, and which has all the necessary equipment for production of honey.
Such a thing significantly more effective than the usual bee-farms, and is alternative to the top ten stationary hives. This idea allows you to create a sustainable apiary and develop the current bee business.

What is the advantage of mobile bee pavilion? Bee pavilions allow considerable saving of space, in contrast to the separate hives. In fact, your whole apiary is a mobile trailer in which the sectional method placed bee colonies. This design significantly simplifies the process of maintenance of bees and extraction of honey. In addition, you do not need additional insulation of the hives in the winter.
The most remarkable thing in this idea of honey. Even non-transportable cassette pavilion brings semidouble – double the equivalent of honey, in comparison with the classical separate hives. In addition, the system is a chic means of pollination of plants in their industrial production.
The compact design simplifies inspection of the home of bees. For inspection of the colony is sufficient to push the desired cassette. This allows not to disturb a nearby bee and facilitates the work with the selected family.
One of the main advantages of this design is mobility. In fact, the beekeeper an opportunity to choose the best location for the honey flow, moving from one place to another. Preparing to move are able to carry out only one person, without resorting to the use of smoker and masks.
All you need to do to the beekeeper to close or open cells in the cluster after the installation of the pavilion (trailer) on flat ground. Due to the mobility increases the total honey yield, respectively increased and the income of bee farming.
As the design of a mobile apiary often use full trailers military vehicles (KUNG). But can be used and other trailers, including conventional flatbed trailers. The value of b/a of the trailer starts from 200 thousand rubles. Plus, if you need mobility, and will have to buy a tractor. Investments in this case will be not less than 1 million rubles. In other matters, such investments can pay off in a couple of successful seasons.
When designing a mobile apiary on the basis of the frame with steel uprights attached to the springs. And United to the frame mounted multi-section blocks for the bees to store extensions. Settling in the middle of the passage for convenient maintenance sections with bees.
Also, a small place in the pavilion allotted to a closet beekeeper is the place which stores all the necessary equipment. The best place for the room of a beekeeper – in the rear of the trailer. This scheme allows you to put more than 30 bee colonies in 2 tiers. The room itself doing end-to-end to freely pass by the hives.
Special attention is paid to building insulation of the pavilion with bees. Such a procedure is important not only for the beekeeper, but for the bees that will spend the winter in the trailer. As the insulation is enough to attach two layers of plywood and between them put a thin layer of roofing material.
If the basis of the design is taken old military KUNG, then you need to carefully inspect the condition of Windows and seams, through which can flow the cold air. To patch up the cracks by using a common mounting foam.

To create a cluster of the pavilion with their hands – not an easy task. The work requires the use of equipment for cutting, tightening and mounting tools. Yes, and the KUNG find is not so easy, plus the time for his "trouble" to spend incredibly much. However, as says a famous expression: "worth it" — the use of such devices is difficult to overestimate.
Only, perhaps, minus mobile apiary – high start-up costs. Because in addition to bee colonies and beekeeping equipment needed to spend to purchase mobile pavilion is the trailer to the towing vehicle. It should be a pleasure, as noted above not less than 1 million rubles.
The 10 principles of prosperity from the the most expensive business coach Britain'sRobert Kiyosaki: don't save money
For most beginning beekeepers who are willing to invest in an apiary not exceeding 100 thousand rubles — it is not permissible luxury. However, do not have to start immediately with mobile services. You can start with the purchase of one old trailer for 200 thousand, and then, with the development of the business, to invest additional funds and create a mobile apiary.published
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_20165
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