Lyudmila Khomutovskaya’s Clear Forecast on the Coming Peace Days

The most difficult thing in the life of Ukrainians today is to live in a full-scale war. No one knows if he'll wake up tomorrow, because a Russian missile could come into the house. The state of permanent anxiety overcomes. But faith in the Armed Forces of Ukraine helps not to lose hope: victory is sure to come.

Ukrainians are approaching victory, who can. Tarologist Lyudmila Khomutovskaya, for example, continues to make her predictions on maps and suggest what to expect in the future. This is often very encouraging. Let's find out what the expert said this time!

The successful counteroffensive of Ukrainian troops and the liberation of the occupied territories is news number one today. There are rumors that Ukraine plans not only to drive the enemy out of the country, but also to attack Russia itself. This was clearly hinted by the commander-in-chief of the APU Valery Zaluzhny.

“I can’t say that it definitely won’t happen,” says Lyudmila Khomutovskaya. Tarot cards tell her that there is a possibility. But at the moment, it is too early to plan for this. The situation could change at any moment.

By the way, in the recent forecast of Anastasia Strelchenko such information was not at all. However, the expert told what to expect Ukrainians in the next six months.

Nevertheless, Khomutovskaya confidently declares that war on the territory of Russia will definitely begin. The only question is who will participate. It is not certain that it will be Ukraine.

Today, Ukraine still does not have long-range missiles. This greatly limits the capabilities of Ukrainian troops. However, Lyudmila sees that Western partners will be able to correct this situation for the better. It was very difficult to reach such an agreement. But the goal will fully justify itself.

If Ukraine receives decent weapons, does this mean that the war will end faster? According to Homutovskaya’s tarot forecast, such a probability exists. Military operations that will last for years are out of the question. Key events will occur within 4–9 months.

Counter-offensive actions of Ukrainian troops will last throughout September. They will be successful, but not without a couple of days of calm. Although news appeared online that the Russians were sending reinforcements to the Kherson direction, this will not help the enemy.

Is the hardest part behind us? Lyudmila Khomutovskaya is in no hurry to give hope. Occupied territories are liberated, but we must remember at what cost.

We should not forget the number of civilian casualties. We still don’t know much about it, as a large number of settlements are still under enemy occupation.

Since the situation in the ranks of the Russian army is tense, the question arises: does the enemy have aces up his sleeve? Even propagandists recognize the defeat of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkiv direction. And what will happen next, no one knows.

Lyudmila Khomutovskaya does not believe that Russia is preparing anything serious for Ukraine. Most likely, manipulations related to the nuclear threat will continue. Interestingly, another rogue state does the same. This is North Korea. However, the tarologist assures that it will not come to preventive strikes for sure.

Speaking of North Korea. There are rumors that North Korea will supply Russia with weapons on a large scale. Khomutovskaya says that the supply will definitely be, but to bring this case to the end will not work, which can not but rejoice.

Lyudmila also commented on the situation with prisoners of war. This is a painful topic for Ukrainians, since a huge number of Ukrainian defenders are in Russian captivity. Chomutovskaya reassures: there will be an exchange of prisoners. But this is a very long and complicated process. We just have to wait and hope for the best.

I want to believe that all the good from the forecast of Lyudmila will come true. We believe in the best and do not relax.


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