Who was the monk-predictor Abel and what wonderful revelations about the future we got from him

The predictions of the monk Abel are full of contradictory hypotheses about the future of the Slavic peoples. Today we will tell you who Abel was, when he lived, and why his prophecies remain relevant to this day.

In the Alexinsky district of Tula province Abel was known as an ordinary peasant Vasily Vasilyev. The soothsayer was born in 1755 in a baker’s family. Abel saw many important historical events. For example, he witnessed the Napoleonic Wars and the burning of the Russian capital.

Instagram / @taroizoteric As a child, Abel was interested in everything related to the Lord. Growing up, he continued to search for any sources of information about everything divine that exists in our world. He also tried to figure out where God’s spark came from. In search of this truth, Abel traveled the world. The man visited many monasteries, but decided to stay for a long time only in the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery of the Kostroma diocese.

Instagram / @wow_history_blog Since then, the monk began to write down his prophecies in a book, because the Holy Spirit told him to do so. The abbot of the monastery read the records of Abel and decided that the book should be seen by those in power. Unfortunately, it was because of these prophecies that Abel was imprisoned in prison. Freedom came only with a change of power. Paul not only freed the prophet, but he received his blessing.

The second book of prophecies was written in Valaam Monastery. There were also prophecies that were unwelcome to those in power. Monk again They were first arrested in the Peter and Paul Fortress.And then they sent him to Solovki, where he spent a decade. The saint was released when everything he predicted was true.


After many years of endless wanderings, the soothsayer was planted again. The Savior-Euphimius Monastery became the last refuge of the seer. The thread of the monk's fate broke in Suzdal. There he meditated and prayed until the years took their toll.

Reading about the life of a monk, I was most surprised at how stubborn this man was. He was often punished for his predictions. However, Abel was not tenacious. He continued his work and did not give up until the end. One day the Holy Spirit convinced him to tell the whole truth. Abel did the will of God until the end.

The most curious thing is why a simple peasant in general has such an unusual gift. It seems that the Lord thought that the perseverance of this man would be enough to carry His word to the people. Abel was characterized by courage and straightforwardness. During an audience with princes, he spoke frankly of his visions without fear of anything or anyone.

Prophecy monk tried to stop more than once. For example, Abbot Hilarion tried to starve the poor man. However, he foresaw the death of the Solovetsky abbot and frightened him. Unfortunately, Illarion could not escape his fate. His life was cut short. The predictions of the monk Abel always came true.


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