Astrologer Alakh Niranjan saw the future and shared a pleasant forecast
The founder of the Srinatji Academy, philosopher, physicist and astrologer Alakh Niranzha shared his assumptions when the war in Ukraine will end. What is the future for Europe and Russia? His. predictions for 2025 shocking and surprising. And the editor will tell you about them in detail. "Site".
Alakh Niranja explained why the day of the inauguration of the President of Russia is not happy. Despite all the efforts of the president’s personal astrologers, they advised him not to have a good day. For the president, this date means very slow execution of his plans. All the time he will be hampered and eventually all his plans and plans will collapse. In addition, the revenue of the country's taxes and profits will be very much reduced, and it will soon become very noticeable to everyone else.
As for the future of Ukraine, drastic changes will begin in the near future, the astrologer believes. Ukraine is included in the map of the Solar period and from the end of May there will be small victories on the fronts. But the period of sun over Ukraine means not only victory in the war. This period promises the emergence of new elites who know how to make Ukraine a prosperous economically developed country. The change of power will be slow and has already begun, and it is likely to end by 2025.
In the future, according to the astrologer, Ukraine is waiting for a new constitution, which will take into account all the inaccuracies of the previous one. It will be adopted almost immediately after the end of hostilities. And now actively working on its creation. And Ukraine’s victory will be an opportunity to change many things in the country. Ukraine will never be the same again. And speaking in the language of Vedic astrology, the sankalpa of Ukraine is aimed at a just victory.
The internal decision to make decisions is a very important step for the country And what is sankalpa we will tell you now. The term came to us from the Yoga of Nidra and means “the inner solution for global change.” When a person or group of like-minded people decide to change something. Don’t give in to life’s circumstances and just follow them. And create your life circumstances as you need. After making a clear, firm inner decision, the universe itself acts as an assistant in the actions of man. And here the whole country has made a clear decision for global change. And the whole universe is working to enforce that decision.
According to Alakh Niranji, Ukrainian soldiers will be able to achieve a tactical victory no earlier than June-July of this year. After a series of such victories, negotiations between the countries will begin. Many countries will take part in the talks, but Ukraine will have the main say. On Russia, in addition to losing on the battlefield, will be pressured by foreign economic circumstances. The country will find itself in a complete vacuum, and leaders will be forced to recognize their actions as contrary to human rights. Russia recognizes all its crimes in the international arena. Those responsible will be punished in accordance with international law.
Unity and hard work of Ukrainians will bring victory to the country But all this will happen, most likely, in 2025. In the meantime, Ukraine needs to unite and continue to fight for its existence. After all, it is the resilience and endurance of the Ukrainian people that all other countries help. If now Ukraine decides to leave everything as it is and surrender, this will fundamentally change the attitude towards it. Now the Ukrainian people need to be resilient and friendly like never before. Like in the first days of the war, when the unity of all the inhabitants of the country was felt. So now, in order to drive the enemy from their lands, you need to show all your courage and steadfastness.
This opinion is formed by the astrologer Alakh Niranji about Ukraine. He helps Ukraine and continues to pray for it. And every Ukrainian should remember that the thoughts of victory are already bringing victory closer. And a small contribution of each to the common cause can very much change the course of things. Let’s hope his predictions for 2025 come true.

Alakh Niranja explained why the day of the inauguration of the President of Russia is not happy. Despite all the efforts of the president’s personal astrologers, they advised him not to have a good day. For the president, this date means very slow execution of his plans. All the time he will be hampered and eventually all his plans and plans will collapse. In addition, the revenue of the country's taxes and profits will be very much reduced, and it will soon become very noticeable to everyone else.

As for the future of Ukraine, drastic changes will begin in the near future, the astrologer believes. Ukraine is included in the map of the Solar period and from the end of May there will be small victories on the fronts. But the period of sun over Ukraine means not only victory in the war. This period promises the emergence of new elites who know how to make Ukraine a prosperous economically developed country. The change of power will be slow and has already begun, and it is likely to end by 2025.

In the future, according to the astrologer, Ukraine is waiting for a new constitution, which will take into account all the inaccuracies of the previous one. It will be adopted almost immediately after the end of hostilities. And now actively working on its creation. And Ukraine’s victory will be an opportunity to change many things in the country. Ukraine will never be the same again. And speaking in the language of Vedic astrology, the sankalpa of Ukraine is aimed at a just victory.

The internal decision to make decisions is a very important step for the country And what is sankalpa we will tell you now. The term came to us from the Yoga of Nidra and means “the inner solution for global change.” When a person or group of like-minded people decide to change something. Don’t give in to life’s circumstances and just follow them. And create your life circumstances as you need. After making a clear, firm inner decision, the universe itself acts as an assistant in the actions of man. And here the whole country has made a clear decision for global change. And the whole universe is working to enforce that decision.

According to Alakh Niranji, Ukrainian soldiers will be able to achieve a tactical victory no earlier than June-July of this year. After a series of such victories, negotiations between the countries will begin. Many countries will take part in the talks, but Ukraine will have the main say. On Russia, in addition to losing on the battlefield, will be pressured by foreign economic circumstances. The country will find itself in a complete vacuum, and leaders will be forced to recognize their actions as contrary to human rights. Russia recognizes all its crimes in the international arena. Those responsible will be punished in accordance with international law.

Unity and hard work of Ukrainians will bring victory to the country But all this will happen, most likely, in 2025. In the meantime, Ukraine needs to unite and continue to fight for its existence. After all, it is the resilience and endurance of the Ukrainian people that all other countries help. If now Ukraine decides to leave everything as it is and surrender, this will fundamentally change the attitude towards it. Now the Ukrainian people need to be resilient and friendly like never before. Like in the first days of the war, when the unity of all the inhabitants of the country was felt. So now, in order to drive the enemy from their lands, you need to show all your courage and steadfastness.

This opinion is formed by the astrologer Alakh Niranji about Ukraine. He helps Ukraine and continues to pray for it. And every Ukrainian should remember that the thoughts of victory are already bringing victory closer. And a small contribution of each to the common cause can very much change the course of things. Let’s hope his predictions for 2025 come true.
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