Dry friction against cellulite
Cellulite is not just fat. This is a problem of a sedentary lifestyle, the consumption of a large amount of fatty and sweet food and the small amount of water. For an effective fight against orange peel should bring your body in normal life, and not rely on the miracle diet or miracle cream.
Cellulite develops in the damaged fat cells. It is affected by three factors:
Inadequate supply of blood cells. Insufficient outflow of interstitial fluid through the lymphatic system. Insufficient flow of blood through the veins. The purpose of this method dry brushing — to stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. The method in rubbing the problem areas hard sponge or a special brush.
Dry rubbing affordable and convenient method of home treatment. He gives a good and lasting effect, especially if after the procedure is to use a cellulite cream. Can dry grinding to prepare the skin for the treatment with essential oils. In any case, one method complements the second. A further advantage is that the method of grinding is suitable for the treatment of both the initial and advanced stages of cellulite. Dry rubbing improves skin tone by getting rid of stagnation and enhance blood circulation.
It should be noted that to rely on the reduction of body fat, especially cellulite tissue should not be. Rubbing will improve the condition of skin, its color, turgor, will help to get rid of stretch marks due to weight loss.
How to dry rastiannes treatments for the duration is from five to ten minutes. Skin treatment with a dry sponge or brush should not cause discomfort. It is important that during the procedure the skin is not stretched.
The skin should be pinking up by now and become warm. Sessions should be done regularly. In mild cellulite through the day. When running daily. It is advisable to do rubbing after a warm hygienic baths or showers.
Rubbing feet should always start with the thighs, gradually lifting the hips. To finish the procedure should be the area of the buttocks. If necessary, you can go to the stomach and waist. Absolutely can not pull the skin, much pressure on the brush, that is, to RUB the skin with maximum effort. It injures the finest lymphatic and blood vessels, and that can't happen. Indeed, in the fight against cellulite is very important high-quality supply of tissue with blood and lymphatic drainage is good.
When the procedure is finished, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or aromastat homemade. Improve the work of the lesser circulation and lymphatic drainage enhances the performance of creams and aromatic oils. Formulations with caffeine or aminophylline will help to effectively fight cellulite.
Unfortunately, thick legs with tissues saturated with fluid, with gross statomame not be cured by rubbing anti-cellulite cream. Such challenges require more effective treatments and medical care. Still not worth it to abandon a dry brushing. It will help to maintain the skin in tone and motivation for the fight against cellulite. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: viorin.com/2015/06/suhoe-rastiranie-dlya-borbyi-s-tsellyulitom/

Cellulite develops in the damaged fat cells. It is affected by three factors:
Inadequate supply of blood cells. Insufficient outflow of interstitial fluid through the lymphatic system. Insufficient flow of blood through the veins. The purpose of this method dry brushing — to stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. The method in rubbing the problem areas hard sponge or a special brush.
Dry rubbing affordable and convenient method of home treatment. He gives a good and lasting effect, especially if after the procedure is to use a cellulite cream. Can dry grinding to prepare the skin for the treatment with essential oils. In any case, one method complements the second. A further advantage is that the method of grinding is suitable for the treatment of both the initial and advanced stages of cellulite. Dry rubbing improves skin tone by getting rid of stagnation and enhance blood circulation.
It should be noted that to rely on the reduction of body fat, especially cellulite tissue should not be. Rubbing will improve the condition of skin, its color, turgor, will help to get rid of stretch marks due to weight loss.
How to dry rastiannes treatments for the duration is from five to ten minutes. Skin treatment with a dry sponge or brush should not cause discomfort. It is important that during the procedure the skin is not stretched.
The skin should be pinking up by now and become warm. Sessions should be done regularly. In mild cellulite through the day. When running daily. It is advisable to do rubbing after a warm hygienic baths or showers.
Rubbing feet should always start with the thighs, gradually lifting the hips. To finish the procedure should be the area of the buttocks. If necessary, you can go to the stomach and waist. Absolutely can not pull the skin, much pressure on the brush, that is, to RUB the skin with maximum effort. It injures the finest lymphatic and blood vessels, and that can't happen. Indeed, in the fight against cellulite is very important high-quality supply of tissue with blood and lymphatic drainage is good.
When the procedure is finished, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or aromastat homemade. Improve the work of the lesser circulation and lymphatic drainage enhances the performance of creams and aromatic oils. Formulations with caffeine or aminophylline will help to effectively fight cellulite.
Unfortunately, thick legs with tissues saturated with fluid, with gross statomame not be cured by rubbing anti-cellulite cream. Such challenges require more effective treatments and medical care. Still not worth it to abandon a dry brushing. It will help to maintain the skin in tone and motivation for the fight against cellulite. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: viorin.com/2015/06/suhoe-rastiranie-dlya-borbyi-s-tsellyulitom/
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