When headache is a reason to consult a doctor
Can a headache be a symptom of something more serious and dangerous? This question is important for all of us. Because, as they say, forewarned is forearmed, I want to tell you about important aspects of the problem.
Fifteen million six hundred sixty three thousand one hundred forty nine
Headache: criteria of severityScientists at Harvard University conducted an interesting study on the topic of headache. And in 95% of cases headache is not a symptom of any serious disease.But in a large number of cases the condition is a headache deprives us of the capacity. Diseases like migraine, lupus, depression or arthritis are complex processes, one of the symptoms of which is headache.No one dies from these diseases, however, the quality of life deteriorates significantly. For these types of ailments, there is even the term "socially invisible illnesses", because when we attack, we usually sit in the silence and darkness of his bedroom. Undoubtedly, this is a very complex condition requiring special treatment. But it is important to distinguish at what point the migraine or headache beyond the norm and becomes a symptom of something more serious. When a headache needs to concern us:
Sixty five million two hundred fifty six thousand thirty
Headache and strokeThe most dangerous condition, one symptom of which is headache — no doubt, stroke. He spares neither the young nor the elderly. Six of its main features:1.All of a sudden paralysis of one side of the body: arm, leg, side of the face.2.The worst headache in my life.3.One feels intense tingling in the face, arm or leg (on the same side of the body).4.Maybe lost vision in one eye.5.The difficulty to speak and understand others.6.The feeling of dizziness, loss of balance is a common sign of an impending stroke."The demon of headaches» How to tell the neurologists and patients, the worst type of headache is cluster headache.The pain is so strong that there is confidence that, "something is wrong". This headache is worrying and can paralyze our lives for a few hours, but it is not hiding any serious disease.
Source: steptohealth.ru/kogda-golovnaya-bol-dolzhna-zastavit-vas-nastorozhitsya/
Fifteen million six hundred sixty three thousand one hundred forty nine
Headache: criteria of severityScientists at Harvard University conducted an interesting study on the topic of headache. And in 95% of cases headache is not a symptom of any serious disease.But in a large number of cases the condition is a headache deprives us of the capacity. Diseases like migraine, lupus, depression or arthritis are complex processes, one of the symptoms of which is headache.No one dies from these diseases, however, the quality of life deteriorates significantly. For these types of ailments, there is even the term "socially invisible illnesses", because when we attack, we usually sit in the silence and darkness of his bedroom. Undoubtedly, this is a very complex condition requiring special treatment. But it is important to distinguish at what point the migraine or headache beyond the norm and becomes a symptom of something more serious. When a headache needs to concern us:
- if you feel that the usual course of the headache has changed.
- if you experience abnormally severe pain (this may be a symptom of a stroke).
- if the pain increases when you cough or move — it's goes beyond the norm.
- if the pain prevents you from performing your everyday tasks.
- if there is aggression or irritability when your head hurts.
- if you have fever and stiff neck.
- if you have blurred vision, slurred speech, weakness, dizziness, or very bloodshot eyes — it was necessary to call an ambulance.
- if the pain comes on suddenly during the night.
- if you hit your head and the pain persists for a long time.
Sixty five million two hundred fifty six thousand thirty
Headache and strokeThe most dangerous condition, one symptom of which is headache — no doubt, stroke. He spares neither the young nor the elderly. Six of its main features:1.All of a sudden paralysis of one side of the body: arm, leg, side of the face.2.The worst headache in my life.3.One feels intense tingling in the face, arm or leg (on the same side of the body).4.Maybe lost vision in one eye.5.The difficulty to speak and understand others.6.The feeling of dizziness, loss of balance is a common sign of an impending stroke."The demon of headaches» How to tell the neurologists and patients, the worst type of headache is cluster headache.The pain is so strong that there is confidence that, "something is wrong". This headache is worrying and can paralyze our lives for a few hours, but it is not hiding any serious disease.
- cluster headaches exposed to 1% of the population, most often it occurs in men.
- this is a severe and debilitating pain that can last from 15 minutes to a half hour, and to appear several times a day.
- this disease is associated with minor problems in the hypothalamus and in circadian rhythms. This pain may be caused by lifestyle, stress, chronic sleep deprivation or shift work.
Source: steptohealth.ru/kogda-golovnaya-bol-dolzhna-zastavit-vas-nastorozhitsya/
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