Car Ukrainian "holy fathers"
Orthodox priests recently chosen expensive and reliable cars, as is known, the way God works in mysterious :) Be sure to read further.
The simplicity of the new Pope Francis became the top topic of the world and Ukrainian media.
Pontiff, recall, refused to go in the popemobile along the road from the Sistine Chapel
and sat in the side aisle on the bus with the Cardinals.
When asked about this primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Filaret, adding, if he wants to change seats
of the "Mercedes" in the bus, he replied that he did not approve of such actions.
"This is the work on display, and the need to be humble in life to God, not to the people", - he said.
The press service of the UOC-KP then clarified that the primate not understand it, they say,
I did not mean Francis, and to answer questions about his private minibuses and cars. The newspaper "Segodnya»
I learned to ride than the fathers of different denominations in Ukraine.
Mercier Lexus
Most often Filaret can be seen coming out of six hundredth of "Mercedes" with the number "777".
This machine, worth 200 thousand euros (2, 1 million USD), presented to him,
as they say in the diocese, an unknown benefactor in 2007.
And this is not the only vehicle of the patriarch.
"In the garage there are several executive cars.
Even the cargo and utility, there is a bus Iveco.
All they serve Patriarchate, they are all official.
Patriarch of private life is not as such.
He lives in the same place and works, - in the residence on the street Pushkinskaya,
Kiev, in a two-room, one room - an office,
second - living. Patriarch does not go anywhere on vacation, he just goes
medical prevention in motels near Kiev.
And during a visit to Brussels, he was flying in economy class, along with the other passengers »,
- He told us the press secretary UOC-KP Yevstratii Zorya.
The head of the UOC-MP Vladimir has six hundredth "Mercedes" and "Lexus" (about 200 000 $ each).
For them, it seems, used the same number with the letters M and B.
"Metropolitan Volodymyr gave cars,
to them he goes, - explained to us the head of the press service of the UOC-MP Vasily Anisimov.
- In general, all priests live modestly.
But if it turns out that the priest has unreasonably expensive car or
well furnished house, the church may call it modesty,
not to tempt people with his behavior. But no one will demand
the priest to give, for example, from expensive cars,
if he gave it and the machine really helps in his mission.
The main thing is that it helped the parishioners carried the word of God ».
Rabbis and "Germans»
"Stories about modesty Francis served as something sensational.
In fact this is a normal behavior of the religious leader.
The problem - in a society that lives the spirit of consumerism and so carefully
It keeps track of who uses what the benefits ", - said
Head of the Information Department of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Igor Yatsiv.
He said that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Svyatoslav Shevchuk, Primate enjoys car "Volkswagen Passat".
"The car belongs to the church, manages the brother monk," - said Yatsiv.
In the showrooms of car is sold for $ 30-40 million (USD 245-320 million).
One of the two chief rabbis of Ukraine and Kiev Yaakov Bleich, as described
"Today" in his entourage, enjoys a Japanese car.
"Mark, I do not remember exactly, but it seems that it is" Toyota. "
He himself does not lead, it does have a driver ", - said our interlocutor.
And here is another Chief Rabbi - Moshe Asman - enjoys minibus
Chevrolet Express (fully loaded it costs 800-900 thousand USD),
which he presented to the president of the Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich.
"I felt ashamed that he drives a chaise transport.
And most of it has no other car "- said Vadim Z. us.
On the "Volkswagen" drives and chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims
Ukraine Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Tamim.
He himself told us that this is his personal transportation, but elaborate,
what this machine, declined.
Packed victim bothersome laity
The new pontiff of the Catholic Church continues to surprise his flock,
giving her an example of biblical virtues.
His words that he knowingly chose the name of the defense of disadvantaged Francis,
and would like to "poor church for the poor»,
he was backed up by several actions. So, after his election, the new pope
He refused on the position and his personal limousine
I went on the bus with the rest of the Cardinals.
The press immediately noted that prior to his ascension to the throne of St. Peter,
Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio led a very modest life.
He lived in a small apartment at the cathedral, preparing himself, the driver refused,
often traveled by public transport.
And it is the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the whole country! Few in the world shepherds of this level,
not mired in the love of money.
Perhaps you can recall only the Serbian Patriarch Pavle, who also went to the bus,
easily walked through the streets, I wash clothes myself
and repaired their old shoes. By the way, the deceased patriarch really remember and revere
as a saint - can not be said about other
departed in the world other archpastors.
Popemobile Pope is not needed
Serbian Patriarch Pavle traveled by trolley
And he walked in the streets without protection
Of course, the bus ride to Rome and then Francis I could not.
But it will not depend on his personal desires.
As rightly observed prominent politician Taras Chornovil,
even the most senior person forced to follow orders
his security.
"There are many Islamic groups that would like to make
any act of violence against the head of the Catholic Church.
In the future, the security service of the Vatican, which is powerful enough,
it will put forward specific requirements.
So he still have to travel to meet people in a closed popemobile »,
- The ex-deputy.
However, it is not that, if Dad sits in his popemobile, but rather,
The new head of the Catholic Church has put at the forefront of its
Policy modesty. One can argue about whether it is genuine
or mock. But it should be clear to admit,
it helps to strengthen the image of the Catholic Church.
The poor people in Latin America (which is half of Catholics all over the world)
see these priests, pastors who share with them the material
burdens - and trust them, as the own father (and even more).
A well-to-Catholics of Europe perceive the behavior of Francis I as
democratization of the Church, the rejection of bombast and affectation, return to
original sources of Christianity socially equitable.
Welcomes the initiative pontiff and representatives of other Christian denominations.
Archpriest Andrey Tkachev said that the church is associated with his servants
- So they have a huge responsibility to behave so as not to drop the
its prestige and not to give rise to criticism.
"Strives he draw attention to the positive side of the Catholic Church with his personality,
in particular, and he just lives - it's a separate issue, but what is it in this
case goes well, it is certainly "- said Father Andrew.
I do not understand the pontiff only its Eastern European counterpart.
The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate Filaret hastened to criticize the behavior of Francis I.
"I do not approve of such actions. Because this work show, and you need to be humble
life before God, not before people »,
- Filaret said, commenting on the refusal of the Pope's personal car.
Ukrainian patriarch even attempted to justify its position the words
Lord, but only for some reason, dragged to the verse from Matthew (6: 1) his own aphorism:
"Do not show their humility before the people, and be humble inside."
But nothing like that in the Bible there, but in the same Gospel of Matthew has these words:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth».
Six "gelding" Patriarch Filaret
Himself Patriarch Filaret of Kiev public transport does not use,
and drives a «Mercedes» 600 series, with an exclusive number "777" and
flashing light special vehicles. According to its value this patriarchal
"Donkey" is approximately equal to "popemobile" but says Patriarch Filaret,
the car he was given good people. And as for the fact that it doroguschy "gelding»,
instead of "Lada", so on that is an objective necessity.
"If I went to the Russian cars, I would not be able to visit their diocese,
parishes in such numbers as I go.
I go out for the year from 10 to 20 dioceses because there is such a car,
that does not stop.
And that's why I need such a car is not a luxury, but as a means to carry out
their duties, "- justified by the head of the UOC-KP.
Interestingly, all the owners of limousines in cassocks are justified about the same:
machine gave us, they are necessary for the case,
so do not be jealous! However, not everyone is talking about it openly and complacency.
Since 2011 there was a small scandalous conflict between the meticulous journalist
channel "1 + 1", and the rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
But the most original answer was Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin,
Chairman of the Department for Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate with
public. According to him expensive gifts (hours, limousines, etc.) is a heavy cross,
who with dignity are fathers.
But do not grieve about the times and mores.
Since the love of money and a passion for expensive gifts is a long tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy.
I think that she has gone from Byzantium, where the authority of the government and the church
directly dependent on the number of glittering gold.
"Dear man must be rich," - still believe some of our compatriots,
greeters and escorts people solely by their looks.
And if in Europe and then there were the mendicant orders (the same Franciscans),
flared theological discussion on
"Did Christ possessed a purse?" And flashed the socio-religious uprising
(Qatar, the Apostolic Brethren),
the non-possessors in Russia its cursed at the Council and impaled even when Vasily III.
Then the Russian Orthodox Church was developed by Byzantine model,
in gilt frames, as the ideological department of the government.
Even in the USSR, the church enjoyed the support of a permanent government.
Incidentally, the general secretaries of the patriarchs planted in a limousine.
In 1949, Patriarch Alexy I handed Stalin's gift:
Exclusive ZIS-110 with a special finish.
By the way, while interior of the limousine patriarchal first issued in the interior green.
Patriarch Pimen while driving around Moscow
Japanese «Nissan President», and later, on the personal instructions of Brezhnev, for him personally collected "Seagull».
Such «Nissan» in the USSR there were only two: Brezhnev and Patriarch Pimen
Seagull Patriarch Pimen, given to him by Brezhnev
Present need to wash!
Garage Patriarch Alexy II began with the government "ZIL-114»,
and already in the early 90s began to actively replenish foreign cars.
And very expensive. The current fleet of the Moscow Patriarchate make
feel poor loser, not only the pope,
but the US president. In addition, the disposal of Patriarch Kirill has
motor yacht, which is estimated at $ 4 million.
Holy limousine ROC
Ark Patriarch Kirill
Therefore not surprising that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,
caused by the spin-off of the Russian Orthodox Church, took over from her this tradition.
However, to outdo the Moscow Patriarchate in the price and quantity
Car class "luxury" they can not physically (materially),
However garage Vatican probably already stuck in his belt.
But nothing, not for nothing that the Church is actively fighting for the status of "single sovereign!"
Surely, in order to receive from the State a complete set of all support
- Including budgetary subsidies and State Guard motorcade.
"Lexus" the head of the UOC-MP Metropolitan Volodymyr
Well, looking at their patriarchs and metropolitans, try not to hit
face in the dirt bishops and abbots.
Again, we reigns age-old tradition, according to which the authority of the person
It begins with what he wore and what he came.
And this tradition is stronger and the commandments of God, and soberness.
Therefore, even many ordinary priests feel undignified already come
the funeral in a cheap small car.
"If the bishops, knowing the Savior's commandment about nestyazhatelstvo have such machines,
then what kind of car they would have,
if this commandment is not it? "- once he said the Serbian Patriarch Pavle,
saw their cars "priests».
Authoritative pop
That's only in the Catholic world also had its own traditions.
And then, the Catholic Church has learned to do what is necessary - and not,
as the customs of their ancestors is told. Now blind eye flock luxury and pomposity
impractical, moreover, it will cause her irritation only.
And the Catholic bishops are not looking for excuses why they need pricey limos,
a ride on the bus.
"I think you have to always be humble. Modesty - a modern trend,
which is needed not only of the Church but also in society.
I think it will be in demand, so Francis took absolutely the right decision.
Modesty - is a worldwide trend, which applies not only to the clergy,
but also relevant for policy makers,
and any public figures, "- said Moscow journalist Phillip Leontiev.
He believes that if the priests do not understand what decisions are popular among their flock,
this has a negative impact not only on their personal image, but the image of the churches they represent.
Disagrees Archpriest Andrey Tkachev. He believes that the demonstration of excessive Skoromniy - this is not something,
which can now bring to the church of our compatriots.
"If we start walking in sandals and tattered clothes, it does not pay people to God,
it can cause laughter, anger and condemnation.
There was a question in the least, in the middle of some kind, when there is neither too luxurious nor too shabby ».
But I think that even more irritation causes a mismatch luxury standard of living of the pastors of the flock.
For example, the Catholic Church - the largest in the world. In its ranks 1, 2 billion believers,
including not only the poor South American mestizo,
but residents of the most developed countries of the West.
It seems that if the pope drove along the roads of Italy "Lamborghini»,
no one would pay attention to the cost of the car,
all would surprise only foolhardiness of the Holy Father. This is understandable, because the current Italy
- It is not a poor country of the early films of Fellini.
Even Argentina, the home of Jorge Bergoglio, the standard of living of the population exceeds the Ukraine.
ROC is a hundred million believers, and its Patriarchate is in the country,
where the average life balances between Poland and Portugal.
Fortunately, the middle - so the streets of Moscow Patriarchal limousine motorcade
not particularly stand out among thousands of similar,
and in the Russian wilderness, they just do not appear. If not for television and the Internet,
the Orthodox would not know about the standard of living of their Archbishop.
The congregation of the UOC KP only 4 million people - and that if you count the entire population of towns and villages,
where her parishes.
The standard of living in Ukraine is well aware.
Therefore, in all honesty, we have to admit that if good people
Metropolitan Filaret did not give "Mercedes»,
then it really would have to ride on the "Lada».
The leader of the "Brotherhood" Dmitry Korchinskiy believes that the Orthodox,
Catholics need to follow the example of Christ and the Apostles.
"I think that the Church should not be richer in Christ, whose body it is.
First of all bishops of the church should not be richer than Christ.
Christ and the Apostles begged, in principle, people were poor and lived with alms ».
But it is unlikely we will be able to settle for modest shepherds alms.
In addition, most of the churches of the world are not only donations of parishioners
and sells candles and other economic activities.
For example, the Vatican's budget (310 million euros) is largely filled by tourists,
income from real estate and shares. The budget of the Moscow Patriarchate in 1997 the secret
an enigma - after the scandal with the "tobacco business".
However, we know that he is filled with no widow mite:
Patriarchy has a good income from his many enterprises,
as well as the time of the acquired assets.
Thus, the question of modesty pastors - it's a matter of conscience, their voluntary
non-luxury as the unnecessary frills.
But if the West so do not just clergy, but just rich people,

The simplicity of the new Pope Francis became the top topic of the world and Ukrainian media.
Pontiff, recall, refused to go in the popemobile along the road from the Sistine Chapel
and sat in the side aisle on the bus with the Cardinals.
When asked about this primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Filaret, adding, if he wants to change seats
of the "Mercedes" in the bus, he replied that he did not approve of such actions.
"This is the work on display, and the need to be humble in life to God, not to the people", - he said.
The press service of the UOC-KP then clarified that the primate not understand it, they say,
I did not mean Francis, and to answer questions about his private minibuses and cars. The newspaper "Segodnya»
I learned to ride than the fathers of different denominations in Ukraine.
Mercier Lexus
Most often Filaret can be seen coming out of six hundredth of "Mercedes" with the number "777".
This machine, worth 200 thousand euros (2, 1 million USD), presented to him,
as they say in the diocese, an unknown benefactor in 2007.
And this is not the only vehicle of the patriarch.
"In the garage there are several executive cars.
Even the cargo and utility, there is a bus Iveco.
All they serve Patriarchate, they are all official.
Patriarch of private life is not as such.
He lives in the same place and works, - in the residence on the street Pushkinskaya,
Kiev, in a two-room, one room - an office,
second - living. Patriarch does not go anywhere on vacation, he just goes
medical prevention in motels near Kiev.
And during a visit to Brussels, he was flying in economy class, along with the other passengers »,
- He told us the press secretary UOC-KP Yevstratii Zorya.

The head of the UOC-MP Vladimir has six hundredth "Mercedes" and "Lexus" (about 200 000 $ each).
For them, it seems, used the same number with the letters M and B.
"Metropolitan Volodymyr gave cars,
to them he goes, - explained to us the head of the press service of the UOC-MP Vasily Anisimov.
- In general, all priests live modestly.
But if it turns out that the priest has unreasonably expensive car or
well furnished house, the church may call it modesty,
not to tempt people with his behavior. But no one will demand
the priest to give, for example, from expensive cars,
if he gave it and the machine really helps in his mission.
The main thing is that it helped the parishioners carried the word of God ».

Rabbis and "Germans»
"Stories about modesty Francis served as something sensational.
In fact this is a normal behavior of the religious leader.
The problem - in a society that lives the spirit of consumerism and so carefully
It keeps track of who uses what the benefits ", - said
Head of the Information Department of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Igor Yatsiv.
He said that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Svyatoslav Shevchuk, Primate enjoys car "Volkswagen Passat".
"The car belongs to the church, manages the brother monk," - said Yatsiv.
In the showrooms of car is sold for $ 30-40 million (USD 245-320 million).
One of the two chief rabbis of Ukraine and Kiev Yaakov Bleich, as described
"Today" in his entourage, enjoys a Japanese car.
"Mark, I do not remember exactly, but it seems that it is" Toyota. "
He himself does not lead, it does have a driver ", - said our interlocutor.
And here is another Chief Rabbi - Moshe Asman - enjoys minibus
Chevrolet Express (fully loaded it costs 800-900 thousand USD),
which he presented to the president of the Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich.
"I felt ashamed that he drives a chaise transport.
And most of it has no other car "- said Vadim Z. us.
On the "Volkswagen" drives and chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims
Ukraine Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Tamim.
He himself told us that this is his personal transportation, but elaborate,
what this machine, declined.

Packed victim bothersome laity
The new pontiff of the Catholic Church continues to surprise his flock,
giving her an example of biblical virtues.
His words that he knowingly chose the name of the defense of disadvantaged Francis,
and would like to "poor church for the poor»,
he was backed up by several actions. So, after his election, the new pope
He refused on the position and his personal limousine
I went on the bus with the rest of the Cardinals.
The press immediately noted that prior to his ascension to the throne of St. Peter,
Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio led a very modest life.
He lived in a small apartment at the cathedral, preparing himself, the driver refused,
often traveled by public transport.
And it is the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the whole country! Few in the world shepherds of this level,
not mired in the love of money.
Perhaps you can recall only the Serbian Patriarch Pavle, who also went to the bus,
easily walked through the streets, I wash clothes myself
and repaired their old shoes. By the way, the deceased patriarch really remember and revere
as a saint - can not be said about other
departed in the world other archpastors.

Popemobile Pope is not needed

Serbian Patriarch Pavle traveled by trolley

And he walked in the streets without protection
Of course, the bus ride to Rome and then Francis I could not.
But it will not depend on his personal desires.
As rightly observed prominent politician Taras Chornovil,
even the most senior person forced to follow orders
his security.
"There are many Islamic groups that would like to make
any act of violence against the head of the Catholic Church.
In the future, the security service of the Vatican, which is powerful enough,
it will put forward specific requirements.
So he still have to travel to meet people in a closed popemobile »,
- The ex-deputy.
However, it is not that, if Dad sits in his popemobile, but rather,
The new head of the Catholic Church has put at the forefront of its
Policy modesty. One can argue about whether it is genuine
or mock. But it should be clear to admit,
it helps to strengthen the image of the Catholic Church.
The poor people in Latin America (which is half of Catholics all over the world)
see these priests, pastors who share with them the material
burdens - and trust them, as the own father (and even more).
A well-to-Catholics of Europe perceive the behavior of Francis I as
democratization of the Church, the rejection of bombast and affectation, return to
original sources of Christianity socially equitable.
Welcomes the initiative pontiff and representatives of other Christian denominations.
Archpriest Andrey Tkachev said that the church is associated with his servants
- So they have a huge responsibility to behave so as not to drop the
its prestige and not to give rise to criticism.
"Strives he draw attention to the positive side of the Catholic Church with his personality,
in particular, and he just lives - it's a separate issue, but what is it in this
case goes well, it is certainly "- said Father Andrew.
I do not understand the pontiff only its Eastern European counterpart.
The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate Filaret hastened to criticize the behavior of Francis I.
"I do not approve of such actions. Because this work show, and you need to be humble
life before God, not before people »,
- Filaret said, commenting on the refusal of the Pope's personal car.
Ukrainian patriarch even attempted to justify its position the words
Lord, but only for some reason, dragged to the verse from Matthew (6: 1) his own aphorism:
"Do not show their humility before the people, and be humble inside."
But nothing like that in the Bible there, but in the same Gospel of Matthew has these words:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth».

Six "gelding" Patriarch Filaret
Himself Patriarch Filaret of Kiev public transport does not use,
and drives a «Mercedes» 600 series, with an exclusive number "777" and
flashing light special vehicles. According to its value this patriarchal
"Donkey" is approximately equal to "popemobile" but says Patriarch Filaret,
the car he was given good people. And as for the fact that it doroguschy "gelding»,
instead of "Lada", so on that is an objective necessity.
"If I went to the Russian cars, I would not be able to visit their diocese,
parishes in such numbers as I go.
I go out for the year from 10 to 20 dioceses because there is such a car,
that does not stop.
And that's why I need such a car is not a luxury, but as a means to carry out
their duties, "- justified by the head of the UOC-KP.
Interestingly, all the owners of limousines in cassocks are justified about the same:
machine gave us, they are necessary for the case,
so do not be jealous! However, not everyone is talking about it openly and complacency.
Since 2011 there was a small scandalous conflict between the meticulous journalist
channel "1 + 1", and the rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
But the most original answer was Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin,
Chairman of the Department for Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate with
public. According to him expensive gifts (hours, limousines, etc.) is a heavy cross,
who with dignity are fathers.

But do not grieve about the times and mores.
Since the love of money and a passion for expensive gifts is a long tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy.
I think that she has gone from Byzantium, where the authority of the government and the church
directly dependent on the number of glittering gold.
"Dear man must be rich," - still believe some of our compatriots,
greeters and escorts people solely by their looks.
And if in Europe and then there were the mendicant orders (the same Franciscans),
flared theological discussion on
"Did Christ possessed a purse?" And flashed the socio-religious uprising
(Qatar, the Apostolic Brethren),
the non-possessors in Russia its cursed at the Council and impaled even when Vasily III.
Then the Russian Orthodox Church was developed by Byzantine model,
in gilt frames, as the ideological department of the government.
Even in the USSR, the church enjoyed the support of a permanent government.
Incidentally, the general secretaries of the patriarchs planted in a limousine.
In 1949, Patriarch Alexy I handed Stalin's gift:
Exclusive ZIS-110 with a special finish.
By the way, while interior of the limousine patriarchal first issued in the interior green.
Patriarch Pimen while driving around Moscow
Japanese «Nissan President», and later, on the personal instructions of Brezhnev, for him personally collected "Seagull».

Such «Nissan» in the USSR there were only two: Brezhnev and Patriarch Pimen

Seagull Patriarch Pimen, given to him by Brezhnev

Present need to wash!
Garage Patriarch Alexy II began with the government "ZIL-114»,
and already in the early 90s began to actively replenish foreign cars.
And very expensive. The current fleet of the Moscow Patriarchate make
feel poor loser, not only the pope,
but the US president. In addition, the disposal of Patriarch Kirill has
motor yacht, which is estimated at $ 4 million.

Holy limousine ROC

Ark Patriarch Kirill
Therefore not surprising that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,
caused by the spin-off of the Russian Orthodox Church, took over from her this tradition.
However, to outdo the Moscow Patriarchate in the price and quantity
Car class "luxury" they can not physically (materially),
However garage Vatican probably already stuck in his belt.
But nothing, not for nothing that the Church is actively fighting for the status of "single sovereign!"
Surely, in order to receive from the State a complete set of all support
- Including budgetary subsidies and State Guard motorcade.

"Lexus" the head of the UOC-MP Metropolitan Volodymyr
Well, looking at their patriarchs and metropolitans, try not to hit
face in the dirt bishops and abbots.
Again, we reigns age-old tradition, according to which the authority of the person
It begins with what he wore and what he came.
And this tradition is stronger and the commandments of God, and soberness.
Therefore, even many ordinary priests feel undignified already come
the funeral in a cheap small car.
"If the bishops, knowing the Savior's commandment about nestyazhatelstvo have such machines,
then what kind of car they would have,
if this commandment is not it? "- once he said the Serbian Patriarch Pavle,
saw their cars "priests».

Authoritative pop
That's only in the Catholic world also had its own traditions.
And then, the Catholic Church has learned to do what is necessary - and not,
as the customs of their ancestors is told. Now blind eye flock luxury and pomposity
impractical, moreover, it will cause her irritation only.
And the Catholic bishops are not looking for excuses why they need pricey limos,
a ride on the bus.
"I think you have to always be humble. Modesty - a modern trend,
which is needed not only of the Church but also in society.
I think it will be in demand, so Francis took absolutely the right decision.
Modesty - is a worldwide trend, which applies not only to the clergy,
but also relevant for policy makers,
and any public figures, "- said Moscow journalist Phillip Leontiev.
He believes that if the priests do not understand what decisions are popular among their flock,
this has a negative impact not only on their personal image, but the image of the churches they represent.
Disagrees Archpriest Andrey Tkachev. He believes that the demonstration of excessive Skoromniy - this is not something,
which can now bring to the church of our compatriots.
"If we start walking in sandals and tattered clothes, it does not pay people to God,
it can cause laughter, anger and condemnation.
There was a question in the least, in the middle of some kind, when there is neither too luxurious nor too shabby ».
But I think that even more irritation causes a mismatch luxury standard of living of the pastors of the flock.
For example, the Catholic Church - the largest in the world. In its ranks 1, 2 billion believers,
including not only the poor South American mestizo,
but residents of the most developed countries of the West.
It seems that if the pope drove along the roads of Italy "Lamborghini»,
no one would pay attention to the cost of the car,
all would surprise only foolhardiness of the Holy Father. This is understandable, because the current Italy
- It is not a poor country of the early films of Fellini.
Even Argentina, the home of Jorge Bergoglio, the standard of living of the population exceeds the Ukraine.
ROC is a hundred million believers, and its Patriarchate is in the country,
where the average life balances between Poland and Portugal.
Fortunately, the middle - so the streets of Moscow Patriarchal limousine motorcade
not particularly stand out among thousands of similar,
and in the Russian wilderness, they just do not appear. If not for television and the Internet,
the Orthodox would not know about the standard of living of their Archbishop.
The congregation of the UOC KP only 4 million people - and that if you count the entire population of towns and villages,
where her parishes.
The standard of living in Ukraine is well aware.
Therefore, in all honesty, we have to admit that if good people
Metropolitan Filaret did not give "Mercedes»,
then it really would have to ride on the "Lada».
The leader of the "Brotherhood" Dmitry Korchinskiy believes that the Orthodox,
Catholics need to follow the example of Christ and the Apostles.
"I think that the Church should not be richer in Christ, whose body it is.
First of all bishops of the church should not be richer than Christ.
Christ and the Apostles begged, in principle, people were poor and lived with alms ».
But it is unlikely we will be able to settle for modest shepherds alms.
In addition, most of the churches of the world are not only donations of parishioners
and sells candles and other economic activities.
For example, the Vatican's budget (310 million euros) is largely filled by tourists,
income from real estate and shares. The budget of the Moscow Patriarchate in 1997 the secret
an enigma - after the scandal with the "tobacco business".
However, we know that he is filled with no widow mite:
Patriarchy has a good income from his many enterprises,
as well as the time of the acquired assets.
Thus, the question of modesty pastors - it's a matter of conscience, their voluntary
non-luxury as the unnecessary frills.
But if the West so do not just clergy, but just rich people,