Opinion of astrologer Dmitry Uranus about the coming peaceful days
Astrologers' opinions When the long-awaited peace will come, we have not rested since February, from the first day of the beginning of this outrage. Many stargazers with access to secret knowledge predicted the outbreak of war. Alas, they weren't wrong. Will astrologers be able to look into the future and give a clear answer when this situation will be resolved?
Astrologers and tarologists cannot agree. We all know our dates and we want to know. Panic fear is replaced by calm confidence.. First we turn to the expert tarologist, whose opinion is trusted by many of our readers. At the end of the article you will find the forecast of the famous astrologer Dmitry Uranus.
October is the decisive month, all the fighting is now very important. Things change every day. Depending on what happens at the front, the future is constantly being adjusted. Tarologist Roman Sheptytsky in a cognitive video on YouTube pulled out maps corresponding to each month.
October 2022 takes place under the map The High Priestess.. The map reveals many secrets that can be revealed, a map of secret knowledge. In October, many of the processes taking place in Ukraine will end in a positive way for us.
November passes under the sign of the map "Queen of Cups". It's really upside down. It means the search for patrons, the continuation of certain processes.
December 2022 characterizes the map "Seven Pentacles". The fight will continue, the clearance and end of hostilities is not yet visible.
January 2023 will be held under the map "Five Pentacles". Again, this card indicates the need for some kind of help, support. This card often indicates financial assistance and support.
February 2023 will be held under the map The Ace of Swords.. The “Ace of Swords” signifies the way out of the impasse, liberation from the labyrinths. Maybe. completion It was in February.
The map fell in March. "Eight Cups". It is a departure from something old, new energy. New solutions to old situations.
April portends something terrible and large-scale, a terrible lasso fell out. As soon as it warms, perhaps the enemy will attack with some new forces. This is provided that the management system remains as it is today. But there is a huge chance that things will change by the end of the year.
We see the map in May. "Page of swords". The map is restless, in certain areas the fighting will continue.
In June 2023, the situation will improve significantly. "Page of Cups" It will come into force in June. This card is lighter, more joyful.
The arcan will come in July "Star.". He talks about turning our desires into reality.
August will be enhanced by the map "Ace of Wands.". It's a new foundation, a new opportunity. Three months of summer will be held under three positive cards.
In September 2023, the map falls out "Page of Wands.". The map indicates clashes in the information field, verbal clashes.
"Five Cups" It falls on October 2023. It is a transformation on both the emotional and the physical level. What's already broken can't be returned. There is experience that can be guided further.
Peels Roman Sheptytsky summed up that the situation will improve significantly from the summer of 2023. A year later, in October 2023, the conflict will subside.
Astropsychologist Dmitry Uranus In the near future, Russia will be isolated from the world. Pluto in conjunction with the ascendant will bring many destruction and victims. But the victory of Ukraine before the spring of 2024 can not count. Planets indicate theft and excessive spending of financial investments. War will lead to the poverty of peoples.
Whose prediction is more accurate, time will tell. The victory of justice will be inevitable, a question only of time and price. Everything that happens literally shouts to us that we need to appreciate every minute of our lives. Rejoice in what is, often embrace loved ones. Life is very short, and merging with eternity is inevitable, dear reader. Be happy right now, don’t wait for a day off or a special occasion. Thank you for staying with us!
Astrologers and tarologists cannot agree. We all know our dates and we want to know. Panic fear is replaced by calm confidence.. First we turn to the expert tarologist, whose opinion is trusted by many of our readers. At the end of the article you will find the forecast of the famous astrologer Dmitry Uranus.

October is the decisive month, all the fighting is now very important. Things change every day. Depending on what happens at the front, the future is constantly being adjusted. Tarologist Roman Sheptytsky in a cognitive video on YouTube pulled out maps corresponding to each month.

October 2022 takes place under the map The High Priestess.. The map reveals many secrets that can be revealed, a map of secret knowledge. In October, many of the processes taking place in Ukraine will end in a positive way for us.
November passes under the sign of the map "Queen of Cups". It's really upside down. It means the search for patrons, the continuation of certain processes.

December 2022 characterizes the map "Seven Pentacles". The fight will continue, the clearance and end of hostilities is not yet visible.
January 2023 will be held under the map "Five Pentacles". Again, this card indicates the need for some kind of help, support. This card often indicates financial assistance and support.
February 2023 will be held under the map The Ace of Swords.. The “Ace of Swords” signifies the way out of the impasse, liberation from the labyrinths. Maybe. completion It was in February.
The map fell in March. "Eight Cups". It is a departure from something old, new energy. New solutions to old situations.
April portends something terrible and large-scale, a terrible lasso fell out. As soon as it warms, perhaps the enemy will attack with some new forces. This is provided that the management system remains as it is today. But there is a huge chance that things will change by the end of the year.

We see the map in May. "Page of swords". The map is restless, in certain areas the fighting will continue.
In June 2023, the situation will improve significantly. "Page of Cups" It will come into force in June. This card is lighter, more joyful.
The arcan will come in July "Star.". He talks about turning our desires into reality.
August will be enhanced by the map "Ace of Wands.". It's a new foundation, a new opportunity. Three months of summer will be held under three positive cards.
In September 2023, the map falls out "Page of Wands.". The map indicates clashes in the information field, verbal clashes.
"Five Cups" It falls on October 2023. It is a transformation on both the emotional and the physical level. What's already broken can't be returned. There is experience that can be guided further.

Peels Roman Sheptytsky summed up that the situation will improve significantly from the summer of 2023. A year later, in October 2023, the conflict will subside.
Astropsychologist Dmitry Uranus In the near future, Russia will be isolated from the world. Pluto in conjunction with the ascendant will bring many destruction and victims. But the victory of Ukraine before the spring of 2024 can not count. Planets indicate theft and excessive spending of financial investments. War will lead to the poverty of peoples.

Whose prediction is more accurate, time will tell. The victory of justice will be inevitable, a question only of time and price. Everything that happens literally shouts to us that we need to appreciate every minute of our lives. Rejoice in what is, often embrace loved ones. Life is very short, and merging with eternity is inevitable, dear reader. Be happy right now, don’t wait for a day off or a special occasion. Thank you for staying with us!
Fresh prediction by Lyudmila Khomutovskaya
She put her aunt in her house, helped with her work, but everything turned into a family curse.