Why do Tibetan Mahatmas and beautiful women drink hot water in the morning?
You think drinking a glass coldwater Is it very useful in the morning? It is time to dot all the “i” and find out how expedient this habit is, because depending on the temperature, water can be both useful and not very useful.
Why drink water? Every self-respecting person at least once in his life was interested in youth, cleansing, losing weight... And only in one point do the views of official and alternative medicine converge – water should be drunk. But how, when and what – here everyone has their own opinion.
Editorial "Site" She analyzed the advice of traditional and traditional medicine, Ayurveda and Eastern teachings of Tibetan lamas. It turns out that clean water is the only source of life and longevity, and you should also drink it correctly.
Humans are 60-80% water. Hence the answer to the question: “Why drink a lot of water?- to live! The word "many" does not mean a certain literature. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is not necessary. At least there is no scientific evidence for this. Official medicine believes that you need to drink as much as you want. And whenever you want.
The right amount of fluid depends on gender, age, weight, exercise, environment, nutrition and other signs. According to a statistical study by the US Institute of Medicine, men need to consume 3.7 liters of fluid per day, and women - about 2.7 liters. And it does not matter in what form water enters the body: in the form of juice, tea, soup, vegetables or fruits.
But according to the Eastern teachings, eternal youth It is considered hot water. Not boiling water, not warm, and water temperature of 40-45 degrees. The worst thing a person can do for their body is to drink cold water or iced drinks.
Tibetan doctors believe that glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach prolongs life by 10 years! Hot water drowns out the element of fire - the stomach and kills microbes accumulated in it overnight. In China, children are taught to drink heated water before eating. Even in a cafe and restaurant, before bringing the order to the customer, he is served a cup of hot water.
Ayurveda claims that a glass of warm water after waking up will help migraine awayHigh blood pressure, anemia, obesity, arthritis and other diseases.
Of course, there is common sense in these statements. The body does not wake up from cold water, but shock It includes signals to heat the water to the optimum temperature, the internal body temperature.
In other words, in the digestive organs spasmTo protect the walls of the stomach and esophagus, more mucus is produced, therefore digestion slows down. Simultaneously with stomach spasm, a spasm of the gallbladder occurs and bile stagnation forms.
Instead of absorbing nutrients, the body uses energy to regulate temperature. It’s not the best way to burn calories, but rather one of the worst.
Drinking hot water on a full stomach makes no sense. This is best done in the morning, on an empty stomach. A glass of such water will relax the muscles of the digestive organs, cleanse the walls of the stomach from food residues and gastric juice and normalizes the acid-base balance.
Thanks to a glass of hot water in the morning, metabolism is established, blood is purified and the processes of detoxification of the body through the skin, kidneys and lymphatic system are enhanced. The outflow of bile improves, the body gradually wakes up, and the digestive system starts very softly, without shock and overload.
The result of such a daily morning procedure will be clean skin, without greasy shine and acne, sudden weight loss without any effort.
and normalization of blood pressure.
Don't think, Why drink water on an empty stomach?Go ahead! Do not boil, but warm a cup of water every morning and drink slowly, in small sips. Do not rush to breakfast, wait with a meal for about 20 minutes. And to see the result – try it tomorrow, you will be pleasantly surprised!
Write to us in the comments what morning routines Do you recommend doing it to cleanse the body and promote health?
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Why drink water? Every self-respecting person at least once in his life was interested in youth, cleansing, losing weight... And only in one point do the views of official and alternative medicine converge – water should be drunk. But how, when and what – here everyone has their own opinion.
Editorial "Site" She analyzed the advice of traditional and traditional medicine, Ayurveda and Eastern teachings of Tibetan lamas. It turns out that clean water is the only source of life and longevity, and you should also drink it correctly.
Humans are 60-80% water. Hence the answer to the question: “Why drink a lot of water?- to live! The word "many" does not mean a certain literature. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is not necessary. At least there is no scientific evidence for this. Official medicine believes that you need to drink as much as you want. And whenever you want.
The right amount of fluid depends on gender, age, weight, exercise, environment, nutrition and other signs. According to a statistical study by the US Institute of Medicine, men need to consume 3.7 liters of fluid per day, and women - about 2.7 liters. And it does not matter in what form water enters the body: in the form of juice, tea, soup, vegetables or fruits.
But according to the Eastern teachings, eternal youth It is considered hot water. Not boiling water, not warm, and water temperature of 40-45 degrees. The worst thing a person can do for their body is to drink cold water or iced drinks.
Tibetan doctors believe that glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach prolongs life by 10 years! Hot water drowns out the element of fire - the stomach and kills microbes accumulated in it overnight. In China, children are taught to drink heated water before eating. Even in a cafe and restaurant, before bringing the order to the customer, he is served a cup of hot water.
Ayurveda claims that a glass of warm water after waking up will help migraine awayHigh blood pressure, anemia, obesity, arthritis and other diseases.
Of course, there is common sense in these statements. The body does not wake up from cold water, but shock It includes signals to heat the water to the optimum temperature, the internal body temperature.
In other words, in the digestive organs spasmTo protect the walls of the stomach and esophagus, more mucus is produced, therefore digestion slows down. Simultaneously with stomach spasm, a spasm of the gallbladder occurs and bile stagnation forms.
Instead of absorbing nutrients, the body uses energy to regulate temperature. It’s not the best way to burn calories, but rather one of the worst.
Drinking hot water on a full stomach makes no sense. This is best done in the morning, on an empty stomach. A glass of such water will relax the muscles of the digestive organs, cleanse the walls of the stomach from food residues and gastric juice and normalizes the acid-base balance.
Thanks to a glass of hot water in the morning, metabolism is established, blood is purified and the processes of detoxification of the body through the skin, kidneys and lymphatic system are enhanced. The outflow of bile improves, the body gradually wakes up, and the digestive system starts very softly, without shock and overload.
The result of such a daily morning procedure will be clean skin, without greasy shine and acne, sudden weight loss without any effort.
and normalization of blood pressure.
Don't think, Why drink water on an empty stomach?Go ahead! Do not boil, but warm a cup of water every morning and drink slowly, in small sips. Do not rush to breakfast, wait with a meal for about 20 minutes. And to see the result – try it tomorrow, you will be pleasantly surprised!
Write to us in the comments what morning routines Do you recommend doing it to cleanse the body and promote health?
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