Mono fruitarianism - the story of a sharp transition

Mono fruitarianism - the story of a sharp transition (33kg Less for 3mesyatsa, 33 years old, a family with 3 children)
Hello my dear! Recently turned 2, my 5 year the separate fruitarianism. It's time to repay debts. Yes, that debts in the most positive sense of the word! I think that anyone who helped other people's stories of transition to natural food species, able to describe your experience and share it with others. I know that it is cheaper and quieter silent))) But those who are interested, you need help! So, spread your story, perhaps someone she is also useful.
I do not remember when I first learned about fruitarianism. Would be correct to say that a similar power theory, line up himself in the head. And 5 years ago, I learned that there are people who adhere to a specially fresh food without heat treatment and "Eureka"! everything came together in an instant! Exactly! What are the right people! Well, it's obvious, no one on the planet, except for adapting (over) the person does not prepare food. (I think some of the readers of this article intuitively feel like). But to understand what I understood, but really change the eating habits, it's completely different. We live by inertia, with installations: "It seems in no hurry yet," "Maybe later,"
. But, anyway, it happened. What was the motivation? Rather, it was the boiling point!