"Mom, my legs hurt!" How to Recognize and Eliminate Night Pain in Children
Does a child wake up in the middle of the night and complain of leg pain? You stroke and knead his legs, soothe him, but you don't know whether to take him to the doctor or do painkillers? If there are no obvious causes for pain, such as injuries, sprains of ligaments and muscles, internal illnesses, then your child has a so-called “straight” condition. pain.
During the period of intensive growth (from 4 to 12 years), 15% of children experienced pain in the limbs at least once. 50% of children experience such pain periodically. This usually occurs before going to bed and at night, and in the morning the pain disappears. The child may wake up from pain in the legs. These phenomena do not harm the child, but still can give him strong discomfort.
Experts have not come to a consensus about the causes of growth pain. Some believe that the cause of pain lies in the periosteum, not having time to grow behind the bones. Others argue that it is not in the bones, but in weak muscles and ligaments. Anyway, most likely, the entire area of active growth hurts, and this prevents the child from falling asleep normally.
Most children complain of pain in the front of the thighs, in the calves or under the knees after a busy walk, running, jumping, swimming, cycling. Small restless people are worn all day, unable to sit still, their muscles and ligaments are overstrained from constant exertion.
By the evening, some children may feel crepatura, convulsive muscle contractions, as after a long walk or a sharp run without preparation. The pain can last from a few seconds to a couple of hours. In each child, the intensity of sensations manifests itself in different ways, some even scream in pain and wake up crying at night.
To distinguish children's nocturnal growth pains from serious diseases and injuries can be on several grounds.
Growth pain symptoms
You should consult a doctor if the child’s pain does not stop from morning to evening, the temperature rises and appetite disappears, weakness and malaise are felt. Pains of growth can be easily managed at home and without medical intervention.
How to alleviate the condition of the child
Children who are actively engaged in sporot or dancing for several hours a day, spend a lot of time in active games outside, need a slowdown and respite. You do not need to load children with additional classes, it is better to develop a habit of doing exercises in the morning.
During the period of intensive growth, children necessarily need a full sleep. If home remedies for pain relief do not help, contact an experienced osteopath - in just a couple of sessions he can relax the strained ligaments and create ideal conditions for bone growth. Growth pain is a temporary phenomenon and quickly pass.
Minimum stress, trusting relationships in the family, a positive attitude of mom and dad will help the baby to survive this difficult stage of development. Remember that being a child is no less difficult than being a parent.
And you did when you were a kid. growth? How did your family deal with this syndrome? Share the article with friends, they will be useful to learn about the features of child development.
During the period of intensive growth (from 4 to 12 years), 15% of children experienced pain in the limbs at least once. 50% of children experience such pain periodically. This usually occurs before going to bed and at night, and in the morning the pain disappears. The child may wake up from pain in the legs. These phenomena do not harm the child, but still can give him strong discomfort.
Experts have not come to a consensus about the causes of growth pain. Some believe that the cause of pain lies in the periosteum, not having time to grow behind the bones. Others argue that it is not in the bones, but in weak muscles and ligaments. Anyway, most likely, the entire area of active growth hurts, and this prevents the child from falling asleep normally.
Most children complain of pain in the front of the thighs, in the calves or under the knees after a busy walk, running, jumping, swimming, cycling. Small restless people are worn all day, unable to sit still, their muscles and ligaments are overstrained from constant exertion.
By the evening, some children may feel crepatura, convulsive muscle contractions, as after a long walk or a sharp run without preparation. The pain can last from a few seconds to a couple of hours. In each child, the intensity of sensations manifests itself in different ways, some even scream in pain and wake up crying at night.
To distinguish children's nocturnal growth pains from serious diseases and injuries can be on several grounds.
Growth pain symptoms
- A typical sign of growth pain is its appearance only during the rest of the child. When the baby lies, sits or sleeps, the leg muscles begin to whine or hum. Sometimes the child feels as if the bones are stretched and twisted.
- The child has a normal temperature and appetite, he does not look sluggish. No redness, swelling, skin changes in the area of soreness. After night-ache The child is again active and active.
- Another sure sign of growth pain is how a child reacts to touch. Children who have serious illnesses or injuries cannot tolerate touching. With growth pains, the child feels relief when he is stroked, massaged and hugged.
You should consult a doctor if the child’s pain does not stop from morning to evening, the temperature rises and appetite disappears, weakness and malaise are felt. Pains of growth can be easily managed at home and without medical intervention.
How to alleviate the condition of the child
- Calm the baby, explain that the legs hurt from the fact that he grows and becomes strong.
- Stroking, light massage, rubbing, stretching, a warm bath with a soothing decoction of herbs will help relieve tension and relax.
- With severe pain will help warm compresses and mustard, rubbing with peach oil, "Troxevasin", balm "Rescuer".
- Bandages with elastic bandages perfectly relieve pain.
- Squats, easy running in place, exercises such as “Birch” and “Bicycle” improve the outflow of venous blood, distract the child from pain and spasms.
- If nighttime pain So intense that he cannot sleep, you can give half of "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen". Experts do not recommend giving children aspirin.
Children who are actively engaged in sporot or dancing for several hours a day, spend a lot of time in active games outside, need a slowdown and respite. You do not need to load children with additional classes, it is better to develop a habit of doing exercises in the morning.
During the period of intensive growth, children necessarily need a full sleep. If home remedies for pain relief do not help, contact an experienced osteopath - in just a couple of sessions he can relax the strained ligaments and create ideal conditions for bone growth. Growth pain is a temporary phenomenon and quickly pass.
Minimum stress, trusting relationships in the family, a positive attitude of mom and dad will help the baby to survive this difficult stage of development. Remember that being a child is no less difficult than being a parent.
And you did when you were a kid. growth? How did your family deal with this syndrome? Share the article with friends, they will be useful to learn about the features of child development.