Predictions of astrologer Maria Onishchenko about the approach of the end of the war

Astrologers and psychics don't say for sure. What date will the war end? Some believe that there will be no fighting in early May. Some say they will have to wait until October. However, Ukrainian astrologer Maria Onishchenko was able to name several exact dates. It's up to you to believe her. But listening to her is very interesting!

By what date will the war end, Maria Onishchenko boldly declares that the 24th of active military operations in Ukraine will end. It's hard to believe so far. However, perhaps we are talking about a temporary ceasefire in honor of the bright holiday of Easter.

Ukrainian astrologer warns that on April 30, during a solar eclipse, Ukraine will be in the 3rd house (horoscope house). This is a good harbinger of possible negotiations that will finally put an end to this terrible war unleashed by Russia. At this time, we should expect additional assistance from friendly neighboring states.

Maria studied the horoscopes of the presidents of Ukraine and Russia in the near future. In her opinion, Vladimir Putin is trying to avoid negotiations with all truths and untruths. During the solar eclipse, he will be in the 7th house. It’s a wake-up call that heralds his departure from the political arena, and perhaps even from life.

Onishchenko gives an important date associated with these events. This is May 16, 2022. If you believe the astrologer, on the eve or on this day the President of the Russian Federation will lose his post. Maria also named 2 more dates: October 5, 2023 and January 4, 2024. It connects these days with the emergence of serious mental health problems. He also said that on one of these dates, Putin may simply not be.

According to the astrologer, the war will end once and for all in the summer, namely on July 10, 2022. I can't believe Onishchenko was able to name the exact date of this event. However, Maria warns that the war could happen again in 2-2.5 years.

To prevent this from happening, Ukraine needs to protect its borders at the state level. At the same time, one must understand that another war is the worst possible scenario. In other words, it can be prevented.

Forecasts of Maria Onishchenko are quite encouraging. Ukraine will need about 5-7 years to rebuild all the destroyed cities and towns. And then the country will make a sharp economic and political leap. In 7 years Ukraine will reach the international level. Beautiful, strong and independent, with its clear political position, the country will be on par with other European countries.

By the way, we saw similar predictions from the Carpathian molfar Orest Stafiychuk. You can read about the future of Ukraine and Russia here.

I also recommend reading Sergey Kobzar’s encouraging forecast, which energizes people with positive energy, giving hope for peace. Another Ukrainian astrologer Vlad Ross had interesting thoughts. He said he expects Ukraine and Russia in the future.

Today is the 56th day of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine. Everyone's tired, and that's okay. However, Ukrainians do not lose faith in the best, and their morale is getting stronger every day. More than ever, people need moral support. Children especially need help.

If you want to help the displaced, I wrote a separate article about it earlier. I am sharing useful material at the link. We believe that very soon the war will end with a well-deserved victory for Ukraine. The sky above your head will be peaceful forever.


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