The Simpsons has already predicted many major events in the past, and in 2022, we see the prophecies come true.
The Simpsons series has long been a cult. Appearing on the screens for 33 years in a row, the characters of the series have become very close and close. But the main value of the series is that it serves as a reflection of everything that is happening in the world right now. Sometimes they can even look into the future. Audiences have long joked that everything that happened was already in The Simpsons. And sometimes it's not even a joke. The topic of this article is The Simpsons: Predictions for 2022.
Editorial "Site" Understand what the phenomenon of the popular cartoon, how they manage to predict the future and what they predict for the current year. Let’s talk about what predictions can come true in the future.
The Simpsons: Predictions for 2022 This Was Already in The Simpsons! The series has made many prophecies, let’s talk about the most serious of them. For example, in the first episode of season 9, the events of September 11 were predicted. The series was released 4 years before the actual incident. In the same season, the creators foresaw the emergence of the Ebola virus.
Also in the series often flashed prophecies about the results of sports events. They never came true 100%, but sometimes they came close to the truth. So, for example, in the 16th series of the 25th season, the final match of the World Cup was shown, in which the teams of Brazil and Germany entered the field. The latter won 2-0. It is reminiscent of the 2014 World Cup, when Brazil and Germany met in the semi-finals. In the real championship, the Germans also won, only with a score of 7: 1.
One of the most exciting predictions is the emergence of the coronavirus. Well, not exactly, of course, but the fans are sure of it. In the 21st episode of the 4th season Homer comes a juicer from Japan. Because of the workers of the local factory, the box is infected with a virus. It eventually spreads to the United States. The real situation does not fit, but the very fact of the appearance of a terrible virus is 100% predicted.
But perhaps the most sensational prediction of The Simpsons is Trump’s election victory. In 2000, a series called Bart Goes to the Future was released. There, the hero of the series finds himself in the future, where the Oval Office of the White House was previously occupied by Trump.
Predictions for 2022 Now, perhaps, let’s move on to more pressing issues. What predictions have we seen in The Simpsons for 2022? Let's start with space news. In a 2016 episode, we were told about Eploration Incorporated. The corporation planned to colonize Mars by 2026. Elon Max just said that SpaceX is preparing for a mission to Mars in 2022. Perhaps by 2026 we will move to live on the red planet.
Also, the creators of the animated series joked that the hands on the Big Ben clock in London will be replaced by an electronic dial. This has not happened yet, but Big Ben was closed for restoration in 2017. It should be working in 2022. Let's see if The Simpsons were right.
Also, fans are sure that back in 1998, in the episode Simpson Tide, the creators of the show predicted a war between Russia and Ukraine. In this series, we see the UN meeting. At the meeting, the Russian diplomat said that he was a representative of the USSR. The U.S. delegation corrects it, pointing out that the Union has long since collapsed. The diplomat laughs viciously and says, "Yes!" That is what we wanted you to think!
Then there is some bacchanalia: tanks go to Red Square, the Berlin Wall is restored and even Lenin breaks out of the mausoleum. Fans suggest that this is an ironic allusion to what the Russian government is doing now. The events in the series do not repeat exactly what is happening, but enough to be considered a prediction. Russia is attacking Ukraine, trying to revive a Union that no one else is interested in.
But how will this all end? The creators of the series don’t talk about it. However, an episode in 1999 predicted the collapse of the Russian economy. There we see how the rate changes every second and grows to 1000 rubles for 1 dollar. It was an ironic joke at the time, but now it seems like a realistic scenario.
The creators of the series supported Ukraine in their official Twitter account. The entire family holds the flags of Ukraine. That kind of support is very valuable. We will consider it a good sign for Ukraine.
#TheSimpsons #Simpsons #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/aWvgTUGJKP
— The Simpsons (@TheSimpsons) February 26, 2022
The Simpsons: Predictions for 2022 These are the predictions we have from The Simpsons for 2022. Maybe at the end of the year, something else will happen in the series. Can this be seriously considered a prediction? We do not undertake to answer this question. It's up to you, dear reader. I just want to say that the series has been running for over 30 years. Its creators analyze historical events and actions of people. On the basis of this, you can make some assumptions that are likely to come true. Magic or not, it's up to you. What do you think about that?

Editorial "Site" Understand what the phenomenon of the popular cartoon, how they manage to predict the future and what they predict for the current year. Let’s talk about what predictions can come true in the future.
The Simpsons: Predictions for 2022 This Was Already in The Simpsons! The series has made many prophecies, let’s talk about the most serious of them. For example, in the first episode of season 9, the events of September 11 were predicted. The series was released 4 years before the actual incident. In the same season, the creators foresaw the emergence of the Ebola virus.

Also in the series often flashed prophecies about the results of sports events. They never came true 100%, but sometimes they came close to the truth. So, for example, in the 16th series of the 25th season, the final match of the World Cup was shown, in which the teams of Brazil and Germany entered the field. The latter won 2-0. It is reminiscent of the 2014 World Cup, when Brazil and Germany met in the semi-finals. In the real championship, the Germans also won, only with a score of 7: 1.
One of the most exciting predictions is the emergence of the coronavirus. Well, not exactly, of course, but the fans are sure of it. In the 21st episode of the 4th season Homer comes a juicer from Japan. Because of the workers of the local factory, the box is infected with a virus. It eventually spreads to the United States. The real situation does not fit, but the very fact of the appearance of a terrible virus is 100% predicted.

But perhaps the most sensational prediction of The Simpsons is Trump’s election victory. In 2000, a series called Bart Goes to the Future was released. There, the hero of the series finds himself in the future, where the Oval Office of the White House was previously occupied by Trump.

Predictions for 2022 Now, perhaps, let’s move on to more pressing issues. What predictions have we seen in The Simpsons for 2022? Let's start with space news. In a 2016 episode, we were told about Eploration Incorporated. The corporation planned to colonize Mars by 2026. Elon Max just said that SpaceX is preparing for a mission to Mars in 2022. Perhaps by 2026 we will move to live on the red planet.
Also, the creators of the animated series joked that the hands on the Big Ben clock in London will be replaced by an electronic dial. This has not happened yet, but Big Ben was closed for restoration in 2017. It should be working in 2022. Let's see if The Simpsons were right.

Also, fans are sure that back in 1998, in the episode Simpson Tide, the creators of the show predicted a war between Russia and Ukraine. In this series, we see the UN meeting. At the meeting, the Russian diplomat said that he was a representative of the USSR. The U.S. delegation corrects it, pointing out that the Union has long since collapsed. The diplomat laughs viciously and says, "Yes!" That is what we wanted you to think!

Then there is some bacchanalia: tanks go to Red Square, the Berlin Wall is restored and even Lenin breaks out of the mausoleum. Fans suggest that this is an ironic allusion to what the Russian government is doing now. The events in the series do not repeat exactly what is happening, but enough to be considered a prediction. Russia is attacking Ukraine, trying to revive a Union that no one else is interested in.
But how will this all end? The creators of the series don’t talk about it. However, an episode in 1999 predicted the collapse of the Russian economy. There we see how the rate changes every second and grows to 1000 rubles for 1 dollar. It was an ironic joke at the time, but now it seems like a realistic scenario.
The creators of the series supported Ukraine in their official Twitter account. The entire family holds the flags of Ukraine. That kind of support is very valuable. We will consider it a good sign for Ukraine.
#TheSimpsons #Simpsons #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/aWvgTUGJKP
— The Simpsons (@TheSimpsons) February 26, 2022
The Simpsons: Predictions for 2022 These are the predictions we have from The Simpsons for 2022. Maybe at the end of the year, something else will happen in the series. Can this be seriously considered a prediction? We do not undertake to answer this question. It's up to you, dear reader. I just want to say that the series has been running for over 30 years. Its creators analyze historical events and actions of people. On the basis of this, you can make some assumptions that are likely to come true. Magic or not, it's up to you. What do you think about that?
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