Lawrence Leshan: Cancer is the last warning
American doctor Lawrence Leshan in his book "Cancer as a turning point in life" (Cancer As a Turning Point: A Handbook for People with Cancer, Their Families, and Health Professionals) makes amazing conclusions about the causes of this disease and its treatment.
Cancer is not a deadly disease
In his yet untranslated book, we Leshan expresses the idea, which may seem at first sight paradoxical and even somewhat ironic, although it is the result of his thirty years practice: ONCOLOGY is not a deadly disease. Moreover, this disease is a fateful moment in human life, in the sense that they have the opportunity to implement what he always wanted. After that recovery occurs.
Leshan sure that the cancer is directly connected with the internal condition in which the man dwells. And if a person, for whatever reason, is no longer seen in his life, the reaction of his body to this negation of life can become cancer.
It is often noticed Leshan, cancer happens in people who at first led a very active lifestyle, and then under the pressure of circumstances "folded wings". These facts convinced the doctor that cancer is a turning point in a person's life when you need to make a choice: to die or to change to go the other way. If people have a renewed interest in the life, cancer, as a rule, it ceases to bother them.
Exactly the same thoughts, shares in his books, Bernie Siegel. In most cases, he stresses, is only to remind about the possible closeness of death that people discovered his incredible ability and literally rushed to apply them – simply because "time shall be no more".
People often say:"I hate my job", "I never wanted to be an engineer", "the legal Profession is not for me, I always wanted to be a musician", "My family life is killing me", "someday it'll be my finest hour". When they find out that the terminally ill, many say: "Not a year passes as I die. So I should do something that makes me happy. I'll fix his family life. I finally go to Egypt and touch the pyramids, because I dreamed about it all my life. I play the violin. I will write my book".
A year later they say, "you Know, I'm not dead. The doctor says that my tumor has disappeared. Strange, what happened?" In fact, they guess what happened: they died because they began to live.
Therefore, if you feel that life is not happy, immediately change it, even if only in order not to get sick. Siegel believes that such conduct is essential to a long healthy life. However, he understands that fundamentally change the lives of not always possible. For example, a person may not have money to Northern town to go live to the sea. But Siegel offers everyone to find their own method of maximal realization of himself, and to do this we must first learn to love the world. You can stay on previous work, but learn to be happy. It's all about an inside installation.
Love is important in itself, love as a way of life, unconditional love: to love means to give without expecting anything in return. And after some time the person feel happier it's gone. And when I say, says Bernie Siegel: "I loved, but my beloved turned me down in reciprocity," I laugh and say, "I have something else in mind. You count the hours given to a loved one, and wait to get them back. But this is absurd. Transforming relationships in the heavy duty, we accumulate resentment, which we also killed."
People who don't have everything in life, which haunt illness, I must accept adversity as a pointing finger. And from this point of view, maybe we should talk about "correct errors", "happy dissonance"? Failure can teach, so that man led you into a rage, you can say: "Thank you for what you have expelled me from work... agreed to become my wife... I refused to post... My life has changed direction and I found its meaning and happiness."
The better we understand ourselves, the less judge the world. Bernie notices that the children do not judge anyone and live only feelings. If you ask a child to draw what he wants or who he wants to be when he grows up, he will do it. But if you offer the same adult, he's likely to answer: "it is Better to postpone the test for a week, I once again thought about what I want out of life." In my seminars, Siegel often asked the students: "If I'm going to make everyone of you happy, what will you do next?" Most adults don't know what to say. We are not used to be happy, and that's why we are born. A happy person is always healthy.
Any of us has its own purpose and its own, seemingly unattainable, dream. Sometimes we all repress their desire for happiness. Changing life, we are recovering.
The case of Dr. Le Shana, whose name was Robert, an illustration.
He was a good specialist, did not complain of health, but at 65 years decided to retire. Robert was sure that his spare time he would devote to the grandchildren. But his son was separated from his wife, and grandchildren were taken to another city. Life for Robert has lost all meaning. He did nothing, wandering aimlessly around the house, feeling indifference, fatigue and apathy. His health deteriorated and he soon found out the disappointing diagnosis – cancer.
It is unknown how turned my life Robert, but he met with Dr. Le Sanam. From the first conversation he realized that he lost his main incentive in life. Psychotherapy revealed another almost forgotten his interest in politics. Leshan advised Robert to join the organization, working on social issues. Communication with new people, new duties returned him to his former activity, and with it fresh strength. To keep fit, Robert had to play sports. On the conversation with the doctor he just didn't have the time. The tumor has stopped growing, and then disappeared.
Another example of the practice of Le Shan. Natalie was born and raised in Brazil, and loved his country. But after marriage decided to move to London. Her husband is a poet, whose verses no one published, and two daughters, dreaming to become Actresses would have in London more opportunities for creative growth and career. To give the girls education and allow her husband all the time to devote to poetry, Natalie got a job in another profession. She had to deal with the case, which she loved. Every morning, she reluctantly got up and braved myself to go to work. Her life was busy taking care of family, and she did everything mechanically, forgetting about himself.
At 49 years old Natalie was diagnosed with cancer of the breast with extensive metastases. The predictions were dire. As a last resort, she turned to Le Shana. After a long conversation, Le Shan said, "Why do your body to fight for life, if life brings you sadness and grey days, if you have forgotten about yourself? And if you're going to die, then your family will solve their problems on their own, without you. So isn't it better to use the last chance that life offers you: some time to forget about the problems of others and focus on yourself? Ten years ago, you made a mistake, so fix it now."
Natalie moved to his native Brazil. She walked barefoot on the beaches, swam in the sea. She got a job and began to teach the little children and loved them dearly. And if before medications and diet didn't help, now they have had excellent results. Natalie began to recover. To the surprise of Natalie, it turned out that as soon as her husband and daughters had to solve their problems, they successfully coped with them.
Each person, says Leshan, is on the Ground their business. When he performs, his ability used the most, and he receives great satisfaction from life. If he is not in his place, life does not bring him joy. In this case, even if life is seemingly safe, the reaction to it can become cancer.
Cancer is the last warningNumerous examples that led Leshan in his book, prove the justice of the old saying: it's never too late to start over. But in some situations, be forced to recall this can only be cancer. Cancer is the last warning, which encourages people to remember about his mission, to liberate their desires, and then the body itself finds the strength to fight, mobilize all its defense mechanisms. The joy and freedom of self-realization is the most powerful medicine.
Each of us has our own melody of life, a motif that resounds in us from birth. Jung said that the future is unconsciously prepared long before it occurs. But sometimes we consciously silenced this motif, ashamed of its simplicity or, on the contrary, the strangeness of the sound, and adjust to all by suppressing their desires and capabilities. But every tool breaks down, if you long to squeeze out of him not his usual sounds.
When diagnosed with a malignant tumor, the patient gets no matter what caused his disease: the unhealthy lifestyle or the fact that for many years he forgot himself for the sake of family or society. The only significant in this moment becomes an opportunity to survive.
But cancer, according to Le Shana, puts a condition: to live can only be happy.
Another example from his practice. Mary had a good job, many friends, and all people thought that she has made in the lives of many. And suddenly she was diagnosed with cancer. In the first interview with Le Sanam Maria found out that her entire life oppressed by two circumstances: the fact that she was never married and had no children, loved them dearly, and the reaction of colleagues to this fact. She knew that they considered her a spinster, and was very worried about it.
Leshan asked Mary to remember the happiest time of her life. These were the years of youth, when she worked as a teacher in a school for children with disabilities. Then Leshan invited Mary to enroll in College. More than forty years to become a student, and with such a serious disease? Leshan insisted, and Maria agreed. Study was given easily to her, and the time she spent among young people, gave her the joy. Externally she graduated and started teaching, and a year later opened his own school for children with disabilities. Mary was happy, and help her the doctor was not needed: she had forgotten that she once had cancer.
Very often people with cancer are not know what is their purpose and what can bring them happiness. In such cases, Leshan offers to remember the Russian tale of the Golden fish that is ready to fulfill any desire. But you must hurry – she's wagging its tail and will not appear ever. Think about what you'd most like to ask her?
You can imagine that we are just born and the whole life ahead of you. We'd like to do? Where and how to live? Try to remember the happiest moment of his life. Someone look back and say that he was never happy. But there had been minutes, hours, months, when you felt sincere joy. Remember what brought you that joy, and try to recreate like this in your life. So Le Shana managed to bring back to life many hopeless from the point of view of medicine cancer patients. It happened that the tumor has not decreased in size, but stayed in growth and more during a long life did not bother the patient.
By the way, Siegel at first was not happy and satisfied with his career as a surgeon. He loved to paint and once painted a self-portrait, depicting himself in the hat, mask and long robe. And then he realized that intuitively I hid from people and from life that he was not satisfied. And he constantly withdrew into himself, as he thought about people who were not able to save, using only a knife and a scalpel.
But somehow, having got by accident for a session of psychotherapy, he met his patient, a cancer patient. In response to Siegel's amazement, that he was doing this kind of treatment, the patient replied, "Free from the visits to your clinic time, I was advised to conduct at such sessions. And I know – help!" Siegel's dawned on me: "So that's what people need!"
He began to organize groups of people to help them create a positive mood in the emotions and awaken the body's defenses to fight the cancer. Six hours a week he leads three groups of cancer patients – two hour sessions with each, and so for ten years. And sees that as soon as his students put in order their lives in accordance with their dreams, they recovered, and those who, it seemed, was doomed, he continued to live and feel better.
Among these people were those whom Siegel himself operated on for cancer. For ten years they lived without the slightest sign of this disease simply because they appreciate each day and enjoy life. Each of these patients at the time said to myself: "Suppose that in six months I will die. So, right now I have to start living".
And once Siegel calls them on the phone, they say, "Yes, I'm alive. I just started to live and therefore not have died."
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: naturalworld.ru/article_ne-umiray-a-prosto-nachni-jit.htm

Cancer is not a deadly disease
In his yet untranslated book, we Leshan expresses the idea, which may seem at first sight paradoxical and even somewhat ironic, although it is the result of his thirty years practice: ONCOLOGY is not a deadly disease. Moreover, this disease is a fateful moment in human life, in the sense that they have the opportunity to implement what he always wanted. After that recovery occurs.
Leshan sure that the cancer is directly connected with the internal condition in which the man dwells. And if a person, for whatever reason, is no longer seen in his life, the reaction of his body to this negation of life can become cancer.
It is often noticed Leshan, cancer happens in people who at first led a very active lifestyle, and then under the pressure of circumstances "folded wings". These facts convinced the doctor that cancer is a turning point in a person's life when you need to make a choice: to die or to change to go the other way. If people have a renewed interest in the life, cancer, as a rule, it ceases to bother them.
Exactly the same thoughts, shares in his books, Bernie Siegel. In most cases, he stresses, is only to remind about the possible closeness of death that people discovered his incredible ability and literally rushed to apply them – simply because "time shall be no more".
People often say:"I hate my job", "I never wanted to be an engineer", "the legal Profession is not for me, I always wanted to be a musician", "My family life is killing me", "someday it'll be my finest hour". When they find out that the terminally ill, many say: "Not a year passes as I die. So I should do something that makes me happy. I'll fix his family life. I finally go to Egypt and touch the pyramids, because I dreamed about it all my life. I play the violin. I will write my book".
A year later they say, "you Know, I'm not dead. The doctor says that my tumor has disappeared. Strange, what happened?" In fact, they guess what happened: they died because they began to live.
Therefore, if you feel that life is not happy, immediately change it, even if only in order not to get sick. Siegel believes that such conduct is essential to a long healthy life. However, he understands that fundamentally change the lives of not always possible. For example, a person may not have money to Northern town to go live to the sea. But Siegel offers everyone to find their own method of maximal realization of himself, and to do this we must first learn to love the world. You can stay on previous work, but learn to be happy. It's all about an inside installation.
Love is important in itself, love as a way of life, unconditional love: to love means to give without expecting anything in return. And after some time the person feel happier it's gone. And when I say, says Bernie Siegel: "I loved, but my beloved turned me down in reciprocity," I laugh and say, "I have something else in mind. You count the hours given to a loved one, and wait to get them back. But this is absurd. Transforming relationships in the heavy duty, we accumulate resentment, which we also killed."
People who don't have everything in life, which haunt illness, I must accept adversity as a pointing finger. And from this point of view, maybe we should talk about "correct errors", "happy dissonance"? Failure can teach, so that man led you into a rage, you can say: "Thank you for what you have expelled me from work... agreed to become my wife... I refused to post... My life has changed direction and I found its meaning and happiness."
The better we understand ourselves, the less judge the world. Bernie notices that the children do not judge anyone and live only feelings. If you ask a child to draw what he wants or who he wants to be when he grows up, he will do it. But if you offer the same adult, he's likely to answer: "it is Better to postpone the test for a week, I once again thought about what I want out of life." In my seminars, Siegel often asked the students: "If I'm going to make everyone of you happy, what will you do next?" Most adults don't know what to say. We are not used to be happy, and that's why we are born. A happy person is always healthy.
Any of us has its own purpose and its own, seemingly unattainable, dream. Sometimes we all repress their desire for happiness. Changing life, we are recovering.
The case of Dr. Le Shana, whose name was Robert, an illustration.
He was a good specialist, did not complain of health, but at 65 years decided to retire. Robert was sure that his spare time he would devote to the grandchildren. But his son was separated from his wife, and grandchildren were taken to another city. Life for Robert has lost all meaning. He did nothing, wandering aimlessly around the house, feeling indifference, fatigue and apathy. His health deteriorated and he soon found out the disappointing diagnosis – cancer.
It is unknown how turned my life Robert, but he met with Dr. Le Sanam. From the first conversation he realized that he lost his main incentive in life. Psychotherapy revealed another almost forgotten his interest in politics. Leshan advised Robert to join the organization, working on social issues. Communication with new people, new duties returned him to his former activity, and with it fresh strength. To keep fit, Robert had to play sports. On the conversation with the doctor he just didn't have the time. The tumor has stopped growing, and then disappeared.
Another example of the practice of Le Shan. Natalie was born and raised in Brazil, and loved his country. But after marriage decided to move to London. Her husband is a poet, whose verses no one published, and two daughters, dreaming to become Actresses would have in London more opportunities for creative growth and career. To give the girls education and allow her husband all the time to devote to poetry, Natalie got a job in another profession. She had to deal with the case, which she loved. Every morning, she reluctantly got up and braved myself to go to work. Her life was busy taking care of family, and she did everything mechanically, forgetting about himself.
At 49 years old Natalie was diagnosed with cancer of the breast with extensive metastases. The predictions were dire. As a last resort, she turned to Le Shana. After a long conversation, Le Shan said, "Why do your body to fight for life, if life brings you sadness and grey days, if you have forgotten about yourself? And if you're going to die, then your family will solve their problems on their own, without you. So isn't it better to use the last chance that life offers you: some time to forget about the problems of others and focus on yourself? Ten years ago, you made a mistake, so fix it now."
Natalie moved to his native Brazil. She walked barefoot on the beaches, swam in the sea. She got a job and began to teach the little children and loved them dearly. And if before medications and diet didn't help, now they have had excellent results. Natalie began to recover. To the surprise of Natalie, it turned out that as soon as her husband and daughters had to solve their problems, they successfully coped with them.
Each person, says Leshan, is on the Ground their business. When he performs, his ability used the most, and he receives great satisfaction from life. If he is not in his place, life does not bring him joy. In this case, even if life is seemingly safe, the reaction to it can become cancer.
Cancer is the last warningNumerous examples that led Leshan in his book, prove the justice of the old saying: it's never too late to start over. But in some situations, be forced to recall this can only be cancer. Cancer is the last warning, which encourages people to remember about his mission, to liberate their desires, and then the body itself finds the strength to fight, mobilize all its defense mechanisms. The joy and freedom of self-realization is the most powerful medicine.
Each of us has our own melody of life, a motif that resounds in us from birth. Jung said that the future is unconsciously prepared long before it occurs. But sometimes we consciously silenced this motif, ashamed of its simplicity or, on the contrary, the strangeness of the sound, and adjust to all by suppressing their desires and capabilities. But every tool breaks down, if you long to squeeze out of him not his usual sounds.
When diagnosed with a malignant tumor, the patient gets no matter what caused his disease: the unhealthy lifestyle or the fact that for many years he forgot himself for the sake of family or society. The only significant in this moment becomes an opportunity to survive.
But cancer, according to Le Shana, puts a condition: to live can only be happy.
Another example from his practice. Mary had a good job, many friends, and all people thought that she has made in the lives of many. And suddenly she was diagnosed with cancer. In the first interview with Le Sanam Maria found out that her entire life oppressed by two circumstances: the fact that she was never married and had no children, loved them dearly, and the reaction of colleagues to this fact. She knew that they considered her a spinster, and was very worried about it.
Leshan asked Mary to remember the happiest time of her life. These were the years of youth, when she worked as a teacher in a school for children with disabilities. Then Leshan invited Mary to enroll in College. More than forty years to become a student, and with such a serious disease? Leshan insisted, and Maria agreed. Study was given easily to her, and the time she spent among young people, gave her the joy. Externally she graduated and started teaching, and a year later opened his own school for children with disabilities. Mary was happy, and help her the doctor was not needed: she had forgotten that she once had cancer.
Very often people with cancer are not know what is their purpose and what can bring them happiness. In such cases, Leshan offers to remember the Russian tale of the Golden fish that is ready to fulfill any desire. But you must hurry – she's wagging its tail and will not appear ever. Think about what you'd most like to ask her?
You can imagine that we are just born and the whole life ahead of you. We'd like to do? Where and how to live? Try to remember the happiest moment of his life. Someone look back and say that he was never happy. But there had been minutes, hours, months, when you felt sincere joy. Remember what brought you that joy, and try to recreate like this in your life. So Le Shana managed to bring back to life many hopeless from the point of view of medicine cancer patients. It happened that the tumor has not decreased in size, but stayed in growth and more during a long life did not bother the patient.
By the way, Siegel at first was not happy and satisfied with his career as a surgeon. He loved to paint and once painted a self-portrait, depicting himself in the hat, mask and long robe. And then he realized that intuitively I hid from people and from life that he was not satisfied. And he constantly withdrew into himself, as he thought about people who were not able to save, using only a knife and a scalpel.
But somehow, having got by accident for a session of psychotherapy, he met his patient, a cancer patient. In response to Siegel's amazement, that he was doing this kind of treatment, the patient replied, "Free from the visits to your clinic time, I was advised to conduct at such sessions. And I know – help!" Siegel's dawned on me: "So that's what people need!"
He began to organize groups of people to help them create a positive mood in the emotions and awaken the body's defenses to fight the cancer. Six hours a week he leads three groups of cancer patients – two hour sessions with each, and so for ten years. And sees that as soon as his students put in order their lives in accordance with their dreams, they recovered, and those who, it seemed, was doomed, he continued to live and feel better.
Among these people were those whom Siegel himself operated on for cancer. For ten years they lived without the slightest sign of this disease simply because they appreciate each day and enjoy life. Each of these patients at the time said to myself: "Suppose that in six months I will die. So, right now I have to start living".
And once Siegel calls them on the phone, they say, "Yes, I'm alive. I just started to live and therefore not have died."
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: naturalworld.ru/article_ne-umiray-a-prosto-nachni-jit.htm
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