"Live to be afraid, and not the dead."
A report about one of the most enjoyable jobs do not. Will 18 ph. Source
Every 10 minutes machinists Minsk crematorium required to open the valve in the oven and stir the ashes of the deceased. They do this with a completely straight face, repeating that in their work there is nothing supernatural: "People are born, people die." Journalists TUT.BY personally observed the process of cremation and found out why during the work is not accepted sprinkle ashes.
In 2013, 39 percent of the dead cremated
The monumental red-brick building, surrounded by walls and kolumbarnymi graveyard graves is not exactly a pleasant place to work. The air is saturated with men like grief. If 80 is performed about 1,000 cremations a year, but today their number exceeds 6300. In the past year, through the cremation took about 39 percent of deaths.
Blank cells in the columbarium - booking. Relatives in advance worry about that after his death to be "close».
Deputy Chief of the crematorium Dubovskii Alexander explains the increased demand by the fact that in comparison with the grave of the cemetery columbarium cell does not need special care. In addition, the seats at the cemetery every year it becomes less and less. And further, experts predict the load on the crematory will only increase. In Europe, about 70 percent of the cremated deceased, and Japan - to 98.
Those who are in misfortune could happen in a crematorium, known only to him outside - funeral halls (three of them) and store the appropriate range (flowers, urns, tombs and so on. D.). Cremation plant and other auxiliary facilities are located on the lower level, and outsiders are not admitted here. The long, dark corridors, which are carrying on a trolley coffins with the deceased, associated with ritual hall by a lifting mechanism. With its help lift the coffin to bid farewell to relatives.
Machinists ritual equipment - 5 people in the whole republic
Although the specifics of the work, the bottom is also "full of life". The cremation shop work strong-willed people - with hardened mind and a healthy view of things. In official documents they are called 'machinists ritual equipment "- they are representatives of a rare profession in our country, if not boxed.
In the only crematorium in the country this work is done by only 5 people - exclusively male. They themselves are genuinely surprised when their profession is called severe or troublesome. And then he remembered that mortuary workers (perhaps the most sophisticated prose of life, people) - and those wary of cremation plant workers, calling them "chef." However, contrary to popular opinion, not burnt or fried here does not smell. Putrid smell happens occasionally - most often when a person dies in old age and very quickly starts to decompose. On the day of our visit unpleasant odors, we have not noticed.
Impressive local seniority "stove-makers". Both Andrew, one - with a mustache, one - no work in the crematorium for more than 20 years. They came, as they say, young, strong, slim guys. It is clear - with the expectation to work here temporarily. And then "vrabotalis", and here - it has already passed half his life in the walls of the crematorium. Men say this without a trace of regret. It seems they really are quite happy with their situation. Face to face with the dead, they say, do not intersect (cremate dead people only in a closed coffin and with the coffin), and all the work entrusted car.
Previously, "the smoke column was" today cushy job machinist
The process of cremation today really automated. In the shop there are four fairly modern Czech furnace. In one of them burning waste postoperative cancer, and others - used for its intended purpose. According to Alexander Dubrovsky, with old equipment here "was a pillar of smoke." Now the work is relatively dust-free driver.
After the memorial service for the dead otsluzhat of ritual room carrying a coffin or in the refrigerator (if all furnaces are busy), or directly to the shop. Crematorium workers say that are often faced with the opinion that the alleged burning before they get out of the coffin gold watches, as well as removed from the dead man's good clothes, shoes. "Here you wear the clothing of the deceased?" - In the forehead asked Andrew, who is clearly fed up with such talk. And without opening the lid of the coffin, the driver quickly downloads it on the lift.
Now we have to wait until the computer will give "green light", and only then can send her corpse. The program automatically sets the desired temperature (typically no lower than 700 degrees Celsius). Depending on body weight and condition cremation takes from one hour to two and a half hours. All this time the operator is obliged to monitor the process. To do this, the furnace has a small glass opening to look into that hardly dare nervous people. "Just treat it like this: it is necessary to do, and everything. And even at the very beginning I tried to think that just threw the box. I used to, and one day worked. Live need to be afraid, and not the dead. "
"If you came to Ivanov, then give the ashes of Ivanova»
The main thing, they say men do their jobs efficiently. A criterion for the quality work of the crematorium is no confusion. In the words of Article heroes, "If Ivanov came, then give the ashes of Ivanov." For each late start up something like a passport: on paper, indicate the name, date of birth, date of death and the cremation. Any movement of the coffin or dust is possible only with the document.
After the end of the cremation data is recorded in a special register. "It all depends also on the driver how carefully he remains rake" - continues the story Andrew. "Look, how to shovel the deceased. It was only bones, organic part of the whole burnt. And then the dust comes in kremulyatornuyu where a ball mill grind the remnants of calcium-bones. And what remains of the man ».
Dust, milled in kremulyatore
Andrew shows us a container of fine powder. If you do not try to turn the event back and can not imagine how this man was in life, it is safe to operate. Machinist sprinkles ashes in a special bag and attach it to the "passport". Then the "powder" falls into the room issuing the dust, where the organizers will pack it in a box and give them to the customer. Or will not give to the customer, because he simply does not come after him. It is though a rare event, but regularly recurring. Urns can wait months for their relatives until the crematorium workers do not begin to search for those who ordered the cremation and somehow miraculously forgot about it.
"The only thing difficult to get used to this child cremations»
Every day in this shop cremate about 10-18 people - different fates and life stories. The average age of the deceased, told machinists, about 60 years. Usually, the cause of death is not trying to go. But when it comes to children, even harsh, "stove-makers" in the face of change. And the worst, according to the men when they bring a child aged one year or older. Fortunately, such cases can be a little.
Lounge for severe male
- I remember a little raking, and among the ashes of the machine has an iron (not burned. - TUT.BY). So she told me then dreamed for a long time. The race was. You get up in the night, sweat skinesh, go to the toilet and think how it could have dreamed? The only thing difficult to get used to is the children's cremation. The first child, who was cremated, it was a girl, she was a year old. Well there is a newborn, and when had lived ... And you see how the parents are crying ...
Money does not smell
Children - this is the only reason for buying men's sympathy. 22-year-old Alexander Kanonchik tries to argue dryly: "People are born, people die. What's the big deal? "When he started to work in the crematorium, he warned that often come here for 2 weeks, and then do not stand up - go.
In this case, you need a very clear distinction between "work-home", or even salary "above average" will not reassure. Machinists ritual equipment dirty earn about 7, 5-8 million per month. "Money does not smell" - he hastens to remind the driver Andrew, who showed us the process of cremation. Men are proud that in recent years to bring him dead even from Russia. Rumor has carried that they "all honest».
"Goodbye" - throw a short phrase crematorium workers. "We hope that we will meet with you for a very long time" - we answer and gladly leave it even curious, but a sad place.
That's all I wanted to say. I agree with the last sentence.
Every 10 minutes machinists Minsk crematorium required to open the valve in the oven and stir the ashes of the deceased. They do this with a completely straight face, repeating that in their work there is nothing supernatural: "People are born, people die." Journalists TUT.BY personally observed the process of cremation and found out why during the work is not accepted sprinkle ashes.

In 2013, 39 percent of the dead cremated
The monumental red-brick building, surrounded by walls and kolumbarnymi graveyard graves is not exactly a pleasant place to work. The air is saturated with men like grief. If 80 is performed about 1,000 cremations a year, but today their number exceeds 6300. In the past year, through the cremation took about 39 percent of deaths.

Blank cells in the columbarium - booking. Relatives in advance worry about that after his death to be "close».

Deputy Chief of the crematorium Dubovskii Alexander explains the increased demand by the fact that in comparison with the grave of the cemetery columbarium cell does not need special care. In addition, the seats at the cemetery every year it becomes less and less. And further, experts predict the load on the crematory will only increase. In Europe, about 70 percent of the cremated deceased, and Japan - to 98.

Those who are in misfortune could happen in a crematorium, known only to him outside - funeral halls (three of them) and store the appropriate range (flowers, urns, tombs and so on. D.). Cremation plant and other auxiliary facilities are located on the lower level, and outsiders are not admitted here. The long, dark corridors, which are carrying on a trolley coffins with the deceased, associated with ritual hall by a lifting mechanism. With its help lift the coffin to bid farewell to relatives.

Machinists ritual equipment - 5 people in the whole republic

Although the specifics of the work, the bottom is also "full of life". The cremation shop work strong-willed people - with hardened mind and a healthy view of things. In official documents they are called 'machinists ritual equipment "- they are representatives of a rare profession in our country, if not boxed.

In the only crematorium in the country this work is done by only 5 people - exclusively male. They themselves are genuinely surprised when their profession is called severe or troublesome. And then he remembered that mortuary workers (perhaps the most sophisticated prose of life, people) - and those wary of cremation plant workers, calling them "chef." However, contrary to popular opinion, not burnt or fried here does not smell. Putrid smell happens occasionally - most often when a person dies in old age and very quickly starts to decompose. On the day of our visit unpleasant odors, we have not noticed.
Impressive local seniority "stove-makers". Both Andrew, one - with a mustache, one - no work in the crematorium for more than 20 years. They came, as they say, young, strong, slim guys. It is clear - with the expectation to work here temporarily. And then "vrabotalis", and here - it has already passed half his life in the walls of the crematorium. Men say this without a trace of regret. It seems they really are quite happy with their situation. Face to face with the dead, they say, do not intersect (cremate dead people only in a closed coffin and with the coffin), and all the work entrusted car.

Previously, "the smoke column was" today cushy job machinist
The process of cremation today really automated. In the shop there are four fairly modern Czech furnace. In one of them burning waste postoperative cancer, and others - used for its intended purpose. According to Alexander Dubrovsky, with old equipment here "was a pillar of smoke." Now the work is relatively dust-free driver.
After the memorial service for the dead otsluzhat of ritual room carrying a coffin or in the refrigerator (if all furnaces are busy), or directly to the shop. Crematorium workers say that are often faced with the opinion that the alleged burning before they get out of the coffin gold watches, as well as removed from the dead man's good clothes, shoes. "Here you wear the clothing of the deceased?" - In the forehead asked Andrew, who is clearly fed up with such talk. And without opening the lid of the coffin, the driver quickly downloads it on the lift.

Now we have to wait until the computer will give "green light", and only then can send her corpse. The program automatically sets the desired temperature (typically no lower than 700 degrees Celsius). Depending on body weight and condition cremation takes from one hour to two and a half hours. All this time the operator is obliged to monitor the process. To do this, the furnace has a small glass opening to look into that hardly dare nervous people. "Just treat it like this: it is necessary to do, and everything. And even at the very beginning I tried to think that just threw the box. I used to, and one day worked. Live need to be afraid, and not the dead. "

"If you came to Ivanov, then give the ashes of Ivanova»
The main thing, they say men do their jobs efficiently. A criterion for the quality work of the crematorium is no confusion. In the words of Article heroes, "If Ivanov came, then give the ashes of Ivanov." For each late start up something like a passport: on paper, indicate the name, date of birth, date of death and the cremation. Any movement of the coffin or dust is possible only with the document.

After the end of the cremation data is recorded in a special register. "It all depends also on the driver how carefully he remains rake" - continues the story Andrew. "Look, how to shovel the deceased. It was only bones, organic part of the whole burnt. And then the dust comes in kremulyatornuyu where a ball mill grind the remnants of calcium-bones. And what remains of the man ».

Dust, milled in kremulyatore

Andrew shows us a container of fine powder. If you do not try to turn the event back and can not imagine how this man was in life, it is safe to operate. Machinist sprinkles ashes in a special bag and attach it to the "passport". Then the "powder" falls into the room issuing the dust, where the organizers will pack it in a box and give them to the customer. Or will not give to the customer, because he simply does not come after him. It is though a rare event, but regularly recurring. Urns can wait months for their relatives until the crematorium workers do not begin to search for those who ordered the cremation and somehow miraculously forgot about it.

"The only thing difficult to get used to this child cremations»
Every day in this shop cremate about 10-18 people - different fates and life stories. The average age of the deceased, told machinists, about 60 years. Usually, the cause of death is not trying to go. But when it comes to children, even harsh, "stove-makers" in the face of change. And the worst, according to the men when they bring a child aged one year or older. Fortunately, such cases can be a little.

Lounge for severe male

- I remember a little raking, and among the ashes of the machine has an iron (not burned. - TUT.BY). So she told me then dreamed for a long time. The race was. You get up in the night, sweat skinesh, go to the toilet and think how it could have dreamed? The only thing difficult to get used to is the children's cremation. The first child, who was cremated, it was a girl, she was a year old. Well there is a newborn, and when had lived ... And you see how the parents are crying ...
Money does not smell
Children - this is the only reason for buying men's sympathy. 22-year-old Alexander Kanonchik tries to argue dryly: "People are born, people die. What's the big deal? "When he started to work in the crematorium, he warned that often come here for 2 weeks, and then do not stand up - go.

In this case, you need a very clear distinction between "work-home", or even salary "above average" will not reassure. Machinists ritual equipment dirty earn about 7, 5-8 million per month. "Money does not smell" - he hastens to remind the driver Andrew, who showed us the process of cremation. Men are proud that in recent years to bring him dead even from Russia. Rumor has carried that they "all honest».
"Goodbye" - throw a short phrase crematorium workers. "We hope that we will meet with you for a very long time" - we answer and gladly leave it even curious, but a sad place.
That's all I wanted to say. I agree with the last sentence.
