Impossible to bury the cremated what he thinks about the cremation of the Russian Orthodox Church?
Russia is experiencing a boom in cremation. In Moscow and St. Petersburg are cremated 60% of deaths. Why Russia cremation is replacing the familiar, centuries of preconceived ideas about the funeral? In Kirov the business breaks "outdated" notions about cemeteries and what he thinks about the cremation of the Russian Orthodox Church?

Recently walked with a friend along the solid fence for the don cemetery. The walls are of red brick led to thoughts of the eternal.
– I want to be cremated, suddenly blurted out to a friend. In order not to rot.
To the dispute is not reached. Girl 22 years old, and she is convinced that cremation is a modern, convenient and hassle-free. My arguments in favour of the traditional funeral broken imperturbable calmness.
Russia is experiencing a boom in cremation. Funeral Agency via the Internet that offer to solve all the problems of the "modern" way. But if you have any questions about what to burn the dead in the furnace – the tradition, to put it mildly, not ours, you virtually any funeral, the agent will argue, even as ours!
Probably nothing surprising in this. The media too often talk about how once again cremated well-known and respected man. Cremation, at least for secular people, it is a usual thing. These days Russian news service reported: "In Moscow and St. Petersburg are cremated 60% of deaths. This was stated by the President of the Union of funeral organizations and crematoria of Russia Pavel Kodysh". In Moscow, where there were 23 Orthodox monasteries and hundreds of churches that are cremated every year at least 60 000 people. The figure should increase slightly, as Paul Kodish notes that "in Moscow a year die 120 thousand people."
We tried to find out why people send their loved ones into the oven, We tried to find out what motivates the people who send their loved ones into the oven. Attracted to the price of cremation? Fashion for today's popular method of burial? The legacy of the Soviet past, when they first began to turn people to ashes on an industrial scale? Land shortage or high cost of cemetery plots? Or is it the desire of modern man to not think about death? Trying to erase any reminders of the funeral, the dead and funeral ceremonies?
The Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly spoken out regarding cremation. In may 2015 the Council of bishops encouraged priests to treat cremation as an unwelcome phenomenon. "Given the ancient tradition of reverence for the body of Christians as the temple of the Holy spirit, the Holy Synod recognizes the norm burial of deceased Christians in the land", – reported in a special Memorandum "On the Christian burial of the dead". The words of his Holiness Patriarch Kirill is also not self-explanatory and comments: "Cremation is outside the Orthodox tradition. We believe that at the end of history will occur the resurrection of the dead in the image of the resurrection of Christ the Savior, that is, not only the soul but also the body. If we allow for cremation, thereby symbolically renounce that faith."
Cremation turnkey
Cremation is cheap and modern. This is one of the main arguments that lead the supporters of fiery funeral. To get the information first hand, call to the crematorium at St. Nicholas Archangel cemetery.

– 7100 roubles, responsible the employee of the crematorium. – This price includes the music. Another check of the deceased, the transfer of the coffin, the procedure of the cremation, farewell, engraving and sealing of ballot boxes.
However, still need to buy the box, pay for the casket after the funeral are burned along with the body of the deceased. Of course, we must not forget about the transport.
To finally understand what kind of money you need to have to cremate the person addressed in a Single funeral service. Here, all proposals have been generated "turnkey".
– Cost of cremation in 2 times have increased from 1 July. We have the coffin and the transport cost is 17 000 rubles. This amount includes the bed, pillow and Slippers – Slippers for the Agency emphasized. – We have Christians in Slippers for the cremation to bring.
On average for a cremation with all necessary attributes have to pay in the region of 30 000 rubles. This is without a burial.
In St. Petersburg, the corpse will burn, will be placed in the urn placed in the columbarium in 35 000 roubles. It is only 10 thousand less than a traditional funeral.
The difference is still there – says the girl. – The grave still need to follow. Fence, and then the monument. And the urn with ashes is stored in a niche forever. It does not require extra care.
A striking pattern. The vast majority of employees of funeral companies advised me to use the services of the crematorium. The reasoning is simple: it is in step with the times and no unnecessary movements. There was only one woman with undisguised sympathy said:
Yeah we'll bury you properly. In the ground! Well, 10 thousand add, do not worry!
Free cemetery plot or pay niche in a columbarium?
After the procedure of burning the body of the urn still needs to be buried. To clarify the cost of this service, appealed to the state RITUAL. It is a state budgetary institution of the city of Moscow. Through this website go on Rogozhskom a cemetery. To bury the urn in an outdoor columbarium that is in the wall, you can't. But you can buy a place to put the urn in a special niche.

The columbarium maintained
Is something like a granite sarcophagus, explained on the phone. – The price depends on tiering. The first and fifth rows are 70 000 thousand rubles.
The first row is almost at ground level. And the fifth row is at a height of two meters.
Is something like the mezzanine in the hallway – can hear the explanation over the phone. Higher price for second row, third and fourth.
– How much will it cost? – ask.
Place to put the urn in poor rogozhskoye cemetery is 90 thousand rubles – 90 thousand, – said the employee of the rogozhskoye cemetery.
For the money, you can organize modest traditional funeral for several people.
To place the urn in an outdoor columbarium in the cemetery of Khimki proposed for 31 500 rubles. That is, if the cell is located at chest level. The sign will have to pay separately – 5000 rubles. Still need to add the engraving. The amount for the engraving consists of the number of characters. It turns out that about 40 thousand rubles. Total to be cremated and to rest the remains in an outdoor columbarium at the Khimki cemetery, expect to pay an average of 75 000 rubles.
On the Lublin cemetery to bury in the ground, the urn can for 110 000 rubles. Much is 1 square meter of land. The bench and the fence is not provided – places are too few for such luxury.
"The views of the inhabitants of large cities are not like in the Outback"
Moscow region, Perepechenko cemetery. Here the city authorities give the plot for two burials absolutely for free. On Perepechenko the name of this place agents, to pay only for digging graves.

Perepechenko cemetery
– 20 000 rubles you can meet, – tells the employee of a funeral company. – At the cemetery the boys in the circle have to throw for digging graves. It is a tradition, he adds.
To organize a traditional funeral for 20 000 was offered by several funeral services. However, you will have to do without wreaths, orchestra and other chic.
To bury any unemployed resident of Moscow it is possible and without money. In the language of the ritual agents, this is called the "farewell free of charge". The only condition is employment history of the deceased should be closed.
Proponents of cremation can say: what about the monument? And care? The fence also needs painting. And to do this it is necessary every spring. And the grave gives, especially when fresh! The urn with the ashes, if copper is a very durable...
Dubious arguments.
– Cremation is easier and faster. The views of the inhabitants of large cities are not like in the Outback. I mean spiritually, – shares his thoughts Dmitry – Manager of the Moscow funeral.
"The land should be for living people, not dead"
Here in Kirov people discuss your crematorium. To build a "socially significant object" in the city decided the entrepreneur Andrey Kataev. Cremated kirovchan plan for "a low price". 12 000 rubles – and it's done. And you have to pay for the urn, the coffin and transport.

The columbarium is abandoned. Vladivostok
– No more create new cemeteries. People will realize the advantages of the crematorium, and within one or two years we will reach the 50% mark cremation of all the dead, – says Andrey Kataev. But as people we have making all things new, we have to take some kind of action, the awareness that cremation is a civilized way of dumping the dead.
I wonder how this work will be accomplished? This can be for promotions?
The traditional way of burial Mr. Kataev refers cool.
– The cemeteries are dirty. Well, we have no such culture, as, for example, in Europe, – says the crowd. – For priests funeral is a business: they burial service. "Ritualistic" is a business, they bury in the ground is their bread – said Katayev.
That is Mr. Kataev decided that kirovchane do not know how to behave in a cemetery and it is best to send the dead into the oven. And it is not the business!
In an interview the entrepreneur speaks with enthusiasm about the fact that "the land should be for the living, not the dead." It is his word. They expressed his attitude to the dead person.
The impression is that to debate the question of cremation is not necessary, because sooner or later will be cremated everyone and everywhere. At least in this sure anyone who opens a new crematorium in the country.
Land for burials even in the "expensive and nerezinovoy" Moscow. Save on cremation a lot of money does not work, but the number of urns containing ashes, compared to graves, is increasing. So my friend, who is only 22 years old, already comfortable with the fact that her body can burn.
In the next article we will look at how implanted cremation in Bolshevik Russia. Find out how it reacted to the common people. And try to answer the main question: why do people so easily choose the fiery funeral without any coercion and pressure? What has changed over 100 years in the consciousness of society, and why another crematorium in the Outback of our country – if it is still not a tradition, but a pattern? published
Author: Nikita Filatov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/81241.htm