Olga Butakova: 12 factors of disease
Required health information
Throughout life, we acquire many different skills, such as learning to knit, drive a car. These skills are considered very important, but none of them will allow us to live longer. And when a person loses health, all other skills are devalued. Many rich people, losing their health, say that nothing else is needed in life: neither power nor giving, just to restore the health they lost.
The disappointment lies in the fact that it is health that we take for granted, naively thinking that it is given forever and has an untouchable supply. This is a very colossal mistake, because what we do in our lives is a series of wrong actions that harm our health. Remember that 80% of what we do in life is wrong.
For example, consciously or unconsciously drinking Pepsi-Cola, without thinking about the fact that it destroys the blood, consuming Galina Blanca cubes, which include sodium glutamate, we destroy ourselves and our children.
This information is not invented. All information is taken from the Internet, from conversations with practitioners around the world. All the latest information.
Everything we talk about will be tough enough, otherwise no one will hear. You can drink water or you can not drink. No one will ask you. You are responsible for your health and your life. There are things that are not discussed. Water should not be drunk while eating. A person has no right not to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, because he secretes 1.5 liters of urine per day.
Replacing water with tea, compote, coffee, kvass, your body will not release so much urine because it is all food!
Therefore, when it comes to water, it is an axiom. There is hydrochloric acid in the stomach, that is to be argued about. No one canceled the chemistry. The protein breaks down at 60 degrees. Then you can synthesize it, but it's destroyed. In all traditional cuisines of the world, food is processed up to 60 degrees. You can do it, you can not do it, but when a person gets sick, he begins to think: why did I get sick?
And the investigation begins to treat. There are also axioms that we do not like, we begin to resist internally. For example, why not eat sugar? Because it pulls water out of the cage. This reason is enough to eat little. If you put sugar on strawberries, the strawberries will give the juice. If you drink sweet juice, your cell will give up water. If you pour salt on the cucumber, it will give the juice, and if you eat the pickle, your cell will give the juice.
Medicine is something we will stumble upon. Because in our country there are state standards by which a doctor must act.
There is a prescription for every disease: if this hurts, then do this. The blasphemy consists in the fact that the state, taking responsibility for a person’s life, removed it from the doctor. If the doctor did everything as it is written in the standard, he is not responsible for anything. This means that the patient was simply unlucky and died.
If the doctor did something different and the patient died, the doctor responds personally. Therefore, none of the working doctors in official medicine does not want to violate state standards and is afraid to do so, because if something happens, they will be asked. Doctors are now in twofold condition, and this must be understood. I am sure that many of you are not happy with this situation. So maybe you should not shift the responsibility for your health to modern medicine? And it is necessary to understand the causes of many diseases.
Twelve Factors of Diseases
The presence of at least one factor leads to illness. It's very unpleasant, but it is.
1. Psychology. Those who are angry, nervous, jealous, secrete hormones that destroy the liver. Stress. Basic psychological causes.
2 Food. Do not eat foods that do not spoil. For example, the grapes we have today. There are no miracles in nature. Grapes must spoil. It should lie down for 3-5 days and deteriorate. Bulgarian pepper can not be spoiled. Worms can't not eat an apple. There are no wormy fruits. The fruit should dry out. Take apricots or prunes and dry them as you see it in the bazaar. You will not succeed because there are no miracles. Like sausage. Why buy boiled salt with toilet paper and eat it, while pretending at the level of intelligence that we get proteins? We don't get anything. Or mushrooms. They are not absorbed, so why eat them? To load the body? Why do that? Knowing and doing are different things. I'm used to it. This is psychology, see paragraph 1. If you are going to die, do not be distracted.
3. Water. There are no juices without preservatives and dyes, so the third cause of all diseases is water and drinks. And if you think that you drink 100% orange juice without sugar, then the package should read: 100% orange without sugar. The word “juice” should be omitted, since there is no juice there, and “without sugar” means sweeteners there. And if it says “no preservatives”, then there are preservatives that have not learned to define the world community.
The world’s major juice companies have gone much further in technology, they employ the best chemists in the world and they have created antioxidants that are not yet determined during certification.
There are no miracles in nature!And if you have orange juice stored for years and at the same time sweet and tasty in plastic packaging, then this does not happen in nature. It's actually much more prosaic. Everything that looks beautiful, is stored for a long time and has a pleasant color (color cannot be stored for a long time), this does not happen. Cherry jam cannot be cherry-colored. Because oxygen gets there, and the color changes immediately. And the cherry jam turns brown or not as bright. When we eat something that looks beautiful, it is not good for us.
Russia and Ukraine are still those countries where you can buy natural cottage cheese, sour cream, milk from grandmothers at the bazaar. There is no such thing in the West. There is nothing natural in the supermarket: no milk, no sour cream, no butter. Everything is artificially cooked. And now Europe is reaching a level where the health of the population is falling sharply precisely according to artificial indicators of food.
The situation with water is much more serious: humanity is at a dead end precisely because of food and drinking regime.
There are 96,000 living creatures in the world, and only one of them, man, drinks water and eats food cooked on fire. All other creatures drink only water. We can debate for a long time on the topic: is it possible to drink green, black tea, cocoa, coffee.
Should children drink tea? Will it make them healthy? Who says kids should drink tea? We established it ourselves. It's tradition. The same tradition as reading in the subway, in the car, for food. And then we lose sight. But if we had been told earlier that this was possible, we would not have read on the subway.
A man at the end of his life is not able to understand what he did wrong. A person who got hit by a car wants to say: why did you cross the road in the wrong place? But it is useless for him to talk about it, because he will either die or remain disabled for life. He scrolled back 5 minutes and saw he ran past a traffic light.
But we keep running past traffic lights, continue to drink effervescent drinks and mineral water, which is actually carbonated. Therefore, no one will put two here for you. Twos will put life. How you look in 5 or 10 years is up to you. Do you want to live long? Then live normally, try not to be paralyzed, not blind, not deaf.
From the age of 30, you need to do things that create a healthy lifestyle. This information is so serious that it should be taken with full responsibility, because the responsibility on you goes double. Not only did they receive this information themselves and need to do something themselves.
So you have to be a source of information for other people, because information is just not given. It is given for one purpose - for transmission. You must be antennae. You have to think, sleep and pass on. And if you are a transport link, and it does not catch on, it will be what it was yesterday.
There was a very good leader in Moscow, and when she was told, “You take care of yourself!” She replied, “I’ll close the master and do it.” And when she came two years later and said, "Do something for me, I have liver cancer." What can we do? Two years ago, she was told about the liver, the kidneys, the brain. Now they are trying to give her a master posthumously so that the children receive a pension. But it's not serious. We often have people dying. Someone did not have time to drink water, someone else did. In Kiev studied a wonderful doctor from Nikolaev, which has 20 specializations. They ask, “Do you drink water?” "No, I haven't had a drink yet, but I will." And when we sent her diploma, she died, she had a heart attack. She never drank water, she was just going to.
4. The presence of fungi in the body, viruses, parasites, bacteria. Whether you want it or not, they exist, they live, they have the same right to live as you do. You can't kill them. They'd rather kill us. But they don't have that purpose. Their purpose is to exploit us and obtain the products for life. If some worms wanted to kill us, they would have done it long ago. They don't have to destroy a big ship, they live quietly. Another thing is that we don’t want to live with them. They have to create unfavorable conditions.
5. Heredity.If you have diabetes, stop eating sugar right now. If the mother died of ischemic disease, then take care of the cardiovascular system. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Children duplicate parental diseases. Take a look at what your parents are suffering from and see what your children will be suffering from. And set up in these positions everything that is around.
6. Injuries.Try to eliminate the consequences of the injuries that you might have. These are injuries of the spine, tailbone, skull, i.e. vital organs. Because an injury to the fifth toe of the left foot will not bring anything to anyone, just the finger will hurt. Injuries to the bones of the skull will lead to loss of vision. It happens that a child in two years will hit his head on the battery, will lie down, as a rule, he does not receive any treatment and when twenty years later he has a headache, the neurologist asks him whether there was a head injury. He says he does. So that's the consequence of that injury. Remember all your injuries and try to check these organs, at least see if there are consequences in this direction. It's very important. Because there are people who have a headache all their lives, but it turns out that they fell head in childhood and the skull just dented. They've got their skulls straightened, and everything goes away. Learn to look at the body systematically. If a person has strabismus, then the eyes have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, this is not seen by eye doctors, other doctors. 95% of strabismus is altered skull bones. There are doctors who treat strabismus in 3-4 sessions, and there are doctors who operate 6-7 times.
7. lack of movement, hypodynamia
A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of the lymph, to slagging of the body and, as a result, to the violation of the functions of many organs and processes in the body.
8. Bioenergy.Nowadays, science has proven that biofields exist. It used to be called “evil eye, spoilage”, and now it is called “bioenergy disturbance” or storms. No matter what you call it, the main thing is that you understand that the human biofield exists.
9. Ecology. If around you in macro- or microecology there are problem areas, such as washing dishes with “Feri”, which is washed off with 35th water. "Feri" dissolves inside the gastrointestinal tract, like everything else. If you drink chlorinated water from the tap, even if it is boiled, then chlorine is not killed when boiled, but becomes even more dangerous. Many times more dangerous. If a person drinks this chlorine, he poisons his body. This is not just water, it is already environmentally unfavorable water. Water is now ozonized, but it is 10 times more dangerous than chlorine.
10. Time.We age because we lose energy and water over time. We do not even think about replenishing their reserves!
11. Bad habits. This is not only smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, as well as sleeping on your stomach, etc. Sleeping on your stomach is deadly. 40% of people die in their sleep. Sleeping on your side is just as bad a habit as sleeping on your stomach. On the side of the neck bends at an angle of 40 degrees, on the stomach the neck bends at an angle of 40 degrees and unfolds at an angle of 90 degrees, i.e. cerebral circulation is practically disturbed. If a person is young and healthy, he will turn when his respiratory center stops. If a person sleeps soundly or has drunk, or an elderly person, or microcirculation is impaired, then he will die quietly in his sleep. Everyone says it's good to die quietly in your sleep. There is nothing good about it, because you have to sleep on your back. This word is called SPI-NA. That's what we call it, sleep on it and it'll be fine. Sleeping on your stomach or side is a bad habit. The Japanese sleep only on their backs and with a wooden roller. They don't have any pillows. The average life expectancy in Japan is 90 years and above, i.e. this country of centenarians. This is a country that has suffered the atomic bombing and has virtually no greenery. It's a country where people work 24 hours a day, it's a country where there's no room at all. 80 million people live in an area much smaller than the Donetsk region. We have 50 million people in Ukraine, if we compare the territory of Ukraine with the territory of Japan, this is ten times more. But they live there up to 80 years, and we are here with you - up to 50-60 years. They also have cases of AIDS.
12. Medication.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70% of diagnoses are incorrect. One in four hospital beds in the U.S. is occupied by a patient who is being treated for the effects of previous medication. During the 10-day strike in Israel, the death rate in the country as a whole dropped significantly – and these are not isolated facts. It is impossible to cancel drugs for chronic patients, but you can reduce the dosage and be more attentive to taking medications.
The relationship of 12 body systems. This is deeper information about the human body. But if you start adjusting all 12 systems, or one at a time, you’re wasting time because all systems are regulated in the same way.
So the first stage of health. This is psychological training, i.e. training programs, nervous system, auto-training, training. This is all about the acquired knowledge about health - the installation to do certain things that are useful for health. This is the first step and it is impossible to overcome it. A person gets sick and goes to a psychic or starts running when his heart hurts. He is right when he starts to move, but if you run without doing any other activities, then there will be no normal effect, because running in a pre-infarction state or with a full stomach of worms is simply irrational. We won't run far. You can't run away from yourself. Therefore, first you need to deal with psychology, get information, get information, get some knowledge that will shift your worldview: where are we running, why are we running?
Second stageOne thing that cannot be overcome on the road to health is food. If we do not learn how to eat properly, then we will be taught “good” to be treated, and they will be taught quite harshly. If you take a chronically ill person who has 33 illnesses 5 minutes before death and, for example, make him run. Will it be relevant? Nope. What if, for example, he had a different kind of food? By the way, there are many types of food. Food comes with the sign "+" and "-".
Cleaning is also a type of food, only with a minus sign. Therefore, first you need to work with his psychology, give him the knowledge for what it is necessary, adjust his energy and psychological parameters, and then feed him differently. How else? Maybe not feeding at all, maybe starving, maybe giving him something natural or herbs. All herbs belong to the option of nutrition.
Food supplements are also a food option. And without changing our attitude to nutrition, we will not become healthier. They say we dig a grave with a spoon and a fork. This spoon and fork are in our head.
Third step - it's water. Notice that we deliberately put water on the third step, not the second, because many of you start with water. The amount of water in the body is determined by the amount of food eaten. A person's need to drink is determined by what he ate, the amount of food eaten. Shatalova drinks 600g of water. We even argued with her about it. Shatalova is 90. She lies down on the table, is held by her legs with her hands and she leans back, touches the floor with her hands and rises back. None of the athletes in our group could repeat this. She walked the desert at 75 years old, 500 km in the Kara Kum desert with a liter of water, as part of a sports group and proved that age does not matter, in order to be healthy. She has a clear setup to drink 600 grams of water.
We couldn’t figure out where we were going. Many scientists insist on 1.5 liters, American scientists say that you need to drink 3 liters. Japanese scientists laughed at them for a long time. American food is very different from Japanese food. Therefore, you need to drink just enough water to dissolve and wash the food you ate. The second step on the road to health is food.
If you eat meat, fish, eggs, bread, a large amount of spicy, spicy, then you need much more water. And if you eat vegetables, fruits, that is, you need as much as fits in the palm. The stomach is such as a palm, it holds up to 200-250 g. Everything else begins to stretch the stomach. Accordingly, water is needed not 1.5 liters, but less than 600 g. First, before adjusting the food regimen, you need to adjust. drinking.
The more a person eats, the more he should drink. Since we eat a lot, we should drink plenty of water, min. 1.5 liters. If you go to a fractional meal, the amount of water will decrease. With a vegetarian diet with a small volume, you do not need to consume 1.5 liters of water. No need to wash the body forcibly. A person has a unique thing called “thirst”. But thirst is not the first sign of dehydration, but the 4th or 5th.
Therefore, when it is dry in the mouth, it is already deep dehydration, it is drainage of the pancreas. If you tell your doctor that your mouth is drying all the time, the doctor will tell you that it is inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. In fact, it is draining the cells of the pancreas. More than 50 percent of all diseases are water-related. Cataracts are dehydration of the lens, dry skin, dry hair, creaking joints, poorly moving, stiffening, gallstones - all this dehydration. It means the bile is thick. Everyone taught chemistry by concentration. If the concentration of salts is small, they will not precipitate.
What is concentration?
That's the amount of salt per 100g of water. For example: 2 g of salt in 100 g of water - 2% salt solution, 2 g of salt in 50 g of water - 4% solution, 2 g of salt in 25 g of water - 8% solution. Similarly with hydrochloric acid, which is in the stomach, and when the water goes away, the salt will precipitate. Therefore, there is no increased acidity of the stomach. No stomach will give an increased amount of acid, why would it produce it? It is supposed to allocate 2.5 g of acid - the stomach will allocate such an amount. But if there is 2 g of water instead of 100 g, the concentration will be appropriate. Cells will die, burn, a person says he has heartburn, ulcer, and he is told that he has high acidity and adds aluminum salts. You can't think of anything stupider. You just need to get water, not just now, but regularly.
You should drink clean, good, alkaline, structured water. It is necessary to drink it so that it flows from the ears to wash all this and reduce concentration.
If a person has kidney stones, then the concentration of urine is high and salts precipitate. If you put 1 teaspoon of sugar in tea, then this is normal, and if 10, then sugar will precipitate. It will cease to dissolve, lie down, and accordingly the concentration will be high.
If a person’s morning urine smells of chemistry, it should not be. Ordinary urine has no smell, i.e. has a pleasant bread smell. If after a person the smell in the toilet, like after a cat, it is impossible to go, it means that he does not drink water and the urine is very concentrated. If a person sweats and stinks a lot, then you should drink water, not use deodorant. Water should be drunk so that the body odor is equal to the smell of sweat. A huge number of poisons go through the lymph, and the poison can be dissolved only in water, and in nothing else. Everything that is insoluble in nature is useless and dangerous to us. Anything that dissolves in water is safe and healthy.
If you throw a piece of chalk in a glass of water, what happens? Nothing. This means that no matter how much chalk is in the water, it will not dissolve itself. This is serious. Why did we drink calcium gluconate all our lives and give it to our children? Because we have big problems with psychology. Not only are we ignorant, but we are also very trusting. No metal that dissolves in water is needed in the body, it is useless, because it is also insoluble in our body. These include potassium orate, which is given by doctors, calcium gluconate, iron salts, many vitamins that are not soluble in water, etc. No one canceled the chemistry.
Fourth step
Parasitic program. Purification must be combined with a parasitic program. But there are many dangers here. If we talk about fungi, then we need an antifungal program, if about viruses, then antiviral, if about the simplest - giardia, then antiprotazoal, if about helminths, then another. We have the word "parasites" is associated with worms, and this is far from the case. Mushrooms are parasites, too. And there's nothing antifungal in the colo-vada.
It does not include the bark of the ant tree, only a black nut leaf, which acts very weakly on mushrooms. All who have candidiasis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, i.e. all fungal diseases, are treated not with a colo-vada, but with an antifungal program. It can last a month, two, three or six months, but it should go ahead of everyone else, because many are cleaned, the feces are gone, and the problems remain on the skin and nails. Therefore, a person undergoes an antifungal program, and then he is already cleaned. This can be done in two weeks, during the antifungal program, but not forward.
Most cleanings that are used in medicine are ineffective. For example, colon-monitoring. If a person washed a large number of poisons, toxins within 5 enemas of 30 liters, this does not mean that he will pass psoriasis, because psoriasis is a fungus.
If he first underwent an antifungal program, and during it or after began to do colon monitoring or enemas, then in this case there would be a result. There must be a complex.
You can't do one thing. If a person has many causes of disease, then there must be something in his head for every cause. When we go to a doctor with diabetes, do not start with a sugar-lowering pill.
Imagine a blood that has 3 spoons of sugar, i.e. the blood is sweet. What pills can you take away sugar? Where's he going? He's already in the glass. This is an illusion at the level of psychology. What can you do with sweet blood? It can be diluted with water. Can sugar be washed through the kidneys? You can. Only in this way can it be dissolved. There's nothing else you can do with him. Therefore, the first symptom that appears in a person is thirst, he wants to dissolve sugar. Your doctor will never tell you to drink more water.
People say that the doctor forbids drinking. Therefore, many diseases need to change their view. At the premiere of the film, many journalists split into two camps. The first 95 percent, the other 5 percent, 95 percent of people reacted negatively. When asked by journalists, what is the film about? One in 5 said the film is about God, about being kinder, about not spreading evil into space, because water is almost everywhere. We are 70 percent water. In this way, you can reprogram your brain. But everyone else didn’t see the film as a call to good. When our distributors watch, they are 95% positive. Information about water is not accepted by everyone.
What are we drinking? Go to McDonald’s and see what kids are drinking. They all drink Pepsi Coke. What's going on is just incomprehensible to the mind. You and I are the ones who want to share this information. At least accept. Not to mention understanding, believing and what to do next. These are stages. It is necessary to accept this information, pass through yourself and share with others.
It all depends on the degree of your faith, if you believe that water is the only thing to drink, then you can communicate this information. And if you drink tea, compote, coffee, juice and plus 1.5 liters of water, then I assure you that nothing in your body will change, unfortunately. It doesn't come right away. If you drink 1.5 liters of other drinks and 1 liter of water, the effect will be multiplied by zero. The real effect begins only in those who drink only water. You can drink a cup of tea like the Chinese. The Japanese drink exactly the same. This is how all long-lived nations drink. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, the population of Russia, as in China, was 250 million people. Now in China 1 billion 350 million, and in Russia -140 million. The Russians are practically dying out. Moreover, Russians are not only Russians – they are Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, i.e. those who live in Russia. Ukrainians 50 million, was 54. In Ukraine, the same demographic situation. Therefore, someone who receives this information has a chance to be healthy and live long. Information is not given to everyone.
The next step is system cleaning. System cleaning is a consistent comprehensive cleaning of five excretory systems. You can clean the body through one of the systems, but there are systems that cannot be cleaned. Like blood or joints. No blood or joints can be cleaned. Blood can be cleaned by cutting the vessel, inserting a membrane and distilling blood through it. Everything else is called: clean the intestines, liver. Organs have ducts through which poisons come out. Therefore, it is necessary to express correctly.
He who cleans the joints with a bay leaf, he can clean something in the body, but he will not get any effect, because before that there is a whole four-month path that must be walked.
Joints are not cleaned, they do not need to be contaminated. Another thing is to cleanse the intestines and gradually cleanse everything else. Everything about cleaning should be considered comprehensively. In the Far East, a cleaning clinic based on Coral Club preparations was opened. This is a hospital in which people enter for a week and receive a complete cleansing, including cleaning the liver, kidneys.
The food is 100% vegetarian, raw. Colo-vadu they pass before and after. After 7 days, they come out completely different people. There is a complex - cleaning, nutrition, movement, washing, including dubazhy. A person has a changing complexion, worldview. But it's going pretty hard. It is very difficult to cleanse a person because there is no time to work psychologically. Therefore, it is necessary to clean professionally.
Many are engaged in fasting, but they have no idea that you can not starve a person who has giardia, because they will eat the liver during fasting. You can't say that we just have guts and that we only need a colo-vada and water, that's amateurism. We need to understand that if there is a parasite in the body, then we need to start with this. It's a good thing that Albert Zer included an anti-parasite in the kolo-vada. How did not others think of this? Cleanup systems are 10,000 years old. How others did not think that before starving, you need to pass antiparasitic. It's obvious. And imagine how many people in our country were starving, while having tapeworms and roundworms. People fainted, went to intensive care units. Albert Zer designed, removed, added, checked.
We need to value what we own, because it is the only system by which we can starve. Everything else is childish talk on the lawn. If a person does not know whether he has worms, he should not starve. How do you know? There are worms that are not determined by stool tests, for example, toxocars. This means that before starving, you need to undergo a minimum seven-day course of antiparasitic. Because roundworm drinks 40 ml of blood a day.
As soon as food is no longer available, you can calculate how much blood will go away if a person has 2, 3, 10 roundworms. In the Guinness Book of Records was a man in whose body there were 515 roundworms. 40% of people on the planet suffer from anemia. And that schedule never changes. As it was 15 years ago, 40% is now. From this we draw a conclusion: anemia is not treated or simply we do not know how to treat it.
If a person has parasites, it is useless for him to pour blood both dry and canned. Actually, it's useless. All 2 billion people with anemia had to undergo an anti-parasitic program. Maybe they have parasites. 21% of them would be parasites. According to the World Health Organization, 21% of the population has roundworms. Not the 70% that the Royal Academy is talking about, because they mean lamblia, and opistrochia, and fungi, and worms, and 21% have round worms - this is completely real. System cleaning is not just about cleaning with enemas.
Systemic cleaning is lymph, it's breathing, it's gastrointestinal tract, it's liver, it's kidneys, it's skin. And it is advisable to clean at the same time, opening all the excretory channels. Colo-wada allows you to do that. It can be enriched with breathing, movements. It has to be done consciously. It is impossible to explain the mechanism of action of the colo-vada. Most of our products can be taken without thinking, because they are 100% natural.
Sixth step.
restoration of enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Because if a person does not restore digestive abilities, then they will recover themselves, it will take a month or two.
Seventh step
28 amino acids, 15 minerals, 12 vitamins, fatty acids. It's called cell nutrition. It is useless to nourish a cage if there are parasites, if you eat anything. What kind of cellular nutrition can we talk about? If a person eats chips and washes down with Pepsi-Cola, the cell will still get nothing. So we remove what was said earlier, and then we give cellular nutrition. published
Author: Olga Butakova
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: kosmo.aterix.ru/zdorove
Throughout life, we acquire many different skills, such as learning to knit, drive a car. These skills are considered very important, but none of them will allow us to live longer. And when a person loses health, all other skills are devalued. Many rich people, losing their health, say that nothing else is needed in life: neither power nor giving, just to restore the health they lost.
The disappointment lies in the fact that it is health that we take for granted, naively thinking that it is given forever and has an untouchable supply. This is a very colossal mistake, because what we do in our lives is a series of wrong actions that harm our health. Remember that 80% of what we do in life is wrong.
For example, consciously or unconsciously drinking Pepsi-Cola, without thinking about the fact that it destroys the blood, consuming Galina Blanca cubes, which include sodium glutamate, we destroy ourselves and our children.
This information is not invented. All information is taken from the Internet, from conversations with practitioners around the world. All the latest information.
Everything we talk about will be tough enough, otherwise no one will hear. You can drink water or you can not drink. No one will ask you. You are responsible for your health and your life. There are things that are not discussed. Water should not be drunk while eating. A person has no right not to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, because he secretes 1.5 liters of urine per day.
Replacing water with tea, compote, coffee, kvass, your body will not release so much urine because it is all food!
Therefore, when it comes to water, it is an axiom. There is hydrochloric acid in the stomach, that is to be argued about. No one canceled the chemistry. The protein breaks down at 60 degrees. Then you can synthesize it, but it's destroyed. In all traditional cuisines of the world, food is processed up to 60 degrees. You can do it, you can not do it, but when a person gets sick, he begins to think: why did I get sick?
And the investigation begins to treat. There are also axioms that we do not like, we begin to resist internally. For example, why not eat sugar? Because it pulls water out of the cage. This reason is enough to eat little. If you put sugar on strawberries, the strawberries will give the juice. If you drink sweet juice, your cell will give up water. If you pour salt on the cucumber, it will give the juice, and if you eat the pickle, your cell will give the juice.
Medicine is something we will stumble upon. Because in our country there are state standards by which a doctor must act.
There is a prescription for every disease: if this hurts, then do this. The blasphemy consists in the fact that the state, taking responsibility for a person’s life, removed it from the doctor. If the doctor did everything as it is written in the standard, he is not responsible for anything. This means that the patient was simply unlucky and died.
If the doctor did something different and the patient died, the doctor responds personally. Therefore, none of the working doctors in official medicine does not want to violate state standards and is afraid to do so, because if something happens, they will be asked. Doctors are now in twofold condition, and this must be understood. I am sure that many of you are not happy with this situation. So maybe you should not shift the responsibility for your health to modern medicine? And it is necessary to understand the causes of many diseases.
Twelve Factors of Diseases
The presence of at least one factor leads to illness. It's very unpleasant, but it is.
1. Psychology. Those who are angry, nervous, jealous, secrete hormones that destroy the liver. Stress. Basic psychological causes.
2 Food. Do not eat foods that do not spoil. For example, the grapes we have today. There are no miracles in nature. Grapes must spoil. It should lie down for 3-5 days and deteriorate. Bulgarian pepper can not be spoiled. Worms can't not eat an apple. There are no wormy fruits. The fruit should dry out. Take apricots or prunes and dry them as you see it in the bazaar. You will not succeed because there are no miracles. Like sausage. Why buy boiled salt with toilet paper and eat it, while pretending at the level of intelligence that we get proteins? We don't get anything. Or mushrooms. They are not absorbed, so why eat them? To load the body? Why do that? Knowing and doing are different things. I'm used to it. This is psychology, see paragraph 1. If you are going to die, do not be distracted.
3. Water. There are no juices without preservatives and dyes, so the third cause of all diseases is water and drinks. And if you think that you drink 100% orange juice without sugar, then the package should read: 100% orange without sugar. The word “juice” should be omitted, since there is no juice there, and “without sugar” means sweeteners there. And if it says “no preservatives”, then there are preservatives that have not learned to define the world community.
The world’s major juice companies have gone much further in technology, they employ the best chemists in the world and they have created antioxidants that are not yet determined during certification.
There are no miracles in nature!And if you have orange juice stored for years and at the same time sweet and tasty in plastic packaging, then this does not happen in nature. It's actually much more prosaic. Everything that looks beautiful, is stored for a long time and has a pleasant color (color cannot be stored for a long time), this does not happen. Cherry jam cannot be cherry-colored. Because oxygen gets there, and the color changes immediately. And the cherry jam turns brown or not as bright. When we eat something that looks beautiful, it is not good for us.
Russia and Ukraine are still those countries where you can buy natural cottage cheese, sour cream, milk from grandmothers at the bazaar. There is no such thing in the West. There is nothing natural in the supermarket: no milk, no sour cream, no butter. Everything is artificially cooked. And now Europe is reaching a level where the health of the population is falling sharply precisely according to artificial indicators of food.
The situation with water is much more serious: humanity is at a dead end precisely because of food and drinking regime.
There are 96,000 living creatures in the world, and only one of them, man, drinks water and eats food cooked on fire. All other creatures drink only water. We can debate for a long time on the topic: is it possible to drink green, black tea, cocoa, coffee.
Should children drink tea? Will it make them healthy? Who says kids should drink tea? We established it ourselves. It's tradition. The same tradition as reading in the subway, in the car, for food. And then we lose sight. But if we had been told earlier that this was possible, we would not have read on the subway.
A man at the end of his life is not able to understand what he did wrong. A person who got hit by a car wants to say: why did you cross the road in the wrong place? But it is useless for him to talk about it, because he will either die or remain disabled for life. He scrolled back 5 minutes and saw he ran past a traffic light.
But we keep running past traffic lights, continue to drink effervescent drinks and mineral water, which is actually carbonated. Therefore, no one will put two here for you. Twos will put life. How you look in 5 or 10 years is up to you. Do you want to live long? Then live normally, try not to be paralyzed, not blind, not deaf.
From the age of 30, you need to do things that create a healthy lifestyle. This information is so serious that it should be taken with full responsibility, because the responsibility on you goes double. Not only did they receive this information themselves and need to do something themselves.
So you have to be a source of information for other people, because information is just not given. It is given for one purpose - for transmission. You must be antennae. You have to think, sleep and pass on. And if you are a transport link, and it does not catch on, it will be what it was yesterday.
There was a very good leader in Moscow, and when she was told, “You take care of yourself!” She replied, “I’ll close the master and do it.” And when she came two years later and said, "Do something for me, I have liver cancer." What can we do? Two years ago, she was told about the liver, the kidneys, the brain. Now they are trying to give her a master posthumously so that the children receive a pension. But it's not serious. We often have people dying. Someone did not have time to drink water, someone else did. In Kiev studied a wonderful doctor from Nikolaev, which has 20 specializations. They ask, “Do you drink water?” "No, I haven't had a drink yet, but I will." And when we sent her diploma, she died, she had a heart attack. She never drank water, she was just going to.
4. The presence of fungi in the body, viruses, parasites, bacteria. Whether you want it or not, they exist, they live, they have the same right to live as you do. You can't kill them. They'd rather kill us. But they don't have that purpose. Their purpose is to exploit us and obtain the products for life. If some worms wanted to kill us, they would have done it long ago. They don't have to destroy a big ship, they live quietly. Another thing is that we don’t want to live with them. They have to create unfavorable conditions.
5. Heredity.If you have diabetes, stop eating sugar right now. If the mother died of ischemic disease, then take care of the cardiovascular system. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Children duplicate parental diseases. Take a look at what your parents are suffering from and see what your children will be suffering from. And set up in these positions everything that is around.
6. Injuries.Try to eliminate the consequences of the injuries that you might have. These are injuries of the spine, tailbone, skull, i.e. vital organs. Because an injury to the fifth toe of the left foot will not bring anything to anyone, just the finger will hurt. Injuries to the bones of the skull will lead to loss of vision. It happens that a child in two years will hit his head on the battery, will lie down, as a rule, he does not receive any treatment and when twenty years later he has a headache, the neurologist asks him whether there was a head injury. He says he does. So that's the consequence of that injury. Remember all your injuries and try to check these organs, at least see if there are consequences in this direction. It's very important. Because there are people who have a headache all their lives, but it turns out that they fell head in childhood and the skull just dented. They've got their skulls straightened, and everything goes away. Learn to look at the body systematically. If a person has strabismus, then the eyes have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, this is not seen by eye doctors, other doctors. 95% of strabismus is altered skull bones. There are doctors who treat strabismus in 3-4 sessions, and there are doctors who operate 6-7 times.
7. lack of movement, hypodynamia
A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of the lymph, to slagging of the body and, as a result, to the violation of the functions of many organs and processes in the body.
8. Bioenergy.Nowadays, science has proven that biofields exist. It used to be called “evil eye, spoilage”, and now it is called “bioenergy disturbance” or storms. No matter what you call it, the main thing is that you understand that the human biofield exists.
9. Ecology. If around you in macro- or microecology there are problem areas, such as washing dishes with “Feri”, which is washed off with 35th water. "Feri" dissolves inside the gastrointestinal tract, like everything else. If you drink chlorinated water from the tap, even if it is boiled, then chlorine is not killed when boiled, but becomes even more dangerous. Many times more dangerous. If a person drinks this chlorine, he poisons his body. This is not just water, it is already environmentally unfavorable water. Water is now ozonized, but it is 10 times more dangerous than chlorine.
10. Time.We age because we lose energy and water over time. We do not even think about replenishing their reserves!
11. Bad habits. This is not only smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, as well as sleeping on your stomach, etc. Sleeping on your stomach is deadly. 40% of people die in their sleep. Sleeping on your side is just as bad a habit as sleeping on your stomach. On the side of the neck bends at an angle of 40 degrees, on the stomach the neck bends at an angle of 40 degrees and unfolds at an angle of 90 degrees, i.e. cerebral circulation is practically disturbed. If a person is young and healthy, he will turn when his respiratory center stops. If a person sleeps soundly or has drunk, or an elderly person, or microcirculation is impaired, then he will die quietly in his sleep. Everyone says it's good to die quietly in your sleep. There is nothing good about it, because you have to sleep on your back. This word is called SPI-NA. That's what we call it, sleep on it and it'll be fine. Sleeping on your stomach or side is a bad habit. The Japanese sleep only on their backs and with a wooden roller. They don't have any pillows. The average life expectancy in Japan is 90 years and above, i.e. this country of centenarians. This is a country that has suffered the atomic bombing and has virtually no greenery. It's a country where people work 24 hours a day, it's a country where there's no room at all. 80 million people live in an area much smaller than the Donetsk region. We have 50 million people in Ukraine, if we compare the territory of Ukraine with the territory of Japan, this is ten times more. But they live there up to 80 years, and we are here with you - up to 50-60 years. They also have cases of AIDS.
12. Medication.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70% of diagnoses are incorrect. One in four hospital beds in the U.S. is occupied by a patient who is being treated for the effects of previous medication. During the 10-day strike in Israel, the death rate in the country as a whole dropped significantly – and these are not isolated facts. It is impossible to cancel drugs for chronic patients, but you can reduce the dosage and be more attentive to taking medications.

The relationship of 12 body systems. This is deeper information about the human body. But if you start adjusting all 12 systems, or one at a time, you’re wasting time because all systems are regulated in the same way.
So the first stage of health. This is psychological training, i.e. training programs, nervous system, auto-training, training. This is all about the acquired knowledge about health - the installation to do certain things that are useful for health. This is the first step and it is impossible to overcome it. A person gets sick and goes to a psychic or starts running when his heart hurts. He is right when he starts to move, but if you run without doing any other activities, then there will be no normal effect, because running in a pre-infarction state or with a full stomach of worms is simply irrational. We won't run far. You can't run away from yourself. Therefore, first you need to deal with psychology, get information, get information, get some knowledge that will shift your worldview: where are we running, why are we running?
Second stageOne thing that cannot be overcome on the road to health is food. If we do not learn how to eat properly, then we will be taught “good” to be treated, and they will be taught quite harshly. If you take a chronically ill person who has 33 illnesses 5 minutes before death and, for example, make him run. Will it be relevant? Nope. What if, for example, he had a different kind of food? By the way, there are many types of food. Food comes with the sign "+" and "-".
Cleaning is also a type of food, only with a minus sign. Therefore, first you need to work with his psychology, give him the knowledge for what it is necessary, adjust his energy and psychological parameters, and then feed him differently. How else? Maybe not feeding at all, maybe starving, maybe giving him something natural or herbs. All herbs belong to the option of nutrition.
Food supplements are also a food option. And without changing our attitude to nutrition, we will not become healthier. They say we dig a grave with a spoon and a fork. This spoon and fork are in our head.
Third step - it's water. Notice that we deliberately put water on the third step, not the second, because many of you start with water. The amount of water in the body is determined by the amount of food eaten. A person's need to drink is determined by what he ate, the amount of food eaten. Shatalova drinks 600g of water. We even argued with her about it. Shatalova is 90. She lies down on the table, is held by her legs with her hands and she leans back, touches the floor with her hands and rises back. None of the athletes in our group could repeat this. She walked the desert at 75 years old, 500 km in the Kara Kum desert with a liter of water, as part of a sports group and proved that age does not matter, in order to be healthy. She has a clear setup to drink 600 grams of water.
We couldn’t figure out where we were going. Many scientists insist on 1.5 liters, American scientists say that you need to drink 3 liters. Japanese scientists laughed at them for a long time. American food is very different from Japanese food. Therefore, you need to drink just enough water to dissolve and wash the food you ate. The second step on the road to health is food.
If you eat meat, fish, eggs, bread, a large amount of spicy, spicy, then you need much more water. And if you eat vegetables, fruits, that is, you need as much as fits in the palm. The stomach is such as a palm, it holds up to 200-250 g. Everything else begins to stretch the stomach. Accordingly, water is needed not 1.5 liters, but less than 600 g. First, before adjusting the food regimen, you need to adjust. drinking.
The more a person eats, the more he should drink. Since we eat a lot, we should drink plenty of water, min. 1.5 liters. If you go to a fractional meal, the amount of water will decrease. With a vegetarian diet with a small volume, you do not need to consume 1.5 liters of water. No need to wash the body forcibly. A person has a unique thing called “thirst”. But thirst is not the first sign of dehydration, but the 4th or 5th.
Therefore, when it is dry in the mouth, it is already deep dehydration, it is drainage of the pancreas. If you tell your doctor that your mouth is drying all the time, the doctor will tell you that it is inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. In fact, it is draining the cells of the pancreas. More than 50 percent of all diseases are water-related. Cataracts are dehydration of the lens, dry skin, dry hair, creaking joints, poorly moving, stiffening, gallstones - all this dehydration. It means the bile is thick. Everyone taught chemistry by concentration. If the concentration of salts is small, they will not precipitate.
What is concentration?
That's the amount of salt per 100g of water. For example: 2 g of salt in 100 g of water - 2% salt solution, 2 g of salt in 50 g of water - 4% solution, 2 g of salt in 25 g of water - 8% solution. Similarly with hydrochloric acid, which is in the stomach, and when the water goes away, the salt will precipitate. Therefore, there is no increased acidity of the stomach. No stomach will give an increased amount of acid, why would it produce it? It is supposed to allocate 2.5 g of acid - the stomach will allocate such an amount. But if there is 2 g of water instead of 100 g, the concentration will be appropriate. Cells will die, burn, a person says he has heartburn, ulcer, and he is told that he has high acidity and adds aluminum salts. You can't think of anything stupider. You just need to get water, not just now, but regularly.
You should drink clean, good, alkaline, structured water. It is necessary to drink it so that it flows from the ears to wash all this and reduce concentration.
If a person has kidney stones, then the concentration of urine is high and salts precipitate. If you put 1 teaspoon of sugar in tea, then this is normal, and if 10, then sugar will precipitate. It will cease to dissolve, lie down, and accordingly the concentration will be high.
If a person’s morning urine smells of chemistry, it should not be. Ordinary urine has no smell, i.e. has a pleasant bread smell. If after a person the smell in the toilet, like after a cat, it is impossible to go, it means that he does not drink water and the urine is very concentrated. If a person sweats and stinks a lot, then you should drink water, not use deodorant. Water should be drunk so that the body odor is equal to the smell of sweat. A huge number of poisons go through the lymph, and the poison can be dissolved only in water, and in nothing else. Everything that is insoluble in nature is useless and dangerous to us. Anything that dissolves in water is safe and healthy.
If you throw a piece of chalk in a glass of water, what happens? Nothing. This means that no matter how much chalk is in the water, it will not dissolve itself. This is serious. Why did we drink calcium gluconate all our lives and give it to our children? Because we have big problems with psychology. Not only are we ignorant, but we are also very trusting. No metal that dissolves in water is needed in the body, it is useless, because it is also insoluble in our body. These include potassium orate, which is given by doctors, calcium gluconate, iron salts, many vitamins that are not soluble in water, etc. No one canceled the chemistry.
Fourth step
Parasitic program. Purification must be combined with a parasitic program. But there are many dangers here. If we talk about fungi, then we need an antifungal program, if about viruses, then antiviral, if about the simplest - giardia, then antiprotazoal, if about helminths, then another. We have the word "parasites" is associated with worms, and this is far from the case. Mushrooms are parasites, too. And there's nothing antifungal in the colo-vada.
It does not include the bark of the ant tree, only a black nut leaf, which acts very weakly on mushrooms. All who have candidiasis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, i.e. all fungal diseases, are treated not with a colo-vada, but with an antifungal program. It can last a month, two, three or six months, but it should go ahead of everyone else, because many are cleaned, the feces are gone, and the problems remain on the skin and nails. Therefore, a person undergoes an antifungal program, and then he is already cleaned. This can be done in two weeks, during the antifungal program, but not forward.
Most cleanings that are used in medicine are ineffective. For example, colon-monitoring. If a person washed a large number of poisons, toxins within 5 enemas of 30 liters, this does not mean that he will pass psoriasis, because psoriasis is a fungus.
If he first underwent an antifungal program, and during it or after began to do colon monitoring or enemas, then in this case there would be a result. There must be a complex.
You can't do one thing. If a person has many causes of disease, then there must be something in his head for every cause. When we go to a doctor with diabetes, do not start with a sugar-lowering pill.
Imagine a blood that has 3 spoons of sugar, i.e. the blood is sweet. What pills can you take away sugar? Where's he going? He's already in the glass. This is an illusion at the level of psychology. What can you do with sweet blood? It can be diluted with water. Can sugar be washed through the kidneys? You can. Only in this way can it be dissolved. There's nothing else you can do with him. Therefore, the first symptom that appears in a person is thirst, he wants to dissolve sugar. Your doctor will never tell you to drink more water.
People say that the doctor forbids drinking. Therefore, many diseases need to change their view. At the premiere of the film, many journalists split into two camps. The first 95 percent, the other 5 percent, 95 percent of people reacted negatively. When asked by journalists, what is the film about? One in 5 said the film is about God, about being kinder, about not spreading evil into space, because water is almost everywhere. We are 70 percent water. In this way, you can reprogram your brain. But everyone else didn’t see the film as a call to good. When our distributors watch, they are 95% positive. Information about water is not accepted by everyone.
What are we drinking? Go to McDonald’s and see what kids are drinking. They all drink Pepsi Coke. What's going on is just incomprehensible to the mind. You and I are the ones who want to share this information. At least accept. Not to mention understanding, believing and what to do next. These are stages. It is necessary to accept this information, pass through yourself and share with others.
It all depends on the degree of your faith, if you believe that water is the only thing to drink, then you can communicate this information. And if you drink tea, compote, coffee, juice and plus 1.5 liters of water, then I assure you that nothing in your body will change, unfortunately. It doesn't come right away. If you drink 1.5 liters of other drinks and 1 liter of water, the effect will be multiplied by zero. The real effect begins only in those who drink only water. You can drink a cup of tea like the Chinese. The Japanese drink exactly the same. This is how all long-lived nations drink. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, the population of Russia, as in China, was 250 million people. Now in China 1 billion 350 million, and in Russia -140 million. The Russians are practically dying out. Moreover, Russians are not only Russians – they are Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, i.e. those who live in Russia. Ukrainians 50 million, was 54. In Ukraine, the same demographic situation. Therefore, someone who receives this information has a chance to be healthy and live long. Information is not given to everyone.
The next step is system cleaning. System cleaning is a consistent comprehensive cleaning of five excretory systems. You can clean the body through one of the systems, but there are systems that cannot be cleaned. Like blood or joints. No blood or joints can be cleaned. Blood can be cleaned by cutting the vessel, inserting a membrane and distilling blood through it. Everything else is called: clean the intestines, liver. Organs have ducts through which poisons come out. Therefore, it is necessary to express correctly.
He who cleans the joints with a bay leaf, he can clean something in the body, but he will not get any effect, because before that there is a whole four-month path that must be walked.
Joints are not cleaned, they do not need to be contaminated. Another thing is to cleanse the intestines and gradually cleanse everything else. Everything about cleaning should be considered comprehensively. In the Far East, a cleaning clinic based on Coral Club preparations was opened. This is a hospital in which people enter for a week and receive a complete cleansing, including cleaning the liver, kidneys.
The food is 100% vegetarian, raw. Colo-vadu they pass before and after. After 7 days, they come out completely different people. There is a complex - cleaning, nutrition, movement, washing, including dubazhy. A person has a changing complexion, worldview. But it's going pretty hard. It is very difficult to cleanse a person because there is no time to work psychologically. Therefore, it is necessary to clean professionally.
Many are engaged in fasting, but they have no idea that you can not starve a person who has giardia, because they will eat the liver during fasting. You can't say that we just have guts and that we only need a colo-vada and water, that's amateurism. We need to understand that if there is a parasite in the body, then we need to start with this. It's a good thing that Albert Zer included an anti-parasite in the kolo-vada. How did not others think of this? Cleanup systems are 10,000 years old. How others did not think that before starving, you need to pass antiparasitic. It's obvious. And imagine how many people in our country were starving, while having tapeworms and roundworms. People fainted, went to intensive care units. Albert Zer designed, removed, added, checked.
We need to value what we own, because it is the only system by which we can starve. Everything else is childish talk on the lawn. If a person does not know whether he has worms, he should not starve. How do you know? There are worms that are not determined by stool tests, for example, toxocars. This means that before starving, you need to undergo a minimum seven-day course of antiparasitic. Because roundworm drinks 40 ml of blood a day.
As soon as food is no longer available, you can calculate how much blood will go away if a person has 2, 3, 10 roundworms. In the Guinness Book of Records was a man in whose body there were 515 roundworms. 40% of people on the planet suffer from anemia. And that schedule never changes. As it was 15 years ago, 40% is now. From this we draw a conclusion: anemia is not treated or simply we do not know how to treat it.
If a person has parasites, it is useless for him to pour blood both dry and canned. Actually, it's useless. All 2 billion people with anemia had to undergo an anti-parasitic program. Maybe they have parasites. 21% of them would be parasites. According to the World Health Organization, 21% of the population has roundworms. Not the 70% that the Royal Academy is talking about, because they mean lamblia, and opistrochia, and fungi, and worms, and 21% have round worms - this is completely real. System cleaning is not just about cleaning with enemas.
Systemic cleaning is lymph, it's breathing, it's gastrointestinal tract, it's liver, it's kidneys, it's skin. And it is advisable to clean at the same time, opening all the excretory channels. Colo-wada allows you to do that. It can be enriched with breathing, movements. It has to be done consciously. It is impossible to explain the mechanism of action of the colo-vada. Most of our products can be taken without thinking, because they are 100% natural.
Sixth step.
restoration of enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Because if a person does not restore digestive abilities, then they will recover themselves, it will take a month or two.
Seventh step
28 amino acids, 15 minerals, 12 vitamins, fatty acids. It's called cell nutrition. It is useless to nourish a cage if there are parasites, if you eat anything. What kind of cellular nutrition can we talk about? If a person eats chips and washes down with Pepsi-Cola, the cell will still get nothing. So we remove what was said earlier, and then we give cellular nutrition. published
Author: Olga Butakova
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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