Visionary Elder Silouan of Athos wept and wept for people, foreseeing the future
The world is changing rapidly. Nothing will be the same. Many now notice that the passage of time seems to have accelerated. Modern people are in a situation for which they were simply not ready. A well-fed and calm consumer society shuddered at the horrors that were taking place. What to rely on when everything you believed in and aspired to has lost its meaning? How not to go crazy knowing about human suffering, the details of which we learn daily from the news? In the most difficult situations of life, it is important to remember in time that man was created in the image of God. It means that everyone has a resource inside that will help to cope with even the most hopeless situation. The holy elders are very inspired by their example, people who came as close to God as possible during their lifetime. Silouan Athos Those who have lost faith in the good and have lost faith in the good.
In his youth, Silouan possessed heroic physical strength. He ate a lot, worked a lot, easily tolerated the heat and cold. There is evidence that Silouan could eat 50 chicken eggs at a time! He was given good health, but also the young man was prone to temptation. When Silouan became a monk, he continually acquired the intelligent prayer of the heart. By saying the words of the Jesus Prayer, he received the grace of heaven. He discovered a lot that is not available to ordinary people.
The Visionary Elder predicted that the people of the future will seek freedom, but will fall into sin because of this search. Freedom is only one, it consists in the development of spirituality, in the fulfillment of God’s covenants. Sinful addictions enslave the will of man. Silwan said that Money, material goods will rule the world. They will steal people's souls. In order to be saved, a person must remember his higher destiny, his spiritual path and pray more often.
The elder taught his disciples that in relation to other people one can understand how much a person knows himself, how much he is conscious. “Every man sees in others what he has experienced spiritually in himself. Therefore, the relationship of a person to his neighbor is a true indicator of the degree of self-knowledge he has achieved.” People of the future will have to come together to deal with their weaknesses and troubles. Only through the help of others can one be saved in terrible times.
The Rev. Silouan of Athos urged us to pray simply like a child: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” The Lord will hear your prayer because He is so merciful that we cannot understand or imagine it until the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.
Wikimedia Prayer petition to Silouan of Athos in a difficult moment "O great pleaser of God, the Monk and God-bearing Father Siluane!" Look upon us, humble and weak, and burdened with many sins, for your help and comfort of those who ask. Come to us with your kindness and help us. We trust in you now, Father, for we are gracious. Lead us to the unevening light of eternal life by your auspicious representation at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, that we may glorify and sing with all saints the adored name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
The good Elder of Athos warned that there would be great trials. Those who trust in God’s mercy will be saved. In times of change, you should be especially soft-hearted, because it is difficult for everyone. “If you see a man lost and perished, pray for him and weep, if you can, and if you can’t, at least breathe for him before God.” And the soul that does so loves the Lord, for it is like unto Him.
“It is important to remember that we are fighting the devil. He is not afraid of curses and hatred, they only strengthen him. He is afraid of prayer and love.” Elder Silouan of Athos will help everyone, he will not refuse to help anyone, just ask. I wish you peace of mind, dear reader, the path of trouble bypasses your home side. Thank you for staying with us!

In his youth, Silouan possessed heroic physical strength. He ate a lot, worked a lot, easily tolerated the heat and cold. There is evidence that Silouan could eat 50 chicken eggs at a time! He was given good health, but also the young man was prone to temptation. When Silouan became a monk, he continually acquired the intelligent prayer of the heart. By saying the words of the Jesus Prayer, he received the grace of heaven. He discovered a lot that is not available to ordinary people.

The Visionary Elder predicted that the people of the future will seek freedom, but will fall into sin because of this search. Freedom is only one, it consists in the development of spirituality, in the fulfillment of God’s covenants. Sinful addictions enslave the will of man. Silwan said that Money, material goods will rule the world. They will steal people's souls. In order to be saved, a person must remember his higher destiny, his spiritual path and pray more often.
The elder taught his disciples that in relation to other people one can understand how much a person knows himself, how much he is conscious. “Every man sees in others what he has experienced spiritually in himself. Therefore, the relationship of a person to his neighbor is a true indicator of the degree of self-knowledge he has achieved.” People of the future will have to come together to deal with their weaknesses and troubles. Only through the help of others can one be saved in terrible times.

The Rev. Silouan of Athos urged us to pray simply like a child: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” The Lord will hear your prayer because He is so merciful that we cannot understand or imagine it until the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.

Wikimedia Prayer petition to Silouan of Athos in a difficult moment "O great pleaser of God, the Monk and God-bearing Father Siluane!" Look upon us, humble and weak, and burdened with many sins, for your help and comfort of those who ask. Come to us with your kindness and help us. We trust in you now, Father, for we are gracious. Lead us to the unevening light of eternal life by your auspicious representation at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, that we may glorify and sing with all saints the adored name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

The good Elder of Athos warned that there would be great trials. Those who trust in God’s mercy will be saved. In times of change, you should be especially soft-hearted, because it is difficult for everyone. “If you see a man lost and perished, pray for him and weep, if you can, and if you can’t, at least breathe for him before God.” And the soul that does so loves the Lord, for it is like unto Him.

“It is important to remember that we are fighting the devil. He is not afraid of curses and hatred, they only strengthen him. He is afraid of prayer and love.” Elder Silouan of Athos will help everyone, he will not refuse to help anyone, just ask. I wish you peace of mind, dear reader, the path of trouble bypasses your home side. Thank you for staying with us!
Legendary visionary Vanga has passed into the other world for a long time, but her prophecies continue to come true.
Throwing apples into borscht and enjoying a dish worthy of the royal table