Fresh forecast Lyudmila Khomutovskaya, giving hope

More and more people have been saying that NATO deployment Ukraine is more than possible. This will obviously change the course of the war. But will it actually happen? Lyudmila Khomutovskaya has already managed to answer the most exciting questions of the beginning of 2023. How she sees the near future of Ukraine, read further in the article.

The media has repeatedly said that the Russian president is driven by a maniacal idea to restore the USSR. Obviously not literally. However, the complete seizure of Ukraine was clearly the goal of the Russian authorities.

But to capture Kiev in 3 days, as you know, did not work. The war in Ukraine has become a real terror on the part of the occupiers. And now the idea of taking over an entire country seems ridiculous. But Lyudmila Khomutovskaya says Putin still dreams about it. Only the motives are different now.

Vladimir Vladimirovich wants to get all the Ukrainian territories to sit in his presidential chair. In other words, it is necessary to instill in the minds of Russian citizens the idea that the war did not start in vain, that all goals have been achieved.

Who knows, maybe Putin had bigger plans to take over Europe? To be honest, that sounds very unrealistic. One way or another, Russia is interested in partnership with the EU countries. Talking about starting a war with them is stupid.

News broke that NATO was strengthening its eastern flank. A large number of tanks and other military equipment were sent to Poland and Lithuania. Is NATO preparing for something? Lyudmila Khomutovskaya responds that these actions are necessary to show their strength and repel any, even the most ghostly attempts to launch a new invasion from Russia.

There are also rumors that the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine is more than possible. The tarologist is in no hurry to give unambiguous answers. However, the woman says that such a possibility exists and in 2023 this issue will be on the agenda. This is due to a possible nuclear attack. Nevertheless, the expert reassures: the idea of using nuclear weapons has so far been postponed.

Chomutovskaya made a quick layout of tarot cards and told what awaits each region of Ukraine in the near future. The center and east of the country will be in tension. It has to do with missile attacks. Slightly easier situation in the West – arrivals will be less. The unrest in the north of the country is associated with activity on the border with Belarus. However, the situation is monitored at the proper level.

There is talk of a serious offensive of Russian troops in the Zaporozhye direction. Lyudmila reassures and says that this territory, on the contrary, will only be liberated. The same goes for Kherson, namely the left bank. I want to believe that everything will be like this!

Almost every day there are news that the right bank of Kherson shelling. Residential houses, kindergartens and hospitals are under fire. Khomutovskaya warns that these attacks will last at least the next 2-3 months.

There were also rumors that, leaving Kherson, the occupiers left buried barrels with unknown contents in the Kherson land. The tarologist suggests that there are some chemicals there that theoretically can have an effect right now. However, there is no need to worry too much about this. The barrels are pulled out, and everything inside is neutralized.

Often all the predictions of Lyudmila Khomutovskaya are encouraging and give the belief that the war will end as soon as possible. Many experts said that this will happen in the spring of 2023. But whether this is true, no one can say. I wonder what you think about that?


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