Mother-in-law decided to fall on the tail of her daughter-in-law to check her, but during the surveillance she discovered the terrible truth about her son.

Sometimes it seems that for some men, marriage exists only for adultery. At least so thought Olga, whose husband was once again caught with another woman. When a cheated wife wonders whether to forgive her husband, she has to think beyond her own feelings. Since along with them there are thoughts about the well-being of children, material condition and other moments. But there's a limit.

Marriage of Olga and Sergey After Olga learned about the new mistress of Sergei, she could not stand it and put him out of the apartment. She did this before, when family happiness was hindered by Tanya, then Christina and Lena. This time, a certain Julia showed her insidiousness in an attempt to win back the love of a married man. And Sergey once again could not resist.

Peels Olga has thought about divorce many times. But each time she was stopped by the fear of loneliness, the fear of not pulling the children on their own, or something else. Now self-esteem took over and did not allow any opportunity to let the unfaithful husband into his life again. Sergey has humiliated Olga many times. She's done!

The day after the expulsion of Sergei from the family nest for negotiations came mother-in-law. She was no stranger to the relationship between her son and daughter-in-law. Each time she said the same thing with sympathy. That women's fate is to endure betrayal. The main thing is that the breadwinner from the family does not leave and the children remain full. What can I do, men have this nature. Yes, Seryozha is out, but he wants to come back.

Peels Olga listened to her mother-in-law, but did not respond. All this distorted logic made no sense. After much thought, she realized that no breadwinner in the house deserves leniency after all the cheating. She can provide for her children by herself. Hands on, head on. Children have long been able to look after themselves. So she will only need Sergey as a help - Olga has already decided that she will apply for alimony.

Olga's mother came to visit. She calmly greeted the smitya and, hearing about her daughter’s intentions, nodded approvingly. There was no limit to the indignation of the mother-in-law:

Peels - What's the divorce?! What alimony?! Girl, come to your senses. What about children without a father?

- I won't stop him from seeing them. If only he wanted to, Olga replied.

But my mother-in-law didn't stop. The word “divorce” was unthinkable and forbidden. From her cries and indignations it became clear that in the understanding of this woman to be a divorced woman is indecent. And you just have to be ashamed.

- Wait! – wedged in the conversation mother Olga. My daughter has the right to live with someone who respects her. And the way your Serena behaves with her... It's better to live alone. You keep saying he deserves forgiveness. I'd look at you if Olga went left once! I'm sure you wouldn't leave her alone. They would take their son to comfort the poor. So don't play yourself!

A heated dispute broke out between the mother-in-law and Olga's mother. At this time, a message came from Sergey. He sincerely apologized and swore that he could not live without Olga. He also offered to meet her in an hour at a cafe in the city center and said he would be waiting for her on the spot anyway. He would do anything to prove his love.

Olga smiled and hid her phone. Maybe he really can't do it without her. After all, all these girls were only a fleeting hobby. And Olga has one. What if this time Sergey really comes to his senses and becomes an exemplary family man? Olga went to the room to change clothes and bring beauty. She just goes to a meeting and talks to him about the divorce. Nothing more.

- Where are you going? asked my mother, noting with surprise the elegant look of Olga.

- Seryozha wrote to me there, Olga quietly answered in the hallway. - We need to meet him.

My mother and mother-in-law watched as Olga left the apartment. And when the door closed, the living room heard:

- What a fool!

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? Olga was one of those women for whom regular humiliation, deception and subsequent beautiful reconciliation became a natural cycle of relationships. Every time she finds her husband cheating, she makes a futile attempt to break out of the relationship. But then other feelings come into play, including the desire to get attention from the husband. Sergei understands this perfectly. He continues to quietly cheat on his wife. And there will be no end to this until Olga really thinks about whether to forgive her husband and his betrayals.


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