Indian Boy Revisits Earth, New Prophecy Will Soon Come True

Abigya Anand is the youngest predictor on the planet. However, his predictions continue to come true. It was he who pointed to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is difficult not to believe his words. Recently, a new prophecy appeared on his website. Let's find out what a young Indian boy is warning us about.

Editorial "Site" He shares a prophecy with you and offers to discuss it in the comments.

First, I need to say a few words about the young prophet. It would seem very strange that such a young boy would talk about such serious things. Why should we listen to him and how did he become so popular? We talked about this in the previous article. If you want to learn more about an Indian boy, read it.

In short, his popularity came to him after he prophesied the beginning of a pandemic. In 2019, a young thinker predicted the emergence of a terrible virus, because of which the population of the planet will sharply decrease. Moreover, he said that humanity will have to fight the disease for more than one year. When it turned out that the predictions of the Indian boy came true, more than 1 million people subscribed to his blog. Abigya Anand became the most famous visionary of modern times.

Recently, a new prophecy appeared on his website. The Indian boy said that this time he went on the air for a reason. He had an important message: “We are seeing unprecedented change and complete transformation. A new period of 400 years has begun. In previous cycles, the first 100 years saw fundamental changes. And this time the same thing will happen. This is the time when change will affect everyone.

In his new address, the boy warned of the following changes:

  1. First of all, the soothsayer warned about serious climate change. The time for these changes has long been approaching. But soon they will. And it will not be a smooth, but a very sharp transition. It will affect not only people, but also plants and animals. Global cataclysms are coming that will force humanity to return to primitive skills of obtaining food.
  2. He also warned that there could be a global shortage of drinking water. Millions of people could be cut off from a source of water and clean food. Is it necessary to eat something that people did not consider as food? We live in the driest time in human history. And things will only get worse over time. This is how the universe wants to show us how empty and meaningless our desire for power is. We do not value the most important thing and strive for the empty. This is an opportunity for humanity to rethink everything.

  3. According to the astrologer, after the global transformation, the Earth will find peace. But she'll be completely different. In the next 2.5 years, global geopolitics and economics will change completely. Successful countries, for example, will face hunger and other deprivation. However, this will simply be a consequence of previous decisions of these states.

What's this all about? The soothsayer says that humanity treats the planet without due respect. We are used to receiving without giving anything in return. You have to pay for your relationship to nature. Abigya Anand encourages people to think about what is happening. He believes that energy is constantly changing, which means that it can be changed from negative to positive. Because so much bad is happening right now, we need to try to turn it into good.

We know there are many more trials ahead. But we cannot give up and sit idly by. You need to strive for the best and try to keep a person in yourself. We wish you strength on this path, dear reader!

What do you think of the new Indian boy prophecy?


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