Cured of cancer and ran 366 marathons CONTRACT

She was cured of cancer using a raw food diet, then ran 366 marathons in a row! (Part 1)
Chris: Hello everyone, this is Chris Wark and today we have a special guest. This is Janet Murray Veykelin, amazing women, I look forward to her story, but first I will briefly tell you about its history. First of all, it is the leader of the movement of people who have had cancer, secondly rawfoodist and ultramarafonets. She and her husband ran 366 marathons in a row. They run a marathon every day for 366 days. It's just protryasayusche! Let's start with its history.
Janet: It's been about 13 years since I was diagnosed - with breast cancer. Live was 6 months. I was prescribed chemotherapy, but I thought it unwise.
Chris: So you had stage 3 ...
Janet: Yes. And it was an aggressive cancer. The sentence sounded like this: "We can do chemotherapy you and you will live another six months, but there are no guarantees." But it is unacceptable to me.
Chris: Not very encouraging
. Janet: Yeah. Especially because I did not feel sick. I was just back pain and all. I had a biopsy and confirmed that it was cancer.
Chris: How different are you from normal patients with a similar diagnosis, which quickly agreed to conventional treatment
? Janet: I thought, why should I accept the fact that my body hurt even more. I listened to everything that I was asked, and the more I listened, the less I liked it. And I think many would be scared in my place. Imagine, everything they say that if you do not start treatment, you will die in 6 months. To which I replied, maybe, but maybe not, no one can know for sure. Many agree prescribed treatment the doctor because I did not suspect that they can take responsibility and control over their body. This fact was one of the reasons why I started to write a book in order to show by example our real abilities.
Chris: Your first book is called "raw food diet can cure cancer" ... You were afraid
? Janet: I do not think that's the right word for me. Rather, I thought: "Why me?" And I voiced this to your doctor, to which he replied: "All there is the question." I have always led a healthy lifestyle and felt very good. I was a vegetarian and was the mistress of his life. I was quite active and living in a clean place. Then I came to this conclusion: "Good. What's so special? ! Mastering "I found out how many people are ill with breast cancer - 1 of 9. Most of the figure. I thought of all the women in my family. In my family, there were no cases of breast cancer. I thought, "That's the goal in front of you, Janet. You have cancer. What if reverse this process? »
Chris: You've heard of cases of treatment before? You lead a healthy lifestyle and the opportunity to read about how someone has found ways to treat this type of cancer you have to?
Janet: At that time, no. But I began to search. And even then there were a lot of people who refused conventional treatment and successfully cured. I've studied a lot of practices that now there are hundreds. There was evidence of the fact that death can be avoided. I thought that if I was guilty of that I have cancer, it means I have to decide how to me to be treated as well as I knew my body was able to overcome the disease. The message of my body was not: "You will die in 6 months!", but more "Okay. Do therefore something in the next 6 months to make a difference. " From that moment on, I continued my studies, looking for anything that can be moved and farther in their search, the more pointless it seemed traditional treatment.
Chris: What are the sources and books, or people were most useful for you
? Janet: The best book was "Cancer for me. Leukaemia "Rudolf Broysa (The Breuss Cancer Cure [Rudolf Breuss]). She was a very good support of alternative treatments at the time. I began to carefully study all treatments and medications that were prescribed to me. The more I learned, the more I became convinced that it is necessary not to cause more damage to your body in this kind of treatment. So I realized that I should do something to help my body to overcome illness. If you throw a medicine was meaningless exercise, the body feed highly nutritious food seemed quite reasonable. I've been a vegetarian at the time and simply cut off all products except fruits and vegetables, to provide themselves with the most nutritious foods and live. It should be noted that cooking and heating foods leads to loss of nutrients and enzymes that are needed for for converting nutrients from food. This path is at least made sense. I also watch the animal kingdom. I learned that animals in the wild is not all that we have with you. They have no hospitals, they do not go to universities and schools, to know how and what to do, and so they know it ...
Chris: And they do not have microwaves
! Janet: That's it! If the animals can take care of themselves, we are not animals, we are much more reasonable, why we can not take care of themselves, why our state of health is so deplorable ... I felt clearly that it is necessary to follow the path of nature. I studied more and more literature, more options I have tried to apply to myself and then I came across the book "Cancer. Leukaemia "Rudolf Broysa (The Breuss Cancer Cure [Rudolf Breuss]), especially since it was written long ago. I took her into service. This was mainly juice 42 day diet. In those days, I just ran a marathon 42 days, and thought: "Why not, I'll do it," I got in touch with the doctor naturopath who serendipitously lived in the same area as me and was my friend. And together we have developed a so-called treatment.

Chris: Can you describe what juice you drank during those 42 days
? Janet: According Broysa method depends on what type of cancer in humans, and at what stage. In my case it was necessary to take the juice of beet, chego-nibud of the cabbage family: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and chego-nibud like that, basically, the juice of green stem.
Chris: And you made the juice of potato
? Janet: I did not need to drink it. Also part of the treatment have been some herbs: sage and a few others. A key moment in the juice diet is to drink juice in small sips throughout the day. You do not have to drink all the juice in one gulp. You tsedite it all day.
Chris: How much juice do you drink per day
? Janet: Very little. Somewhere centiliter. (Note: 1 centiliter is equal to one-hundredth of a share (0.01) a liter). Sounds: "Oh! Yes, this is not enough! "But you tsedite it all day. The idea of the method Broysa is to starve the cancer by hunger, but at the same time provide the body with enough nutrients for its operation. So you kill the cancer, but not themselves. Interestingly, I noticed that I had more energy. And in the book Broysa recommended not to do anything at this time and did not work. The man should be resting, doing this practice, because it takes a lot of energy, but it happened to me the other way around. I like mad in his activity, engaged in all in a row, plus I worked at that time, and it was the physical labor. I thought it was fantastic. I was the leader of the day, and at the same time I was engaged in treatment under the guidance of my doctor naturopath.
Chris: So what happened after these 42 days? How to change your diet and day?
Janet: Then I just increased the number of constituents in my juices. I drank the juices of about 18 months. All my food was in the form of juices with the aim of greater intake of nutrients. I also explored the technique of Gerson (Gerson therapy). Many of my juices were his recipes. I use a lot of carrots, beets, and some varieties of green apples. Along with them, I did the juice of wheat germ. I opened the phenomenal benefits of this drink.
Chris: We have with you so much in common, because when I was engaged in this practice, I drank the juice from the 64 kinds of vegetables a day: carrots, beets, celery, ginger juice and a lot of wheat germ
. Janet: The idea juice diet is to allow the process to begin curing, meanwhile, as you absorb a myriad of nutrients from the very large number of foods, such as carrots. Carrots are very useful for building immunity and help him. But eating so many carrots are very difficult day. And when you drink at least a glass of juice is equal to a kilogram of carrots, so you use it a lot more in the form of juice. The main advantage of the juice diet is to consume more nutrients inside, quickly and in a way in which the body can absorb them. They go straight into the bloodstream, and the body does not have to digest food, juices facilitate the work of the body, it is easy to absorb nutrients, and the healing process begins.
Chris: Yes, juice - it is a very quick source of energy and nutrients. During the treatment of cancer is very often people drink carrot juice drinking juice from 5 pounds of carrots a day. What do you think is the reason for your victory over cancer? Because you were a healthy lifestyle, you care about your health, were vegetarian, and the like? Looking back and thinking about it, what do you think, what were the factors that played a crucial role in your body's victory over cancer?
Janet: natural environment, I understand the internal environment and the external environment under. The internal environment of the body depends on the stress load. A large body damage I inflicted when she was in the wrong place at the right time or in the right place at the wrong time. With me there was one case of non-private. I happened to be near the high of chemicals. The skin - the largest organ of the human body. Chemicals, which has appeared on my skin, caused great harm to my body. And the next time I was in a place of highly toxic pollution.
Chris: Yes, we all know that the toxic pollution causes cancer. We live in a highly polluted cities. Healthy eating - this is only one component of a large mosaic, but rather an important part of it. Right? Diet, lifestyle, stress levels and toxic pollution - these are the main causes of cancer worldwide. What is very important is the fact that only 2 percent of cancers have a genetic basis. This should not even bother, but the above factors we can control. We can choose, and diet and lifestyle, and the reaction to stressful situations, and even to some extent on the environmental pollution. We can protect themselves to some extent, but sometimes, as in your case, take place to be uncontrollable circumstances ...
Janet: Yes, you're right, but I'm sure the fact that I was already a vegetarian, to some extent, healthy foods, significantly helped my body to give me a signal and react as quickly as possible, so I started working on the restoration. Maybe if I did not lead a healthy lifestyle and not involved in sports before, I would have had a much harder and took me to the treatment of a lot more time. But never too late to start. You know, never too late to change anything. I had to act fast, I vigorously treated along with my diet. Doctors advised me to relax. That is, stop running, stop exercise, they said, it will only worsen the situation. So, the first thing I did, I increased the distance. I knew that the cancer does not live in an oxygen environment. The internal environment of the body hurt my lack of sufficient oxygen, hence the changes started. I had to increase the amount of oxygen in my body. I did it in different ways.

Chris: We all know that exercise benefit to a certain point. And then it can be stressful for the body. So what did you think about this?
Janet: I carefully pondered all that worked and never overdo it. I gave such loads, which my body could stand at that time. I've never been a runner competing and did not exceed the limits of the possible, exposing my body danger, but it may have been this, who knows where his face. I just did what I felt was right for me at the time. Fortunately, I lived in an area where there was a beautiful nature. I could get up and running in the mountains, in the forest, where there was plenty of fresh air, could run along the beach, saturating the body with oxygen. The next step is to replenish the supply of oxygen in the body has been the adoption of juice from wheat germ and green, because this juice a lot of chlorophyll, and it goes straight into the bloodstream. Also to practice breathing, exhale the remaining oxygen from the lungs and breathing good air. That's what I was doing, along with meditation, yoga, drawn look inside yourself, talking to her inner self and come to the realization that I'm all of these efforts. I learned one important thing for all these years that many people underestimate yourself, do not think they are worth all the effort deserve to be happy and healthy. I mean, they spend their time, in particular women, taking care of everyone and everything. First of all, we have to take care of themselves. This may sound selfish, but this is not so. This position will be even more useful to the people around you, because as a mother, grandmother, teacher, and so on, you can ...
Chris: If you do not care about yourself, you will not be able to take care of the people around who need your help. And especially if you have cancer, it is a time to be selfish. Many people suffering from cancer, spent most of his life immersed in the needs of others, thereby harming their health. The emotional load, self-doubt, self-flagellation, and even self-hatred, if you are unhappy, unprotected ... you punish yourself for your own mistakes of the past, perhaps, your life is far from ideal, of which you dreamed of. So many thoughts can slip in your mind, but when you feel such strong emotions depressed, you may feel useless and unworthy.
Janet: If you look at it from a logical and technical point of view, you will see that the body has its PH balance of acid and alkaline. If you do all this, to engage in power know that 80% should be alkaline, you should know your thoughts and actions may trigger the appearance of acidity in the body. Sadness, anger, hatred acid form in the body. They will cause harm to the body. We need to be happy, healthy and completely alkaline. No acid in the body - no disease. All of this in my head, and I go in this direction.
CH: All negative emotion and stress produce acid in the body. Stress suppresses the immune system and fosters disease. Short-term stress is not afraid of people. But long-term, daily chronic stress is destructive.
Janet: Our culture or lack of culture can be said leads us to technogenic world as if we are running somewhere, but do not know where. It would be better to go back to basics and become humane beings, be themselves and understand who we really are, be a human race, and not the human race. Being a kind and compassionate towards themselves and each other, animals and the planet as a whole. If we go back to that way of thinking, everything will change, change for the better. It will be space.

Chris: The great words of true wisdom. In the next video, we'll talk about your incredible achievements in marathons.