How to become someone that others will listen
The point is that each of our actions, including the selection and adoption of specific decisions influenced by those who are an authority for us. It happens that way, even if we are not aware of this report.
A wise man once said:"do Not try to force or persuade someone to buy your product, you better change that encourages people to these actions."
Think for a moment about why you visit certain websites or landing pages, to buy certain goods; why among the many proposals, you choose them. The vast majority of people would reply that it is their personal decision. However, in most cases, this solution Matures under the influence of external factors.
The point is that each of our actions, including the selection and adoption of specific decisions influenced by those who are an authority for us. It happens that way, even if we are not aware of this report.
What's really going on?
In short, often there is someone who is able to affect the perception of us those moments that lead us to certain decisions in respect of purchases or other actions.
Such people can rightly be called powerful. By definition, a powerful man is one who can influence others. In addition, these people have special abilities in terms of impact on everything that is connected with the process of making, purchasing or evaluation of the decision (judgment).
The simplest example is the impact on the person of his parents. Their authority follows naturally from the fact that they have given birth, and the way of education often determines our entire future life.
In addition, we are surrounded by quite a considerable number of those who can be considered influential people in certain sectors of life such as business, media, etc.
Quite rightly begs the question:
So they have this influence?
This ability of leaders is due to the fact that they have the appropriate power (reputation). It is quite important point is that this power is often associated with some specific subject area of knowledge or skills. For example, people who are well-versed in cars, has great power in this sphere in comparison with those who does not understand.
Thus, the formula of turning an ordinary person into an influential person as follows:
Normal Person + Power = Influential Person
So if you get the power, you automatically become an influential person that can affect the thought processes of others in favor of the adoption of the decisions you want to.
Here we come to the next logical question: how to get the most power? The answer to this question we start with the following statement:
The best way to obtain the necessary authority of the government is to do it online
Why online? The answer is obvious and simple: every year the modern man is increasingly involved in the sphere of a virtual stay in a Network – ranging from finding information about a product, service, method of treatment and ending with listening to music, watching videos, news and different opinions – it's all done online.
Before you begin to strengthen your online reputation, you can objectively count on the growth of trust both on the part of your potential clients, and colleagues. The result of such action will not only increase sales, but also formation of beneficial partnerships with others. And because the Internet is very dynamic, constantly changing environment, you are open horizons, which can hardly be found in any other sphere of modern life.
But, of course, to begin with
You need to create your online representation
So, it is obvious that the implementation of any plan, you need to have a definite (albeit online) "the meeting place". In this case, it is possible to make at least two (for greater effect, they are recommended to combine) methods.
1. Start a personal blog. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to take the first step into the world to enhance their personal online reputation. By the way, a great many influential people around the world have begun to build their power precisely from the personal blog.
A blog allows you to share personal opinions and knowledge about the niche on which you decided to focus your attention. At this point in the Russian-speaking part of the world wide Web a lot of materials that illuminate the issues related to organization and blogging. You should just enter into your favorite search engine matches the request and you will receive a lot of free material on the topic of blogging.
2. Use mass media (media) and social networks. It is obvious that in influencing people, media plays a key role. This is also true in respect of social networking sites, which are called social networks.
The principles of effective work with the media are also popular topics that are already published quite a lot of different material. The majority of Internet users will not be difficult to find resources where you can download the relevant information in the form of an eBook, White Paper or read it online. Take them into service for the formation of the personal reputation of an influential person.
By the way, these two sources (personal blog and social networks) allow not only to create around himself a loyal audience, but also provide an opportunity to meet other influencers in your niche and look at how they build and support your online credibility.
An online presence is. What's next?
So, after you "appeared" in the Network, begin to build and develop your online reputation, which will certainly make you an influential person. In fairness it should be noted that the issue of the formation of the cult of personality are no quick ways to achieve this goal. Therefore, initially, not be amiss to tune in to painstaking work. Fortunately, in this article you will get a clear plan that you simply implement.
The next two steps towards establishing your online credibility associated with two strategically important points.
Pick your niche. This item is very important. Thus, it is vital to choose a segment of activity which causes you have a passion, not one where you think you can earn more. Become in your chosen niche expert. In fact, ideally you should be the best in its niche and needs to know about this other. It is important to avoid two extremes: you should not position themselves as a "generalist", because anyone who says that can do everything, in fact, really do not know how; on the other hand, in most cases, unreasonably looks too narrow specialization – you do not attach particular weight to the fact that you are well versed only in one, very narrow targeting. If you can your audience, clearly convey information that they can understand, accept, apply and get results, then you will receive a credit of trust, which gradually grow in reputation, able to put you in one row with influential people.
Let what you publish in your blog and social page, continuously indicates the degree of your proficiency in your chosen niche.
And in order to encourage you to be persistent in the formation of his expertise, here
10 reasons to become an expert in your chosen business:
You will have no problems with content for your blog because you have a lot of experience and knowledge which you can share with your audience. You will have more chances to be a successful businessman, as you well know as his subject, and the whole industry in your niche. You will know exactly what marketing information you need, as you well know, that you need. Expert status will make you more attractive in the eyes of those who want to cooperate with you. People will trust you because people tend to trust the experts. Thanks to a deep understanding, you will be able to anticipate future changes both in the market of your niche in the industry. Different media will be more attention to follow your activity and interview you. Owners of other blogs and social communities are willing to provide you with the opportunity to publish guest posts. Waiting for your further growth as an expert, people will continue to subscribe to your blog. And let us face the truth – the experts eventually begin to earn more. Strengthen its position of an expert
Further efforts to maintain expert status is associated with three important points.
The quality of your content. Your personal productivity. Ability to cooperate with other experts. From the quality of material you publish in your blog, it depends, will you be able to keep and increase your audience. This is also due to the fact, whether you stay productive publicist. Let us consider these aspects.
So, summarizing all above, we can highlight the following points:
The influential cult of the individual is quite able to build any person. The basis of influence is your reputation (authority). Reputation (credibility) is formed by how other people see you as an expert in a particular niche. The Internet provides ample opportunities for forming influential person: maintaining personal blog and publish in social networks allow to Express a wide range of people that you are an expert in one area or another. Although keeping a personal blog is associated with certain efforts, but the result may be that you will become an influential person – a person, whose opinion will be listened to, and whose products will buy even without their direct advertising. And remember, a blog is a powerful mechanism of inbound marketing lead generation and therefore sales! Published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lpgenerator.ru/blog/2013/09/17/kult-vliyatelnogo-cheloveka-kak-stat-tem-k-komu-budut-prislushivatsya-drugie/

A wise man once said:"do Not try to force or persuade someone to buy your product, you better change that encourages people to these actions."
Think for a moment about why you visit certain websites or landing pages, to buy certain goods; why among the many proposals, you choose them. The vast majority of people would reply that it is their personal decision. However, in most cases, this solution Matures under the influence of external factors.
The point is that each of our actions, including the selection and adoption of specific decisions influenced by those who are an authority for us. It happens that way, even if we are not aware of this report.
What's really going on?
In short, often there is someone who is able to affect the perception of us those moments that lead us to certain decisions in respect of purchases or other actions.
Such people can rightly be called powerful. By definition, a powerful man is one who can influence others. In addition, these people have special abilities in terms of impact on everything that is connected with the process of making, purchasing or evaluation of the decision (judgment).
The simplest example is the impact on the person of his parents. Their authority follows naturally from the fact that they have given birth, and the way of education often determines our entire future life.
In addition, we are surrounded by quite a considerable number of those who can be considered influential people in certain sectors of life such as business, media, etc.
Quite rightly begs the question:
So they have this influence?
This ability of leaders is due to the fact that they have the appropriate power (reputation). It is quite important point is that this power is often associated with some specific subject area of knowledge or skills. For example, people who are well-versed in cars, has great power in this sphere in comparison with those who does not understand.
Thus, the formula of turning an ordinary person into an influential person as follows:
Normal Person + Power = Influential Person
So if you get the power, you automatically become an influential person that can affect the thought processes of others in favor of the adoption of the decisions you want to.
Here we come to the next logical question: how to get the most power? The answer to this question we start with the following statement:
The best way to obtain the necessary authority of the government is to do it online
Why online? The answer is obvious and simple: every year the modern man is increasingly involved in the sphere of a virtual stay in a Network – ranging from finding information about a product, service, method of treatment and ending with listening to music, watching videos, news and different opinions – it's all done online.
Before you begin to strengthen your online reputation, you can objectively count on the growth of trust both on the part of your potential clients, and colleagues. The result of such action will not only increase sales, but also formation of beneficial partnerships with others. And because the Internet is very dynamic, constantly changing environment, you are open horizons, which can hardly be found in any other sphere of modern life.
But, of course, to begin with
You need to create your online representation
So, it is obvious that the implementation of any plan, you need to have a definite (albeit online) "the meeting place". In this case, it is possible to make at least two (for greater effect, they are recommended to combine) methods.
1. Start a personal blog. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to take the first step into the world to enhance their personal online reputation. By the way, a great many influential people around the world have begun to build their power precisely from the personal blog.
A blog allows you to share personal opinions and knowledge about the niche on which you decided to focus your attention. At this point in the Russian-speaking part of the world wide Web a lot of materials that illuminate the issues related to organization and blogging. You should just enter into your favorite search engine matches the request and you will receive a lot of free material on the topic of blogging.
2. Use mass media (media) and social networks. It is obvious that in influencing people, media plays a key role. This is also true in respect of social networking sites, which are called social networks.
The principles of effective work with the media are also popular topics that are already published quite a lot of different material. The majority of Internet users will not be difficult to find resources where you can download the relevant information in the form of an eBook, White Paper or read it online. Take them into service for the formation of the personal reputation of an influential person.
By the way, these two sources (personal blog and social networks) allow not only to create around himself a loyal audience, but also provide an opportunity to meet other influencers in your niche and look at how they build and support your online credibility.
An online presence is. What's next?
So, after you "appeared" in the Network, begin to build and develop your online reputation, which will certainly make you an influential person. In fairness it should be noted that the issue of the formation of the cult of personality are no quick ways to achieve this goal. Therefore, initially, not be amiss to tune in to painstaking work. Fortunately, in this article you will get a clear plan that you simply implement.
The next two steps towards establishing your online credibility associated with two strategically important points.
Pick your niche. This item is very important. Thus, it is vital to choose a segment of activity which causes you have a passion, not one where you think you can earn more. Become in your chosen niche expert. In fact, ideally you should be the best in its niche and needs to know about this other. It is important to avoid two extremes: you should not position themselves as a "generalist", because anyone who says that can do everything, in fact, really do not know how; on the other hand, in most cases, unreasonably looks too narrow specialization – you do not attach particular weight to the fact that you are well versed only in one, very narrow targeting. If you can your audience, clearly convey information that they can understand, accept, apply and get results, then you will receive a credit of trust, which gradually grow in reputation, able to put you in one row with influential people.
Let what you publish in your blog and social page, continuously indicates the degree of your proficiency in your chosen niche.
And in order to encourage you to be persistent in the formation of his expertise, here
10 reasons to become an expert in your chosen business:
You will have no problems with content for your blog because you have a lot of experience and knowledge which you can share with your audience. You will have more chances to be a successful businessman, as you well know as his subject, and the whole industry in your niche. You will know exactly what marketing information you need, as you well know, that you need. Expert status will make you more attractive in the eyes of those who want to cooperate with you. People will trust you because people tend to trust the experts. Thanks to a deep understanding, you will be able to anticipate future changes both in the market of your niche in the industry. Different media will be more attention to follow your activity and interview you. Owners of other blogs and social communities are willing to provide you with the opportunity to publish guest posts. Waiting for your further growth as an expert, people will continue to subscribe to your blog. And let us face the truth – the experts eventually begin to earn more. Strengthen its position of an expert
Further efforts to maintain expert status is associated with three important points.
The quality of your content. Your personal productivity. Ability to cooperate with other experts. From the quality of material you publish in your blog, it depends, will you be able to keep and increase your audience. This is also due to the fact, whether you stay productive publicist. Let us consider these aspects.
- Substantial content. Under the content of your blog means its informational content and the ability to use your audience for solutions to their problems, no unverified or fabricated information.
- Accurate and truthful content. Nothing undermines the credibility of the expert as inaccurate or (worse) false information. Otherwise prevent such content on your blog pages.
- The regularity of posting content. Avoid the irregularity in the conduct of your blog. When your audience is constantly receiving quality information, it has reason to stay with you and to see the future is to keep your blog.
- Copy the successful model of providing information. We encourage you to plagiarism, but encouraged to take note of the successful ways of presenting information. To do this, keep a list of blogs where you can find such "features".
- Ask your audience. Ask your readers what else they would like to learn in connection with the theme of your blog.
- Don't forget about the creative approach. This does not mean that you should always give 100% new unique content. Sometimes you can do a product review or company – related, as a rule, it is easier to prepare than other types of content. Refer to those posts that were previously published on your blog.
- Make your content easy to understand. This can be achieved through the use of your materials things or characters, which is familiar to your target audience. For example, why not tell the readers about what they can teach spider-Man in relation to Internet journalism. Combine your publication with elements of comics (if appropriate) or other television (book) characters, as well as those trends that are relevant at the current time.
- Take breaks while preparing the content. If there is a creative "stop", take a break. Watch a movie, go for a walk or engage in other business which can give you inspiration.
- Share other experts. It is not necessary to constantly write himself. Invite other experts in your niche to your blog. Let your audience sees that for the preparation of high quality content you are even ready to involve other professionals.
- Revolve among the experts of their areas. If your audience will see you amongst recognised specialists in your niche, this will motivate them to continue to follow you. Therefore, it is useful to carry out regular monitoring of the activities of your colleagues (competitors); be aware of their Affairs, participate in discussions on their blogs — it will benefit you, increasing your rating.
So, summarizing all above, we can highlight the following points:
The influential cult of the individual is quite able to build any person. The basis of influence is your reputation (authority). Reputation (credibility) is formed by how other people see you as an expert in a particular niche. The Internet provides ample opportunities for forming influential person: maintaining personal blog and publish in social networks allow to Express a wide range of people that you are an expert in one area or another. Although keeping a personal blog is associated with certain efforts, but the result may be that you will become an influential person – a person, whose opinion will be listened to, and whose products will buy even without their direct advertising. And remember, a blog is a powerful mechanism of inbound marketing lead generation and therefore sales! Published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lpgenerator.ru/blog/2013/09/17/kult-vliyatelnogo-cheloveka-kak-stat-tem-k-komu-budut-prislushivatsya-drugie/
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