Advertise blogs advertisers
A selection of online journals, in which advertisers and close to industry people share interesting and useful blogs informatsiey.Personalnye unique in that they provide an opportunity to communicate face-to-face with interesting personalities who often share their views on life and the secrets of success. On blogs advertisers involved also in teaching activities, you can find a lot of informative material didactic.
Blogs are widely known about advertising figures included in this list because their personal records on tape beating obsuzhdaemo. The list is in alphabetical order under the author's name and will certainly be extended if you share links to blogs that interest you.
Personal blogs drugoi.livejournal.com
AdagamovSamy popular blogger Rustem Russian-speaking segment of "Live Journal". 20 years in the advertising business, currently a freelance writer and photographer. In addition, he holds the position of chief editor of the international photo service Internet company SUP.
ni404.blogspot.com 4,852,823
Nikolai BelousovRukovoditel online directions of Panasonic Russia. Many wrote about the economy, the Internet and marketing, his work and his thoughts, speaking in the interests of the brand.
Vyacheslav KuteevMenedzher communications in social media "M.". It specializes in advertising about issues. Author of original art project "People, lit by a small private" and «All you wanna be».
Artemy LebedevDizayner founder, art director and owner of "Lebedev Studio." The most scandalous blogger Russia.
Vasily LebedevRukovoditel interactive projects Red Keds. One of the authors and curators of the course "Interactive communication in advertising».
Maxim PonomarevKopirayter BBDO Moscow. He started his bilingual blog as recently as last December. But it is already possible to gather a lot of practical advice, such as how to organize a festival of advertising in your university / city.
Ilya PetrovKopirayter Red Keds. He writes often and myself and to the point, about advertising and about the advertising issues.
Masha FilonovaStrateg BBDO Moscow, a teacher. A blog about the communication strategy, in particular its digital component. As noted by one of the readers, writes rarely, but neatly.
mi3ch.livejournal.com 72,742,071
Dmitry ChernyshovKreativny director Sorec-Media, a well-known blogger and author of a unique collection of photographs and interesting lectures on the most unexpected themes that sometimes puts on his blog.
Blogs agencies bbdomoscow.ru/blogs
The official blog of the Moscow BBDO. It is not often. Authors: Igor Lutz, Alexander Agate, Igor Kirikchi Ilya Stewart, Max Tucker, Maxim Ponomarev, Svetlana Maybrodskaya. But regularly writes only strategic director Alexander Agatov.
The official blog of the agency IQ Marketing. Updated regularly, offering an interesting promotional work around the world, including their own, as well as scenes from the life of the agency, and comments from the scene of the ongoing advertising festivals.
Western blogs www.jaffejuice.com
Joseph Jaffe / Joseph YaffeAmerikansky advertising researcher, critic and author of the book «Up & Down. Advertising. Life After Death (Life After the 30-Second Spot) ». President and founder of consulting company Jaffe L. L. C.
in the photo with his wife i>
Ivan RazslReklamny consultant, author of Ads of the World, Brands of the World.
The official blog of the London agency Wieden & Kennedy.
Site-blog of a young and tough Belgian agency Happiness.
Whose blogs do you read?
via # image1972405
Blogs are widely known about advertising figures included in this list because their personal records on tape beating obsuzhdaemo. The list is in alphabetical order under the author's name and will certainly be extended if you share links to blogs that interest you.
Personal blogs drugoi.livejournal.com

AdagamovSamy popular blogger Rustem Russian-speaking segment of "Live Journal". 20 years in the advertising business, currently a freelance writer and photographer. In addition, he holds the position of chief editor of the international photo service Internet company SUP.
ni404.blogspot.com 4,852,823
Nikolai BelousovRukovoditel online directions of Panasonic Russia. Many wrote about the economy, the Internet and marketing, his work and his thoughts, speaking in the interests of the brand.

Vyacheslav KuteevMenedzher communications in social media "M.". It specializes in advertising about issues. Author of original art project "People, lit by a small private" and «All you wanna be».

Artemy LebedevDizayner founder, art director and owner of "Lebedev Studio." The most scandalous blogger Russia.

Vasily LebedevRukovoditel interactive projects Red Keds. One of the authors and curators of the course "Interactive communication in advertising».

Maxim PonomarevKopirayter BBDO Moscow. He started his bilingual blog as recently as last December. But it is already possible to gather a lot of practical advice, such as how to organize a festival of advertising in your university / city.

Ilya PetrovKopirayter Red Keds. He writes often and myself and to the point, about advertising and about the advertising issues.

Masha FilonovaStrateg BBDO Moscow, a teacher. A blog about the communication strategy, in particular its digital component. As noted by one of the readers, writes rarely, but neatly.
mi3ch.livejournal.com 72,742,071
Dmitry ChernyshovKreativny director Sorec-Media, a well-known blogger and author of a unique collection of photographs and interesting lectures on the most unexpected themes that sometimes puts on his blog.
Blogs agencies bbdomoscow.ru/blogs

The official blog of the Moscow BBDO. It is not often. Authors: Igor Lutz, Alexander Agate, Igor Kirikchi Ilya Stewart, Max Tucker, Maxim Ponomarev, Svetlana Maybrodskaya. But regularly writes only strategic director Alexander Agatov.

The official blog of the agency IQ Marketing. Updated regularly, offering an interesting promotional work around the world, including their own, as well as scenes from the life of the agency, and comments from the scene of the ongoing advertising festivals.
Western blogs www.jaffejuice.com

Joseph Jaffe / Joseph YaffeAmerikansky advertising researcher, critic and author of the book «Up & Down. Advertising. Life After Death (Life After the 30-Second Spot) ». President and founder of consulting company Jaffe L. L. C.

in the photo with his wife i>
Ivan RazslReklamny consultant, author of Ads of the World, Brands of the World.
The official blog of the London agency Wieden & Kennedy.

Site-blog of a young and tough Belgian agency Happiness.
Whose blogs do you read?
via # image1972405