Fresh prediction by Lyudmila Khomutovskaya

Tarot prediction from Lyudmila Khomutovskaya always listen with special attention. The favorite of our readers, esoteric and tarologist Khomutovskaya always speaks about the matter, clearly and without excess water. As time has shown, her predictions really come true!

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what it will be. monthAccording to Lyudmila Chomutovskaya. Answers to the questions that are most exciting right now!

The tarot prediction seems to be bad. The timing of the war is widening, and referendums and talk of nuclear weapons are not encouraging either. “However, everything is not so and deplorable, if you look at the situation from the other side!” – says Lyudmila Khomutovskaya.

This situation frees the hands of Ukraine and its partners. It is an incentive to act, it will speed up entry into Europe, it will increase funding, it will attract focus Ukraine.

What will it be? October? To this question, the tarologist answers: “Hot and hot.” Military action is intensifying. They will win, but they will also lose. By complexity, the second month of autumn will be held as March and April 2022.

The theme of winter will also come up. In this regard, new laws will be issued. However, to think in advance about additional sources of heating and food is very much worth it.

The most common issue is nuclear attack. Will she? The maps say a decision has been made, but there is conflict in the middle of the occupier's power. Some want to go to extreme measures, and the second – offer to refuse. This deters the use of these weapons.

Lyudmila Khomutovskaya sees even the worst outcome as a positive scenario. “They can release, but everything will go according to the scenario of Belgrade, when the missiles flew, but returned home. Something will not work there, and Ukraine will not be much harmed. This is going to be a step away from the occupier!

An internal war may turn on the side of the occupier. Karma works! The same thing is happening in Ukraine in early March. This is about the emigration of many families to Europe.

There is a high probability that NATO will go to war, but it will only happen in fact, as they say. It can only be in response to certain actions. For example, an attack on Poland or Latvia.

Also in the near future there may be a change of the leader of the occupiers. This will have to do with his health.

Autumn will be hard, in December there will be a lull. After the winter (New Year) the conflict will end. It will take about 2-3 months to complete.

I also propose to find out what to expect from the second month of autumn, according to psychic Max Gordeev. The maps said again it wouldn't threaten us!

On my own, I want to say that maybe we shouldn’t talk so much about a nuclear strike. No need to energize this event and attract it! Ukrainians have something to do, we need to think about how to bring victory closer to everyone in their place, and do everything possible for this.

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