Advertising carriers, which we have no
Known truth that the advertising medium can be anything in the west understand a bit wider than our strane.Neskolko examples undeservedly forgotten in the Russian media advertising.
Ubiquitous branding surrounding objects, ranging from the trees in the park and ending with construction equipment at a creative approach can cause irritation did not, and smile and attention of consumers.
Advertising on trees - one example of the game with the urban landscape, is an example of non-standard advertising thinking.
Lux Soap thus informed the ladies that "even stylish shoes can make dry feet looked good».
Scientific facts in the parks of Science World: Beaver could knock down 200 trees a year.
In the West, Krämerbrücke pleases a wide variety of creative techniques, while we have advertising on the benches provided basically just stickers. But you can still shop and tilt, and fracture, not to mention the increase or decrease.
As part of the campaign "Move» / «Move yourself» to the fitness center COMPANHIA ATHLETICA creators of DDB Brazil made benches in public places inclined. This shop simply will not allow to sit down anyone who tried to do it, I slid off her.
Mark / BBDO in the Czech Republic as part of a global marketing concept liqueur Becherovka «Get Closer» / «Become closer" invented "bringing together" shops.
Promotion on Valentine's Day at the mall Buenos Aires
Advertising fitness center VIP Gym was held in the nearby cafes and restaurants under the slogan "Get up and run».
Where a supplier of building materials attached to their merry rastsvetochku mixers, many even in Russia. But to turn the mixer into an effective advertising medium able not much.
For one of the largest networks in Germany döner kebab restaurants Doy Doy tank mixer was turned into a giant kebab. The rotation of the tank perfectly mimics the process of cooking kebab which is roasted, turning on a spit.
Advertising fishing exhibition. The world's largest fish and the biggest fishing tackle
Branded can not only cars, but also the whole theater. Sample total and careful branding space on a sustained basis from the Brazilian AlmapBBDO.
And in Singapore cinemas service stewardess SilkAir. So the agency JWT, transforming cinema into the side of the aircraft demonstrated the quality of service of passengers on flights of Singapore Airlines is not going up in the air, that is, on the ground.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility for road safety in the salon capes printed message urging motorcyclists to wear a helmet: A good haircut can not be done without a head.
And one more ads sports center.
Points catering
Disposable cups, plates and tubes, as well as trays and chairs can be turned into an effective advertising medium that attracts the attention of visitors with its originality.
For plastic surgery clinics in Toronto at the agency DDB came up on disposable cups depict his nose and upper lip; bringing the cup to his mouth, the visitor cafe like "trying" new nose and lips.
By order of the city police of Mumbai (India) Agency Contract to develop an original stand with beer. They are made with a special coating that reacts to the cold. When a cold beer is on a stand, red dye appears, therefore, that turns bloody face. Slogan: "Drunk driving kills».
Outdoor advertising
This advertising format is somehow unfairly ignored in our country, although the scope for creativity have more than enough: asphalt pits, and sewer hatches. And you can add the outdoor interactive image and get live game with the consumer.
Stairs and pedestrian crossings, "zebra" has long and widely in Europe and America enjoy the love of advertisers. The last and the most "advanced" use of staircases in the advertisement was the project Volkswagen «fun theory" in which creators of the agency Tribal DDB Stockholm turned stairs in the subway is currently piano. But there are options and easier.
Crosswalk in a barcode advertises supermarket chain.
Ceiling advertising
As part of the campaign, celebrates local farmers who grow potatoes for chips Lay's, the agency Juniper Park placed in the underpass Chicago advertising on the ceiling. Campaign Slogan reads "for your potato chips are grown closer than you think", and on the ceiling of the underpass set design, simulating tubers, breaking through the finishing tiles.
Environmental advertising
The so-called "net ads» (clean advertising) uses only eco-friendly materials such as water, sand, grass and stone, thereby harming the environment. One way is to apply such advertising on the contaminated surface street through a stencil pattern with a jet of water and steam. As well as all kinds of designs from natural materials.
In fairness it should be noted that earlier this year in St. Petersburg, loudly declared itself non-standard advertising agency ANR, is also engaged in Clean Advertising. However, examples of their work in this direction yet.
A similar idea for the project was implemented DDB West in San Francisco, only a wall, they do not clean the water, and wipes CLOROX, whose products and advertising.
Commercial scales
To convey the idea that pasta Panzani optimally combined with any fruits and vegetables, creators of Euro RSCG Prague decided to stick on the trade balance to the appropriate departments of the supermarket image plate of spaghetti. Weighing fruits and vegetables, customer added new ingredients the dish, the recipe of which was printed on the check.
And in our country empty without creative advertising conveyors in shopping malls and airports, elevators and escalators, bus stops and packages.

Ubiquitous branding surrounding objects, ranging from the trees in the park and ending with construction equipment at a creative approach can cause irritation did not, and smile and attention of consumers.
Advertising on trees - one example of the game with the urban landscape, is an example of non-standard advertising thinking.
Lux Soap thus informed the ladies that "even stylish shoes can make dry feet looked good».

Scientific facts in the parks of Science World: Beaver could knock down 200 trees a year.

In the West, Krämerbrücke pleases a wide variety of creative techniques, while we have advertising on the benches provided basically just stickers. But you can still shop and tilt, and fracture, not to mention the increase or decrease.
As part of the campaign "Move» / «Move yourself» to the fitness center COMPANHIA ATHLETICA creators of DDB Brazil made benches in public places inclined. This shop simply will not allow to sit down anyone who tried to do it, I slid off her.

Mark / BBDO in the Czech Republic as part of a global marketing concept liqueur Becherovka «Get Closer» / «Become closer" invented "bringing together" shops.


Promotion on Valentine's Day at the mall Buenos Aires

Advertising fitness center VIP Gym was held in the nearby cafes and restaurants under the slogan "Get up and run».
Where a supplier of building materials attached to their merry rastsvetochku mixers, many even in Russia. But to turn the mixer into an effective advertising medium able not much.

For one of the largest networks in Germany döner kebab restaurants Doy Doy tank mixer was turned into a giant kebab. The rotation of the tank perfectly mimics the process of cooking kebab which is roasted, turning on a spit.

Advertising fishing exhibition. The world's largest fish and the biggest fishing tackle

Branded can not only cars, but also the whole theater. Sample total and careful branding space on a sustained basis from the Brazilian AlmapBBDO.

And in Singapore cinemas service stewardess SilkAir. So the agency JWT, transforming cinema into the side of the aircraft demonstrated the quality of service of passengers on flights of Singapore Airlines is not going up in the air, that is, on the ground.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility for road safety in the salon capes printed message urging motorcyclists to wear a helmet: A good haircut can not be done without a head.

And one more ads sports center.

Points catering
Disposable cups, plates and tubes, as well as trays and chairs can be turned into an effective advertising medium that attracts the attention of visitors with its originality.
For plastic surgery clinics in Toronto at the agency DDB came up on disposable cups depict his nose and upper lip; bringing the cup to his mouth, the visitor cafe like "trying" new nose and lips.

By order of the city police of Mumbai (India) Agency Contract to develop an original stand with beer. They are made with a special coating that reacts to the cold. When a cold beer is on a stand, red dye appears, therefore, that turns bloody face. Slogan: "Drunk driving kills».

Outdoor advertising
This advertising format is somehow unfairly ignored in our country, although the scope for creativity have more than enough: asphalt pits, and sewer hatches. And you can add the outdoor interactive image and get live game with the consumer.

Stairs and pedestrian crossings, "zebra" has long and widely in Europe and America enjoy the love of advertisers. The last and the most "advanced" use of staircases in the advertisement was the project Volkswagen «fun theory" in which creators of the agency Tribal DDB Stockholm turned stairs in the subway is currently piano. But there are options and easier.

Crosswalk in a barcode advertises supermarket chain.

Ceiling advertising
As part of the campaign, celebrates local farmers who grow potatoes for chips Lay's, the agency Juniper Park placed in the underpass Chicago advertising on the ceiling. Campaign Slogan reads "for your potato chips are grown closer than you think", and on the ceiling of the underpass set design, simulating tubers, breaking through the finishing tiles.

Environmental advertising
The so-called "net ads» (clean advertising) uses only eco-friendly materials such as water, sand, grass and stone, thereby harming the environment. One way is to apply such advertising on the contaminated surface street through a stencil pattern with a jet of water and steam. As well as all kinds of designs from natural materials.

In fairness it should be noted that earlier this year in St. Petersburg, loudly declared itself non-standard advertising agency ANR, is also engaged in Clean Advertising. However, examples of their work in this direction yet.
A similar idea for the project was implemented DDB West in San Francisco, only a wall, they do not clean the water, and wipes CLOROX, whose products and advertising.

Commercial scales
To convey the idea that pasta Panzani optimally combined with any fruits and vegetables, creators of Euro RSCG Prague decided to stick on the trade balance to the appropriate departments of the supermarket image plate of spaghetti. Weighing fruits and vegetables, customer added new ingredients the dish, the recipe of which was printed on the check.

And in our country empty without creative advertising conveyors in shopping malls and airports, elevators and escalators, bus stops and packages.