Detailed interpretation of Nostradamus predictions for 2022

Nostradamus predictions for 2022 People have been worried for a long time. Although on the eve of the New Year, many were distrustful of the gloomy forecasts. After all, it seemed that after the decline of the pandemic, only good things lay ahead. The famous French astrologer and alchemist knew more.

Today's edition. "Site" It reminds me of the predictions that Michel de Notredam gave for our time. After all, in his famous work enough of the most amazing information. And even more amazing that lived this extraordinary man in the XVI century.

Nostradamus’ predictions for 2022 The famous book of Nostradamus was published in 1555. There are 942 enigmatic verses that supposedly encrypt predictions before the year 3797. And you can treat the soothsayer differently, but it is impossible not to recognize that his book is among the most amazing of all that is known to mankind.

The difficulty lies in correctly interpreting written texts. After all, there are many metaphors by which it is difficult to understand what date or month everything refers to. There are no specific names or even names of countries.

On the other hand, we can assume that the division of history into months, years and decades is quite arbitrary. And the forecasts are much more important than the significant events that will occur, as well as their sequence.

However, we recognize that the best experts from around the world are working on deciphering the predictions of Nostradamus. And if these smartest people manage to converge on unambiguous interpretations of individual poems, then everyone should probably learn about these results.

The first such prediction was that in 2022 the world will seriously deteriorate. food problems. And it will even cause famine in those regions where there have been no problems with food shortages for a long time.

A couple of months ago, this prediction seemed like a mistake. After all, there are many technologies that allow you to increase yields and replace almost any food. But after the Russian army invaded Ukraine, grain prices rose.

Ukraine, which exported tens of millions of tons of grain annually, is now at war. And it is unclear what crops Ukrainian farmers will be able to harvest in such conditions, and how it can be exported, given the blockade of seaports.

Some poems of Nostradamus were interpreted as a forecast for the imminent collapse of the European Union. Although here experts disagree on whether we are talking about the collapse of the organization, or everything will be limited to some changes in the structure.

The death of a dictator? Another interesting interpretation of the poems of Nostradamus concerned the premature departure of the dictator. However, even today, experts are debating who it is. After all, even in the modern world there are enough rulers-samooths who usurped power. And one of the predictions says that death will come from the sea at the time of a thunderstorm.

We will note the alarming prediction, which is about a powerful explosion in the Mediterranean, after which even in the climate will change. Change for the worse. Experts fear that it may be a man-made disaster or even the use of nuclear weapons.

Among other things, Nostradamus predicted floods, a meteorite fall and even an artificial intelligence revolt against humanity. Although it is difficult to say here whether these predictions belong to our time or to the distant future.

Still, if Nostradamus gave predictions before 3797, he apparently believed that humanity would not have time to die before that time. This seems optimistic in light of recent events.


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