How many times should I repeat the prayer and other advice of the Elders of Athos?
Holy Mount Athos It is one of the most visited places by Christian pilgrims. Believers come here from far corners of the planet to enter the monastery, worship icons, receive wise advice.
In the evenings, Athos is completely amazing - it is illuminated by many flickering lights. Monks and elders live here. Their life is spent in self-knowledge, prayer and service to God.
Monks and Elders of Athos believe that the main salvation of each person is his faith. It is the strengthening of this virtue that they pay much attention to. Their teachings are permeated with age-old wisdom and decades lived away from the worldly bustle.
“Through faith, through seeking God’s help, one begins to see miracles. At first, such events are insignificant, then they become more and more. At the same time, faith deepens. Having a gentle heart, a person begins to believe in the infinite power of God, learns His secrets, grieves that others do not have faith. priest.
“Unbelief takes strength in pride. He wants to know the truth, but the Lord only reveals it to the humble. He reveals His works to those who believe. Elder Silouan of Athos.
“Initial faith is born of the power of the word of God, after which we cleanse ourselves of sinful passions and grace is sent down to us.” But in moments of despondency and despair, our faith can weaken. It is important not to lose trust in God in difficult times. Only through hesitation do we gain perfect faith. Archimandrite Sophronius.
“A believer can do anything. He who thirsts for courage must strengthen his faith. Faith is the source of all courage. Elder Joseph Vatopedsky.
“Blessed is he who fears the Lord, for it is fear that gives birth to faith. By obeying the will of God, man places faith above knowledge. And when faith is strengthened, the secret of knowledge will be revealed to him. Faith and knowledge will always be with him, like two sisters inseparable. Elder Joseph Hesychast.
“Unbelief is the source of fear, pain and disease. A person mistakenly believes that he is free, but he feels the lack of something important. Contradictions tear his soul apart. Joy doesn't fall into his hands. It is important to understand that faith is simple and unbelief is complex. Moses the Holy Mountain.
No wonder persuasion and prayer It is often about faith. Faith turns ordinary words into prayer. And although the text itself can be both voluminous and concise, the main thing is to believe in a conversation with the Lord. Many people refer to prayers as spells, repeated many times. The Holy Spirit does not fulfill orders.
The people of Athos are not only famous for their prayer and service to God. It is known that people here do not get cancer and on average live more than 90 years. And the secret is not only in faith, but also in the way of life.
We draw attention to the fact that earlier we have already published the statements of the monk Simeon of Athos, whose aphorisms force a new look at life.
What do you think of wisdom? elders? Be sure to tell us in the comments.
In the evenings, Athos is completely amazing - it is illuminated by many flickering lights. Monks and elders live here. Their life is spent in self-knowledge, prayer and service to God.

Monks and Elders of Athos believe that the main salvation of each person is his faith. It is the strengthening of this virtue that they pay much attention to. Their teachings are permeated with age-old wisdom and decades lived away from the worldly bustle.

“Through faith, through seeking God’s help, one begins to see miracles. At first, such events are insignificant, then they become more and more. At the same time, faith deepens. Having a gentle heart, a person begins to believe in the infinite power of God, learns His secrets, grieves that others do not have faith. priest.
“Unbelief takes strength in pride. He wants to know the truth, but the Lord only reveals it to the humble. He reveals His works to those who believe. Elder Silouan of Athos.

“Initial faith is born of the power of the word of God, after which we cleanse ourselves of sinful passions and grace is sent down to us.” But in moments of despondency and despair, our faith can weaken. It is important not to lose trust in God in difficult times. Only through hesitation do we gain perfect faith. Archimandrite Sophronius.
“A believer can do anything. He who thirsts for courage must strengthen his faith. Faith is the source of all courage. Elder Joseph Vatopedsky.
“Blessed is he who fears the Lord, for it is fear that gives birth to faith. By obeying the will of God, man places faith above knowledge. And when faith is strengthened, the secret of knowledge will be revealed to him. Faith and knowledge will always be with him, like two sisters inseparable. Elder Joseph Hesychast.
“Unbelief is the source of fear, pain and disease. A person mistakenly believes that he is free, but he feels the lack of something important. Contradictions tear his soul apart. Joy doesn't fall into his hands. It is important to understand that faith is simple and unbelief is complex. Moses the Holy Mountain.

No wonder persuasion and prayer It is often about faith. Faith turns ordinary words into prayer. And although the text itself can be both voluminous and concise, the main thing is to believe in a conversation with the Lord. Many people refer to prayers as spells, repeated many times. The Holy Spirit does not fulfill orders.

The people of Athos are not only famous for their prayer and service to God. It is known that people here do not get cancer and on average live more than 90 years. And the secret is not only in faith, but also in the way of life.
We draw attention to the fact that earlier we have already published the statements of the monk Simeon of Athos, whose aphorisms force a new look at life.
What do you think of wisdom? elders? Be sure to tell us in the comments.
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