Why do You need pain?
I'm in love with what is, not because I'm a spiritual person, but because arguing with reality hurts. ©Byron Katie "Loving what is" None of you will ask, what is pain, because there are people who have never experienced pain.
You might have something to be sick constantly or suddenly, or chronic "uh-Oh"...
Something you "painful to watch", from word-of-mouth can be very painful. Sometimes you have a sore soul, so much so that I want to howl at the moon.
As they say now: if you have nothing hurts – check if you died.

Sometimes the pain is so strong that you curse it and want to get rid of... You cry – actually, why do we need pain?! Need. Today I want to Express my gratitude to pain, because it leads us in life.
Because pain is the most important tool of the Universe to reach us.
Pain is a signal, sometimes even thud of the hammer's skull that something is wrong, broken. Wake up, pay attention to where it hurts.
Today we will consider what you warns
- physical pain
- emotional pain,
- mental pain,
- spiritual pain,
What is physical pain On a physical level, pain is a sign of disturbance in a particular metanormals processes of the organism. For example, the current of blood, lymph, oxygen – any stream that needs to flow there.
But very often the pain associated with muscle spasm.
Somewhere in the body, in which five hundred of muscles, the spasm, impaired blood flow, worsening the supply of oxygen and food a certain authority.
And the longer it lasts, the more the muscle next to be involved in this process (first girlfriend-the muscle has not help and a hindrance), the more organs that depend on these "mere" muscles begin to suffer from "starvation" and pressure and hurt.
Certainly, many people love a back massage, which is especially relevant in our age of sedentary work and computers.
Pleasant effect, all put in place... Oh, how it all clicked!
What? For a long time? No.
Muscle still percocet and pull the spine back.
You can argue – and how, for example, runny nose, what's the muscle?
Runny nose, like many symptoms of the disease, only a defensive reaction of the organism.
Kind of nasty (virus or bacteria) tries to settle in you, and the body flushes them away as you can — sneezing and coughing, or secreting mucus.
But latched on to this dirty trick, because somewhere in the body already have the problems and holes, the organs responsible for immune system support.
And sick, because there is blocked flow.
And as you already know, doctors say about the physical flows, and we know about energy.
Anyone old pain and fear If the pain came on a physical level, the muscles are already in the "block" — this means that at the level of the subtle bodies you've already missed what caused the block.
And it is most often fear.
There is physical fear, emotional fear, mental fear, and the omnipresent fear of the spirit.
No one will argue that fear is at once manifested physically.
The original wild natural fear was activated on the protective effect – heart beat, hormones into the blood, the breath often ibeat or fight. I.e., before the fear of not get stuck within us, and thrown out.
And now?
The outward manifestation of fear is suppressed and settles in the muscles.
The chief does a reprimand noisy company in the yard – the muscles of the shoulders in the block, the neck pull (not noticing, the automatic reaction!) and "arrived."
Emotional pain
Most units in the us is from fear, born on the emotional or mental level.
Emotions are written in our body, which has somehow a better memory than we had when memorizing multiplication tables.
As is often hurt by words, especially from loved ones! It hurts!
Hello... You again tried to be good for everyone? Again you expect or need, what would you love?
Wake up! Think ask — what is the fear of sitting there, what is that hurting you?
Aah... you're a child so "hit" on my father's words, now unable to hear the person and hear in his words what he himself would be stunned by your interpretation?
Again all at your expense accepted exceptional?
This pain is on an emotional level will cause you to cry, to yell...
It should be at least at the level of mind to understand why it hurts and what to do with it.
But more often we do this chronic pain, which sits a block in the body.
Resentment leads to fear of relationships and the problems are growing snowball.
"Head hurts" thinking
Blocks received on the mental damage is the scourge of our time.
We are now all "educated", read a lot, surf the Internet... and watching telly. Notice how a lot of smart, but poor and sick people?
Only a person can notionally build as many fears for the future, building on the past (and even to the experience of others, not just your own).
You know "What injustice! Worked – and here, nothing. It is so painful to realize!"
Hurt?! Plans set up? Mountain beliefs as it should be, and how not? And the whole Himalayas expectations? And the fear that they will not come true?
Here's the rock fall and hurt.
Knock, knock, I am the universe, I'm sorry, but you only hear the pain... applets, rejection of me and of my manifestations, such as is – is wrong...
Energy gets stuck in your blocks and it hurts! Hurt, what would you hear yourself!
Speaking of TV. You are trying to eat healthy, thinking that this greatly depends on the health, but can you imagine what brings in your body the vitamin carrots, gnawed under news?!
We, by the way, for some reason respond better to sudden and unexpected pain.
The head is very sick – usually discontinued "Dumka think" at least for some time. The legs abruptly became ill – sit down (suddenly think that to go somewhere scary).
But quiet chronic pain for years ignored.
Work is not mine, I do not like and do not want back every day aching, his eyes dry from this accounting, but... is there anything like this at all and new did not find a job, etc...
Unfortunately, chronic pain is already a lot-a lot-repeatedly energized, the unit of energy. He was like a stone which is darker and heavier.
(by the way, if you think that's a curse even from past lives, Cammy they are feeding their behavior and thoughts, no "demons" never dreamed of).
Lose heart Pain on the spirit level but rather a state of despair, misunderstanding and rejection of the whole universe, its role and mission.
Even if welfare want to "howl at the moon"...
The fear of meaninglessness of life, inability to live.
Unfortunately, the pain physically may come too late. Denying themselves in this world, the man said that he was a rogue cell of the universal organism... like a cancer cell.
Usually physically pain appears already in the last stages of the disease. Although a full review of his ideas and beliefs, forms of life works wonders.
So listen to my Pain, thank her, do not look guilty, sometimes less rummage in the past and just decide to live a new life.
How to get rid of the pain1. Listen to your pain , Determine location and source. If physical, then where is it, and how it hurts. Try to see her in color, in streams. To accurately define the problem and organ. You hurt from the words, from the behavior? What exactly is an emotion?
2. Ask for help
The more the pain and longer the more it takes over your attention and effort. Do not flatter yourself that you can do it yourself, since you are the master of your life.
If pain or disease is a serious concern, the level of energy is clearly not magical and therefore go to doctors.
There is also stick to the Golden mean and do not rush under the knife, consult, weigh yourself, see that there navypisyval and decide for yourself. Self-medication also not go to extremes.
If the pain is emotional – look for support from friends, psychological groups.
3. Breathe through a sore spot
While it hurts much it's hard to think about something else. So I focus on the place of pain and "breathe" through it.
Breath heart and breath in your pain. Imagine the pain in some dark spot and "rinse" his energy flow.
4. Find the energy sources of pain
Read related illness with our energy blocks of Louise hay, Lise Burbo, or Sinel. And most important thing is to change what caused the pain.published
Author: Marina Aleksandrova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kluchimasterstva.ru/zachem-nuzhna-bol-zdorovje
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