Facts about headaches

The scientific name of a headache - cephalalgia.
The brain itself does not feel pain because it has no pain receptors.
It is estimated that at least 80% of the world's population headache occurred at least once in their lives, while 25-40% - its appearance is different "enviable" constancy.
Food & Beverage, from which the head can be ill: alcohol, especially red wine, chocolate, fruit, pickles, cheese, canned meat, nuts, coffee, tea, cola, yeast, aspartame, monosodium glutamate.
The causes of headaches include: Stress, hormonal changes, stress the neck or jaw, depression, despair, irregular meals, changes in sleep, trauma, excitement, eyestrain, weather changes, poor posture, anxiety, acute odors, medications, bright light ( photophobia), physical exertion, high altitude (Altitude sickness).
Headache can be caused by mechanical, chemical or thermal effect on the sensory receptors. These receptors are present in the soft tissues of the head - the skin, the muscles in the walls of superficial arteries of the head, the dura mater, in the vessels of the base of the brain - perceive different nerve impulses that the person feels the pain.
There are at least three types of headache, except the one that is of common colds, flu, sinusitis, and other diseases. These include: a pressing headache, migraine and "histamine" pain.
"Histamine" pain is acute and occurs on one side of the head and face, lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Is repeated one or more times during one or several days, weeks or months. Then she stops for a long time, but only to come back again without any apparent cause was.
Of the three types of headache is the most common pressing pain.
Migraine is more characteristic for women than men.
"Histamine" pain often affects men.
Pain occurring below the line that connects the outer corner of the eyes, the external auditory canal and then goes to I cervical vertebra is not called a headache; They are either facial pain or cervical pain. This conditional division in medicine brings diagnostic value.
Women living in villages and suburbs are much more likely to suffer from headaches than those who live in cities.
Headache can act the power of suggestion. Studies show that 40% of people suffering from a headache, get immediate relief by taking a pill made of sugar, which is not drugs, but they were given as a painkiller. Such is the power of placebo.
Aspirin (if uncoated tablet) is sufficiently 30 seconds to reach the bloodstream.
The headache may be a manifestation of at least forty-five different diseases, failures and deviations in the body.
Sometimes the cause of headaches - worms, parasites in the human body.
Sometimes it can cause headache, excessive use of spices.
Source: www.sadgora.info
via factroom.ru
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