Hearty Nostradamus hastened to warn humanity of troubles, it is important to listen to everyone.
French astrologer, physician and alchemist of the XVI century Michel de Notredame went down in history as the author of many accurate predictions. His book “Centuries” contains about a thousand quatrains, describing the future of mankind up to 2242. Some people think they're too foggy. But despite the disbelief of skeptics, the prophecies of Nostradamus continue to come true. So, it will not be superfluous to learn that the medieval visionary wrote about the year 2022.
GettyImages Prophecies of Nostradamus Katrina Nostradamus difficult to interpret unequivocally. He said he encrypted the messages so that no one could change the future. But the lines dedicated to 2022 are certainly not encouraging.
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Publication by Olga Chervakova (@chervakova_o)
The alchemist called this year “a world-shaking year.” In his opinion, humanity will face natural disasters, inflation, famine and mass migration of peoples. It may even be on the verge of a global catastrophe.
A great fire will pour out of the sky for three nights. Another threat from space or rocket attacks? Nostradamus’ prediction, as usual, lacks the exact details of the horrific event. But the seer was sure that it would lead to large-scale fires and destruction.
Some scientists have suggested that it could be a large asteroid. According to NASA, on January 19, 2022, a kilometer-long guest from space flew dangerously close to Earth. A collision with him could be devastating for the whole world. Fortunately, this time it was. However, the leading space countries are simply obliged to agree to give the children of the Earth a safe future.
All over the great city there will be soldiers stationed in the fields and cities. Sadly, this prophecy is beginning to come true right before our eyes. As a result of the fighting in the center of Europe, thousands of people are killed. As a result, Nostradamus predicts economic crisis, food shortages, inflation and famine.
“Honey will cost more than candle wax. The price of wheat will rise so much that people will be horrified, writes the French visionary. Given that both Ukraine and Russia are the largest producers of grain, this is not hard to believe.
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Posted by Natalie (@natty_dobra_ph)
“Blood and hunger are greater than disaster. Seven times approach the beach... Hunger, place taken, captivity.” Perhaps this is a migration crisis. At first, it was exacerbated by events in Afghanistan and on the Belarusian-Polish border. And now Europe is facing the largest influx of refugees since World War II.
What else to wait for? Catrens prepare us for the many cataclysms of 2022. Nostradamus speaks of flooding, an unprecedented hurricane over Europe and a powerful earthquake in Japan.
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Publication from Earthquakes. 2022 (@earthquakes.2022)
In the 14th quatrain of Centuria IV, Michel de Notredame predicts the sudden demise of the "first person." Perhaps he is referring to a ruler with great political weight. But who he is, one can only guess.
In addition to what is already listed in the book, Nostradamus considered a hint of artificial intelligence and even a riot of machines. “The moon at full night over a high mountain. A new sage with a lonely brain sees this. His disciples invited to immortality. Look south. Hands behind sinuses, bodies on fire, we read in the 31st quatrain of Centuria IV.
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Posted by elektromos-autozas.hu (@elektromosautozas.hu)
Quite a vague prophecy, to me. But even here they find hints of the development of AI, whose countless students will fill the earth. On the occasion, the humanoid robots of Elon Musk are remembered. The billionaire promised to present the prototype of the humanoid Tesla Bot in 2022.
It is obvious that the world is waiting for big changes this year. But it is also true that tomorrow depends primarily on us. And we must do everything possible to make it happy and peaceful.
The article and the preview used photos.
GettyImages Prophecies of Nostradamus Katrina Nostradamus difficult to interpret unequivocally. He said he encrypted the messages so that no one could change the future. But the lines dedicated to 2022 are certainly not encouraging.
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Publication by Olga Chervakova (@chervakova_o)
The alchemist called this year “a world-shaking year.” In his opinion, humanity will face natural disasters, inflation, famine and mass migration of peoples. It may even be on the verge of a global catastrophe.
A great fire will pour out of the sky for three nights. Another threat from space or rocket attacks? Nostradamus’ prediction, as usual, lacks the exact details of the horrific event. But the seer was sure that it would lead to large-scale fires and destruction.
Some scientists have suggested that it could be a large asteroid. According to NASA, on January 19, 2022, a kilometer-long guest from space flew dangerously close to Earth. A collision with him could be devastating for the whole world. Fortunately, this time it was. However, the leading space countries are simply obliged to agree to give the children of the Earth a safe future.
All over the great city there will be soldiers stationed in the fields and cities. Sadly, this prophecy is beginning to come true right before our eyes. As a result of the fighting in the center of Europe, thousands of people are killed. As a result, Nostradamus predicts economic crisis, food shortages, inflation and famine.
“Honey will cost more than candle wax. The price of wheat will rise so much that people will be horrified, writes the French visionary. Given that both Ukraine and Russia are the largest producers of grain, this is not hard to believe.
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Posted by Natalie (@natty_dobra_ph)
“Blood and hunger are greater than disaster. Seven times approach the beach... Hunger, place taken, captivity.” Perhaps this is a migration crisis. At first, it was exacerbated by events in Afghanistan and on the Belarusian-Polish border. And now Europe is facing the largest influx of refugees since World War II.
What else to wait for? Catrens prepare us for the many cataclysms of 2022. Nostradamus speaks of flooding, an unprecedented hurricane over Europe and a powerful earthquake in Japan.
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Publication from Earthquakes. 2022 (@earthquakes.2022)
In the 14th quatrain of Centuria IV, Michel de Notredame predicts the sudden demise of the "first person." Perhaps he is referring to a ruler with great political weight. But who he is, one can only guess.
In addition to what is already listed in the book, Nostradamus considered a hint of artificial intelligence and even a riot of machines. “The moon at full night over a high mountain. A new sage with a lonely brain sees this. His disciples invited to immortality. Look south. Hands behind sinuses, bodies on fire, we read in the 31st quatrain of Centuria IV.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by elektromos-autozas.hu (@elektromosautozas.hu)
Quite a vague prophecy, to me. But even here they find hints of the development of AI, whose countless students will fill the earth. On the occasion, the humanoid robots of Elon Musk are remembered. The billionaire promised to present the prototype of the humanoid Tesla Bot in 2022.
It is obvious that the world is waiting for big changes this year. But it is also true that tomorrow depends primarily on us. And we must do everything possible to make it happy and peaceful.
The article and the preview used photos.
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