Folk remedies for headache - more than 30 methods of treatment
If you are one of those wise and cautious people who prefer softer and safer, but no less effective folk remedies for headaches, then our new article is for you. To find the most optimal, your “natural” method of treatment, you may have to test in practice several different remedies.

If severe headaches are a common problem, then any treatment should begin by identifying the underlying cause. This article will help you “Why does my head hurt often?” In the current material, we note only a curious “water theory” about the causes of frequent headaches. The main problem in it is called heat stress and dehydration of the body. The reasons are: - a small amount of water consumed, - a large amount of alcohol consumed, - excessively warm bed (thick and hot blanket is not seasonal), - high ambient temperature, - low humidity. Folk remedies for headache - Chamomile tea is an excellent antispasmodic remedy with a wide spectrum. Traditional medicine recommends it to relieve headaches, as well as unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestines, with a serious condition before menstruation. In addition, chamomile tea activates the functions of the immune system, which makes it an extremely valuable tool in the treatment of colds at home. One of the best folk remedies for severe headache is Melissa. 3 tablespoons of dry grass pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a platter and let it brew for about half an hour. Strain and drink 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. Melissa is also recommended to be added to regular tea and soothing drug charges. This wonderful herb relieves headache, accompanied by noise in the ears, helps to cope with insomnia.
Another savior suffering from headaches is valerian. A tablespoon of finely crushed valerian root pour a glass of boiling water, boil a quarter of an hour on a slow heat. Let the broth stand for 10 minutes, and then strain. Take this folk remedy on a tablespoon 3 times a day.
Drug fees work better than tablets and, although they are also desirable to alternate for greater effectiveness, are practically not addictive. Here is an excellent composition for obtaining a natural analgesic: in equal frequent take peppermint, cyprus and oregano. Half a tablespoon of the received medicinal collection pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew under the lid, strain in half an hour. Drink. - Folk remedy for headaches - dill seeds. On a tablespoon of seeds, take a half glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, filter, drink a little during the day.
- Thoroughly washed onion husk pour hot water (you can cook for a couple of minutes) and let the product brew for about an hour. Have half a cup. With frequent headaches, it is necessary to drink an infusion of onion husks half a glass twice a day for three to four days.

In the old hospital from 1890 as an effective folk remedy for the treatment of headache recommended the following procedure. Prepare a glass of hot tea, warm it with a metal spoon. Apply a spoon to the wing of the nose from the side where the head hurts (if it hurts on both sides, then manipulation should also be done on both sides). Once the spoon has cooled, warm it again in tea and apply it to your nose again. Next, warm the hot spoon and apply it again. Then a hot teaspoon is applied to the earlobe on the side where it hurts. Warm your fingers on a hot glass of tea. After the pain subsides, you can drink tea. - Remove a headache with folk remedies can be with a compress. Moisten the natural fabric cloth with cold water with vinegar (a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar per liter of water) or salt (also a teaspoon per liter of water). Wet the cloth in cold water, squeeze and put on the forehead and whiskey. Apply to your head for 5-10 minutes. Also help compresses from raw, crumpled cabbage leaf (it is simply applied or tied to the head) and lotions of raw potatoes at the temples and forehead. Potatoes can be rubbed and laid in a gauze bag or use just freshly sliced potato mugs.
An interesting procedure to relieve headaches: tapping on the nose of the big phalanx of the thumb. You need to do this for quite a long time - at least 5, and preferably 10-20 minutes. If the head is not just sore, but dizzy, and you feel very tired, then you need to drink a decoction of hawthorn fruits. 20 grams of berries pour a glass of boiling water, boil over a slow heat for 10 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, drink on an empty stomach.
- Folk remedy for severe headache - Cinnamon. 1 gram of ground cinnamon pour a glass of hot water. After half an hour, add some sugar and drink a small sip. In a similar infusion, you can moisten a napkin, and then apply it to the temples or forehead.
Aromatherapy in the treatment of headaches with folk remedies – Add aroma lamps to the water or moisten a clean handkerchief, which then hang on the battery a mixture of the following essential oils: pine, mint and lemon. It is enough to take only two drops. In a bath with warm (not hot!) water, add a spoonful of milk, in which 2 drops of essential oil of nutmeg and 4 drops of ylang-ylang and lavender oil are previously stirred. Taking a bath with a headache takes only 10 minutes. Another option of aroma composition: 2 drops of orange oil, 4 drops of geranium oil and mint.
How to relieve a headache with the help of special gymnastics Slowly, alternately perform the following three exercises:
1. Bend the head forward and then back 3-5 times.
2. Inclinations of the head to the right and left shoulder 3-5 times. Fix for a second or two intermediate, even position of the head.
3. Try to relax the neck and make a circular rotation of the head first in one direction and then in the other. Repeat three times.
Repeat the whole complex once or twice. If necessary, contact him again in 15 minutes.
Folk remedies for headaches with increased pressure - A remedy with a double effect. And the headache will go away, and the eyes will rest, and the skin around the eyes will receive a pleasant grooming procedure. So, just take two mugs of fresh cucumber and put on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. For headaches associated with hypertension, foot and hand hot baths are recommended. For legs, try using such a folk remedy as mustard. The water temperature should be 38-40 degrees, stir in it 2 tablespoons of mustard and hold your feet in a bath for 10 minutes. Quickly rinse your feet, wipe with a towel and put on warm socks.
Folk remedies for headache with reduced pressure With headache and reduced pressure, it is enough to drink strong sweet tea and eat a sandwich with cheese. If hypotension constantly spoils your life, NameWoman recommends dealing with it with diluted pomegranate juice (juice and water – 1: 2). It will also be useful to drink a course of peony tincture, the remedy itself, along with detailed instructions, you will find in the pharmacy. The basic set of measures in the treatment of headache with folk remedies: 1. Give yourself at least a short rest. Remove all external stimuli when possible. A walk in the fresh air is recommended. In the room, it is desirable to create silence, remove artificial lighting, ventilate and slightly darken the room from strong sunlight. It will be useful to increase the humidity. If you do not have an air humidifier, you can put a flat container with water next to you or hang a wet towel on the battery.
2. Alcohol, nicotine and spicy foods when you have a headache become even more harmful than usual, exacerbating your severe condition. Give preference to soothing herbal teas, the recipes of which are given among the folk remedies above.
In ancient hospitals assure that if you are worried about a headache, you need to eat fresh apples and fresh berries of strawberries, as well as boiled potatoes without salt (you can with sugar!). Berry juices are also considered useful. For example, a quarter glass of fresh potassium juice or black currants.
3. To relieve a headache in the occipital region, you should synchronously massage the points symmetrical to the line of the spinal column on the back of the neck at the beginning of hair growth. In that case, if the pain is concentrated in the frontal part, it will be more effective to massage the temples.
4. Almost everyone is familiar with such a way of dealing with a headache as rubbing temples. Do a light massage in circular motions using a small amount of lavender or mint oil. Try point effects as well – easily and rhythmically press your index fingers at a frequency of 30 touches per minute. 5. There is another option for self-massage. First, gently rub the back of your head with your left palm, then your right. After changing your palms again, rub the depression on the back of your head until you feel warm. Repeat the procedure in 10 minutes.
An excellent prevention of headache is considered to be wearing jewelry with aquamarine or azanite by a woman. Another folk remedy for headache is a scarf tightly tied on the forehead (a towel or a wide belt). The ideal option is a strip of natural wool, covering the eyebrows, and behind passing under the occipital bump. Together with such a headband, you will need to sit quietly with your eyes closed for about a quarter of an hour. 6. If the headache is provoked by stress, fatigue, various emotional experiences, then relaxation techniques help well. Like yoga. For meditation, rich green and blue colors are recommended. Milena Just
Source: namewoman.ru
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