The unheard-of prediction of the monk Thaddeus Vitovnitsky stunned everyone, the prescient elder broadcasts about the future

Predictions of monks have special power. Spending most of their lives in asceticism, they open their minds and souls to the word of God. Their teachings have healing power and are able to heal the hearts of people.

Today, together with "Site" We will open the veil of revelations of the Serbian Archimandrite Thaddej Vitovnicki, a famous visionary elder, one of the most revered monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The great preacher went to the Lord in 2003 at the age of 89. During his long life, he passed on spiritual knowledge to thousands of people and left us with important prophecies and instructions.

The life and spiritual path of Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky In a quiet peaceful place at the Vitovnitsky Dormition Monastery rests the ashes of Father Thaddeus. Every year thousands of pilgrims come to honor the memory of the elder. Many people claim to receive spiritual insights while standing at his grave.

He is remembered as an infinitely kind and selfless monk. The eyes of the elder reflected spiritual wealth and mercy, and the body radiated faith and inner strength. After his first heart attack in 1992, Father Thaddeus faced personal "darkness" and doubt, but his faith grew stronger.

In 1996, he suffered a second heart attack and further weakened his physical body. But this test only increased his love for the Lord and his neighbor. Already on his deathbed, the prescient elder stunned those present: his face seemed to illuminate the inner radiance. The monk was surrounded by peace and tranquility, surpassing all earthly joys, and everyone could feel this bright and warm force.

The prophecies of Thaddej Vitovnicki were studied with great interest by many experts, including Serbian scholars-theologians. Thus, Professor Eratich from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Belgrade was lucky to communicate personally with the elder. He went to the monastery from 1993 to 1997. After meeting with the confessor, the scientist called him the most enlightened monk of Serbia. What did the preacher tell him?

According to the sage, people know nothing about the true plans of the powerful of this world - those who took the sin of disposing of the fates of entire nations and treacherously betrayed the holy value of life. Also secretly preparing new weapons of unprecedented power. There is speculation that we are talking about tectonic weapons that can artificially cause volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other natural disasters. At first, its effect may be invisible.

In this regard, Father Thaddeus gave his instruction: “The meaning of human life is to return to the embrace of the Lord, to attain the grace of the Holy Spirit. The saints who followed Christ did not look back, but went straight to God. Fear will prevail over the soul until grace shines upon it. Then we shall experience neither suffering nor fear.

Does that mean we are going to have to go through new, more terrifying trials? Is it possible that those who have failed to achieve what they want by imposing force will spend vast resources and go all-in? At the same time, it will remove all suspicions, because the threat will come from nature, and not directly from the instigators of trouble? Obviously, there are stunning discoveries ahead.

The prescient elder has prophecies about the coming of the Antichrist in 1992. At first he acted secretly through his assistants, but soon he came to power and still rules. Monk Thaddeus warned that evil seeks to blacken the face of the Church, to twist and redraw the holy foundations. Indeed, today we can see how the clergy consecrate weapons, bless murders and even build entire churches dedicated to the war.

The old man saw that paper money and jewelry would soon become worthless. Thaddeus said about a certain seal, which “will be applied with laser beams invisible to the eye.” These rays will help to count the amount in the store on the account of a person and subtract the price of the purchased goods.

The elder believed that it was better not to save money, but to invest and live during the day, which God gave you. Having great wealth, but living without connection with the Supreme, is what makes a person weak. We come into this world empty-handed and can only take our soul with us. Only the time that the Creator has measured for the development of the soul is of value.

Preacher instructed us to pray every day, as Orthodox hermits do. It is they who hold back the devil who seeks to bind the whole world. We need to be strong and ready for the battle between good and evil that will sweep the twenty-first century. It will create chaos, and it will consume everything except the souls of true believers.

“Evil comes from those who do not believe in the Creator. They will not be touched by the light of love. Every Christian should pray for them in order to save them from the heat of hatred and anger. As soon as we allowed ourselves a thought without goodness and love, at that very moment we accepted the enemy himself. Our body helps the evil spirit to manifest itself.

We get angry and blame others, but we never start with ourselves. If they did, there would be less evil in the world. Our thoughts are the forerunner of our lives. It's food for our spirit. Around us inspire thousands of other people's thoughts. And we catch them like radio waves, but we do not know how to connect to the source of Joy. Instead, we fall into the bonds of the evil one. That makes me sick. Illness is the result of a mental fall. Sin begins with a thought.

The only one who can help us overcome evil is God. But evil cannot be defeated by evil. Only good. Love cannot be crushed. It is invincible, for God is love.”

These are the thoughts of the visionary Elder Thaddeus. What do you think of those words? Write us in the comments!


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