How to restore the nervous system
Nervous systemwe All know that the human brain consists of 90% water.
Imagine what would happen if the brain ceases to be supplied water. And if a person only drinks tea, Pepsi-Cola and coffee? And motivates the preference to those that these beverages are prepared on the water. Well, and concrete, too, is mixed in the water.
How is it to be? Again, go back to the first sentence: the brain is practically made of water. Please note: not tea, coffee, not juice, and certainly not from Pepsi-Cola. The brain will do only pure structured water. The body can even sand to remove water, the question is how much water the body will get out of the sand, and how long it will take time, and there is a need to load your body, not easy to drink for these purposes is structured water?
Let's do a quick poll: who prefers what drinks? Who is Coca-Cola, who Pepsi-Cola, who is agile, who dare be? Did you notice that attached to his drink. Why? All self-respecting company, I like to remind regular customers about yourself so that the client did not forget your favorite beverage, put gadoteridol. Another kind of addiction. At Pepsi-Cola added citric acid, bitterness, and as much as 7 spoonfuls of sugar per 250 grams. And so you do not from drink feel a rise of energy, and of 7 spoons of sugar. You cheated again.
If you look, a nervous breakdown only occurs for three reasons:
1. nervous
2. do not eat,
3. don't drink the water.
As a result, you will start to get angry, offended, and in the body happens somatic changes.
In addition, the state of the nervous system is influenced by the following factors:
Heredity you choose, it takes you to the load at birth. For information: inherited cytomegalovirus.
And our domestic medicine can trigger the development of diseases of the Central nervous system. If you are an obedient patient and every time the flu or colds will drink prescribed by a doctor paracetamol is complications with the nervous system can not be avoided. Besides suffer heredity, you can give your children. Every adult is a double responsibility: for themselves and for future generations. No need to forget it.
Injuries happen to everyone. Is it possible to exclude them from your life? We don't plan to, but they still have a place. Injuries to the head or spine will affect the nervous system? One blow on the head and immediately life is divided into the period "before" and "after". Strong hit his head on the pavement can also affect the nervous system in the future. It must be remembered.
Time does its mark on the functioning of the CNS. And there's no escape.
The environmental situation can affect the nervous system? Of course. Ecology is one of the most influential factors that contribute to mental problems. Do you think the condition of the brain of a painter or miner all his life working in hazardous industries? Even theoretically, this brain should not be normal.
What is necessary to restore productive functioning of the nervous system?
It is necessary to adjust diet and conduct a series of preventive measures. Quarterly mandatory cleaning sorbents for 10 days, adjust the water-drinking balance (it is recommended to drink alkaline structured water).
And you have to start to eat right. Maybe someday I will be with the doctors involved in profpatologii, choose he that saves factor for Central nervous system harmful for each profession separately.
Parasites are one of the major causes of diseases of the nervous system. For this reason we can and should influence. People say that all the good you have to do, and bad comes by itself. Here in your opinion, good is when there are no parasites in the body or when there is? Certainly, when they are not. So, we need to take certain steps to avoid them. And will not take, so you will treat 90% of those people who at the opening of swarming parasites. The statistics say the medical examiner's office. Toxoplasma gondii thrives in the brain. Scratched your child or you, the cat and the body fall viruses that seriously affect the Central nervous system cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, herpes virus. For example, diagnosis of epilepsy, you are associated with the presence of worms in the body? And for good reason. The connection between such a serious disease, such as epilepsy and parasites scientifically established. And you would never think to go to consult with helminthologia, and immediately to the office of the neurologist knock.
The who statistics says that 7 out of 10 diagnoses are installed incorrectly. You just imagine: only 30 % of patients treated right, the rest will only aggravate your condition drugs. To correctly set the direction in which to carry out the restoration of health — supervazhnye. Start using anti-parasitic program, be sure to be surveyed for Toxoplasma, herpes virus, Giardia, pistoria, Toxocara, Trichinella.
Antiparasitic program should be held regularly, once a quarter, just as your beloved dog. And than you it is better? If today you do not have worms, it doesn't mean that tomorrow, eating in the restaurant parsley, you will bring them safely to his body again. Regularly get rid of worms, do not skimp on yourself, on your health.
Weak bioenergy exacerbates the problems with the Central nervous system. Take care of restoring their own energy field. To address this question, it may be advisable to use a handheld or pendant-Vistalizator.
One of the factors, influencing the nervous system -it's bad habits that are so hard to get rid of. What bad habits? It read transport, and to sleep on my stomach, and Smoking and alcohol consumption and much more. You can decide whether to continue to make a big fuss over their addictions or to say goodbye to them forever.
If you have having problems with the Central nervous system, do not hurry to run to a psychiatrist or neurologist.
Will learn how to start to drink water. ie in day to accustom myself to drink 1.5 litres of alkaline, structured water of optimum temperature. Next, go to the lab and do the tests for Toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes, Toxocara, try their best to eliminate drugs, including sleeping pills.
By the way, sleeping is the greatest mistake of the 20th century. It's a stupid illusion that with the help adelfan, you will be able to reassure the exhausted, exasperated, excited, or poisoned brain. If you have everything in order at the end of the day the brain should shut down and go to sleep. If there are problems: lack of nutrients, the toxicity of the body, the worms move in, the brain will try to beg you to eat something and to compensate for the situation.Many have already said: as soon as the stress and reached out a hand to the refrigerator.
Cellular nutrition for the CNS is the optimal solution of the feed for the brain.Your brain requires all 28 amino acids. Therefore, spirulina, protivity are the best products for the restoration of the depleted nervous system. Amino acid meals will help you and also issues with poor sleep, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and irritability.
To maintain the energy of brain is recommended to add in food fatty acid omega 3/60 (depending on age: 2 or 3 capsules per day).
The next step is to include in the diet the b vitamins.
And the final step is to restore the functioning of the nervous system — the use of enzymes or coenzyme. The best option for ATF in the brain -is Coenzyme Q-10 contains coenzyme. Production of coenzyme to release energy in the brain after 30 years, drops sharply.
Before you were transferred to a smart brain program. Do everything you can to invigorate the brain and it will thank you for a good productive work on restoration of spent on. published
Author: Olga Butakova,the book “Need information about health”
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: chaika.at.ua/publ/o_a_butakova/nervnaja_sistema/2-1-0-21
Imagine what would happen if the brain ceases to be supplied water. And if a person only drinks tea, Pepsi-Cola and coffee? And motivates the preference to those that these beverages are prepared on the water. Well, and concrete, too, is mixed in the water.

How is it to be? Again, go back to the first sentence: the brain is practically made of water. Please note: not tea, coffee, not juice, and certainly not from Pepsi-Cola. The brain will do only pure structured water. The body can even sand to remove water, the question is how much water the body will get out of the sand, and how long it will take time, and there is a need to load your body, not easy to drink for these purposes is structured water?
Let's do a quick poll: who prefers what drinks? Who is Coca-Cola, who Pepsi-Cola, who is agile, who dare be? Did you notice that attached to his drink. Why? All self-respecting company, I like to remind regular customers about yourself so that the client did not forget your favorite beverage, put gadoteridol. Another kind of addiction. At Pepsi-Cola added citric acid, bitterness, and as much as 7 spoonfuls of sugar per 250 grams. And so you do not from drink feel a rise of energy, and of 7 spoons of sugar. You cheated again.
If you look, a nervous breakdown only occurs for three reasons:
1. nervous
2. do not eat,
3. don't drink the water.
As a result, you will start to get angry, offended, and in the body happens somatic changes.
In addition, the state of the nervous system is influenced by the following factors:
- the presence of parasites in the body
- hereditary factor
- injuries in previous years,
- lack of exercise on the body,
- the status of bioenergy of a person,
- time
- the presence of harmful habits,
- living in ecologically unfavorable ecological zones.

Heredity you choose, it takes you to the load at birth. For information: inherited cytomegalovirus.
And our domestic medicine can trigger the development of diseases of the Central nervous system. If you are an obedient patient and every time the flu or colds will drink prescribed by a doctor paracetamol is complications with the nervous system can not be avoided. Besides suffer heredity, you can give your children. Every adult is a double responsibility: for themselves and for future generations. No need to forget it.
Injuries happen to everyone. Is it possible to exclude them from your life? We don't plan to, but they still have a place. Injuries to the head or spine will affect the nervous system? One blow on the head and immediately life is divided into the period "before" and "after". Strong hit his head on the pavement can also affect the nervous system in the future. It must be remembered.
Time does its mark on the functioning of the CNS. And there's no escape.
The environmental situation can affect the nervous system? Of course. Ecology is one of the most influential factors that contribute to mental problems. Do you think the condition of the brain of a painter or miner all his life working in hazardous industries? Even theoretically, this brain should not be normal.
What is necessary to restore productive functioning of the nervous system?
It is necessary to adjust diet and conduct a series of preventive measures. Quarterly mandatory cleaning sorbents for 10 days, adjust the water-drinking balance (it is recommended to drink alkaline structured water).
And you have to start to eat right. Maybe someday I will be with the doctors involved in profpatologii, choose he that saves factor for Central nervous system harmful for each profession separately.
Parasites are one of the major causes of diseases of the nervous system. For this reason we can and should influence. People say that all the good you have to do, and bad comes by itself. Here in your opinion, good is when there are no parasites in the body or when there is? Certainly, when they are not. So, we need to take certain steps to avoid them. And will not take, so you will treat 90% of those people who at the opening of swarming parasites. The statistics say the medical examiner's office. Toxoplasma gondii thrives in the brain. Scratched your child or you, the cat and the body fall viruses that seriously affect the Central nervous system cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, herpes virus. For example, diagnosis of epilepsy, you are associated with the presence of worms in the body? And for good reason. The connection between such a serious disease, such as epilepsy and parasites scientifically established. And you would never think to go to consult with helminthologia, and immediately to the office of the neurologist knock.
The who statistics says that 7 out of 10 diagnoses are installed incorrectly. You just imagine: only 30 % of patients treated right, the rest will only aggravate your condition drugs. To correctly set the direction in which to carry out the restoration of health — supervazhnye. Start using anti-parasitic program, be sure to be surveyed for Toxoplasma, herpes virus, Giardia, pistoria, Toxocara, Trichinella.
Antiparasitic program should be held regularly, once a quarter, just as your beloved dog. And than you it is better? If today you do not have worms, it doesn't mean that tomorrow, eating in the restaurant parsley, you will bring them safely to his body again. Regularly get rid of worms, do not skimp on yourself, on your health.
Weak bioenergy exacerbates the problems with the Central nervous system. Take care of restoring their own energy field. To address this question, it may be advisable to use a handheld or pendant-Vistalizator.
One of the factors, influencing the nervous system -it's bad habits that are so hard to get rid of. What bad habits? It read transport, and to sleep on my stomach, and Smoking and alcohol consumption and much more. You can decide whether to continue to make a big fuss over their addictions or to say goodbye to them forever.
If you have having problems with the Central nervous system, do not hurry to run to a psychiatrist or neurologist.
Will learn how to start to drink water. ie in day to accustom myself to drink 1.5 litres of alkaline, structured water of optimum temperature. Next, go to the lab and do the tests for Toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes, Toxocara, try their best to eliminate drugs, including sleeping pills.

By the way, sleeping is the greatest mistake of the 20th century. It's a stupid illusion that with the help adelfan, you will be able to reassure the exhausted, exasperated, excited, or poisoned brain. If you have everything in order at the end of the day the brain should shut down and go to sleep. If there are problems: lack of nutrients, the toxicity of the body, the worms move in, the brain will try to beg you to eat something and to compensate for the situation.Many have already said: as soon as the stress and reached out a hand to the refrigerator.
Cellular nutrition for the CNS is the optimal solution of the feed for the brain.Your brain requires all 28 amino acids. Therefore, spirulina, protivity are the best products for the restoration of the depleted nervous system. Amino acid meals will help you and also issues with poor sleep, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and irritability.
To maintain the energy of brain is recommended to add in food fatty acid omega 3/60 (depending on age: 2 or 3 capsules per day).
The next step is to include in the diet the b vitamins.
And the final step is to restore the functioning of the nervous system — the use of enzymes or coenzyme. The best option for ATF in the brain -is Coenzyme Q-10 contains coenzyme. Production of coenzyme to release energy in the brain after 30 years, drops sharply.

Before you were transferred to a smart brain program. Do everything you can to invigorate the brain and it will thank you for a good productive work on restoration of spent on. published
Author: Olga Butakova,the book “Need information about health”
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: chaika.at.ua/publ/o_a_butakova/nervnaja_sistema/2-1-0-21
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