Causes of cancer

On the Distinguishing Signs of Cancer Celtocpo by the calculations of oncoepidemiologists, if such causes of cancer as carcinogens in food account for 30-35%, and smoking - 30-32%, then viruses - 10%.
In the article “Fasting suggests cancer treatment as a path to healing,” we noted that among the causes of cancer, some scientists prefer the hypothesis that cancer is not a disease at all. They believe that in places where cells connect with nerve fibers, a kind of stopper occurs, which is why a certain area of cells is completely isolated from the “regulatory” center of the body. The loss of communication with the “regulating” centers of the brain, according to the researchers, leads to uncontrolled reproduction of all these cells and, as a result, to the formation of a tumor.
Scientists have identified five main features by which they usually manage to normal cells not to be confused with cancer cells.
The first is clonality, or rather, origin from a single source. Studies have established that all cells of a particular tumor are descendants of one cell. Such a cell, for certain reasons, deviating from the path of subordination to established functioning, embarks on the path of cancerous rebirth.
Secondly, it is the ability of the reborn cell to exist relatively independently. Tumor cells that are out of control of the “regulatory” center begin to divide rapidly. At the same time, they almost do not receive signals from the body - the host. And what is characteristic of this process is the ability of these cells to independently produce growth factors using both the nutrient and building materials of the body. This existence of cancer cells due to the vital reserves of the body allows us to consider them parasites.
Third, it's a blatant mess in the tumor. If, by the Creator’s will, all body systems, organs and cells function according to interconnected coordinated programs to maintain life, then cancer cells, forming disordered structures, destroy life. Under the microscope, their disorder looks simply disgusting, the forms they form are ugly.
The fourth is invasion and metastasis. The ability of cancer cells to grow indefinitely is perceived as a punishment. If at the initial stage they penetrate into nearby tissues and destroy them, then in subsequent stages these reborn cells, using the lymphatic and bloodstreams, reach other organs and tissues and begin their destructive work in them.
Unfortunately, it is invasion and metastasis, as the most effective means of spreading cancer cells throughout the body, that are the main causes of not only pain syndrome, but also the death of the patient.
And the fifth is that cancer cells are potentially immortal. It is known that the genetic code of not only life, but also death is laid in each individual cell and in the body. From the moment of birth, a certain program is launched, according to which normal cells, dividing, a set number of times, age and die.
A similar program carries out the development, aging and death of a multicellular organism. In contrast to the program of life of a normal cell, cancer cells are capable of endless division, without going through the aging stage.
Now everyone knows that cancer is a real threat to human life. At the same time, to be less afraid of this threat, you need to know the habits of cancer and anticipate where it can strike. At this stage, science views cancer as an acquired genetic disorder. Studies have found that in each normal cell there are special genes so-called oncogenes, which are able, acting on a normal cell, to turn it into a cancer cell.
In normally differentiated adult cells, most oncogenes do not function. However, under the influence of certain conditions, they awaken to life, causing malignant degeneration of the cell and the transfer of the same malignant properties to offspring during cell reproduction.
Awakened oncogenes, producing specific oncoproteins, cause cancer cells to divide continuously. Therefore, if oncologists manage to find a tool that blocks the functioning of oncogenes, it will be possible to stop the unstoppable growth of the tumor.
Unfortunately, in each cell, because of "sleeping" to a certain time oncogenes, laid, as it were, a time mine. To prevent the potential predisposition of cells to malignant rebirth and stop such a process, medicine does not yet have reliable ways. And the reasons that can make oncogenes wake up are many.
Among the main causes of cancer should be highlighted the role of exposure to chemical carcinogenic substances. It is statistically established that 30-32 percent of cancer cases are caused by smoking. In tobacco smoke, in its resin, contains more than a dozen carcinogens: radioactive polonium, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, aromatic amines and others. The risk of developing lung cancer, as well as the pharynx, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, kidney, cervix in a cigarette lover increases 12-17 times. For this category of potential candidates to get cancer, the most effective and easy way to avoid the fate of becoming a patient of an oncologist is to quit smoking. Researchers say smokers are twice as likely to die from cancer as non-smokers.
Carcinogenicity of substances in the causes of cancer is unthinkable without natural and artificial chemicals. More than 8 million different chemical compounds are known, many of which are widely and regularly used by humans. International cancer research agencies have officially registered thousands or more of chemicals with carcinogenic properties.
In the human body, chemical carcinogens come with water, atmospheric air, food. Smoke emissions of enterprises, combustion products of thermal power plants and car exhaust are the main sources of air pollution. Increasing concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, benzene, vinyl chloride and other carcinogens are poisoning the air of industrial cities.
The carcinogenic products of gas combustion and heat treatment of food in our kitchens, together with volatile substances released by chipboards, pollute the air in our living spaces. Ventilation of the same premises, the creation of drafts is designed to protect a person from these household carcinogens.
Progress in the wood, chemical, aluminum and rubber industries, as well as furniture, footwear, dyes, isopropyl alcohol, iron ore, asbestos and nickel processing, is not possible without direct human contact with the carcinogens used in these technologies. Diseases such as leukemia, malignant tumors of the nasal cavity and sinuses, lung, stomach, bladder arise due to production carcinogens.
Among the causes of cancer, a huge share (30-35% of all causes) in statistical reporting falls on factors of carcinogenic contamination of food and from existing diets. Production carcinogens account for 4%, environmental factors - 2%. The share of carcinogen from alcohol varies between 3-4%. In addition, it should be taken into account the fact that the use of alcohol as a chronic irritant of body tissues is not only the cause of cancer, but subsequently contributes to the acceleration of its development.
Alcohol, being a good solvent, facilitates the contact of carcinogens with cells, increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, rectum, liver. And again, when the smoking factor is present, the carcinogenic effect of alcohol increases significantly.
In the causes of cancer, the proportion of ionizing radiation does not exceed 1%. Children are most vulnerable to radiation exposure. It was established that due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in some regions of Belarus, the incidence of thyroid cancer in children is 50 times higher than in other regions.
It is proved that viruses in the causes of cancer are responsible for 10% of malignant human tumors. published
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru
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