Dmitry Karpachev's Tips to Reclaim Lost Parental Authority
Experienced parents know that meritorious Getting kids isn't easy. This is a long painstaking journey, during which mom and dad learn to form parental authority. For some it is easier because of the strength of spirit and character. And someone becomes a faceless person for a child, whose opinion does not matter much.
The subject of parenting is very fragile and individual. However, there are several aspects that can be called a common denominator for all parents. Today, the editors want to draw your attention to 5 short rules for adults. They'll help you understand. How to build parental authority.
Parental authority is a topical topic for various psychological and social research. Today, this problem is being talked about everywhere. For example, the well-known Ukrainian psychologist Dmitry Karpachev shared with subscribers interesting observations. He singled out five simple and concise rulesrelevant to each parent.
How to build parental authority
"The Captain and His Team" Family relationships need to be worked on. To establish contact with the child and become more authoritative for him, he must understand that there are rules. Imagine that the parents are the captains of the ship and the children are the crew. You're floating in the same direction and Consider each other’s needs and desires. But the team is subordinate to the captain.
In addition, communication with children is important. Distinguish between dialogue and argument. You need to talk to children, not prove yourself right with shouts and imaginary authority. Only the right words and arguments will let the child know where he is wrong. For example, do not unreasonably forbid your child anything. Put everything on the shelves, explain the cause-and-effect relationship in the language available to the child. Yeah, sometimes it's hard. But that is the job of parents.
Parents often forget that they were once children. Everyday routine, work, commitment, and fatigue extinguish the light of the little child that lives within each of us. To receive the coveted meritorious Put yourself in their place more often. Then you can probably come to your full understanding.
What do you think every parent needs to know to form parental authority? We look forward to your comments!

The subject of parenting is very fragile and individual. However, there are several aspects that can be called a common denominator for all parents. Today, the editors want to draw your attention to 5 short rules for adults. They'll help you understand. How to build parental authority.
Parental authority is a topical topic for various psychological and social research. Today, this problem is being talked about everywhere. For example, the well-known Ukrainian psychologist Dmitry Karpachev shared with subscribers interesting observations. He singled out five simple and concise rulesrelevant to each parent.
How to build parental authority
- First, Never scold your child.without warning him. Any punishment or just a raised tone of one parent’s voice is stressful for the child. Also, children need to understand what their fault is and why mom and dad are angry.
- Secondly, Don't throw your words away.. Don’t give your child empty promises and lie to them. Unlike adults, children remember everything. It is important to remember what you say to your daughter or son. Because a small child can begin to accumulate resentment. This will then lead to more serious problems.
- Parents should be role model. And that goes for absolutely everything. It is especially important to show your child respect for each other. From an early age, children should grow up in harmony and a favorable atmosphere. Never argue with your wife or husband in front of your children.
- Teach your child to feel responsible for what he does. His parents should help him if he asks. Let the children feel that You will always help out and give advice..
- It is normal for a child to ask questions, and that is normal. So do not get angry after the next “Why?”, because children want to know the world. They don’t always understand everything the first time. Be patient, Answer all questions and teach your child.. This way he will feel your support and you will become his authority.
"The Captain and His Team" Family relationships need to be worked on. To establish contact with the child and become more authoritative for him, he must understand that there are rules. Imagine that the parents are the captains of the ship and the children are the crew. You're floating in the same direction and Consider each other’s needs and desires. But the team is subordinate to the captain.

In addition, communication with children is important. Distinguish between dialogue and argument. You need to talk to children, not prove yourself right with shouts and imaginary authority. Only the right words and arguments will let the child know where he is wrong. For example, do not unreasonably forbid your child anything. Put everything on the shelves, explain the cause-and-effect relationship in the language available to the child. Yeah, sometimes it's hard. But that is the job of parents.

Parents often forget that they were once children. Everyday routine, work, commitment, and fatigue extinguish the light of the little child that lives within each of us. To receive the coveted meritorious Put yourself in their place more often. Then you can probably come to your full understanding.
What do you think every parent needs to know to form parental authority? We look forward to your comments!
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